Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hearts & Flowers~Pfaltzgraff Pink Filigree & My WS Bargain

Hello Ladies, I hope you are all well!  I am enjoying my blog break or NOggin as Debbie at Words on Wheels calls it!  She is so funny, if you haven’t been to her blog, do stop over!
Anyway, I wanted to join in Laurie’s Valentine Party, I have never missed it.  It is open to everyone, and I know you would feel very welcome there!
The story of these Pfaltzgraff Pink Filigree plates is interesting, well, to me anyway. 0)
There was a very good sale , free shipping and a mrrebates % back also.  I don’t have pink dishes, and wanted some to play with.  Alma, The Tablescaper, did too.  We combined our order to qualify for the free shipping, but since she ordered a lot more than I did, I sent it to her house.  Guess what!  She didn’t like the color and sent her service for 12 of pink and blue back! 
I thought it was ok, not a true pink, but it would do!
It is more a dusty rose color, and I had this fabric from when I made drapes for my dining room.
  It is a chintz or polished cotton, Schumacher I believe. (I bought a whole bolt of it when Fabric Bonanza was going out of business.  It was over 25 dollars a yard, but deeply discounted if I took the whole roll.  I had no idea what I was going to do with it, we were in the process of building this house, so I figured I could use it somewhere!)
I used my mirrored chargers, by Jay via, the Pfaltzgraff plates, and the lace edged plates are from Christmas Tree Shops.
The lace edged linen napkins as well as the flatware is from Horchow. 
Silver napkin rings with a pink candy kiss…napkin rings were obtained by saving LandO’Lakes butter coupons years ago!
Pink glassware is by Gorham, via Lenox Outlet.  Candlesticks are by Mikassa, and the love bird s & p are from Pier One.
I made the centerpiece with a bunch of mini carns from the supermarket in a silver compote from Savers.  Slim pickings on the flowers, so much snow and ice they are not getting their deliveries.
I would have like to fill it in the way I usually do with pachysandra from the garden but it is under a foot of snow turned to ice, so that was a NO!
A few weeks ago during a break in the Polar Vortex, I escaped to WSonoma Outlet.  They were having a big sale.

It is a 3 jar stacking thingamajig. 
Now you KNOW I wouldn’t pay that, not even close.  I got it for $10.00.  A lady on line had 6 of them, she was Christmas shopping for next year.  I guess it will be good to fill with grass and Easter candy too!
Foodie Friday party had a Secret Ingredient theme.  It was dark chocolate.  I think my jar qualifies, but just in case I’ll share this.
Chocolate chocolate chip cake, EN ROSED with fresh whipped cream.
This is the pan I used.  Cute.
I want to remind you about the 6TH Annual St. Patrick’s Day BLOG CRAWL on March 12th.  Please join me in celebrating  with a post featuring anything to do with the WEARIN’ of the GREEN.  It doesn’t have to be a tablescape, anything that would add to the celebration!
Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you soon!
Tablescape Thurs.
Inspiration Party at City Farmhouse,     Style Sisters
I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for her Valentine Party.
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Rattlebridge Farm for The Secret Ingredient Club.


  1. Oh, they even have stuff you can buy with saved up coupons or stamps anymore? Those were the fun days! I can remember eating a whole lot of breakfast cereal just to save up enough box tops for one thing or another!!! Those napkin rings are a little piece of history!

    Dusty rose...I think that's a pretty color! I have some plain dusty rose linens (52-in. x 114-in.)that a cake stylist friend recently gave me. If you want a couple, just let me know and I'll send them!

    I'm sorry you guys are still battling the snow and ice. It has been snowing here again since around 10 or so this morning. At least it covered up the dirty, slushy stuff from a few days ago! I think we're all looking forward to Spring!!!

    I love that stacked candy dish!!! That is really cool!!!

    How DO you make such perfect whipped cream roses??!???!! I have got to practice, I guess. I suck at it. I suck at most things, really, so the whipped cream thing should come as no surprise to me! :-)

    Try to stay warm!

    1. They say over 50% of the country is snow covered, so we are not alone. :) We have heat and food, so we are just fine. Plenty of closets can be cleaned and projects to do while stuck in the house, that's for sure!
      And we all know you are very talented, so enough with that not being good at things. You appear on TV! You and the Pioneer Woman!

  2. Kathleen,
    Your tablescape is stunning!
    I adore all the mix of dishes, dear friend!
    Those carnations are perfect, petite, dainty and pink!!!
    Glad to see you in my networking blog roll, once again. . .YOU've been missed!

  3. I wondered where you were hiding! Glad you found some more goodies for your stash. Love the tablescape!

    Stay warm. We are even cold in Florida right now.



  4. I like the dusty pink of your plates, and it all looks adorable with the vintage like rose cloth~says Valentines day for sure! The wearin of the green Mar 12 sounds fun, I'll be there thanks!

  5. What a delightful table setting. I especially like the Hersey Kisses napkin holders!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you! Cathy

  6. Great to see you back scaping! Your table looks very pretty but I'm glad I returned mine, I just have too many dishes to not hold out for what I really want. I recently found Sophie Conran plates in a lovely shade of pink. It was worth the wait.

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  7. Looks great Kathleen! I love those lacy heart shaped plates! Hope you are enjoying your bloggy break!


  8. I love the dusty rose dishes...I think they add a bit more sophistication than a lighter or brighter pink. Everything looks beautiful and romantic! And those stacked canisters!! $10.00??? I am determined to go to an outlet mall this summer, although all of the surrounding ones are over an hour away. But worth it!


  9. What a pretty table! Everything looks so festive!

  10. Absolutely beautiful, Kathleen. You had me at the lacy dusty pink plates and bowled me over with the tablecloth and pink glassware. So very romantic! I look forward to the March party! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  11. Nice to see a post, K, the table is just beautiful, of course, love the stacking jars. I hope to link up, it is still touch and go or touch and no go with iPad. Ha! xo

  12. Cute setting K, I love your new stacking jar! I miss the days of saving labels to send away for freebies, that was fun. Have a great week and here's hoping for clear weather and a nice thaw:@)

  13. I was hoping you would set a table. Love the hershey kiss on the napkin ring! The ribbon pan is so pretty, and you are the whipped cream queen ;o) Hope the ice melts soon for you. It's supposed to warm up here for Valentine's Day. xo

  14. Kathleen, you have been missed in Blogland! Your table is lovely, and I think those dishes are the perfect shade of pink to go with some glasses I bought at PB recently. Hmmmm. I do NOT need more dishes! The cake is gorgeous, too!

  15. Your table covering that you made is so pretty, Kathleen, and looks perfect with your flowery centerpiece and your beautiful stack of dishes. Your stacking jars will come in handy and what a deal! Of course, your chocolaty rose covered cake is the perfect ❤️ Day dessert. It was nice to see a post from you, but the NOggin break is great, isn't it??!! xo
    I so enjoy Debbie's yakking posts, too.

  16. Hi Kathleen - It's nice to see you back in bloggie land. I hope you are enjoying your break. Your pink theme for Valentine's Day is so pretty and festive. I like the dusty rose more than cotton candy pink. We have been buried in snow and ice. Schools are closed today.

  17. I'm so glad to see you bloggin' and not NOggin'! Thanks for the shout out. My mom actually told me about this post this morning. She had seen it, but we spent the whole day with her at the doctor so I couldn't get to see it until later. (BTW, she loved your table.)

    I love those dusty pink dishes, and they do go with the fabric perfectly. That's probably not that easy of a shade to find these days, either. Everything is more "pepto bismal pink" it seems. My favorite thing on the whole table is the napkin ring though. I love stuff like that.

    Loved the stacking thingamajig, too. I can think of so many uses for it. I would have been like the lady in line and wanted a load of them.

    I really am glad to see a post from you. I understand all too well about needing the break. I hope you are getting ready to come back to blogging. It's like "Hotel California" , you know. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

    (Hope you get that big fat 70s song reference...)

    1. Oh I do! " We haven't had that vintage here since 1969!". :)

  18. Love your table setting. Can you tell me where you got the pink glasses? Thanks.

    1. They are by Gorham and I got them at the Lenox Outlet a few years ago.

  19. I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you! Love that beautiful tablecloth! If I ever see those lace edged plates I will have to break my promise to myself to not buy anymore dishes! (I do that a lot! LOL!) The cake looks delicious, I never have real whipped cream anymore :-(

    P.S. - Will you be back next week, or do we have to wait for the Irish blog crawl?

  20. Kathleen could you please tell me where you get all the polka dotted dishware? I can't find it anywhere and it seems you have them in so many colors and unbelievable prices. the ones I see on line are like $24.00 each plate. As usual your tables are GORGEOUS and so wonderful to see. You are truly so gifted in the way you arrange and display.Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie. I got the plates at Christmas Tree Shops. They still had them last year.

  21. Beautiful table! Love your tablecloth and those beautiful glasses.

  22. Lordeeeeee that cake looks good...........yummmmmm!!!
    I love your blog header picture too...I REALLY need those red plates don'cha know :^)
    I hope the spring thaw comes soon for you....but not too don't want a flooded basement, etc..

  23. Wonderful tablescape and I love the dusty pink color of your new china! Your fabric really adds a lovely touch to the table. Glad you got out and found some great finds at the outlet. The weather is cold here in Texas but we can get out. My antique mall trip was where i filled up own pretty finds ad some green goblets for St. Patrick's. Have a fun Valentine's Day!


  24. Kathleen, I can't thank you enough for coming back for my party, and for showing up with such a pretty table. I can't believe Alma sent her dishes back. I love that pink color. It's so soft, and I think you'll be able to use it often, and your glasses look so pretty with them. Those chargers are gorgeous. I don't remember seeing those before. What a great deal "Bill" gave you on those stacked things, and how pretty they look with the candy in them. I suspect you and "Bill" have something going on! That centerpiece is stunning, and oh my! that cake! you should go into the business of selling cakes. You always create such beauties. I miss you, but I'm so glad you linked to my party. laurie

  25. Pink plates are really hard to find and so are pink goblets! What are they thinking - girls love pink. These are so fun.
    The candy stackers are beautiful. I can just see the kiddies unstacking them for me to get at what they want!

  26. Oh man, you got me with that rose cake, luscious! I have a few pieces of this Pfaltzgraff pink in my tablesetting. I purchased them back when they had outlet stores. I am plan I didn't hear about the sale with free shipping! Lovely table.

  27. If we ever got a WS outlet store nearby I'd probably be there once a week! Beautiful table, plates and jar tower! The cake takes the cake, though :) I am so impressed with your flower whipped cream decoration!

  28. What a lovely table...beautiful tablecloth. The cake looks delicious!
    Have a great weekend, Kathleen.

  29. Very pretty! Happy Valentines Day!

  30. Please tell me where you got the pink Pfaltzgraff plates, I have them in yellow and cannot find them anywhere to add to my collection. Thanks, Mandy

  31. Beautiful! Please share with me where you got the pink plates. I have a yellow set that I want to add to, but cannot find the pattern ANYWHERE!


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