Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Birds~Eggs~Nests Table Challenge~ National Audubon Dishes~Let’s Dish!

Hello, Ladies!  Time for the monthly challenge here!

Before you link up, please read this.  If you took the challenge you must have included at least one of the above elements in your scape.

You have to link back to this party in your post or at the end, but not on a different page.  We all know no one goes to that page! : ()

Please be a follower to link up, and link to no more than 5 parties. ( I am stealing that from Share Your Cup at Jann’s, it is a good idea!)I have a hard time remembering to link to that many!

Please put your blog name first. 

Turn off your word ID if you have it, it takes up too much time to type the code in, so people leave without commenting.

The most important thing is, that if you link, you visit at least 5 entries.  We are not a huge party, I know I run from parties where there are a huge amount of links. And remember, only ONE link.

   I know you get many visits from this party, as that is the kind of gals who link here, we visit each other!  Linking and running is not their way!

My inspiration tonight came from Alma, The Tablescaper.

She gifted me with these lovely BIRD dishes, pink compotes, AND the little white linen coaster on it for my birthday.  There are 12 plates and 3 different bird designs.  You will see those in later posts.

She also gave me the beautiful cut work runner beneath the plate.

The centerpiece started with this white ceramic bird bath I got, a few years ago at Michael’s.
White roses and babies breath, with some greens from the yard.

Some natural colored faux eggs added.


I started with a rose colored cotton cloth, birds nest charger, white cloth doily from the .99 store, rose Pfaltzgraff Filigree plate, bird plate and pink compote.


Silver swan napkin ring, as birds flock together!  I got them on ebay.
I paired a pale pink linen napkin with a white one.


The flatware is Calypso by Towle via Cmas Tree Shops.  Pier One carries it too, but more $$$.

Silver egg cup holds a pink hard boiled egg.


Glassware is by Gorham, via Lenox Outlet.


These are the little linen coasters Alma gave me.  Aren’t they darling?  The birdie glasses were also from Alma, and they will fly into a later post.


I think that’s about everything.  The nest chargers were a find at the PB Outlet on one of the bargain hunting trips with Alma, , 2.00 each!   I used them in this table too.

Let's Dish 324

Now hop around to all the other entries that you can, and tell them a little BIRD sent you!


Thanks so much for stopping by, you are so tweet!
Don't forget to add a link back to this party, those who don't will be deleted, sorry! 


The May Let’s Dish Challenge is May 14th.  The theme is WEDDING CHINA, which was suggested by two ladies. It can be your wedding china, or if you are not married, your mom’s or gmom’s.
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday,
Diann and Linda for Thrifty Things Fri
Bev for Pink Saturday 


  1. Kathleen, your whole table is gorgeous, but I especially adore those pink compotes! I love the unusual square shape! The nest chargers are wonderful, too -- and what a bargain! Alma is a sweetie to give you those pretty bird plates!

    1. Thanks, Tricia. Yes, Alma is the gifting queen! :)

  2. Kathleen, I love your table! How sweet of Alma t gift you the plates!!!!! They are just gorgeous! Love the compotes too. I have never seen the linen coasters! Great table!

  3. Beautiful and romantic table! I used to have or I should my mom had linen coasters. Love them. And the bird glasses. Kiwi and Pearlie give this 'scape an 11 out of 10! xo

    1. Now I know my table is "for the birds!" :)

  4. I love all the soft pinks on your table Kathleen and everything sings together! My favorite pieces are the square compotes, the nest chargers and the linen coasters, all so unique and beautiful! ~your challenges are always so much fun, I can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with! Thanks so much for inspiring us!

  5. Uh oh...May's challenge? I am SO ready for that one!!! Can't wait! I will be all over that like white on rice, sister!!! I love doing wedding tables!!!!!!!! That's my background, so I'll be totally in my comfort zone!!!

    You and Alma are so nice to each other! I wish I had another blog friend who lived close by to hang with!

    My Mom would love these plates from the National Audubon Society! She is an avid bird watcher. This gives me a great idea for Mother's Day!

    I LOVE those silver swan napkin rings!!! So graceful and sweet! Will we see those again for your wedding china tablescape? :-) They'd be perfect!!!

    Thanks for hosting the party again! I'm always excited to link up and to visit the blogs of others. This is my primary source of socialization! See you soon!

  6. Your table is so beautiful as usual, Kathleen. I wasn't prepared for the challenge because I was away cruising and I did not know about it until I visited Marigene's post, but I linked a table anyway which has a few nest elements. Too bad, I am not in Natchez cause I have lots of plates there with birds. I will just enjoy yours and the rests'....Christine

  7. Beautiful...the compotes are really mother's favorite would have been the hummingbird plates.

    I am glad that you made mention of people linking and running...I have left comments week after week on more than a few with nary one back...I now refuse to visit their blogs!

    1. Marigene - I think there might be something amiss with your blog. I noticed your comment earlier and I certainly have commented on your blog many, many times - at least I thought I did. I commented a few minutes ago, but the comment never showed up. I have never checked on that previously - hope you have gotten all of my praises for your beautiful tables!!

  8. Beautiful plates and lovely layering on your table, Kathleen. What a fun challenge for next month, too. Next month I'll be on the road with my daughter and not able to play. I'll be back soon to link up for today's challenge!

  9. Kathleen, I enjoyed seeing your Audubon dishes. I am using the same kind tonight, but different patterns. I love yours with the pink and those sherbet/compotes - swoon!! The nest chargers are great, too, and I really appreciate the price. That was amazing! I enjoyed this challenge and I am looking forward to the May one. Now, I just have to decide which of my wedding china patterns to use - yikes!!

  10. Woo Hoo! The party has started...I have been thinking about this all week. Can't wait to see all the goodies....Thanks for hosting another wonderful get together for all dish fanatics!

  11. Ooh Alma sure gifts you with such pretty things, Kathleen. I loved seeing how you combine everything so artistically. Thank you for hosting your fun challenge party. xo

  12. I love your table!! How nice of Alma to gift you those lovely plates! I am jealous, too, of your doilies! I buy mine at the 99¢ Store as well, but I have never seen such pretty ones!!❤❤❤. Thank you for such a fun and fabulous party!!

  13. Oh my goodness I love the plates Alma gifted you! My favorite thing here is the white doily and how it lays underneath the plate- what a great look! Those linen coasters are the neatest! Thanks for hosting- let's party!

  14. Hi Kathleen, Your table has so many fabulous elements that I don't know where to begin~the compotes, dishes, and those linen coasters~~I could use those~~and those white roses!! I also like the blue table. I wonder where my treble clef flatware is?? Inspiration for the next table. I've been soooo busy with many obligations lately, but I hope to start blogging again, especially if I get a new computer without a fruity keyboard. And I'll definitely do a wedding table! I have already used my china so I'll use my Mom's or maybe Charlotte's if she actually decides by then. Apparently girls are still choosing wedding china! Thanks for hosting! You know I'll be around tonight to visit everyone. Linda

  15. Yes! ...those plates Alma gave you are gorgeous and they really caught my eye first! I also love the birds centerpiece, what a lovely piece and of course, all the pink depression glass. Beautiful!
    Thank you so much for hosting this fun spring challenge!

  16. Lovin' the linen coasters K, never saw ones that go on top of the glass like that:@)

  17. So happy to have this party tonight Kathleen..It was fun and pushed me to be creative..thank you. I can't wait til May...I do love my wedding china... and little wedding cake toppers too..ohhhhh I can't wait!!
    Your table is lovely. Alma surely has been a great friend to you..and us... I just love those Audubon and Diane...
    It's a night I look forward to when I can see so many women I know and call friends...
    Love, Mona

  18. Great table! My favorite things are the nest charger, bird plates, swan napkin holders, and the-gasp-pink compotes. They are beautiful, my favorite of the table. I so enjoyed doing my table, a great challenge! Thanks Kathleen. Off to visit.

  19. Kathleen, I am so happy that you are enjoying all of your gifts! I have to say that I never envisioned them all together, but they look fabulous! Great table.

    Wedding china...hmmm. Of all the tables I have posted, I have never posted a table with my wedding china. I will have to give that some thought.It will be good to get it out and dust it off! LOL!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  20. I thought the birdbath was milk glass at first, it's such a pure looking white, very pretty. I love all the pink glassware, which I could find some cheap at a thrift! Take care - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  21. Kathleen, first I have to say that the Easter table in your header is absolutely stunning! Next, I have to say that I love everything on this table. Those compotes are so unique, and I am coveting them. What wonderful bird plates, and you always make me wish I could bargain shop with you and Alma. Those nest chargers are fab, and how clever you are to use the cloth doilies on top of them. I'm going to have to "borrow" that idea. Thanks for hosting. My mind is spinning with the ideas for the wedding china challenge. laurie

  22. Such pretty tables -- I love the bird's nest chargers! They are brilliant! And those plates are special as well!

  23. Thank you Kathleen for the wonderful party! Alma certainly has wonderful taste in gifts. The Audubon plates are lovely. I love hummingbird designs for a pretty spring table. The little coasters look so cute with the compotes.

  24. You have the prettiest table in the pink and green shades. Your bird plates are truly lovely and the addition of the swan napkin rings are also bird themed. The pink compotes are a beautiful chose for the layering in each place setting.
    Thanks for hosting this party and your tables are always so beautiful!

  25. What a PRETTY table, Kathleen! So is the one in the header & the blue one from a prior year. You always do such a nice job of providing visual interest & variety.
    I'm sorry I forgot all about the challenge. Not quite with the routine of things around here yet.
    I'm off to visit the participants for some much needed inspiration, although yours alone have provided some wonderful ideas. LOVE the little wine coasters used on the sherbert dishes!

    1. Hi Retta,
      So good to hear from you! Hope all is well there!

  26. Thank all of YOU dear ladies for taking part! I am half way through and amazed at the number of people who have beautiful bird dishes! Flying off to see some more!

  27. Kathleen, I love your bird nest chargers! And, what a deal at $2. :-) The lace doilies look beautiful against the bird nest texture. I enjoyed your Audubon plates very much, too. Thank you for hosting this challenge. It's been a lot of fun!
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  28. You and Alma give the nicest gifts to each other! I like your pretty in pink 'scape and bird plates are great! Also love those cloth doilies! Thanks for hosting, I always enjoy the challenges!


  29. Kathleen, when I saw your new header photo, I gasped in awe. What a stunning table! The "runner" of moss with flowers and eggs has to be the most creative centerpiece I've seen for Easter. Do you mind if I pin the image to my Pinterest Easter Inspiration Board?
    Fun challenge for this month. It made me think spring rather than Easter. Now that our days are actually spring-like, I'm out in the garden most of the time. So that's where I staged my challenge setting. '-)
    Absolutely wonderful details on your table. I adore your square pink compotes and the nest chargers. I'm going to check our PB Outlet for those chargers. The Audubon dishes are new to me. They are lovely!
    You feathered this table with perfect details just as a bird feathers its nest with perfect elements. Kudos to you for a fine table and the Tablescaper for gifting these wonderful pieces.
    Thanks for hosting this fun challenge! ~ Sarah

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I did that a few years ago when I hosted Easter. It was a laborious process with the table length centerpiece!

  30. It is so nice to take part in your challenges!! I always look forward to seeing everyones take on the theme. Your table is beautiful. Hard to believe that those white cloth doilies were only 99 cents, you make them look much more than that with all of your beautiful accents! Love the pink compotes!! Thanks again for hosting. Got a late start tonight- will have to catch up with everyone tomorrow!

  31. I must add...I usually read these blogs via my mobile phone, and I am so thankful Sarah mentioned the header....I went to the full site, and I am just enamored with your gorgeous table!! I have been planning to do a similar runner, but with grass....I must say your Spanish Moss is beautiful!!

  32. Lovely table...what wonderful birthday gifts, and you have used them perfectly! I love the pastel pink color scheme.

  33. Kathleen, I love your ceramic bird bath as a floral centerpiece! Your Audubon hummingbird plates are beautiful and such a tweet birthday gift! :)

  34. I love pink and this table is just so pretty! The doily idea is fabulous!! Love the bird plates. Thank you for hosting this fun tablescaping party!

  35. Dang, I completely forgot the challenge but am enjoying what you and others have done. Maybe if I start now I'll be ready for next year.

  36. Pretty, pretty, pretty! I love the doily between. Such a simple idea that brings so much WOW to the entire table. The plates are just beautiful. I am always amazed at the bargains you and Alma find. Dianne

  37. Another lovely table with so many pretty touches. Thank you for continuing to host -- I always enjoy your party.

  38. I know I'm late, but, better late than never! I love your tables! You are in the pink! My favorite color.....I love the little linen coasters and the doilies. Another beautiful table. Thank you for hosting.
    P.S. My husband had a quadruple bypass and I have been taking care of him. I can't wait for the May challenge! Happy Easter!


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