Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Table Challenge~Year Two

Hello, Ladies!  Tonight the challenge was to find a TABLE on the net, and copy it . 

 I tried to find one where I wouldn’t have to BUY a thing, and I did!


We have had rainy weather the last few days, a Nor’Easter with 50mph winds.  I wondered if I would have power.  Thank God the temps were in the 40’s so it didn’t turn to snow!

It is still dreary, so these pics were taken without sun.  I don’t edit my pics, they are what they are!
I chose a very simple table done by the very talented Anita at FAR ABOVE RUBIES.

italiancountrysidechristma7Anita Far Above Rubies
She used Italian Countryside, I used Gibson from BBB many years ago.

She used a lovely wooden box filled with greens, I used a clementine crate!


The flatware is Calypso by Towle, from Christmas Tree Shop a few years ago.  I believe it was 17.99 less my coupon.


The napkin rings were a gift from Alma, The Tablescaper.  I like the texture like the lines in the plates.


The greens are from the yard, and the chargers are from Pfaltzgraff a few years ago for 2.00

My table is round so I usually don’t use runners on it.  Instead I used thick cotton rug mats from Kohls.  Nice and cozy!

italiancountrysidechristma7Anita Far Above RubiesIMG_0039

I hope Anita will approve of my interpretation!

Nothing new was bought in the creation of this table!

In celebration of my 6th BLOGAVERSARY I am giving away a $25 gift card.  I was going to give a Bundt pan, but some don’t bake, so this way you can select your own gift.

You have to be a follower, and “LIKE” me at Cuisine Kathleen on Facebook.(if you use it)  Just leave a comment that you followed on FB want in!

Let’s Dish will be open next Wed., I know many of you have Christmas tables you would like to link. The winner will be announced then!

Thank you for the emails saying you enjoy the challenges!  We are a small group, but we welcome all those who want to join in!

Same rules, your TABLE has to follow the theme of the challenge, A LINK BACK TO THIS POST, no word id, blog name first, and you have to agree to visit at least 5 of the other entries. 

Thank you to those who took part in the Bundt challenge.  It was fun!

Your turn!  Thanks for visiting!  Merry on!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday,     
 Bev for Pink Saturday


  1. Oh my goodness, wow, I love your table! I'm flattered you chose my table too:-) I sure love your take on it, and it reminds me to get out those napkins!!

  2. Wow…you are good at this!! Both tables are so festive! Well done!

  3. aww you got the easy one lol! I've got those things down to the climontine box lol! lol! you table is beautiful!


    1. I'm back lol! is there a linky party for this?

  4. I am sorry I missed out on this challenge. Next time!!! LOVE your interpretation of Anita;s table, it is perfect! Doing it for nothing is even better!!!! I have been posting away this holiday season!!! Have a beautiful day!!!

  5. You've really set the bar high on this challenge! Love your version of Anita's table. It's so cheerful and festive!! Perfect for the holidays! Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. It's so much fun visiting everyone's posts. Looking forward to next week's 'Dish! Zenda

  6. Beautifully done, Kathleen! How ingenious to use a clementine box for your centerpiece, clever! I especially love the tartan ribbon you've added, so charming! A very warm, inviting table, indeed!

  7. Hi, Kathleen! Thank you for hosting this challenge. It was so much fun. I can't believe we picked the same inspiration table!! I had found it on Pinterest and thanks to you I found out whose creativity I had copied! I love your "copycat" version of her table, especially your centerpiece. Have a wonderful holiday season, Kathleen. I'll try to post next week, but it will depend on how much I can get accomplished by next week. Take care, Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  8. I am laughing...I almost did Anita's table for the challenge, too! You did a great copy of it, Kathleen.
    Thanks for hosting each month...wish I could say each week.

  9. Oh, you really captured Anita's table Kathleen! I love your big checks with the plaid and greenery~it looks merry and bright, and full of holiday spirit! Love the fat cozy mats and the tall red stems~ Very welcoming!
    Thanks so much for another fun challenge, I always try to visit everyone, don't want to miss anything! See you next week!

  10. Hi Kathleen, Glad you didn't lose power or get snow. Love Anita's table and your version too, with the clementine crate! Thanks for hosting! I always enjoy the challenges and seeing what everyone comes up with :)

  11. Your table turned out great K! Love the centerpiece and think I need to go find some greens to snip:@)

  12. You and Anita are both such talented tablescapers and these two gorgeous tables show it! You did a fabulous job with the challenge, Kathleen, love all the red and white, everything is so warm and inviting!
    You know I love your challenges, so here I am joining it with my version of a lovely table I chose from Pinterest. You'll see the original as well.
    Thanks a ton again for the great party, Kathleen.
    Enjoy this beautiful holiday season and I hope you don't lose power, this month, ever!

  13. Thanks for hosting! I wonder how many more of this version we will have! LOL! It's fun seeing the different interpretations.

    Put my name in for the drawing please!


  14. You certainly copied Anita's table so well, Kathleen. I'm sure she was so flattered that you chose to match her design. Your centerpiece is so pretty and I love your timeless white dishes. Thanks for hosting this fun challenge. It gives me something new to try! I hope all is well with you and Mike. Hugs and blessings sent to you.

  15. Very pretty table! Please enter me in the giveaway. I follow by email.

  16. Hi Kathleen, Anita really does beautiful tablescapes, doesn't she? Then again, so do you. :) I love the table you chose to copy -- so cozy and warm looking for Christmas. You did a great job, Kathleen, I LOVE your red and white checked napkins, your chargers, and your red braided placemats. I am a fan of the Gibson white dishes; I saw people in blog land talking about them when I first started my blog, and I wish I had been able to purchase a set of those dishes at that time. I never see them anywhere now. They really are super versatile, and I think we all need a nice set of white dishes.

    I love your centerpiece; you did such a pretty job with it. I wondered what kind of box you were using, but I never thought of a clementine crate. :) A great way to use what you have available.

    Thanks for hosting, Kathleen, and I love your beautiful tablescape!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  17. I loved Anita's table when I first saw it on her blog and I love your version, too!! All of you are so talented!!
    I "Like" you on fb, too!

  18. It is perfect, Kathleen. Anita will be very flattered. Thanks for hosting. I will like your FB page. I have requested to be a friend a long time ago and I think it is still pending....Christine

  19. Your challenge was a challenge. I almost used one of Anita's tables, too, one very similar to the one I had also saved on Pinterest. Maybe doing the table will get me into the holiday spirit!!

  20. Kathleen, my challenge table didn't work out as originally planned, but hopefully the real version will happen. Funny thing though, when I saw your challenge table I had to smile. I had first planned to use Anita's table as my challenge. I love the box of greens as the centerpiece and the simplicity of the white dishes.
    Thanks for hosting. Stay warm and happy holidays.
    Six years ~ Wow! Congratulations!
    I'm a follower and "like" you on FB.
    PS ~Blogger has added Word Verification to my blog, and I can't remove it. Working on the issue. I've noticed that it is also on other blogs too.

  21. Your table stayed true to Anita's inspiration table and then some. I love the warmth of this tablescape. I could see sitting down for dinner throughout the holiday season and enjoying the ambiance of this charming table. Great job!! I have had a host of complications today in regards to my challenge table. One of which was a minor disaster for the table I am doing. I did notice today on the sites that I was visiting that the word verification was turned on. I thought perhaps the bloggers had been getting a lot of crank comments. Hmm - strange the way blogger works. I think I will get to my visiting and see what everyone else is up to. Have a wonderful evening..... Candy

  22. Love this table! You always do such a great job. I love how several used the same inspiration and they were all great and different! Congrats on six years. I'm a follower and LIKE you on FB! Blogger must be up to it's tricks again as I've noticed word verification on my blogs lately. Thanks for hosting!

  23. Love your table! I am a follower and like you on FB.

  24. Wonderful table...your centerpiece crate is gorgeous! Great job and thanks for the challenge.


  25. Love your copycat table! Six years already? Congratulations!
    I'm a follower and "like" you on FB.

  26. Kathleen, I am always impressed by your creativity with flowers and table settings! I love the clementine crate idea. What a beautiful way to recipe that box!

  27. Thank you dear Kathleen for everything. You are a all rounder.Table looks stunning with your touches.Have a beautiful season .Love and hugs sujatha:)

  28. Your table is beautiful! I've been following your blog by email and I just "liked" you on Facebook, too. I'm looking forward to visiting the other links for this challenge. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

  29. And THAT'S why you are the hostess! You KNOW how to do a great copycat version using your own style! Anita loves it, and so do I!!! You really got to it, girl! The clementine crate is a great substitute, especially since your round table is shorter than Anita's rectangular one. You really dressed it up nice, and I love it that you used the old-fashioned jingle bells in it!

    I didn't get to do a tablescape for this challenge. I'm hobbling around here like an old woman these days. Went for my MRI this morning and will visit with the back surgeon on Tuesday afternoon with hopes of getting if for surgery before Christmas. It has become much too much to bear, so I'm throwing in the towel even though there's fabled to be only about a 50/50 chance of it working. I'm in so much pain right now that I'm willing to stand on my head and juggle with my feet on a public sidewalk if that's what will make it stop!

    FUN challenge again, Kathleen! I'm going to peek in on a few of the other entries before getting back to my bed. Take care, and have a great weekend!!!

  30. ~~Running in before the door hits me in the butt~~~ Almost late for the party!!
    Kathleen, you inspire so many of us to look at our world & appreciate the beauty in the smallest details. I love every inch of your pretty table AND the ones you showed in the prior post, too. So talented...thanks for getting me to try the challenge & start posting again.
    Mega Hugs,

  31. p.s. I FINALLY got on FB & I liked you. I liked you alot before, too. LOL

  32. This is so festive, Kathleen. And aren't you clever to use the Clementine crate. Love the addition of the plaid ribbon on the crate. laurie

  33. Beautiful Kathleen. It's so great to be inspired and share one another's ideas. Beautiful copy cat table. Loving the plaid box...very pretty and festive. I already follow you and I liked you on FB. xo

  34. Thanks for hosting this fun event! I love your beautiful table...and to think you didn't have to go out and buy much! What a great idea to use a clementine crate. I participated for the first time this year! Mine is a PB inspired table. I hope you like it!
    House of Highlands

    1. Shelia, welcome! I look fwd to visiting you and seeing your table. I haven't spotted it yet, did you link?

    2. I just found it at the end! :)

    3. Kathleen thank you so much for the kind comment and of course, for the great challenge.
      You just gave me bad news about the stupid 'word verif' situation, I've always hated, but I've been seen it on so many bloggers, so I guess I wasn't unfortunately the exception!
      DO YOU KNOW HOW I CAN GET RID OF IT....thanks.
      Have a great week ahead.

  35. I stopped by you Facebook page and put my "like" in, of course I am interested in a gift card!!! Happy 6th Blogaversary! Have a wonderful day..... Candy

  36. So glad you weathered the nor'easter and the lights stayed on. Beautiful table, Kathleen. I will be joining you next year for this fun challenge. Can't wait!

  37. Greetings! I am now following your blog. I guess that means I don't have to remember to check out all the tables; my email will remind me? I am on Facebook and "liked" you there, so please enter me in the gift card drawing. Although you didn't say where it is for, I bet they sell things that go on the top of the dining table. ; )

  38. I love the inspiration table and the version you created! Sorry I didn't get a chance to join this challenge!

  39. Kathleen,
    Thank you for the comment...months ago. Yes, life is very busy and I rarely get a chance to even look at my computer. Blessings to you all.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!


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