Friday, June 13, 2014

A Tea by the Sea and a Celebrity?

Yesterday I took time off from my seasonal chores to go to a “Strawberry Tea” with my sister.  It was held at Cormaria,  a beautiful retreat house on the Bay,  in nearby Sag Harbor.

As you can see it was very cloudy, and quite humid.

The views are fantastic!

Before the tea, we were treated to a centerpiece demonstration by Michael Grim.


If you watch Ina, The Barefoot Contessa, you will recognize him.  He is on her show frequently, he does her flowers.

He demonstrated several kinds of easy centerpieces.



Michael is very generous to Cormaria with his time and talentEveryone got to take home a beautiful long stemmed rose.  

He  gave away everything he made. 
 He was very personable and we chatted about another Ina favorite, my neighbor, TR .  If you watch the show, you will know him.


You can read about TR’s house here.  

On the other hand, the Kardashians, omg,, have rented a home nearby. 
 They opened a store in town and needed a little place to lay their heads.
  $235,000 in rent for the summer. 
 They have guards at the driveway.  I have to pass it every time I go in or out.  
I wouldn’t know them if I fell over them, I don’t watch the show, nor do I know why they are famous.  I think they have a lot of weddings or something. >)

So besides planting and cleaning pollen, that’s what I have been doing.

Don’t forget the Summer Whimsy table challenge this Wed.  

Bargains 482

Remember this one, with the light up bathing beauty frogs?

Bargains 474
Or the watermelon umbrella holder centerpiece?

Bargains 550

Hope you will join in!  It has to be a new table, no repeats, with a whimsical summer theme!

Thanks for stopping by!
Joining Marty for Inspire Me Tues


  1. What a great post! I love those flower arrangements and that TR is so handsome! Going to put my thinking cap on to think of something whimsical. Love your watermelon and froggy centerpieces!!
    Miss Bloomers

  2. How fun! Even with the humidity, the pics are so looks relaxing. Those arrangements are wonderful!

  3. Sounds like a fun way to spend the afternoon. I do recognize both gentlemen from Ina's show. I would much rather meet her than them!

    1. Sorry! Years ago , before she became famous , I used to see her at her store. I don't think she would remember me, lol! Just a paying customer.

  4. What a fun time with your sister, Kathleen. Yes, I recognize both of those guys from Ina's show.
    I had to laugh about the Kardashians!!! I'm always saying the same thing...what in the world are they famous for??
    Happy weekend! xo

  5. How wonderful Kathleen; you had an amazing time and these guys look like they're so talented, I love it!
    Yes, the Kardashians make so much money and are so famous..why in hell are they??? LOL!
    Happy Father's Day weekend to you and yours.

  6. Sounds like you're having fun K! Minus the hosing pollen thing... Love the celeb citing:@)

    1. Let's make that "sighting"... It's 5AM and I'm still working on my first cuppa... ugh.

  7. The tea by the sea sounds like fun! Kardashian crap- how lucky for you they've moved in your territory for the summer (not)! The Tablescape idea sounds like fun. I haven't done one in a long time- I'll see what I can do!

  8. Makes me want to make an arrangement today:) I picked a wet peony yesterday but today they may dry off:)

    Of course I recognize those 2 lovely men:)
    So much style and so nice..

    You have quite the neighbors:)
    Have you met Ina?
    What a setting for the outing..and with a sister~

  9. Looks like a wonderful tea and the grounds are gorgeous!!!....Yes, how great that Michael was seeing him on Ina...and great that you have TR as a neighbor!!...

  10. Now that's a fun meet up for sure! That handsome young man is your neighbor? Ina really has some fun company over for food. Wouldn't you just love it if she showed up at the door with a meal for you!? Now the Kardashians....oye. They seem to just cause havoc and traffic. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. What a fun way to spend time with your sister. You have a handsome neighbor. '-)
    Enjoy the weekend.

  12. OMGosh! I'd have loved to see Michael Grim's floral demonstration! I always enjoy seeing him...and TR on Ina's program. What a neat event to attend with your sister. I guess Royal Pains is filming again in your area? Or was that near you? I forgot. As far as the Kardashians, I wouldn't recognize one of them if I fell over them. :)

  13. Oh what fun Kathleen, I'm with Babs! Love the combo of floral materials with the dishes and tablecloth! I always shake my head over the Kardashians and wonder who are the people that watch their show. See you Wednesday :)

  14. Kardashians who? I have no use for such bull in my life. Show me something real like bathing beauty frogs and watermelon tablescapes - that's what interests me. I hope I have time today to do a tablescape for your challenge. I am determined to get my yard work done today. But I did find some really cute things at the VOA this week that would be perfect for this challenge and tablescaping is ever so much more fun than spreading mulch in the flower beds. I wonder how my hubby will feel about a whimsical tablescape for his Father's Day dinner?

  15. What a beautiful place for a tea!! And you got to meet celebrities, FUN!
    I'd love to know what those fuzzy green balls were in the flower arrangements...any idea?

    I'm off to check out TR's house from you link. I think he is soooooo handsome! (he looks like my brother)

  16. Forgot to tell you how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your newest header!!!

  17. I'm sure the flower decorating part what right up your alley with all of the arrangements you put together for gatherings! I don't watch Ina so I don't those those two gentlemen but I'll have to DVR a show so I can see them now. Which Kardashians moved in for the summer? There are quite a few of them, it seems :)

    It must have been a lovely tea in beautiful surroundings!

  18. So sorry to hear the Kardashians will be your neighbors, yikes! I do recognize those 2 guys from watching Ina's show, how fun! Your frogs are hilarious, and the watermelon umbrella is insane! See you Wednesday~

  19. This may or may not come as a shock, but I have never watched Ina Garten's show! I'm really missing out! I love what Michael Grim demonstrated, and I'm sure I could learn an awful lot! Both the centerpiece and the place setting are beautiful! I love that "by the sea" look in both! As for T.R. Pescod....yummy!!!! Double yummy, in fact!!!!

    The Kardashians, huh? Sorry 'bout your luck! That does NOT sound like it can be any good for anyone!

  20. Well, how exciting is that! (Of course, you could have set prettier tables than they did!). If I saw this frog table, I've forgotten. I don't think I ever saw it. It is so much fun, and I love the colors on the table. I've never watched The Kardashians either, but I'm like you, I do hear about them getting married a lot. I still can't get to your blog by clicking on your name, but I do find a way to get here. laurie

  21. WOW! Looks like you had lots of fun! I do enjoy watching Ina as well. Now on that other show...well let's just say....A GREAT BIG FAT NO! I would have really enjoyed the flower decorating too! Glad you had fun. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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