I maintain a blog for my community and while I was busy running to the hospital, I must have missed the notice that I needed to pay my yearly fee. I paid Go Daddy for the domain name, but apparently blogger is different, and I don’t know how to get it back. Anyone know?
I want to thank those who saw my sad news on Facebook and left condolences. My dear husband of over 40 years passed away suddenly on May 25.
It all seems like a bad dream. I didn’t get to say good bye, and that really bothers me. Thank you to those who wrote and sent cards. I was deeply touched by your kindness!
Please keep us in your prayers.
My deepest sympathy to BJ on the loss of her dear husband, I am so glad she lives with her family. They will be a comfort to her! She is in my prayers.
Thank you for visiting. Maybe I will blog again, you never know!
All the best,