Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Polka Dots, Lucky Ducks and Silly Chicks! Summer Whimsy Challenge!

Time flies, it is time for June Summer Whimsy Challenge !  To link up tonight, you have to show us a new table highlighting Summer Whimsy. 


I was hoping my new polka dot flatware from PFALTZGRAFF would arrive, and it came late yesterday!

They have it in a few colors, but the blue is aqua, not the blue I was hoping for!

I am not being compensated by Pfaltzgraff, not that I would mind, lol, but I am not.

Now if you must have them, they come in pink, aqua, yellow and some others.  Do link through, I have talked about it before, you will get 4% back.  Very easy to join.

I just got an email that there is 30% off from 4 PM till midnight.


A lucky duck and her babies swim among the yellow flowers, St. John’s Wort, I was told, but I am not so sure! The bowls are from Horchow.


They bloom every June, and spread.  I love the jolt of color they give amongst all the green.


Plain yellow kettle cloth tablecloth, white charger from Ikea, and yellow and white polka dot plates from Christmas Tree Shop.


I thought they were ducks, but they are chicks.  Yellow, feathers, close enough!  They are the napkin rings.  They come from Factory Direct Crafts.

The butter domes are from CTS too, as well as the little white ceramic cups I am using for vases at each place. 


They are supposed to look like paper cups. I can think of several uses for them!  And for .39 they spoke to me! “You need these, you need these!”  Smile


I used a white linen napkin with a polka dot one.


A clear stemmed wine with a yellow tumbler by Anthropologie, via the .99 store.  Sticker still on them from Anthropologie, oh how I love a bargain, only pay full price when desperate!


Since I will be using this table to celebrate a friend’s birthday, a little take home , some candy bars to tuck in the freezer for a summer time treat.

  I like my Milky Ways frozen!


That’s my little whimsical table. 

I finally finished scrubbing the shutters and cleaning the siding on the house.  The pollen is especially late and brutal this year!

  The covered porch, floor  and railings are all clean.  I thought I would never get done.  Still have some more planting to do, and the final touches on the porch décor.

Meals are simple when I work all day outside.


Homemade New England Clam Chowder and Chicken salad with cranraisins on Oatmeal Bread.  I used those little cups for the crackers.


Hope you are finding time to enjoy the pleasures of summer!


This is Wooleys Pond, and you can see the Peconic Bay beyond the row of houses. I’d love to do a scape on that lawn, but it is not mine!  I live around the corner!

Please link only new tables with a SUMMER WHIMSY theme.  Put your blog name first, and be sure your word id is turned off.

ONLY ONE LINK, and a link back to the Summer Whimsy Party.  Please mention that in or at the end of your post.

If you can’t visit at least five entries and leave a comment, I’d rather you not link up.  Some of you visit everyone, you are the best!

I don’t belong to Google Plus, they want too much info, so if that is the only way I can comment, sorry.  I will email a comment though.

Thanks for stopping by!

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, and Foodie Friday.


  1. Love the polka dots! I'll have to check out Pfaltzgraff's website about that flatware! The rubber ducks are too cute-quack quack! The plant is looks like Marsh Marigold but the leaves are wrong. I looked up the St. John's Wort plant but the flower is different and the leaves. Now you got me going!!

  2. That looks like the St. John's Wort I grew back in The Netherlands. I just bought some seeds to try growing it here in Louisiana. Cute polka dots! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  3. Great table, Kathleen, love the Pfaltzgraff and those little domes. I've shopped Factory Direct before but not CTS. I have those flowers, love them each June - and I've heard people call them anything from Buttercups to Sunshine Drops to Primrose, lol. They definitely have an identity crisis, it seems, but you're right - nothing better than that jolt of yellow in the garden. I'll be back to link with your party (my first time), and thank you for hosting! I'll definitely be checking out others' tables too - I've found some great, new blog friends through recent tablescaping.
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. Welcome, Rita, so glad to have you join in! Identity Crisis, lol!

    2. Kathleen, would you please provide me an email that I may contact you? I have a question for you, and cannot find contact info. Thanks! ~R

  4. lovely tablescape! Your soup looks delish also!

  5. Polka dot flatware! So so cute!! And a rubber duckie napkin ring to swim on the polka dot plate stack is total whimsey! I love your challenges Kathleen, it is always a treat to see how everyone interprets the theme~ I always try to visit all, we tablescapers have to stick together! Thanks so much for this great summer kick off party~

  6. Love your yellow whimsy table. Puts a smile on my face!

  7. Polka dots are always fun and yellow is such a happy color!

  8. Cute table, ♥ all the polka dots...are you going to do this one for the gk's? I may have to break down and buy the aqua and pink flatware!
    Pretty flowers, the photos look like yellow flowering hypericum shrubs.
    Have a wonderful week, Kathleen.

  9. I just love your table -- anything yellow always grabs me. I wasn't up to it yet -- maybe soon.

  10. This is such a happy table, bright & sunny!
    Thanks for the link to the rebate site, too. You ARE an enabler, you know that. *wink*

    You never fail to impress me with all the wonderful bargains you are able to garner & how delightfully you are able to combine things with other purchases from long ago. I forget what I have!!!
    Great job on this sweet birthday tablescape!
    See you later tonight.

  11. I'll bet if you asked real nice and showed them your blog, those people on Peconic Bay would let you do a tablescape! They'd be happy to have something grand done to complement their lovely homes!

    Are those really chicks? They sure look like baby ducks to me! I guess we can make 'em whatever we want 'em to be!

    I'm not quite as big a polka dot gal as you are, but I do love them, especially on dishes!!! The yellow & white are right on time!

    Just $.99 each for that stemware? You really know how to find the bargains! LIke those little white cute!

    I guess our pollen isn't the same here or something. We never have to do the kind of scrubbing you describe. We have very high pollen count days (when all of us allergy sufferers are in total misery), but I've never had to scrub stuff down. I suppose I should be thrilled for that! I don't like that kind of outdoor work at all. I'm just a lazy ol' Midwestern heifer!

    Looking forward to the party tonight. After seeing yours and some others, I'm suddenly wishing I'd have done something different for it. Oh, well...too late now. I'll just join in and party hard like I just don't care! :-) See you tonight!

  12. Hey Kathleen,
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I didn't get a tablescape done for this challenge. :-( My garden is taking so much time and I seem to stay hot and sweaty..not much inspiration here.. only getting the job done..bare minimum of watering and gardening..
    Your table is beautiful..Love all the yellow...
    Love, Mona

  13. Cute yellow and white table, Kathleen.I'll have to look through my dishes for some yellow to go with all my white.

  14. Oh my! I am in love with your little rubber duckies! What a great fun table especially with this heat wave we are getting! (not that after 72 inches of snow I am complaining mind you) LOL Thanks for hosting a great party!

  15. My two favorite things on one table: yellow and polka dots!!! Wow - that's all I can say. (And of course, I just told myself that I need that flatware.......Pat and I only have 45 sets......) Thank you so very much for hosting tonight. We miss you.

    1. Thank you. Just so much to do this time of year, and every year it takes me longer and longer!
      45 sets, hmmm, I never counted mine!

  16. Love the yellow polka dots Kathleen from the flatware, napkins, plates & treat pails! Your yellow blooms are so cheery! They look like Evening Primrose to me, my MIL grew a pink version, they were prolific bloomers and spreaders. I loved the theme for this challenge, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's definition of whimsy :) Thanks for the inspiration & fun!

    1. I had pink Evening Primrose, but it didn't make it. This is def different than that. A type of hypericum I believe. Lots of mystery!

  17. Those chick napkin rings are so much fun, and I love the rubber duckies in your centerpiece. I may have to go see about some of that polka dot flatware - it looks so cute with your polka dot plates. What a deal on the yellow tumblers! Thank you for hosting such a fun linkup, Kathleen. laurie

  18. I love your yellow and white table. I believe your lovely flowers are sun drops, a relative of the evening primrose. See So, so pretty!

    1. Thanks, Joy. I looked. The only thing different is the red stem. No red of any kind on these. The gal who gave them to me called them hypericum, guess there are many varieties. They are pretty though!

  19. Your table is sunshine-y and fun with the polka dots, yellow and chicks, Kathleen. The St. John's Wort does look beautiful in your yard and on your table. You've had a lot of cleaning and scrubbing to do and still make such a nice meal. Thank you for hosting your monthly party and now I'm off to visit... xo

  20. Your flowers are definitely sundrops or evening primrose (Oenothera) since they only have four petals (St. John's wort flowers have five petals). If they bloom during the day they are sundrops, if only in the evening then obviously they would be evening primroses!

    Love the yellow and white table, and the ducks/chicks are so cute! I just recently found a set of yellow polka dot flatware by Cambridge at HomeGoods. They only came as a set of four three-piece place settings, but they were quite a bargain and I decided they would be great for outdoor entertaining. I am already dreaming up a post-Independence Day table incorporating my new flatware.

    1. They bloom during the day. Going to check sundrops.

  21. Kathleen,
    Cheery yellow and white Polka Dot Tablescape, dear friend!!!
    Love the "chick" napkin rings with your polka dot napkins!!!
    I'd have grabed a dozen of those white pots. . .so~o~o versitile!!!
    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish!!!
    I enjoy a challenge!!!

  22. Kathleen. Your table makes me happy!! Between the yellow polka dot plates and flatware and the cute rubber ducks, it is just so darn cute!! thanks for putting out a new challenge.

  23. Hi Kathleen! I vote for evening primrose--I don't think those are st. john's wort! They have those soft, rose like petals of primrose. So interesting!! And I just love these challenge parties. I could definitely have used your yellow polka dots on my table this week. Yellow is such a happy color on the table. Looking forward to seeing all the whimsy tonight AND hearing the theme for the next challenge. Thank you for hosting. Linda

  24. Kathleen your tablescape is so sweet with all those yellow dot plates and dot flatware, along with those cute Little ducks... simply adorable! You always have the best challenge parties, ever and are so much fun!
    Thanks for hosting and have a happy summer, I know you love the warm weather!

  25. Kathleen:

    Love all of the polka dots! So much fun! Love the new flatware.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  26. I always get excited when I see you have yellow in your 'scapes! I'm even more excited to see polka dots! I love all polka dots almost as much as I love yellows! The little duckies (and chickies? I think they are little ducks!) are adorable. It's all pretty as well as cute! I want that flatware, and I want those chargers!! I had been doing so well with not buying 'scape toys, but now I've reverted back to collecting again! I keep finding neat stuff and it is cheap. You give us so many nice ideas and the challenges are so much fun to try to meet. Thanks for this happy time in our life!

    Can't wait to hear what our next challenge is!


  27. Your table is a very sunny yellow and with the addition of your polkadots what could be more whimsical! The cute flatware with polkadots is my favorite accent. The garden flowers are a sweet touch in the white cups and centerpiece. I always love linking up with your party and thanks for hosting!!!


  28. The flowers look like Sun Drops, mine are blooming right now.......St. John's Wort will bloom in a few more weeks for me. I'm in north NYS.

    Pretty table and love all the polka dots, love your parties!!!

    1. Thank you! I looked up Sun Drops and that is the closest I have seen. Whatever, they are, I like them! I have them all over the property in places where I don't mind if they invade!

  29. Looks like a fun party! Wish I had time to participate but I am happy to stop by your guests' posts and comment. Your sunny yellow table is wonderful and again, I need those lacy chargers!


  30. Lovin' the yellow polka dot theme K! A fun table-enjoy:@)

  31. I am enjoying visiting around to all of the Summer whimsical tables. There are some really cute ideas here. Thank you so much for hosting Kathleen - you have the greatest parties. I hope to be back and post a whimsical Summer table too.

  32. If that table doesn't bring a smile to your face - nothing will! With all the rain we've been having I'm starting to feel like a ducky myself. Love those pretty, yellow flowers, whatever they are!

  33. Kathleen,
    Love your sunshiny yellow table, so cute with the polk a dots and the duckies. What fun!
    Made me laugh when I saw it. You always do such neat tables, always very enjoyable to see.
    Thanks for have the nicest bloggers, cause so many leave comments, not true
    of most of these other parties. Have you picked a theme for next month yet?? In case I missed
    it.........I didn't know the theme for this month, but my Father's day table just happened to
    Good that you encourage us to leave comments, cause I always try to leave them for at least
    10 people if I can. Blessings hon, Nellie

    1. Thank you for visiting the others and leaving comments!

  34. Your polka-dot dishes are beautiful with the white chargers. The yellow St. John's Wart is perfect with all your yellows. It does look beautiful blooming in your bush beds outside. Maybe I should get some of that. Hmm... Beautiful table, Kathleen!

  35. Kathleen, yellow and polka dots………wow, that makes for a very happy table. Cute whimsy with the ducks. This is a darling tablesetting! Sad I didn't get to join in on this one. House guests here and no time to play. Hope to catch the next challenge, but I'm having fun visiting all the fun tables with this one.
    Happy Summer!

  36. What a joyful and welcoming table, Kathleen! I've always had a soft spot for yellow and you've honored the color well with your flatware, linens and accent pieces. Thank you for hosting and providing challenges! You promote creativity and camaraderie among us tablescapers and it's so much fun! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

    1. Thanks, Rosie! I love the interaction with all of you!

  37. Your table is beautiful with all of the sunny yellow. I was blown away when I first saw it and loved it all over again when I came back today to post my own scape. Tell the truth -- is your centerpiece two bowls stacked together? It is so cute with the lacy edges, and inquiring minds must know. Thanks for hosting and providing an interesting challenge each month!

    1. Yes, Jennie, a soup bowl inverted with the other on top for the ducks to swim. I thought I had mentioned it, sorry!

  38. Thank you for stopping by.It's pleasure taking part in challenge parties on Lets Dish..You come out with different titles for the challenge and that makes others to get into the mood to create beautiful tables.It was fun visiting other tables. Love your table for the cheery colors.Thank you.Love sujatha..:):)

  39. I really like your sunny tablescape. Cute polka dots and the flowers may be St. John's Wort. I used to have a bush and it blooms around St. John's Day ..I think it's the 24th. Thanks so much for hosting a fun challenge and have a fun Summer.

  40. Kathleen - You must have had such fun setting your sunny, ducky table. I love all your shots. Thanks for making my day with this cheery summer post.

  41. Love your patriotic header! Your centerpiece is very creative with that soup bowl inverted and the other on top. I know your friend will enjoy her celebration at your pretty summer table!

  42. Super cute and yes, whimsical! Love the yellow polka dots!

  43. Hey Kathleen!

    Wonderful whimsy... but I am a sucker for polka dots! (And rubber duckies)....
    It's late, dogs are barking -- I'll check in soon.... Cass

  44. Hi Kathleen! What a fun table.....happy and cheerful. I just adore the little ducklings and your new silverware.... :-) Hope you have a great fourth of July!

  45. That's what I call a happy table, Kathleen. Yellow is so cheerful, and the polka dots add a little whimsy. I'm sure you have big plans for the fourth of July. Have a great holiday.

  46. Thank you for giving me hours of enjoyment! Your blogs are interesting, beautiful and exciting.

  47. One cannot help but smile when you see that ever so cute table!!...Polka dots and little ducks say happy!!!
    Beautiful table!

  48. Thank you so much, Kathleen, I appreciate the prayers for Rea most especially. I am happy to say that she is doing very well. Her MIBG and MRI scan reports are very favorable and encouraging . The chemo is working that the lesions on the legs have vanished completely. The tumor on the primary site has shrunk considerable and the surgeon feels very confident that she can remove it completely. Resection is scheduled next week and what's more, she has not suffered much on the chemo side effects. She never lost her appetite and we're so thankful....Christine

  49. Hi, Kathleen,
    Just a note to tell you you are missed. Hope you are well. Read on a blog that you mentioned, "you had lost your tablescaping mojo." Hope it soon returns so we can enjoy your talent and have fun with your challenges! Take care, Rosie @ The Magic Hutch


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!