Cuisine Kathleen
The table is set, come and eat!
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Happy New Year and Merry Little Christmas!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
A New Year
I wanted to stop in and wish all of you the best in 2018!
I will be honest, I am glad the holidays are over. It was my first Christmas and New Year without Mike since I was 21. I kept myself very busy, but in the end , you realize your are doing just that.
I did not decorate or entertain, too soon for me, my heart wasn’t in it. But I did decorate , cook and bake, A LOT for others!
I did a luncheon for my parish…
And several parties for my organization. The hardest part is dragging all my equipment back and forth!
I got to use many of my Nordic ware pans, and made more Death by Chocolate trifles than I care to think about.
Stuffed rolled loin of pork, served with an apple brandy compote was a hit for one of the parties. After this picture they were dipped in egg, rolled in panko and browned. You need a really big fry pan!They get finished in the oven.
One of the parties was a Santa party, and I was lucky that my son’s 5 children could attend as they don’t live nearby.
We are in the middle of a blizzard here on Long Island, and as most of the country is experiencing snow and frigid temps, I’ll spare you yet another snow scene!
Here’s to 2018, good health to all of you! I miss you all!
Sunday, November 5, 2017
November Nibbles
Hello, dear friends! I wanted to stop in and say hello and thank so many of you for your thoughtful messages. I am touched you take the time to write! I think of you and even though I may not leave a comment, try to keep up with what you are up to.
I have been cooking and baking, it keeps my mind occupied!
I belong to a benevolent organization and have been doing dinners twice a month for about 35 people. Nothing fancy, supper before our meetings.
Orzo spinach salad with feta, red onion and bacon was well received.
Usually, it’s soup, and chili, pork fried rice or an Italian dish, bread , salad and desserts.
I forget to take pictures most of the time when I make something remotely interesting! I had 4 widow friends over for dinner and set the table but forgot to take a picture! I have some on my phone, but haven’t figured out how to transfer them to my computer.
I do get to do the tables, 8 of them for the club, but they are simple, not worthy of being called a tablescape!
Simple flowers , tablecloth and napkins and maybe a few scatters.
Two of our members are relocating to NC, so a little going away party to wish them “Happy Trails.” I haven’t decorated a cake in a year, my skills are rusty! Half vanilla, half devils food, filled with chocolate cream, iced with melted chocolate and piped with whipped cream.
This week at the supermarket they had local cauliflower for $1.49 a head. They weighed about 8 lbs! More like a head with a body!
I have it in my Copper Chef simmering now for cream of cauliflower soup.
It was one of the last things Mike encouraged me to order, so I hope he is happy I am using it! Anyone else jump in and buy one? It is easy to clean, I haven’t used it enough to write a review though.
November 15th is National Bundt Cake Day. Anyone planning something? I keep adding to my collection, not buying dishes, but Bundt pans, maybe!
Thanks for stopping by, hope all of you are well. I am taking it day by day. Some are ok, others, not so much, but I know so many of the widows know exactly what I mean.
Have a good week!
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
We Never Know
I maintain a blog for my community and while I was busy running to the hospital, I must have missed the notice that I needed to pay my yearly fee. I paid Go Daddy for the domain name, but apparently blogger is different, and I don’t know how to get it back. Anyone know?
I want to thank those who saw my sad news on Facebook and left condolences. My dear husband of over 40 years passed away suddenly on May 25.
It all seems like a bad dream. I didn’t get to say good bye, and that really bothers me. Thank you to those who wrote and sent cards. I was deeply touched by your kindness!
Please keep us in your prayers.
My deepest sympathy to BJ on the loss of her dear husband, I am so glad she lives with her family. They will be a comfort to her! She is in my prayers.
Thank you for visiting. Maybe I will blog again, you never know!
All the best,
Friday, March 10, 2017
A March Hello
March greetings! I know it’s been a long time since I posted.
Some of you know my dh has not been well. He had not been doing well for awhile, had a few falls and more trouble walking than usual. He was admitted to the hospital from the doctor’s office on Jan. 25, and is not home yet.
It has been a long 45 days. The first 2 weeks I was driving 3 hours a day to get to the hospital, and now he is 40 min away. He had a heart attack and then developed osteomyelitis in his heel. They cleared his blockage, and inserted a stent too. They are trying to control the a fib. He is fighting to get stronger and be able to walk again. I hope he will get to come home soon!
These flowers were a birthday gift from my son , dil and grandkids. Beautiful shades of green perfect for a St. Patrick’s Day table. I don’t have much time these days to play with dishes, but you never know! Maybe I will get a few minutes to get one done by next Friday.
For now, I put some cozy wool placemats and a few plates out. We had a snow storm today and the forecast says a major snow event for Tuesday. So while some of you are up to Easter decor, here in NY, Mother Nature has different ideas!
I hope all of you are well! I keep up with some of you via FB.
I’ll be back when I can, I’ll miss the blog crawl this year!
I am keeping sweet BJ’s dh in my prayers, and I welcome yours.
All the best,
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Hello, October!
Hope all of you have been well and are ready for the Fall. I see some of you on FB and read a few blog posts now and then, but I have really fallen off the wagon!
I note with sadness the passing of Susan Harris from Thoughts from Over the Rainbow.

She hadn’t blogged for awhile, but I know some of you were friends on Facebook. Susan was an upbeat talented gal with young grandchildren that she adored. Susan was 60, and was taken way too soon. Sadly her dear husband passed away a month later. Please say a prayer for her family. May they rest in peace.
Also, my sympathy to the family of Pat from Back Porch Musings. They will be missed!
Until next time, be well! Lots of changes going on here, more about that next time. Miss you all!