Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Barely Blue William Sonoma Bunny Table

First, I want to thank all those who took part in the challenge last week!  So many beautiful bird, egg or nest themed tables!  I enjoyed seeing your take on the challenge.

Don’t forget, the next one is May 14th.  The theme is wedding china, yours or your mom’s, gmom’s .  Dig it out, dust it off and do it up grand!  Give it a new spin.  Let’s see what you come up with!

I always ask dh want he thinks of my table.  Believe me, he walks by and doesn’t even look!  His response?  “kind of pale.”  He hasn’t heard about burlap , except to wrap the bushes in so the deer don’t eat them.  I haven’t gotten in to the burlap craze, honestly, it makes me itch, I think I am allergic to it. 

So here is my pale table!


I got these plates last year before Easter at the WS Outlet.  I think they were less than 10 dollars for four.  And then there is my coupon, lol!


They are joined by this PB sugar and creamer, which were also under 10 dollars for the set.

I set them on 2 cabbage plates, bunnies like cabbage I think, even without the corned beef.


A snowy white cut work table cloth to start.  I know it is snowy white cause I gave it an Easter cleaning with a mild clorox bath.

I used a natural string mat, CTS, 1.00, cut work plate from Horchow, the bunny plate, and a white egg cup and little white rippled saucer underneath, both from CTS.


The flatware is from Horchow.  The white butter domes are from CTS.

Little porcelain egg shaped bowls are from Villeroy and Boch Outlet.

Taller stem from clearance at CTS, 1.00 smaller are by Dansk, many years ago at the outlet that used to be here in Southampton.


The simple centerpiece is a PB Bunny filled with faux eggs and nestled into a PB charger, 2.00 at the outlet, with some baby’s breath.





Robin’s egg salt and peppers on a little tray from the Pfaltzgraff Clearance store, years ago.


I haven’t started the Easter baking yet, that will be Saturday.


Last year I made a Sour Cream Apple Pie. Recipe HERE


The Bunny whipped cream layer cake


And of course, the traditional eggs that I show you every year.  That’s because it is traditional, lol!

Bargains 213

I also show you the Babka dh makes every Easter, cause…well, you know, it is his tradition!


I’ll be back to show what I am making.  There will be 30 of us.

If I don’t see you, I wish you a very blessed Easter!


Thanks for stopping by!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Diann and Linda for Thrifty Things Friday

Gollum for Foodie Friday


Let’s have a little Spring Table Tour next week.  Impromptu , I will put the link up at 7 on Wed.  A new, fresh SPRING table, no reruns please.  Just because… we woke up to everything ice covered this morning, so we must push winter out of here with a very SPRINGY table.  Do you want to?  It will be small, but fun!


  1. Kathleen, I love this table and I cannot help myself - I want to fly up there and steal those fabulous dome individual butter dishes. I have the glass ones, but I have been crazy about your white ones for a while!! That shade of blue that you used is the perfect blue for Easter. You have done so a great job with this table. I am in a panic over feeding 9 people on Easter - I would be hospitalized, if I had to feed 30!! However, I know you will do it beautifully and with great style. Happy Easter, my New York friend! P. S. I am "in" for next week - it was 34 degrees here this morning - yikes!!

  2. Very pretty and so white and sparkling! Lovely PB bunny things!

  3. I love those bunny plate, Kathleen, and what a deal! Your cut work tablecloth looks so pretty, too. I'm with you on the burlap... it's just not my thing, either. I don't like the smell or the feel of it. As always, your desserts look scrumptious. Happy Easter blessings to you and your family. xo

    1. We must be the only 2 who aren't crazy about burlap! I agree, the smell isn't endearing either!

  4. Sour cream apple pie sounds different K! Happy Easter Week-have fun:@)

  5. Love your table and bunny cake is so cute. Easter blessings to you and yours!

  6. This is such a pretty (pale?) table for Easter!! Love the bunny plates and the whites just seem serene to me.
    hugs, Linda

  7. 30 for Easter! You are going to be one busy gal! I know it will all be fabulously delicious and your tables will be gorgeous.
    Your "pale" table is charming. Those bunny plates are adorable as are all the white bunny details. Not hosting Easter here this year, but I'll try to pull together a spring table to share next week. Sounds like a fun idea.
    Happy Easter!

    1. Yes, 30, but I have passed the torch! I will still do much of the food and the 120 filled eggs for the hunt, but I won't have to put away all the china and glasses!

  8. Love those bunny plates! Please cut me a LARGE slice of the Bunny whipped cream layer cake. We're only having 14 for Easter. I can't imagine the clean up with 30. LOL Happy Easter to you and your family.

  9. Beautiful table, Kathleen! I love all the bunnies including the plates and the food, yummy and so pretty!...Christine

  10. The table is lovely and your desserts look delicious. Love the soft colors with the browns and whites - very natural-looking, like early Spring with the snow melting and showing patches of earth . You always find such great bargains. Beautiful cut-work cloth.
    Have a great Easter

  11. What a beautiful table for Easter, so soft in all the pastel colors! The bunny plates are adorable and so are the White pieces too, so pretty everything! I also love the tablecloth. Your desserts look amazing as always and keeping tradition is the best. I too will be cooking saturday for Easter Sunday.
    Have a happy Easter ahead.

  12. Your DH nailed it and I really like the "kind of pale" look of your table, Kathleen! I'm not so into the "in your face" pastels associated with Easter and your t'scape is perfect! I like the touch of "rustic" look to it even without using burlap (I've succumbed to its appeal) and your chargers and centerpiece basket are perfect. Hope you have a wonderful Easter - I know the desserts will be fab and how fun to spend it with 30 people!


  13. I haven't even begun to set my Easter table yet. I have it in my head, and it has the same muted tones as your table does. I love this in the biggest way. Pale blue is the ultimate Easter color to me. This table is really beautiful. It's calm, too. That's not always easy to do in the springtime, (And contrary to all evidence, it is actually springtime. The fact that my heat is on and I live in south Georgia is crazy. I shall not complain to the snow survivors though. Hugs!!)

    I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  14. What really appeals to me with this table is the cohesive elements of the wood peeking out from under the cut work tablecloth, the look of the natural string placemats, the twig look on the rim of the bunny plates, and the PB charger in the centerpiece. The placement of all of your marvelous white outlet finds and the cut work white plates have a wonderful balance with all of the wood like elements. Beautiful design!

    It is a good thing that we don't have those outlet stores around here. I would not only be perpetually broke but never home because I would be hanging around the outlets for the next great bargain ( I would also have a perpetual smile on my face from the joy of finding those bargains).

    Thank you for having an impromptu Spring Table Tour next week.

  15. Kathleen:

    Your table looks just lovely. It feels peaceful which I believe is just the feeling we should have in our hearts as Easter approaches. Love those white domed butter dishes. I never did see those (but sure don't "need" them).

    Happy Easter and happy cooking. At least you're not hosting.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  16. Not too pale at all, Kathleen. I like it. I like it a lot. I like all the white with just the here-and-there touches of pastel.

    Funny about the burlap. Makes me itch, too, but I still like it. I don't have a lot of it because it's too hard on the upkeep. I remember once foolishly putting a swath of burlap in the washing machine after a dinner party. That stuff was ALL OVER the washing machine!!! What a mess!!! I'll never do anything like that again! Just spot cleaning for this gal!!!

    You have a beautiful collection of Easter decor, and I love it on this table. Tell hubby, respectfully, that he missed the mark on his assessment. You, on the other hand, hit the target dead on!

    Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family!

  17. Oh what a precious pale blue bunny tablescape! The cute bunny plate just sets the holiday mood. Have a blessed Easter!


  18. Such a charming Easter table with sweet egg cups and bunny plates. I am so jealous you live so close to many outlets and find such great deals. Your plates look great on the reticulated white chargers and the other layer of rattan.

    Good luck with all your baking. Great looking food previously.Have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

  19. Oh my of my fav Easter tablescapes!....I love the WS plates and those wonderful PB pieces...Wish I lived closer to their outlets!!!....Happy Easter to you and your family!

  20. Beautiful table, Kathleen! It has the look of nature about it. You got some great things on clearance. I love those rabbit plates. Happy Easter!

  21. What a pretty table!!! And the bunny cake is adorable too!! Happy Easter from Buttercup Bliss!

  22. Hope you and your family have a very Happy and blessed Easter, Kathleen! My son-in-law is cooking the Easter meal this year --he's a wonderful cook and we are looking forward to it!

  23. How do you always seem to find the most incredible deals!!? Amazing finds, and lovely table and food. I am sure your Easter was fab!

  24. well, I am a little late for Easter but better late than never. LOL Your table is so pretty..Your husband sounds like mine...I usually say what do you think...and he says..looks good....AFTER ALL that work and he just says looks good...LOL
    I have learned to just appreciate that!
    So glad for a little party at your place this week. I had just uploaded pictures of a new tablescape when I saw this..I always love your is my, now I am inspired to get the post done for tomorrow...
    Love, Mona

  25. Lovely!
    There is no doubt your Easter table was hoppin' (a wee pun). Happy Belated Easter, Kathleen!


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