Monday, June 2, 2014

This and That

Not much going on here besides coughing and sneezing!  It has been quite the allergy season!  Millions of us allergy sufferers are having a rough go.

I  eagerly await the end of the pollen invasion to end.  Everyday I wash off my car, and the next morning, it is green again!  I can’t set up the porch till it is over, or I would have to rewash everything, and doing it once is enough for me.

table 068

A few years ago a neighbor was having a yard sale for the Leukemia Foundation.  I donated my white porch wicker, figuring I would replace it.

table 064 (2)

I didn’t realize how hard it would be!  It seems the synthetic wicker has taken over, and I didn’t want that.

So far I have found this…


Two of these, one last Sept. and one last month.  Amazing they are exactly alike!  I haven’t brought out the right cushions for them yet.


Last week while I was sick, I was looking on Craig’s list.  Someone was selling this.


It was over an hour away, and by the time I got there Fri., someone had left a deposit.

I was able to talk the person into selling me this rocker and ottoman.


$100!  I paid more than that for the others, and they needed work! 

I had to console myself with that at least I got something!


It is in mint condition, and so comfortable!

I wanted to take part in Michael Lee’s Mystery Ingredient Challenge at Rattlebridge Farm.  Chipotle!  Me?  I was very leery.  I am not a “hot stuff” person, you know, Irish, no spicy foods, please.

So, here is my wimpy contribution.


Boneless grilled pork chop with a fresh peach , chipotle compote.


It was good, but I  don’t think I would use it again.  It definitely had a kick to it, even though I tried to tone it down with apricot brandy and some oj.

I just cut up some fresh peaches, sauteed them in butter and cinnamon sugar, added chipotle sauce , apricot brandy and oj.  Reduced it then topped the grilled pork chop with it.

The June Tablescape Challenge is…


Let’s see where you go with that!  No formal china, let’s have fun with this SUMMERY theme.  The date is WED. JUNE 18th!

Thanks for stopping by!

Joining Rattlebridge Farm for the Chipolte Mystery Ingredient.


  1. I love your new wicker! Your porch looks so inviting, Kathleen. I wish I had your pork chop and peach chipotle compote, and I love how it's served in a cast iron skillet. Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. I am sending you a little gift--I will send you something that doesn't have chipotle. It was a bit too much for my husband. I think he is still blowing steam after a small bite of guacamole. Thank you so much for cooking with me today! Have a sunny, happy week!

  2. Beautiful wicker....had no idea it is so pricey! The porch looks gorge.

  3. Kathleen, your white wicker is calling out to me. That porch and the table and chairs looks like summer at it's best. Sorry you are fighting allergies. Hope you are better soon and can enjoy that beautiful porch.

  4. K and chipotle??? Your pork chop looks good and peaches sound great! I was just looking at the pollen all over my car yesterday wondering when it would end... Hopefully with the next good rain. Congrats on finding some nice wicker, it is a challenge these days:@)

  5. Achoo Kathleen! The pollen season has been fierce and we are still battling the last of the yellow stuff. It's debilitating for my hubby, he tries to hold out but has to get a steroid shot every year. Love your wicker! Your chipotle compote sounds good to me with your peaches, but I'm a fan of a little sweet heat :)

  6. That was so thoughtful of you to donate your furniture. Little-by-little it looks as if you are gaining it back and what a beautiful outdoor space!

  7. Funny about the wicker. I am currently planning to redo mine. It was natural for years, and then we painted it dark green for our front porch. I'm changing out my exterior so I want it white. It's going to take some doing to get the dark green white so I have kind of been looking for a good used white one to just replace it (at least the settee. It's pretty shot.) You are RIGHT that it isn't as easy to find as I thought it would be. Bet I'll just end up painting it and fixing it.

  8. Congrats on finding some nice wicker! We are enjoying the wicker chairs that were given to us, and it's so comfortable. Glad you found a way to use chipotle. I am one of it's biggest fans ;-)

  9. I LOVE the wicker and Ottoman and would have bought for sure!!!

  10. Hi Kathleen, your wicker finds are beautiful, and the rocker does look so comfy. Hope you're feeling better and that the pollen will end soon. You need to enjoy your outdoor area. I wondered if you'd even participate in the MIC this month since you're not a fan of spicy heat. Way to go... and your dish looks wonderful and so cute in the mini cast iron skillet.

  11. We have the all weather wicker at our house on the Gulf coast, and I just love it! It looks like the real stuff but is so easy care and durable and keeps it's shape in the hot humid climate. It's funny to me that your pollen is now when we were suffering [and cleaning!!] 2 months ago! Chipotle is not really my thing either, but I do like your combo of apricot brandy and oj with the pork! The Summer challenge sounds fun, see you then!

  12. I like your new wicker finds. I'm not much for hot foods either but your dish looks good! We're in the middle of pollen season here too. I think that's why my cold wouldn't go away- the allergens kicked in and made it worse! I'm watching oak tassels dropping all over my yard, deck, house etc. what a mess!

  13. Great wicker, Kathleen! I'm with you, why even call it wicker if it's plastic? Your outdoor area with plants and furniture looks great - inviting! I'm not plagued with allergies as much as others in my family, but one daughter has them terribly so. I hope your allergies calm down soon.

  14. Sorry you weren't able to get that beautiful dining set...but you did well with the rocker and ottoman.
    We love anything chipotle, especially that deep smokey flavor and little bit of bite.
    Have a great week, Kathleen!

  15. Kathleen! Love the wicker. You have found some lovely pieces and are creating a very relaxing porch!

  16. You found some great pieces, Kathleen. That's funny about being Irish and so no spicy foods. Chipotle and fresh peaches sounds pretty good.

  17. Beautiful wicker pieces.. looking forward to next challenge...hoping I can get a tablescape together by then....LOL:
    Hope you're feeling better..I think our pollen is gone for now but it was rough...
    Love, Mona

  18. I love your new wicker, especially that first rocker. There were two pieces in a yard sale in my neighborhood this weekend that I was so tempted to stop and buy. I have nowhere to put them! Wish I could beam them up to LI for you!

    Don't know if I can do dishes that soon -- I am getting a new knee next Monday. :>((

  19. Your wicker chairs are lovely! Keep looking, you'll find the rest and I bet you'll have a great story, too! Hope allergy season subsides soon. We opened the windows several days and I had pollen everywhere IN the house - furniture, floors, drapes! Yuck!! AC is on now!! I've been thinking about several summer settings and will try to put a couple together next week. I've been busy entertaining the last two weeks ... one more picnic this weekend, then we're done for awhile. Enjoy your week!

  20. Kathleen,
    Oh, what gorgeous wicker furniture, dear friend!!!
    Love the soft hued aqua cushion!
    Finding good quality wicker isn't easy these days, I agree.
    However, you found an amazing rocker and ottoman.
    I $old one similar to yours when I worked at a local Antique Shop 5 years ago. . .
    sticker price $199.00!!! You did very well, indeed!!!
    Looking forward to June's Let's Dish Challenge!!!

  21. I find it 1000% hilarious that you consider chipotle to be "spicy"!!! What a hoot! I eat habanero peppers like pickles! I understand, though...that kind of heat isn't for everyone! Ramon has slowly been coming over to my side, though!

    I'm glad you found some replacement wicker. Funny what we miss once it's gone. We've GOT to stop getting rid of the risk of becoming a serious hoarder!

    I need one of those big umbrellas. It would make such a profound difference on our deck which is south-facing. It's hard to be out there from 11:15 - 3:45. I'll start pricing them and then smile really nice at the little Mr.! :-)

    Hope you're having a good week, and I hope the allergens get wiped out for good!!!!

  22. Hi Kathleen, I just got back to the northeast after being away for a few weeks and the pollen hit me right away! We had to turn on the A/C even though it was cool outside as we could not sleep with the windows opened! I have some of the "fake" wicker and while it is durable and carefree it is not the same as the real thing. I'll wish you luck in finding a new table and chairs set. They are difficult to find in good condition, especially the chairs. Looking forward to the next Let's Dish challenge. I really enjoyed the wedding china challenge. Hope you feel better soon. Linda

  23. What an amazing porch and deck. I love your furniture. I could curl up with a good book on a few of those chairs.

  24. Kathleen, So sorry the pollen is bothering you in more ways than one. Hope it goes away soon. You've found some fabulous wicker pieces. I can't believe you found those two identical chairs at different places. Sorry you missed out on the dining set, but the rocker and ottoman are great. That first rocker you showed is a beauty too. I love chipotle, so I'd probably like your recipe. Your food always looks so delicious. I'm not as smart as you. I cleaned all of our outdoor cushions last weekend, and put them on the furniture just in time for a huge thunderstorm. Yuk! laurie

  25. Your wicker is beautiful on your porch, Kathleen. No question, you are one good bargain hunter. Your dinner looks delicious. I love the kick of chipotle.

  26. I love your new chairs and have admired them in the flyers a lot. :) It seems there are always renovations and upkeep jobs to a house doesn't it. Take care of yourself and enjoy your new chairs.
    Exclusive Poise Chair

  27. Hi Kathleen,

    I just love your pretty house and yard at the ocean -- how lucky you are to live there!! Your porch and deck are beautiful and so inviting. :) That was VERY generous of you to donate your wicker furniture; I know how hard it is to find the real thing now because I've looked. It appears that you've found some pretty pieces though, and I love the chair and matching ottoman you found on Craig's List -- they're beautiful! Your peach, chipotle compote looks and sounds delish, but I'm with you, I simply can't do the hot pepper thing. :) I leave that to others; I'm not crazy about eating hot, spicy food.

    Hope you have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  28. Sorry to hear you're having allergy problems and hopefully, the pollen will be finished soon. Too bad about the wicker furniture, but the rocker and ottoman are really nice. Hoping you're having a great weekend, in spite of the pollen.

  29. Wicker furniture is so perfect for your home, Kathleen! I really like the rocker and ottoman too and can imagine myself sitting there with my feet propped up reading or just enjoying the view.

  30. I'm STILL looking for some. UGH. I tried to paint my old stuff white, but it just doesn't want to be white.

  31. Sorry that you missed out on that wicker set but I love the rocker and ottoman...I so love your patio and beautiful yard...hope you are feeling better!


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