Thursday, August 7, 2014

Today is the Official HALFWAY Mark of Summer! Tabletalk

Hello, Ladies!  Today marks the midway point of summer.  That means we have half a summer left  to enjoy!

I am not rushing the season, bad enough the retailers start putting out Cmas on July 4th!  But we are in control of our blogs, so we can mosey through the next half of summer.  After all, winter took so long to leave last year, I can wait for it to reappear!

I had a wonderful visit with Alma, The Tablescaper on Tues.  As you know, she returned to work full time, so we don’t get to go on shopping excursions anymore.  We were both very good though, no impulse table purchases.

We stopped at Duralee Fabric Outlet, and we spent 12 dollars between us! 

I got this pretty yellow and white striped fabric to make a tablecloth. I also got another piece of a blue checked fabric.


The hot pink and white is from CTS, and as you can see , marked down to 3.99 less 20%.

Last Sat., I hosted a luncheon after a Memorial Mass for a friend.  I had planned to have it outside, and had the tables all figured out.  Well, it poured!  I didn’t want to have it in the dining room, so I quickly set the kitchen area table.


It has a leaf, and then dh made a 7 in one to give us more room.  Fits 8 very comfortably.


It doesn’t match , so you have to use a cloth.  The problem, I didn’t have one in a color I wanted that would fit with the added 7 in.


Like I said, I had the tables planned for the porch, but Mother Nature was being witchy!

I quickly whipped up a white cotton with dots cloth from fabric I had.

I had plenty of these blue and white napkins from WSonoma, so I improvised.


I used the white Filigree plates from Pfaltzgraff that I have 112 of! I got them for a dollar. If the weather was good, I could have had 28 people, and those are the only ones I have that many of, besides clear.

I had to keep it simple, men do not care for a lot of frou frou!

Soup was on the menu, so I used white handled Hutschenreuther from Germany bowls that I got at Peter Andrews for $1 a few years ago.

I tucked the napkins in the bowl, and used blue patterned flatware from HG.  Glassware is by Dansk.


The centerpiece was a white wicker watering can filled with white mums and baby’s breath with a napkin scrunched underneath.


The Menu:

Shrimp and Crab Cakes served on a bed of shredded lettuce with Horseradish Sauce

Augyst and dinner dance 403

New England Clam Chowder with Bacon and Crackers

Chicken Salad with Cranraisins

Bow Tie Pasta Salad with Snow Peas

Mozzarella and Fresh tomatoes with Basil

Spinach Salad with sliced Filet Mignon

Home Made Cole Slaw

Cantaloupe slices and grapes

Asst. rolls and bread and butter

For Dessert I made a pound cake and had bowls of fresh fruit…sliced peaches, cherries, blueberries and strawberries and a bowl of fresh whipped cream.  I also made a Double Chocolate cake in the Heritage pan and drizzled chocolate ganache over it. 

I also made a roasted fresh tomato soup, but everyone opted for the Chowder.

Didn’t have time to take pictures!  I had ten minutes from the time I walked in the door after church to get everything out.

There was plenty of food, and I would have had enough for everyone if the good weather plan had happened!  Good thing my family came out later.  They ate well for 2 days!

Don’t forget the Farewell to Summer Table Challenge on Aug 27th.  Until then, remember…

Let's Dish 1311

Keep Summering on!

Let's Dish 1297

Thanks for stopping by!

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday


  1. What a pretty can't go wrong with blue and white. I really like the napkins/placemats, so cheery.
    I am anxious for cooler weather, now that summer has finally arrived with all her isn't pleasant when temperatures are nearing 100° and the humidity is 75%.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It has been pretty moderate here, some heat and humidity, but not like last year. And I promised I wouldn't complain after the awful winter we had!

  2. You are amazing Kathleen! Weather can wreak havoc on our best laid plans and yet, you were able to come up with a lovely tablescape on short notice not to mention having to whip up a tablecloth first! Then there is the fabulous menu! Yummy! Your guests were so fortunate you volunteered to have the gathering at your place. I have an upcoming outdoor event and I don't have a backup plan for inclement weather - hope I can come up with something half as good as you if need be! I am all for the "keep on summering on"! I agree after the length of last winter and the wonderful summer we are having, I want to enjoy every minute!

  3. What a great table and menu! Yes, it's still summer, thank you very much!
    Rita C at Panoply

  4. Glad you and Alma had a shopping day. ;-)
    Your table is lovely, and I know your friends appreciate all you did. What a great friend you are to many, Kathleen.

  5. You can throw a table together like no one I know! Love the blue and white. The kids are back in school so it doesn't seem much like summer anymore...well the temps say it is!

  6. Great post, Kathleen!! I love your Cheez-Its with letters! :-D Did you carve the letters in them yourself or can you buy them like that? That's probably a really stupid question.

    Great job with a last minute table; I think it's beautiful. I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate (that's why I could never plan an outdoor wedding). Your menu sounds absolutely DELICIOUS!! Did you prepare all that food by yourself? Goodness! I am so impressed.

    I enjoyed seeing a post from you; I miss Alma and her pretty blog. I look forward to participating in the August "Let's Dish" challenge. I'm having a lot of fun tablescaping this year since I didn't do a single tablescape last year. I think I already have an idea for my table. :)

    I'm with you about not rushing summer; we've actually had a pretty mild summer here in N.C. this year. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Big Hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. Kathleen thanks for reminding us about our Aug challenge.Can't wait don't know which one I'll do but my mind is in full swing. glad you and Alma could go shopping.I wish you both were near to me I'd love a shopping day with both of you.Susie

  8. Your shrimp and crab cakes sound really good K! Enjoy the rest of summer:@)

  9. Mike did a great job with the extra leaf for the table! I'd love some of your shrimp and crab cakes and a bowl of the clam chowda at your lovely table. Wishing you a nice weekend!

  10. You did a beautiful job with that table. I love the colors, especially. I'm so glad to have a kindred soul in Blogland who doesn't want to rush the seasons. Frankly, it is irksome. I'll go ahead and spill my two cents that I believe bloggers do it for the same reason the retailers do, to get a "jump" on their competition. They want to be the first one to put their fall wares out there for the looking and the buying. I just wish everyone would S L O W for a pair of minutes and enjoy the season they are in.

  11. The sign of a real trooper! You got the job done despite the fact that your plans got changed. Your table looked great and the menu sounds quite divine! I'm with you about not rushing away summer but I've already seen posts popping up with hints of fall starting at their homes. Cheers to summer- see you on the 27th!

  12. Hey there..
    Yes, it is still summer here too..I am not ready to bid farewell just yet.. Fall will come soon enough..The older I get, the faster the seasons come and go. I try really hard to stay in the moment and savor each and every season for as long as it is here.. Ripe tomatoes from our garden are plentiful and that means it is still your little cheese cracker message..think I will pin that one. LOL

  13. Love your table, Kathleen! I'm drooling over that wicker watering can!! Looking forward to the summer challenge, too.!!!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  14. Great improvising with the tablecloth. Summer is always a crap shoot when planning outdoor events. Your menu is SPECTACULAR! I am full just from reading about it! lol!

  15. The table is beautiful. I couldn't agree more -- it is almost a hundred degrees right now. I just put on the blinders to the fall and Christmas stuff in the stores. I also have quit looking at blogs which rush the season!

  16. Another gorgeous table! I've been surprised by the fall tables I've been seeing this week. I haven't gotten summer tablescaping out of my system yet!
    I don't mind the stores rushing the seasons, they're doing what they always do and what they have to do to stay in business. I enjoy planning for future seasons while enjoying the current one.


  17. Hi Kathleen,
    Love this blue and white table. - gorgeous and bet the guys liked it a lot cause it was blue and not too fru
    You did good on your improvisation I have to say. Isn't that so disappointing tho when you are all set
    to do it another way, and have to change courses, but like they say life is what happens when we are
    making our true, but you handled it quite well to say the least.

    Looking forward to your monthly Let's dish.........I am with you it is summer so lets keep at it, Fall
    will be here before we know it, so gotta enjoy these last days of summer.

    Blessings, Nellie

  18. Great table, especially for having to change your plans and going in a different direction. I had a table idea going but to me it looked to fall to do yet, so I have just stalled. I am glad some are still doing summer tables, your blue and whit looks fabulous!

  19. You amaze me, Woman!!! I could never have pulled that off so soon after church PLUS having inclement weather change your plans. BRAVO!!
    I'm so impressed that your DH was able to make an extra leaf extension for your kitchen table! The shape is perfect & it doesn't matter that the woods don't match, once you have the tablecloth in place. Give Mr. Mike a hug from me for a job well done, please? My DH could never do that!

    Your menu sounds divine & I love all your pretty blue & whites...very nautical to compliment your food choices. YUMMO!

    I have 2 of the white Filigree plates from Pfaltzgraff, so if you even need to serve 114, just let me know & I'll send 'em to ya'. LOL

    Hoping I'll get back to blogging in time for your Aug. 27th party. You're events are good incentive.

  20. Kathleen, Your improvised table is beautiful, the white and blue settings are classic and fit the occasion perfectly. Simple and lovely! The pretty little wicker watering can basket to house the flowers in your centerpiece is precious. That being said, you are darn tooting that It Is Not Fall. Thank you so much for easing my mind about feeling so inadequate because I am still in summer mode. I sat on my patio this morning watching the baby hummingbirds flitter amongst the morning glories savoring the nectar from each flower they came to. The black eyed Susan's are in full bloom filling the flower beds around the patio - so pretty. Dad Gum It - it is still Summer! I still have Summer tablescapes I want to do and I will right up to the Fall solstice (and then the pumpkins will begin). Thank you!

  21. Blue and white is such a summer classic to me Kathleen and your table looks wonderful. I just love the way you laid the napkins, the white cloth underneath looks like a big star!

  22. Kathleen:

    It was so great to be together! I had a lot of fun.

    Love your table! It's so bright and fresh. Perfect for summer. And you know I thought the menu sounded FABULOUS!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  23. Your improvised table looks like it took days to plan, it turned out perfectly. And the menu sounds delish!

  24. Liz of Infuse With Liz and I had a discussion about the whole thing of rushing the seasons the other day. I prefer to enjoy the season at hand, but I also realize that many people out there "in the world" look to our blogs for early ideas as they start planning for upcoming events. It puts us between a rock and hard place sometimes. Heck, I have had to start pulling out CHRISTMAS stuff already to come up with concept tables for a November 8 Christmas-themed fundraiser for a battered women's shelter! I can't stand the thought of having Christmas crap all over the place with the thermometer still stuck in the upper 80s and low 90s!!! It's hard to create for Christmas when it's just August!!!

    You did an outstanding job of moving to Plan B in a hurry! Everything happens for a reason, and maybe God opened up the heavens and let the rain pour just to get everyone indoors and closer together. Cozy is good for fellowship, I hear. Whatever the case, you did a great job of pulling it off. And the, woman!!!

    Love to Alma! I know it's tough for her right now.

  25. This was a very pretty tablescape and your menu sounded delicious! I am still blogging about things I did in July--lol--so no rushing of the seasons from me, Kathleen! Even so, school begins in another week here and there has been snow on some mountain tops, so it feels like summer is more than at the half way mark. I'm glad to hear that the change Alma has faced was going back to work full time--I was worried it was something very serious as she sounded so sad on her blog. Enjoy the rest of the summer and keep those beach photos coming on facebook!

  26. Always enjoy popping over to see you, just wanted to say that I loved your blue & white table, the menu sounded wonderful. I imagine that your family were thrilled to come over later!

  27. your table and food, as always.
    Now, I need to check out that challenge.
    I see you are still keeping busy. That's a good thing.
    Hope your sweetheart is doing well.Last time we "talked", he was under the weather.
    xo bj

  28. Your table turned out so pretty, Kathleen. My mouth is watering seeing those yummy crab and shrimp cakes.....Christine

  29. I want those crab cakes -- I'm just sayin'. A thought crossed my mind while reading this post; since you are already a consummate table setter, the thought of moving indoors wasn't such a big deal to you as it would be to an inexperienced hostess. See, it's another reason to support our tablescaping obsession. And it was a beautiful table as well!

    Also, you commented about not responding to people on Google +. When I pull up the list of options to respond to your blog, only Google works for me so that's what I use.

  30. Hi Kathleen, your table and food is always wonderful inspiration. Love crab cakes and yours looks yummy. What a treat to be able to shop with a real live blogging friend. The blue and white table is striking. You are such an accomplished tablescaper and cook. Have a great week! xo

  31. Hi Kathleen,
    Just stopping by to check the date for the next challenge. I have missed seeing a lot of you this summer! Check my blog to see what I've been doing - something new!

    Looking forward to the challenge! I have something very summery to post! No Fall, Ya'll!!!


  32. Really enjoyed this post full of beautiful tables and yummy food, and shopping bargains with a friend. Looking forward to next weeks challenge. It surely feels like summer here and we can enjoy it for another month! :)

  33. One thing I really miss when I am in Maine is Costco. In Houston it's about 10 minutes from my house which is very dangerous. I try to discipline myself by going in with a list, but there are always so many temptations I end up with a carload of stuff every time. Can you believe summer is quickly coming to an end?


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