Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring Tablescape Party~We’re Chasing Away the Cold!


Last week I posted that I’d host a little SPRING tablescape party to insure the cold and ice we have been having would leave us!  It is still barely above freezing at night, and the only things that have bloomed are the daffodils and forsythia, but we will get there!


So tonight, I’ll put up the linky, might as well, paid for it for a year.  Smile

Everyone is welcome to link up a new, non Easter table tonight!

It will be small, didn’t advertise it much but that’s ok! We may be able to hold it in a phone booth!  Oh wait, I haven’t seen one of those lately!  Where will Superman change clothes?

It has to be a new table, NOT Easter, and Springy. 

I have been reading that some bloggers are jumping to Summer, but not me!  We haven’t enjoyed Spring yet, here in NY.  I do understand the Southerners , but for those of us in the North East, we have to take time to smell the azaleas!  They haven’t even bloomed yet!

When my 3 sisters and I  asked for pierced ears, my mom told us that if God wanted us to have more holes in our ears, He would have made them that way!  If He wanted to have Summer follow Winter, He would have omitted Spring. It’s a little slow this year, we must be patient!

So I feel I am doing the Lord’s work in doing Spring posts, lol!  BTW, I still don’t have pierced ears.  My sister got hers done when she was 40 and said not to tell my mom!


I picked all these daffodils from the yard, and they were my inspiration, free flowers!


I got this pretty cotton  yellow and green striped remnant for $1.00 at Duralee.  Those of you who sew know that Duralee is a designer brand.  We are lucky to have an outlet about 50 min from here, and you have seen many of the bargains I have picked up there.  Always a fun hunt, and actually I am feeling the need to visit soon!


Lime green placemat, white dinner, pale yellow plate from clearance in HG.


A plaid with green, yellow and some blue in a picket fence napkin ring , a gift from my friend Gail.


The white handled soup bowls are Hutschenreuther, made in Germany, and were 1.00!  I found them on a bargain hunt with Alma a few years ago in Peter Andrews.

Swirled green flatware , Cambridge, via Cmas Tree Shops, and the little round bowls for a roll are from there too, .69.


The green and yellow stems were a gift from Alma.



I hope you all who celebrate Easter had a wonderful day!


We had a beautiful sunny day that began with Mike’s Cheese Babka.

(Alma gave me that pretty white runner!)


The Egg Hunt went well.  120 eggs were hidden and after each found 10, they counted up their loot!


The 2 youngest egg hunters…


My how they’ve grown!

I am sharing the recipe for my mom’s Rice Pudding. The whipped cream got piped on before we ate it. I shared it on FB so the gkids would have the recipe.  If you haven’t liked Cuisine Kathleen on FB, would you?  Thanks!



2   12 oz. Cans evaporated milk
1 Qt. whole milk
4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 T vanilla
Cinnamon and Raisins to taste
2 Bags of Success rice cooked
Mix the milks, sugar and beaten eggs and vanilla in a pot. Keep stirring till thickened. Stir in your raisins and cook a bit longer.
Put your rice in a casserole bowl, and pour over the thickened mixture. Add cinnamon on top and chill.
Serve with fresh whipped cream. This makes a huge bowl, as each bag of rice is 3 cups. You may want to halve it unless you have a crowd to eat it!



Chocolate pound cake, with ganache and fresh whipped cream.


Cupcake eggs filled with cream, and dipped in chocolate, the tradition continues!  I have been making them since my son was little, and now his 5 kids get them.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stop by Sarah’s, she’s giving away a $50 dollar gift card to Anthropologie.

If you are linking up, same rules apply.  One link, a link back somewhere in your post, not on a different page. No word id, and you have to visit at least 5 of the other entries. 

It has to be a new , non Easter table tonight!  I know, picky, picky!  Small party, we can be selective! >)

Don’t forget the next Let’s Dish  CHALLENGE is May 14, wedding china is the theme, yours, your mom’s, gma’s , aunt’s , etc

I am linking with

Jann at Share Your Cup

Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday

Diann and Linda for Thrifty Things Fri


  1. This is so sweet! The picket fence napkins are TO DIE FOR, they are so adorable! I also love the runner from Alma! Thank you for sharing your inspiration and adorable pics of the children! That pound cake looks devilishly divine!

  2. Lovin' the yellow and green striped tablecloth K! Yep, it's still a bit... frigid... here too, but I'm hopeful it will get nice soon:@)

  3. Kathleen,
    Your daffodils are gorgeous. They are such a harbinger of spring..and I won't tell you that mine are long gone and that the roses are beginning to, not a word of that to you. LOL I can't even imagine still having such cold weather...I'll bet you are very appreciative of warm weather when it gets there..
    This was a great idea for spring tables...and I agree....SPRING is God's idea and I'm sticking to it...
    Thank you for doing this and setting such a pretty table. I will be pinning your rice pudding recipe..
    Love, Mona

  4. Kathleen, I don't want to rush into summer at all. Spring is wonderful.
    Your daffodils look so healthy. All that cold must have been good for them. I know you are weary of all the cold weather.
    Your spring tablescape makes me happy. Wish I had a tablescape to share but I have been sick all week and am exhausted from working in the yard. It is that time of year if you don't get things done it will be so hot you will not want to go outside.
    Have a great week.

    1. Hope you feel better, Bonnie! I totally understand about getting the yard work done before it gets too hot! We haven't had many good yard work days, too cold or windy. Once the heat comes, forget it!

  5. I wish I was home to do some Spring tables! Looks like it might be June before I can do another table...that's OK! I'm enjoying YOUR table!
    hugs, Linda

  6. Kathleen, your pink and green tablescape is so pretty! Those adorable picket fence napkin rings really add to the Spring theme, too. I, also, adore those goblets - perfect for your table. All of your Easter photos are wonderful. It is so much fun to see all of the children. My grandchildren are getting too old for Easter egg hunts and I miss them - thanks for sharing yours.

  7. I hate to sound stupid (but I will-lol) The cans of evaporated milk? Are you talking the small ones or the big ones? I am going to copy this recipe over. Great Spring tables here!!!!!

    1. No, I should have said what size. 12 oz, Diana.

  8. Kathleen,
    Oh, dear friend. . .I already had this in the draft section of my blog when I read your challenge via Face Book!!! What a pleasant surprise!!! Perfect timing and a perfect fit!!!
    Thank youso very much for hosting!!!
    Appears your Easter was abundantly blessed, indeed!!!

  9. Completely forgot to add a thanks for the recipe for rice pudding. My mother-in-law used to make it for her family. My husband mentions it occasionally, but I have never prepared one. This is a great incentive - he thanks you, too - lol!!

  10. I love your jumping go into Spring table, Kathleen. Those picket fence napkin rings are adorable. Your grands are precious and growing so fast. Thanks for the rice pudding recipe... I love rice pudding! All your desserts look scrumptious. Thanks for the fun party! xo

  11. Just a word of caution: Shopping with Alma can be dangerous - you two always find some of the best bargains. It can fill up a house in no time. (I am so envious.) It's probably a good thing that my shopping buddy, Pat, and I live in a very remote area - I would have to buy another house if I lived near New York City. Thank you for posting today. I have missed it. I wish you and your family a warm Spring!

  12. The rice pudding does sound good.... Yum! The yellow and green Spring table looks so pretty and Springy. The wine glasses are gorgeous, and the flatware is perfect for a Spring table.

  13. What a lovely and fresh tablescape with pretty yellow daffs, Kathleen! I totally love those picket fence napkin holders, just too cute! Yummy rice pudding and thanks for the recipe. That Babka bread is making my mouth water!
    Your grands are gorgeous and the twins are the cutest ever! Love Alma's runner she gifted you, she's so generous!
    Thank you so much for hosting this challenge.

  14. Trust me! No one in Texas is ready to skip spring. We are savoring each of these days because we know all too well the dreaded heat that a Texas summer brings.
    Darling table, but the two little ones are the cutest! Amazing how quickly they grown. Thanks for the recipe for rice pudding. I haven't made rice pudding in years, though it used to be a favorite dessert.
    Thanks for hosting the Spring Tablescape Party. ~ Sarah

  15. What a pretty Spring table! I am SO glad you are not rushing into Summer! It makes me crazy that so many bloggers RUSH through every season, holiday etc. I want to enjoy the moment and am glad to find someone who feels the same:)

  16. I also did a yellow and green 'scape! I wish I had your daffodils for mine too. We don't have them here in FL. I also wish I had those little picket fence napkin rings! We haven't had rice pudding in ages, I love it and will try your recipe, don't think I've had it made with canned milk. I always enjoy your posts with not only beautiful tablescapes, but delicious looking food and adorable children!

    Thanks for hosting,

  17. Good for you being patient for spring! We are here too - still some snow banks in the front yard, we are a month behind last year! Your pretty yellow/green table certainly speaks spring to me. Looks like your Easter was lots of fun with lots of your yummy treats! Wish I would have had time to do a spring table to join in but alas, I didn't so I'll just stop over at a few of your guests.


    1. Thanks, DD! I appreciate you visiting the others!

  18. It was so windy and cold yesterday that I froze walking across the parking lot to work. It was only 47 degrees! My azaleas are ready to bloom as soon as we get some warm weather. My daffs haven't even opened yet. Looks like Easter day was filled with happy times. I am going to make my mom some of your rice pudding. Another beautiful table!

  19. Thank you Kathleen for the love support and encouragement.People like you inspired me to do something of what i am passionate about.It is fun to have my own label.Thank you and needless to tell about your creations.You are a all rounder and a inspiring person when it comes to table setting or other designing.Love sujatha..:):)

  20. Kathleen -- your table is so spring-like! Loving the daffodils and those little picket fence napkin rings are wonderful. We're still having the odd freezing night here in NW Kansas -- we're out covering all the garden goodies to they don't freeze but maybe, just maybe we're out of the woods now :)


  21. Lovely and fresh...just like spring. Love the tablecloth and napkins. Wonderful!

  22. Sorry I am late to the party...thanks for hosting!
    Beautiful spring table...we are getting our April showers late in the month, but raining it is. Makes it hard to get good photos as the dining room is on the north side of the house.
    E is getting so big...he looks just like one his older brothers.

  23. You are not late, M., it is open till late Fri. Glad you came!

  24. Thank you for hosting, Kathleen. Your daffodils are gorgeous. We have passed the fruit tree, daffodils and forsythia bloom stage, and now we have tulips, azaleas and dogwoods. We are trying to finish filling our planters this week.

    I love the soft blues and greens in your tablescape. You have such lovely things.♥

  25. I didn't realize you were hosting this week or I would have been here sooner! Your table certainly does sing Spring and we need it! I too want my spring, there is no way I'm going right to summer.

    And yes, I'm feeling the need for a trip to the fabric places too! When are we going?

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  26. We're in the same situation weatherwise over hear. I just have crocus blooming but the daffodils and tulips and coming up quickly. It looks like you had a nice Easter - ours was great. I posted my tablescape but had read your rules wrong so I deleted it since it was Easter oriented. Have a great rest of the week. Liz

    1. weather wise and *here not hear! Gees- I can't spell anymore!

  27. Beautiful Spring table Kathleen! Looks like you had another lovely Easter celebration, too.
    I'm hanging on to Spring. Summer will come soon enough. I'll actually be experiencing summer temps soon as Katie and I head out on Sunday for a road trip to North Carolina (Camp Lejeune) to welcome Andrew home from Afghanistan. Then I head to Florida to meet up with Dear at a conference he's attending. I'll be on the road still for your next challenge.

  28. Loved seeing the photos of the family, Kathleen! Gorgeous day here too.

  29. Everything looks delicious, Kathleen. I love rice pudding and haven't made it in ages. It reminds me of my grandmother. Can't believe how the kids have grown.

  30. I think the Southern gals get Summer weather a heck of a lot quicker than we do up here to the North. We're headed to Texas in a week or so, and I've looked at the forecast for the time we'll be there: in the 90's the whole time!!! Oh, my gosh! That's just wild! We don't usually get there until July. We'll be leaving temps in the very comfortable upper 60s to dive into those 90s. I am SO not ready for that just yet!!! I'd better pack my sunscreen!!!

    I didn't do a post this week. Lots of other stuff going on. Wish I would have so I could link up!

    I am a HUGE rice pudding fan!!! I could eat a whole baking dish of it all by myself in one sitting if I didn't think I'd keel over! The custardy feel is just SO good!!! Ramon bought me one of those burner things so I could dust the top with sugar and caramelize it. Oh, my gosh...heaven!!!

    I like your tablescape a lot. Yellow and green with white in the mix is always the ticket to Spring! And the daffodils...ALWAYS a sure sign that Spring is here!

    Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy these days of Spring!!!

  31. I haen't had rice pudding in years - nor made it since then. It was one of my dad's very favorite treats.

    Thank you for hosting - nice to be able to join you for a change, been too long. Have a great weekend.

  32. Kathleen, I wish spring would last longer here in NC if we could skip the pollen part! We are sneezing and wheezing our way through it but the azaleas and dogwoods make it worth it as long as I'm stocked up on Zyrtec :) The pollen is so thick as soon as soon as I wipe the table down outside it's back 10 minutes later and everything on the porch has to be removed and hosed down, so no table from me this week. Adorable Easter Egg Hunters! Love your cheery Daffies and your treats look delicious!

  33. I laughed when I saw your challenge for this week -- it's barely spring here in Chicagoland, so we have many weeks to go before I move on to summer tablescapes. Your table is crisp with the green shades, and I loved your photos from Easter. Thanks for hosting this "small" linky. :)

  34. I love your happy daffodil table! Look at all those sweet kiddos! HOw precious!

  35. Wow, how the little ones have grown! I missed seeing about the challenge but came to visit and decided to link up - better late than never, right?!!
    The daffodils are stunning. I went out in the backyard and saw they have been multiplying so I might be able to pick them. The front yard have all withered away! Spring flowers go away too fast!

  36. Kathleen your creativity is amazing. I LOVE the picket fence napkin rings just to cute.I tried finding plaid for Easter but settled on a lamb's wool material that even shedded.Susie

  37. It all looks so pretty! Yup, it is just starting to be spring around here and I am liking it lots! :)

  38. I'm late but oh so delighted by this table and the entire post. I had meant to do one. I just knew that this little impromptu challenge was meant for me. I just can't get it together. I have such a stupid mess around here from ADDebbie doing projects. Sighing.

    I loved your table, and the pictures from Easter were wonderful. Precious children and so beautiful!!
    I really loved what you said about spring, though. You are so right and dead on. (Frankly, this earlybird season hopping is one of the big things that sort of soured me to Blogland. I get kind of tired of feeling like I'm in a department store looking at Christmas in July around here all the time.

    There. Spilled it. Now, I should feel better.

    1. Debbie, so many feel the same way! What is the rush? So do you have your Cmas cards written out? :)

  39. Kathleen, the green and yellow is a perfect color combination for Spring. I'm with you girl, let's not rush Spring. Summer will get here soon enough. Let's enjoy the pastels a little longer. Those little egg hunters are darling! Loved the Santa suit photos too. Wish I could join your china party. I have china, but it was given to me 30 years ago by my MIL when we moved into our 2nd home. Never wanted china when I married. Thanks so much for sharing with SYC.

  40. Hello Kathleen, you sure know how to dress a table. Love your Spring themed table. It's such a beautiful time of year, why rush summer? So cute the little ones finding eggs.It seems I am always alittle late joining your party theme. Maybe I can join the Wedding china one. Have a happy week.


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