Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Get Out the Good Stuff! Wedding/ Fine China Challenge

Hello, Ladies, welcome to the May challenge.  This theme was suggested by a few ladies, but don’t ask who, I forget!
My china pattern is Noritake Heather.
When I graduated from college, I went straight to graduate school at Villanova.  I had an apartment, so had to get dishes, pots, etc.  My mom had started to buy some china at the supermarket. 
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Here is an over exposed pic of a table I did with it a few years ago,, Platinum rim, delicate blue flowers, called Crown something!
She bought a ton of it, plates, bowls, cups, platters, etc!  A few years later when I was getting married, I saw no need to get new china, much to her dismay.  I thought it was fine enough!
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I changed my mind a few years later, and picked Noritake Heather as my pattern.
The challenge tonight was to use a formal china in a not so formal way.  I struggled with it!  I have shown you this table I did with my Noritake Heather for Easter a few years ago.  It is probably the last time I used it!
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I don’t use it at Cmas, as I have several sets of Lenox Cmas china. 
So tonight, I tried to dress it down.
No tablecloth, a cloth doily as a mat.
I used a solid pale green plate by Pfaltzgraff to break up the china.  I got them at Cmas Tree Shop a few years ago.  I also used a less formal napkin with a weave from Pottery Barn OUTLET.  The white flatware is from Horchow.
I used a purple plate at this setting, and each place has a sprig of ribboned baby’s breath.
The centerpiece is a low bowl of white mums and baby’s breath.  If you saw my last post, you know I have a lot of it left from the reception.
The stemware is by Gorham, via the Lenox Outlet.
I am very happy to have received a piece of crystal that was my grandmother’s.  She died when I was 8, and I never had anything of hers.  I am her youngest grandchild, my dad was the youngest of 7 .  My oldest cousin gifted this to me last weekend.
It is a sugar bowl, but I will use it for other things.  Thank you, Jeanne!
Since Friday will be our 44th Wedding Anniversary, I included the little love bird salt and peppers to use with our “wedding china.”
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table 4004 (2)
Where did the time go? I think we will celebrate with a cherry cheese crumb cake. 
Bargains 501
Bargains 498
Can’t wait to see what you have done for the challenge!  Please be sure to link back to this party in your post somewhere, no word id, and put your blog name first. Please make sure it is a new post.
Of course, the most important thing is to visit as many as you can of the others!
Thanks so much for dropping by and your kind words on my last post about the Communion!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday and Gollum for Foodie Friday, 
Let's Dish!


  1. Hi Kathleen, I don't have a link for the party tonight, but I'm glad I found you - through Marty's Inspire Me linkup, with your First Communion party. What a party! I hope you were treated well on Mother's Day after all that work! I look forward to following your posts, just joined via G+. Thanks for the party - I love dishes, tables & all the love that goes into making a great family feast!
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. Hi Rita! So nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi, Kathleen: love your wedding china and the way you added your accent plates to "update" it. I'll be linking up as soon as the collection opens, and look forward to seeing everyone's posts. Thank you for giving us a place to connect with other tablescapers!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch
    P.S. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! Nice to see your wedding pictures. Your wedding china is lovely and your tablescape is so pretty with fresh flowers, crystal candlesticks and your new cut glass sugar dish! I know you are proud of that. I am as sentimental as you.
    Thank you for the theme party. I always anticipate them with excitement and look forward to all the entrees. I am constantly amazed at the creativity and talent in tablescaping.

    1. So glad you look forward to them, Bonnie. Thanks!

  4. 44 years! Congratulations Kathleen. That's a wonderful milestone. Fun to see your photos here, too. That's a sweet piece to have from your grandmother's collection.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. Lots of stones on the way to 44 yrs., lol!

  5. Cute table, I love your flowered pattern! Great pics of you and hubby K:@)

  6. Hi Kathleen,
    Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on 44 years, love to hear that! Our 44th will be in November, and
    it is so true where did the time go..........
    Your china is very pretty and love how you did your table. Looks very pretty as always.
    This was a fun idea...........I read about it a few weeks ago, and just happened to be playing with some
    other dishes and thought while I have the white tablecloth out maybe I will do something with my
    wedding china for this challenge. Thanks for hosting as always, and have a great and fun anniversary.
    Blessings for many many more years,

    1. Great to have you join in, Nellie! And thanks!

  7. Great combination of pieces, Kathleen, but I expect no less from you. The years have a way of passing and seeming much shorter than 44 would suggest.

  8. Congratulations on 44 years, Kathleen.
    I registered for Mikasa French Countryside before J and I were married and received several place settings as gifts. It was to be our everyday china. We also received, as a complete surprise, Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne. The French Countryside became our "company china". It's the china, featured in the post for the challenge.

    1. French Countryside is so versatile! I know you get a lot of use from it.

  9. Hi Kathleen, Happy Anniversary! We will celebrate our 34th this summer. This was a wonderful theme--I really enjoyed setting my table and thinking about my mother's dishes. Like you, I don't seem to use my own china very often, but I am determined to change that. Brides are still choosing wedding china in spite of so many stories like ours. Your Noritake is very pretty and certainly makes a beautiful Easter table! Thanks for hosting. Linda

  10. Happy Anniversary, dear Kathleen. It would've been 44 years for us this June. I loved seeing your happy photos. Oh, how time does fly! Your Noritake pattern I similar to the ones I sold!! How could I do such a thing! Thank you for hosting your fun party. I had many memories looking through our wedding photo album.

  11. Hey Kathleen,
    Happy Anniversary..44 years is such an accomplishment and I admire you both..I loved and hated this challenge..Because this china of mine stirs emotion from a divorce it stretched me. But I am happy to say that all is well and I plowed through all the ugly stuff to get to a pretty table with my old wedding thank you so much for this challenge. It caused me to grow a little...
    Love your party..
    Love, Mona

  12. Happy Anniversary Kathleen,love your wedding china, your tablescape is perfect as always, may you have many more blessed years together.

  13. Happy Anniversary!!! Wow, 44 years is so wonderful! We celebrate our 20th this month, and yes, time flies!! What beautiful tables you have set!! Also, it's so nice to see a pic of the beauty behind the blog....cheers! :)

  14. Kathleen, you have such a gift for mix-matching old and new, plain and fancy. I love what you did with your fine china and seriously, girl, I would never have thought to mix the two. Thanks for the nudge. Though seriously, I only have one set of fine china...flow blue...that I inherited and some Staffordshire which I don't think is considered fine china. At least my aunt whom I inherited it from used it every day.

    Since all my things are packed away in storage 6 hours away, I linked up the spring/Easter table that I helped my friend create. And her dishes were from the $1 store...a far cry from fine china. If you'd prefer...feel free to delete since it isn't exactly what the party is about tonight.

    Congratulations on your anniversary. What a sweet table to help celebrate such a wonderful milestone.


  15. Happy Anniversary Kathleen! I love your pattern and your whole table :-) Thanks for hosting a fun themed party!

  16. Great post! We must be sisters in age ... I started housekeeping with the blue English Garden (supermarket) china, too! Still love it and use it ... and have recently bought some replacement pieces. Thanks for the challenge ... thanks for sharing.

  17. I loved seeing your wedding photos!! This was so much fun, and I can't wait to see all the links! I have already had a comment from someone who has my same china from years ago! thanks so much for the challenges, really makes things interesting!

  18. Love that Noritake china! Gorgeous....I am a sucker for Noritake. Your stemware is beautiful also. Great table!

  19. Well first, you were a beautiful bride with one hunky groom! I happen to know that pattern. It's one that I have seen and loved for years. I can think of a million ways to use it, too. I think you did a wonderful job of dressing it down without sacrificing it's loveliness.

  20. I love your photos -- never saw a photo of you before! Or if I did, I didn't know it was you. In the photo with the short hair, you look a lot like my mother in law when she was younger.
    Congratulations on the 44 years. The husband and I will be 25 years this year. I hope my favorite china passes muster (it wasn't what I chose when we got married.).

  21. Hard-headed girl!!! You should have listened to your Mother! You would have ended up with a lot of great FREE china! :-) :-) :-) I have my nerve to talk, though. I never registered for china when I married my 1st husband, either. I registered for a very pricey pattern when I married my 4th husband (don't go there!), and I didn't get very much of it. I ended up trading it in for a much less expensive but equally beautiful pattern from Noritake and was able to get 6 whole place settings!! Still have it, still love it. Now that I'm married to Ramon (yes...#5 and holding!), I have all the china I could ever possibly use in a lifetime!!! :-)

    You chose a pattern that really has lots of possibilities attached to it from my perspective. It goes all bow-tie-and-tails in a formal capacity on its own, but it you showed it how to just slip into a pair of Ralph Lauren weekenders with ease! And hooray for you getting your Grandmother's little bowl!!! I know you will treasure it and find many uses for it in the years to come. Isn't funny how the smallest artifact from our ancestors can make us so giddy? I think because we connect with a part of their psyche and their way of's really quite cool!

    Those are really cute snapshots of you and your handsome hubby! Look at you all decked out in your little black dress and bringin' sexy back!!!

    Have a great weekend, Kathleen, and thanks again for hosting this gig! I hope my entry is not deemed too formal. I tend to be kind of formal for dang near everything, so I couldn't tell. Ramon said, "You only have one knife on the table, so it MUST be informal!!! :-) :-) :-)

  22. P.S. - With this new system, our post name automatically comes up first with our blog name right after it. Do you want us to turn that around, or can you make it reverse from your end so the blog name comes first?

  23. Kathleen, Happy Anniversary! Your wedding pictures are beautiful. You certainly were a lovely bride. Your "wedding" china tablescape is lovely. The stemware and glassware are perfect for the china pattern. The table is really pretty. I did not have a real "wedding" china pattern myself. I felt kind of bad that I did not have any. But now that I am thinking about it, My sweet hubby bought me a lovely set of vintage china a couple of years ago to use for family holidays. It might not be wedding related but it was given with love.
    We have had a lot of storms flooding our area this week. I am in the process of cleaning up the flood damage in my garage (all wet and yucky). There was no water damage inside the house - thank goodness. My garage is the only storage area I have. While none of my china or decorations are destroyed they all need to be bleached and all of the packaging is destroyed. I was very careful of always keeping the original packaging. Oh well.... I am hoping to get through with getting all of the wet stuff out of our garage for the city to pick up Friday Morning and be able to put together a table to link on Friday.

  24. Happy Anniversary! My sweet hubby and I will be celebrating our 41st this summer! Thanks for the fun challenge.

    Jocelyn @

  25. Kathleen, Happy Anniversary to you two! Wow, 44 years. Congratulations! Fun to see your wedding photo and the other. Beautiful china and lovely table. Your crystal sugar that was your grandmothers will be a treasure for certain. Nice that your cousin passed it on to you to enjoy.
    I didn't get a table set for the challenge. Too much going on this week. Hope to join in in the next one.
    I"m off to visit all the pretty tables. Thanks for hosting.

  26. Happy Anniversary, Kathleen!! You're closing in on the big Golden Anniversary! :) Our anniversary is next week -- number 27. Your china is lovely, Kathleen. I really like Noritake china -- my MIL has a set that belonged to her mother (so pretty).

    I didn't realize we were supposed to do an informal setting, but I'm not terribly formal anyway, so I hope mine's okay. Thank you for hosting; I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and your hubby! Have a great evening.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  27. I like how you made it less formal. My favorite thing is seeing your wedding picture and how you look now! You haven't changed much! Happy Anniversary!

    Thanks for hosting.


  28. Happy Anniversary to the cute couple. Love both pics of you and hubby! I'm laughing because I didn't know we were suppose to dress our china down. Being the not so fancy kind of girl I am I think I did it without even trying. lol! I would have a harder time dressing it up. Happy to be joining this fun party and I will be back to visit.

  29. Happy Anniversary Kathleen! I so enjoyed seeing your smiling face and wedding photo! Love your grandmother's sweet sugar bowl! I've been busy with household projects the past couple of weeks when I'd much rather be dishing, hope to join in the fun for the next challenge :)

  30. Lovely post -- and such a wonderful idea for a link party! I am so enjoying seeing everyone's wedding china. You did a great job setting a table with the china you chose. And I do understand how precious your grandmother's crystal bowl is to you. My mother is the 7th of 9 children, and I don't have anything from her mother's household.

  31. So glad that I was able to link up, even though I was late! We had a storm here last night and we still have no wireless, but we are hard-wired for now! Loved seeing the wedding photo - how adorable you both were! Your table is wonderful and you definitely showed that we can use our old china in new ways. Your idea to put the flowers in the sugar bowl was so creative and I will steal it - lol!! I have a sugar bowl that has no matching creamer, but I think it is so pretty. It will be the perfect place for a few small flowers - thanks!!

  32. Kathleen, it's been such fun to read these posts that I decided to go ahead and share in the fun. I'm late with a link, but couldn't stand not joining the party. I used photos from my archives to create a new post on our wedding china. Thanks for hosting!

  33. Happy Anniversary Kathleen! I remember those photos :-)

  34. Hi Kathleen - I remember when china was sold in the grocery stores. My mother-in-law bought a ton of it. My wedding china is long gone but was replaced with a set that belonged to my grandmother. Your table is lovely and reminds me how much I like baby's breath. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  35. Happy Anniversary! And thanks for the challenge. I look forward to your challenges every month. They're so much fun. How wonderful to have a part of your Grandmother to grace your lovely table. Heirlooms are always the best.
    Sam from

  36. Thanks for encouraging us to get those old dishes out. I think I've fallen in love with mine again! I had some lovely china from the grocery store before I married, too. Love the special crystal from your grandmother. How wonderful your cousin gifted it to you!! Thanks for hosting this fun party! Happy Anniversary!

  37. It has been so fun traveling down memory lane with everyone and their wedding dishes. When I got married in 1974, I decided to choose stoneware instead of china because I knew I'd be inheriting china from my mother someday. I chose "Cotswald" by Denby Stoneware which featured a thistle design in browns on cream. Along with that I chose Lennox "Antique" goblets in brown, and Towle's "Beaded Antique" stainless flatware. Today my choices are so much more flowery and romantic! So I decided that my stoneware should be passed onto my son since it's not "girly".

  38. Woo hoo! Look at you, Kathleen! So great to see some pics of you and your handsome hubby even if they are from "a few years back"! You are definitely rockin' that little black dress! Your wedding china t'scape looks wonderful and I enjoyed seeing the other ways you've used it. How special to get that little bowl of your GM's. This was a great idea for a challenge and I regret I didn't have time to rise to it. I did use my wedding china in a post last summer though so it has been "out and about" recently! Happy Anniversary - celebrate with that yummy looking crumb cake and more - 44 years deserves a couple of desserts!


  39. Happy to see your table more so your 44 years of married life.How wonderful.Beautiful post.Though not taking part in the challenge it is good to see all the beautiful collection of China in all the post that have been passed down.Thank you for all the amazing things happening at your blog.Let it continue..Love sujatha..:);)

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Happy to see your table more so your 44 years of married life.How wonderful.Beautiful post.Though not taking part in the challenge it is good to see all the beautiful collection of China in all the post that have been passed down.Thank you for all the amazing things happening at your blog.Let it continue..Love sujatha..:);)

  42. Kathleen, I am still bleaching and washing my plates and all of my Christmas houses (plus my bunny collection) from the garage flooding this week. But I do want you to know how much I have enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs whenever I have stopped for a break over the last couple of days. I still have a few more to visit but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow. Thank you for the wonderful party, and thank you so much to the wonderful ladies that participated for their lovely pictures and wonderful stories.

  43. Kathleen,
    Your china is beautiful, dear friend!!!
    I must admit. . .I adore it used at Easter best!!!
    The love birds combined with your Grandmother's inherited sugar bowl are adorable.
    Happy Anniversary!!!

  44. Every time I read blogs I get ideas -- my husband just hates that. :) The gorgeous crystal sugar bowl has me thinking about my stash; what can I do to make my table as beautiful as this one? Thanks for hosting and always coming up with something interesting for us to think about.

  45. Happy Anniversary to you and Mike!

  46. What beautiful china. I really enjoyed looking at all the wonderful tablescapes submitted by your readers.
    Hope you had a lovely Anniversary celebration. Best wishes for all the wonderful years to come.

  47. "Where did the time go" is so true! I've been scanning old slides of our wedding and wonder where that young girl and guy went - LOL. Love the pics of you and Mike! Happy Anniversary! It's going to be 40 for us in July! Beautiful china and crystal. Glad you got your grandmother's sugar bowl.

  48. What a fun challenge, sorry to miss it! I'm a new follower, I'l start joining in on the fun!


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