Tuesday, July 29, 2014

No Sew Table Skirt and a Few Other Things!

Hello, Ladies, long time , no see!  I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful season.  I haven’t had much to post about, I am enjoying Summer and not thinking about blogging. 

I haven’t stopped looking for bargains though!  Last week I was in Christmas Tree Shops and they had these cute little watermelon placemats and plates.  I couldn’t resist.  The mats were 2 for $1.50.


The little cake plates were 4 for 6.99, but I had a 20% off coupon. I loved the little bite out of the plate.


I hesitated as I already have watermelon plates. You can see that tablescape here.

 Bargains 546

I thought this table skirt would be cute for a little girls party.  You can get the rolls of tulle with your coupon at craft stores. Looks easy enough!  If anyone tries it, do show us!


Efavormart is having a 40% off sale.  I am off to take a look, and nope, no compensation here, just FYI.

Hope you are all doing well!  The August challenge is ON!

August 27th…A Farewell to Summer 2014

It has to be a new table, no reruns or look backs with an end of summer theme. It could be Labor Day, or just a last ditch effort at summer!   NO FALL Y’ALL, there’s plenty of time for that!

So start thinking about it.  I have no idea what I will do, I think I have scapers block!

Enjoy the rest of July, where did it go?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. These plates and the place mats are adorable! Summer is flying by, I am enjoying the unusual weather! I have missed you, though! I hope to make the challenge. Very hard to get the blogging mojo back.

  2. Glad your back I have to missed you. Hope it's not to hard to get back in the swing of things. I have also been a slump but will try and make your challenge.

    Cathy <;)

  3. Oh forgot I really really like your watermelon table. Have been looking for watermelon items. Got to get to CTS soon.

    Cathy <;)

  4. I have not been to CTS since before Christmas! Can you believe it! Life has just been too crazy for much shopping of any kind. I do like your newest finds. Thanks for stopping by my place. i have not been following along with my usual blogging friends. I don't really see getting back into blogging more until Fall. A lot of changes have happened for this summer with having the farm. A ton of work for only the two of us but, we are chugging right along. I actually laughed when I read your comment! I just can't believe that you are not doing a daily post about changing out this vase or that candlestick!! And i don't understand why you don't have posts with tons of pictures showing us "the proper method of dusting"! Tsk Tsk Kathleen!! LOL I hope you are well as is your Hubby. Now I should probably check out what decor item I have in my home that needs to be changed because it is almost August. And I am sure I am all wrong for August! (Geez girl you bring out the sarcastic in me!!) :)

  5. I went to CTS the first time this past June. Oh, I loved it! I really wish we could get one here. Those watermelon dishes are so cute!

  6. Good to see a post by you! The summer challenge sounds great and thank you for saying no fall stuff! I want to enjoy summer for every minute! Those watermelon plates are so cute!

  7. Kathleen,
    Great new finds, dear friend!!!
    You've been missed. . .so~o`o glad to see your post!
    Love those watermelon place mats.
    Can one ever have enough watermelon dishes. . .I don't think so!!!
    Hm~m`m. . .and end of Summer Challenge???
    All~righty. . .I think on this!

  8. If that table doesn't look like summer I don't know what does! Happy to read that you are enjoying your summer. It's way too hot here and looks like it will be that way through August. I'm jealous as can be that you can walk to the beach.

  9. Love the watermelon plates! Summer seems like its' flying by we are back to school around here two weeks from tomorrow! I will be thinking what to set for the August Challenge!

  10. Kathleen, good to see your post pop up. Like you, I'm not feeling all that creative these days. I'm more focused on purging closets and taking care of myself this summer.
    Thanks for the heads up for the challenge. I've got it on my calendar. Now I just need to find my mojo and get a post created.
    Enjoy your summer. Your watermelon finds are adorable. Glad you got the plates. Living near the beach, I suspect they will get lots of use.

  11. Hey there, woman! It is SO easy to lose track of the summer months! Ramon and I were just marveling this evening at the fact that July is nearly over. I know the kids aren't very happy about having to return to school in a couple of weeks, but c'est la vie!

    I've never made a tulle table skirt, but I've made tulle skirts for dolls, so I'm hoping it's the same deal. I would have to make one for a teeny, tiny table because that's a lot of work...and a lot of tulle!!!

    I'm digging the watermelon plates with the nibble! Those are rally unique! CTS, of course! :-)

    OK...I'll be thinking about my contribution to A Farewell to Summer. That won't be hard...I don't think! I still have about 30 good summer tablescapes left in me, but they can wait until next year. I'm hoping one of the ideas I have will be suitable for the challenge!

    Keep on enjoying yourself...as well you should...and we'll see you around the water cooler! :-)

  12. Hi, Kathleen! Great to see your post come up on my email! Thank you for issuing a new challenge: I've already started to think about one. I'll be sad to see this summer go; it's just been way too short and I do not look forward to the crazies that fall and beyond bring to life!! Love your watermelon plates; I have some, too, but not nearly as cute (love the bite!). Enjoy your summer days and see you in August!!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  13. OK... I have a full month to get my blogging pants on, and I am utterly determined to at least do this challenge. Hoping my mom will be up to snuff and ready for some creative exercise by then. Hmmm... Farewell to summer? That is something that I can't WAIT to do. I'm a well known summer hater.

    But I love watermelon, and I love all your watermelon treasures.

  14. I can't believe July is almost over! It certainly hasn't been the best summer here. It almost feels like fall today. Glad to hear you're still finding some bargains. If you stop shopping, then I'll start to worry :)

  15. Even thought I am not a watermelon fan, those plates are adorable. I bought watermelon napkin holders ages ago, but just force myself to use them...
    Hope all is going well with you and Mr. Cuisine.

  16. What cute finds!! I know you'll find lots of uses for your newest treasures.

    I hear you on the "scapers block". Just last night, I finally set a fancy table to DD's birthday celebration dinner & would you believe I FORGOT TO TAKE ANY PICTURES???!!! DUH?!
    I'll have to really think about an end of summer tablescape. I have some new purple items that might work. The lavender table in your header is marvelous, BTW.

    Enjoy what is left of summer...our kids go back to school in 21 days!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!

  17. Hi Kathleen,
    Your watermelon mats would be hard to resist and those nibbled out plates, at that price, irrestiible!!
    It's great that you're enjoying your summer. I've been busy with the grands and not doing a lot of blogging,either.
    Hope you and your hubby are doing well and feeling healthy.

  18. Kathleen, it's wonderful to hear from you! What great treasures you found. You've inspired me with the end of summer table challenge. I suddenly recall a set of dishes I bought this summer that I've not "scaped" yet, so I'm on it! My motivation for tablescapes has sagged this summer, so your motivation is just the thing I need. Thanks for the update, and I'm glad you're enjoying your summer. :-) Blessings!
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  19. Those are so cute I don't know if I could have resisted. Maybe it's a good thing there isn't a CTS near me! I will be home for the next challenge so I'm planning on joining! I've been just away from tablescaping too long now!

  20. I went to CTS a few weeks ago and got those placemats too! They're adorable! Now that I've seen how cute they look on your table, I better get to work!

    There's something about tulle I love Kathleen. I've never made a table skirt with it, but when I was younger I made costumes using it many times, mostly for ballerinas.

    Everything looks so lovely, you've inspired me to do more tablescapes :)

  21. Kathleen I love the soft purples on your page here and want to know on your watermelon table with the striped tablecloth you have different watermelon placemats they are so cute where did you get them?Susie

  22. Your watermelon table is one of my very favorites! I remember when you first showed us and I searched for the watermelon items at our CTS and they didn't have them. We might go to CTS today if we have enough energy after shopping at Destiny USA. I hope the weather is good for your outdoor party this weekend.

  23. How cute is your watermelon table! I'm not ready for Summer to be over yet, either. The cooler weather is messing with my head and making me think it's Fall, and I'm not ready for Fall yet. Looking forward to your next challenge. I don't know what I'll do either. :)

  24. I love anything watermelon, and almost bought those plates! So cute! I love your blue and white table too, so perfect for summer luncheon. Excited about the new challenge!

  25. Love your table cover. You can mail those s&p shakers to me any time!


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