Saturday, May 3, 2014

And We’re Off!

No, not the Kentucky Derby Day horses, but the annual Spring Chores.

Tuesday it was so cold and rainy, I thought we were back in Winter.

Today, the sun was out and we we made it to 60!


Still too cold to plant annuals here, I bought a few pots, but I can bring them in or cover them at night. 

I started doing the deck and porch with the Olympic Deck wash.  We do it every year, no more power washing for us, it ruins the wood. The tables and chairs won’t come out till I am done, less to move!


I have started to paint all the white wicker. I will have to cover it up until the pollen has fallen, which won’t be for a few weeks.  Our trees don’t have their leaves yet.


I bought 2 of these planters at Aldi.  They only had brown, so I sprayed them white.  I should have stock in Krylon, I use that to paint all the porch wicker .

I go through a lot of it!  BTW, Walmart has the best price on it.


Last year I donated some of my wicker chairs to a charity yard sale.  I have been trying to replace them, and it isn’t easy.  I don’t want the plastic kind and I have only been able to find the real deal at antique stores.  I got this one last week.  I have to clean and paint it. 


I got a pot of this Bridal Veil.  I rip pieces from it and plant it in my pots.  It gives a nice airy look to them. It gets a little white flower.

Again, I have to be careful as we can still get a frost. 


I can’t wait for the pollen invasion to be over so I can do everything.

I am more anxious this year after the terrible winter we had.  I lost several azaleas, 2 rose bushes, clematis and a crepe myrtle.  Lots of the lavender didn’t come back, I will be making a few trips to the nursery!



It will be a few more weeks till “porch sitting time”, and I am looking forward to it!

Don’t forget the wedding china challenge on May 14th.  It doesn’t have to be YOUR wedding china, can be something passed on to you, or any formal china.  Maybe you bought it for yourself a few years ago!


This is mine, Noritake Heather, but I didn’t get it till a few years after I was married.  I will save that story for the challenge.  It’s a nail biter, lol!

Busy week ahead, gson’s First Communion next Sat.  That means there will be a lot of baking of the guests take homes and centerpieces being done this week.  Will I work in a table?  Maybe!

Enjoy your Sunday!

I am joining Seasonal Sunday and Metamorphosis Monday

Inspire Me Tuesday and You’re Gonna Love It Tuesday

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovin' the pics with flags K! I just bought a pretty new one for myself today, looking forward to putting it out:@)

  2. What an ambitious girl you are! The white wicker looks great. I bought some plants but have yet to put them into pots.

  3. Kathleen, I'm smiling at your white wicker. I've always had a fondness for white wicker, and we've had pieces since we first married. Used it in our living room till we could afford upholstered chairs. ;-)
    I sold some pieces when we moved into this house, and the pieces I kept are in a guest bedroom.
    What a job to paint it each year!
    The pollen has subsided here, thank goodness! We fought the green dust for weeks.
    Enjoy your spring!

  4. Beautiful wicker! Thanks for the info on the Olympic wash. I need to scrub my deck and you are so right, the power sprayer really does ruin the wood. It is hard to be patient waiting for the nice weather. I try to work outside whenever its not raining, regardless of the temp. Sometimes the cooler days help me keep going longer. I have a hard time when it gets hot since gardening is such physical work.

  5. Oh phooey...sorry about the plants you lost. Things are really looking mighty fine at your place!

  6. I have to paint mine ..too rainy and damp still..
    Ain't no sunshine......
    Everything looks perky there..
    Hate the pollen!

  7. I got an early start too, this year. I had a young fellow helping me out, though. Power washed the concrete. Set up my furniture. No planting yet. xo

  8. Whew, you've been busy, Kathleen! I like the real deal wicker, too. I, sure Krylon and Wal Mart appreciate all your business. My lavender bit the dust and some of my Blackfoot daisies, too. Winter was harsh here in Texas, but I'm dreading the summer. Enjoy the grandson's First Communion, which will be a happy occasion. Blessings!

  9. You sound like you are at about the same stage of "Spring" that we are...not very far into it weather-wise! We finally got rid of the snow and have now raked the lawn but the leaves are only just coming out and we haven't begun to set up any of our outdoor areas or done any planting. Such a busy time of year! And you with all the baking, etc for your gson's first communion! Don't know how you do it all!


  10. I had to give up on azaleas because our winters are too harsh for them. I think I've lost a rose bush too. It was one nasty long winter wasn't it and spring is dragging its heels. I saw annuals at the store but resisted buying them because I will have to keep them in the garage to avoid frosts for a white yet. You'd wicker looks lovely. We brought out our lawn furniture but not the cushions just yet. I'm ready for spring I just wish nature would cooperate.

  11. It's looking very spring-y there, Kathleen! The only thing I can safely put in a pot are pansies but we're supposed to warm up later this week. Love the look of your wicker furniture and it goes so perfectly with your home and porch. Thanks for the heads up on Krylon at Walmart!

  12. I really must get busy - all of my blogging friends are making me realize how awful my porch and yard look. I did dead-head some roses today, which was a big event for me. I think you and I have already discussed how I am supposed to avoid the sun - yikes. Love your beautiful wicker chairs and the way you use red with them - gorgeous! I love Bridal Veil, too. Our screened-in porch faces west and that is the only plant that can survive there in the hot Georgia summer. So looking forward to the wedding china challenge!!

  13. I love the white wicker on that gorgeous porch of yours. The red geraniums are so pretty with it. It was 90 degrees one day last week but we can still get a frost. I never plant before Mother's Day. What's all the pollen from? We don't have that problem here.

  14. I am always happy to see you in my mailbox! Your porch will be beautiful. We are just now getting to use ours, although we seem to be getting a second wave of pollen. What a mess!

    We have been able to have brunch on the back porch a couple of times this week, and lunch, too. The pollen, however, still causes the sneezes!

  15. I've got a lot of catching up to do to get to where you are in the Spring/Summer readiness game!!! I've been in the mood, but my body has not cooperated. I want to get everything done before it gets consistently hot and humid. Spray painting the furniture is the job I dread most. :-(

    The pollen has been a mess here, too, but not like what it seems to be there. You guys had a really wet winter, so my guess is that it's affecting you at the highest level.

    I just love the ampleness of your back porch! I wish I could get the little stubborn Mr. on board with adding a patio or porch of some sort beneath our deck. It would really create a lot more livable outdoor space for us.

    Looking forward to the upcoming challenge! Have a great week!

  16. Your white wicker planters are gorgeous with the red flowers. I love wicker furniture but have never bought it for porches. We have such awful humidity here, that I think it would be terribly hard to keep at bay in the cracks of wicker. Thanks for the tip about Olympic. We pressure wash everything every couple of years, and I've wondered if it deteriorates our house paint prematurely. Your wedding china pattern is very pretty. You have quite a busy week. I hope you enjoy all your cooking and preparations as you make beautiful family memories.
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  17. Your deck is wonderful. I love the size and configuration, perfect for entertaining. I have not seen much real wicker furniture over the past ten or fifteen years. When I do see it the price is so high that I can't afford it. Your new chair has great classic lines to it, it should paint up very nicely. I can see your new planters filled with red flowers spilling over the side, maybe red callies with a tall spike in the middle surrounded with red geraniums. Have a wonderful day..... Candy

  18. Kathleen, what a wonderful large deck area you have! I have always loved wicker but have very little of it now. I did find a cute table that I throw out under the pergola. It needs to be resprayed this year. Do you brush yours with a wire brush before you paint it or just scrub it down? I bought annuals yesterday, but won't plant them till after Mothers Day. I too lost plants. Three roses, a flowering almond bush, two Delphiniums, and Lavender as well. Crazy winter! Looking forward to joining your china party!

  19. Wow! Lots of work, but the porch looks great already!

  20. It all looks so springy and pretty. I love the white everywhere, especially white wicker. Everything here needs a really good coat of paint, but right now they are doing major stuff to the outside in the way of repairs so I am holding off.

    Hope mine looks half as good as yours... eventually.

  21. BTW, does it have to be our fine/bone china, or can it be our every day pattern that we picked when we were getting married? I have been trying to do a table with my sister's everyday for the longest time, and we never have done it. It's different and springy.

  22. We lost a lot of plants at both our home in New Hampshire and our cottage in Maine. I know you are looking forward to happy days enjoying your outdoor deck.


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