Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Beautiful First Communion Day!

I was very busy last week  preparing for grandchild #3’s First Communion.  IMG_9645

He’s easy to spot, he has on a white jacket!

His older sister was an altar server for the ceremony which made it even more special.

The days before were spent baking and wrapping.


40 loaves of Irish Soda Bread and Chocolate Pound Cake for the guests to take home.


Here they are wrapped, tagged and ready to go.


To make it easier for the guests to make their selection, the blue is chocolate, white, Irish Soda Bread.



360 Chocolate chip cookies were made and bagged and bowed.


Candy Bags for the children…



The teens got large candy bars.


I bought pots of white New Guinea  impatiens from the Jamesport Farm .  Due to the cold weather we had this Spring, they weren’t as big or as full of blooms as they should have been.

So…I added to them with white mums and baby’s breath.


I added a white bow with a blue “S” for Seamus, and that was it!

So much more reasonable than cut flower centerpieces, and one guest from each table got to take home a pretty plant to enjoy all summer, rather than for a week!


Here’s how they looked on the tables at the country club for the Communion Luncheon. The tablecloths were beige, my friend said they looked pink on her computer.



I told dh to get ONE bunch of mums at Sam’s Club, guess what!


He got 3!  I have MANY flowers left over.


Made a little basket for the cake table. (My sister had brought the basket with an arrangement the last time she was here, so I got to give it back to her, filled with flowers after the luncheon Smile  )


We were lucky with the weather, cocktails and appy’s were served on the porch, and the children could let off some steam after sitting still in Church.




The entertainment for the party was a Lady Magician.

She was fabulous!  Look at these faces as they watched…


one brave soul go under the knife!



No one was harmed! 



Everyone enjoyed the beautiful lunch that was served.





IMG_9690I wish I had some now, as it seems no one got the memo about Mother’s Day being today!

I have 2 years to get ready for #4’s First Communion!  But next year there will be a Confirmation and graduation.  And next month is Eamon’s 2nd Bday.  Bring on the balloons.

Don’t forget the Challenge Wed. The subject is Wedding China or a formal pattern passed on to you by your mom, aunt, gma, etc.  So no Dollar Store dishes like so many of us love to work into the table, lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

I am joining Susan for Metamorphosis Mon, Marty for Inspire Me Tues.


  1. Cngrats to your adorable grandson, what a memorable and special sacrament a First Communion is in a child's life!
    Wow, you granny worked none stop baking! Wish I had been there, at this wonderful event. The food looks amazing and the flowers are gorgeous! You all did a magnificent job!
    Anyway, I'm sure you all got a better time tan if it were just Mom's Day, lol!.

  2. It looked like a fabulous First Communion celebration, Kathleen! Many blessings ti your grandson, and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Congratulation to your grandson on his first communion. Looks like you had a wonderful luncheon and the kids had fun. You really baked up a storm - everything looked so good.
    Have a restful week.

  4. Congratulations to Seamus! I'm always in awe of all you do for these occasions. You must bake all week! It all looks like a fun time and beautiful party.

  5. Congratulation on your grandson's first communion, such a great celebration and as always you did a fantastic job of making everyone feel so special! Now get some much needed rest, sit back and relish the memories of this special occasion.

  6. Bravo!! You are such a great grandmother Kathleen!
    He's adorable in his white jacket and looks taken with the magician:)

  7. Kathleen, you did such a wonderful job of making this adorable boy's First Communion a day to remember. For once, though, I am happy that we have a very small family!! I cannot imagine making that many loaves of bread! Loved seeing all of your photos!!

  8. What a wonderful celebration. Love the flower centerpieces. Such a good idea. Glad the weather cooperated for the day!

  9. Congratulations! It looks like a lovely party from start to finish! :)

  10. Wow.....everything looks delicious and gorgeous! You've been busy! It looks like a lovely ceremony.

  11. Oh Kathleen! Everything looks fabulous thanks to your many talents!! Beautiful centerpieces and yummy take-home gifts! Your grandson is a very handsome fellow! So many occasions to celebrate in your family and how kind you are to do so much of the work! For sure, there should have been some Mother's Day compensation! ;-)


  12. Practically perfect in every way. I love what you did with the hanging baskets of impatiens. They look wonderful. I always think of you when I'm helping with table decorations for a crowd. I love how you choose wisely and use things that can be used in the garden afterward.

  13. What a wonderful, blessed occasion for Seamus. I'm in awe of all that you do, Kathleen. You're the baking/centerpiece queen! Congratulations to Seamus and all of your family.

  14. Hi Kathleen,
    Everything looks wonderful, like how you dolled up the Impatiens, it really looked pretty, and all that food
    looks scrumptious. What a lovely ocassion and so nice you got to be so involved, it looks like a wedding. and Belated Happy Mother's Day did a fabulous job on everything.......
    Blessings, Nellie

  15. Great idea to embellish the impatiens and give a gift that keeps on giving. You did a lot of baking! Wow, I hope you had some help. Great pictures of the occasion.

    Blessings to Seamus.

  16. You are so good at making your family events special!

  17. I can't even imagine the flour that got used for all of those baked goodies! Even though it didn't have much 'Mothers' Day' in it, you helped make a young boy's First Communion even more special and beautiful! He looks so handsome in his white jacket :)

  18. That is one beautiful bunch of kidsters, and a very handsome Grandson!!!
    I can't even imagine the work involved in all of your treats....oh my......
    I also loved the added flowers to the impatien plants...I have to remember that idea!! I could also use it in the fall with chrysanthemum plants!
    God bless your Grandson, and blessings to you as well,

    1. PS: I almost wish I had a blog so I could show off my beautiful antique dishes in your "wedding/formal" tablescape.
      I can't wait to check it out though and see everyone's beautiful tables.

  19. I enjoyed your post so much! The pictures tell such a wonderful story of the communion. What wonderful memories. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. What if Grandma just left me Dollar Store dishes? I guess that would mean I'm the grandkid she disliked most! :-) :-) :-)

    Congratulations on getting another one over the hump...white jacket and all!!! (That kid looks a lot like Frank Sinatra from back in the day!) It is just amazing to me that you go through all that baking and flower prep for each and every child's 1st Holy Communion!!!!!!! You truly are THE best Grandma on the face of God's green earth!!!!! I'd probably just give my granddaughter a box of Cubans and tell her to have a nice day! :-)

    The tablecloths DO look pink, but that's's all good!

    See you this evening for the challenge!!!

  21. Once again I am in awe of your baking are a giant of Cuisine in my eyes. Love the pics of the children...each a precious jewel. If I were closer, I'd pitch in to help you with those parties on the horizon. You do such an amazing job of making everything so special...oh, and when is your back deck party for 100 or so to welcome the summer. Grab a nap any time you can! Cherry Kay

  22. Kathleen - What an amazing Communion celebration. Your grandson will have such wonderful memories of his special day. Next year my triplets will be making their First Holy Communion. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas for creating a day to remember. You are a baker extraordinaire.

  23. I'm sorry to be so late in seeing this spectacular event! A standing ovation is due you for all the work you did to make this such a special day for Seamus. What a handsome fellow...LOVE the white jacket!

    My #1 grandson graduates from high school this coming week & I'm not doing a thing. DD has it all planned & under control. I get to be a 'guest' for a change. OK by me but I would have loved to contribute even half of what you did here.

    Enjoy a quiet holiday weekend,'ve earned it!


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