Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Parade of Tables

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  When you are retired, everyday is a weekend.  I always get a kick out of retired people or people who don’t have a job they have to go to everyday, saying they are going on vacation!    I know, we all work, cook, clean, do laundry and garden, but working people do that as well as go to a job everydayI am very happy those days are in the past for me, I don’t know how I did it all!  Take a bow if you are still doing it!

Here are some Easter tables from the past…

Maybe you will get an idea for something you can use on your table.


IMG_0351 (4)

table 2166

table 2167

table 2164

table 2117

table 3592

table 3598table 3693

table 3653


Picture 2043


Picture 2052

Bargains 168

Bargains 173

Bargains 111

Bargains 098

Bargains 009

Bargains 057


Let's Dish 184

030Let's Dish 251

Let's Dish 249


QRA 025



I think I hit all the colors!  My next table is going to be barely colorful!

Still making the rounds on the Bird/egg/nest challenge from Wed.  If you haven’t seen it, take a look!  SO many fine feathered entries!


Thanks for stopping by!

I am joining Seasonal Sunday

Inspire Me Tues

You’re Gonna Love It Tues


  1. Kathleen, all your tables are amazing! The bunny dishes make my heart go hippity-hop. :)

  2. So many beautiful tables, Kathleen!

  3. Kathleen, I couldn't agree more about life in retirement. I pinch myself all the time to make sure this is really my life and not a dream. I don't know how one does it all too, so my hat's off to those who work full time.
    Your tables are each a delight. It's fun to see a review of what you've done. You get a sense of real accomplishment. Your WS oval platter with the bunnies is a sweet piece. I should have bought some of those pieces the year they were offered. I looked on eBay and the sellers are asking crazy prices of these.
    Enjoy your weekend. Hope you are having beautiful weather.

  4. The tables are all lovely Kathleen. Each one has it's own personality and plenty of inspiration to offer. Somehow yellow has ended up my favorite this year. The yellow and white table and the yellow and black table are so appealing to me. You do a wonderful job of mixing and combining colors. I will retire this year I hope. Have a wonderful week.

  5. I'm bowing... but with work being as difficult as it's been, I might not be able to straighten back up!!! Cute tables K, as always, I'm drawn to the polka dots:@)

  6. Those are some really cute ideas, Kathleen! I really love that last one and the ones with the polka dots won me over, too What fun- xo Diana

  7. This is a beautiful parade and how nice to have a ring side seat. I work part time and everyday that I'm off is a vacation! Have a great week!

  8. Gorgeous Kathleen! Everyone of your tables are so inspiring with so many eye Candy! Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean and yes, I don't want those working days back either since I stopped in 2007. I started working at 16 in Lerner's Shop...remember those stores, lol! The store was very close to Bryant High School in Woodside I walked there after school.....those were the days.


  9. How fun to see so many of your fabulous Easter/spring t'scapes all in one place! Lots of inspiration here! Hard to chose a fave but two that stand out are your wonderful "pansies/eggs down the center" one and the brown/white polka dot plates with striped t'cloth. Can't wait to see your "barely colourful" one...I'm doing something similar! As you suggested, I'm "taking a bow" - working full time really cuts into my tablescaping hours!


  10. I don't know how the heck I held down a full-time, high energy job, worked on my college degree, raised my son, AND kept a spotless, well-run home for all those years. was nuts! I feel overwhelmed these days with just having to keep house and take care of Ramon! I do take my job as housewife very seriously, though, so I put a lot of undue stress on myself sometimes. I need to take a chill pill!!! My hat's off to those ladies still out there on the wheel in that rat race!!!

  11. What wonderful eye candy, Kathleen! I love the bright colorful tables, but my favorite is the one featured in your header, with that stunning centerpiece! (And I look forward to retirement in a few years!) Full-Time Grandmama, that's the job title I want!

  12. I took a bow - I don't know how I do it ;o) And exercise, keep the house clean, make all our meals, assist my mother, etc. She told me to order lasagna for Easter and relax! LOL Maybe I will ;-) I always enjoy your tables, especially the Easter ones. The one in the header is quite lovely. Keep up the good work. I appreciate all you do for us on your blog! Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. It is easier when it becomes an empty nest, but the running around for all the sports, school activities etc are very busy years. Maybe you should take your mom's advice! I will be making my all my usual contributions, but I don't host 30 anymore!

  13. Beautiful dishes and tables, Kathleen. You have such a wonderful variety--colorful, elegant, cheerful, playful, serene. I keep hoping my husband will retire, but he says he will go out with his boots on! Me, I'm ready to enjoy life. When you're looking down the barrel at 70, it sure puts things in perspective. Life is too short not to play with dishes. I'll see you this week for Let's Dish. xxoo

    1. I guess some don't want to retire. I wanted to go out while I could still put my own boots on, LOL! Or as I always said, when they ask why you are retiring, rather than when! :)

  14. So much fun inspiration here. Love all the varieties and color combinations!

  15. So great to see all of those wonderful Easter tables. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  16. Love your Easter parade of tables Kathleen! Your header is my favorite :)

  17. Kathleen,
    All are so pretty and just scream Spring and Easter!! Thanks for brightening my day!!


  18. Do do Easter up right at your home, Kathleen! My favorite will always be the table with the pansies and eggs runner.

  19. What a fun collection of your Easter tables! So much inspiration!!

  20. Thank you for sharing such beautiful and inspiring ideas!!

  21. I remember the days of trying to work and keep house. Then, I added mothering to the mix and OY. I couldn't do it well so I will join you in giving a round of applause for those who can.

    As for the tables, they are lovely. I have had such a mess around here that I haven't done a table in way too long. I am going to be setting it for Easter so I am glad to get the inspiration. It doesn't matter what the season or theme is, your tables always inspire me. They really do.

  22. Thank you for the Easter parade Kathleen! I love the centerpiece with the Easter bonnets!
    Happy Easter and thanks for all the great parties!

  23. I enjoyed seeing your parade of Easter tables, dear Kathleen. I'm partial to to one with the long bird nest runner and also all the polka dot ones. I especially love the one with the plaid tablecloth and the pink polka dot plates. Thanks for sharing your Easter table finery with us and for your inspiration. I hope all is well with you and Mike and family. Happy Easter ! xo

  24. No one can beat your tables Katheen. Each have their own charm and I could not choose the best, as I love all the elements.

    TY for sharing.

    Happy Easter.
    /CC girl

  25. That was fun! Easter colors make me happy! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  26. All your tables are gorgeous! I love something from each one! Happy Easter!

  27. Kathleen,
    Gorgeous Tablescapes for your easter themes!!!
    Love the pastel polka dot eggs!
    My favorite is the chocolate brown polka dots!
    Oh, those brown and white eggs take me back to my childhood days
    on my grandparents acre and a half farm!!! Precious Memories!
    Thank you for all the inspiring ideas!
    HaPpY EaStEr!!!


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