Friday, February 14, 2014

Doily Cookies~Blueberry Abelskivers~ Chocolate Hearts ~Kitchen Time

I have wanted to try these for a while.  All the snow storms gave me the opportunity to spend some time in the kitchen!
Doily Cookies 003
Make your favorite sugar cookie recipe, and chill the dough at least 3 hours.
Roll it out, sprinkle with flour and place a crocheted doily over the top and roll.  Gently lift the doily out, and cut.  Chill thoroughly again, I put the tray outside as it is below freezing, and then gently lift the cookies off to place on your baking sheet. (You can google doily cookies for many versions.)
Doily Cookies 005
Doily Cookies 018
Doily Cookies 010
Doily Cookies 002
Some chocolate goodies perhaps?
Doily Cookies 019

Doily Cookies 021The doilies were made by my friend’s mom, Mary.  She passed a few years ago in her 90’s, and a true sweetheart.

5 Sweet hearts for my dil and son’s 5 SWEETHEARTS, my gkids.
Chocolate cake dipped in melted chocolate.
Doily Cookies 028
Doily Cookies 030
I didn’t forget the Mister, Blueberry abelskivers…They are filled with blueberry filling.
Fresh Blueberry Hemade muffins, no typo, HE made them!  0)
Last night I made Southern Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Asparagus.
SFC is a once in a blue moon treat here, and a little shredded cheddar on top of the mashed potatoes in place of adding butter is also a treat. (My friend Gail sent me the place mats and napkins a few years ago, and she made the napkin holders.)  She just sent me another treat which I will share with you soon!
Hope you all have a pleasant ♥ Day, treat yourself!
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Don’t forget the 6th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl on Mar. 12th.  All are welcome, just share something to celebrate the day!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am joining Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday


  1. I love the banner at the top, those napkins and tablecloth are too took me so long to go through the post, cause I just had to look at the one before and the one before that, I did not want to miss a thing....I have been under the weather and am not able to sit at the computer for long periods..Love the napkins and placemat too, I have those napkins and love them a lot...Love your blog

  2. Cute idea with the doilies...who thinks these things up! Abelskivers sound yummy, too.

  3. Tat is a wonderful selection of goodies, Kathleen!

    I have been thinking of you and hoping your DH is much better.

    I want to try and join your St. Patrick's Day party this year. Got to feel good enough to tablescape. Have been under the weather AGAIN. I wanted to saw my own head off lat night from a sinus headache. Yowza!

    Love to you and a Happy Valentine's Day!



  4. everything looks delicious! love the heart plate for the mashed potatoes! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Dh! xo

  5. Goodness, Kathleen, you've made such wonderful treats! The doily cookies are so pretty and perfect with a cup of tea. The grandkids will love their chocolate hearts and your sweetie certainly loved those blueberry abelskivers I'm sur, and your fried chicken meal. What a treat!. Your place settings all look very festive for ❤️ Day! Happy Valentine's Day to you, Kathleen. xo

  6. Lots of goodies at your house! If I had to pick one I'd choose blueberry abelskivers, those look fabulous!
    Looking forward to the St. Pat's fun!

  7. Do you have a basement room I could move into? I'd do my part in helping you finish off these goodies. I could wash dishes for my keep...

  8. Everything looks great K! I haven't had fried chicken in 100 years... Think I might treat myself soon! Happy Valentine's Day-enjoy:@)

  9. I love those doily cookies. I'm not the world's best cook, but I love to make cookies. I would definitely want to try to make those because they're so pretty. Actually, everything just looks fun and pretty in a heart shape. Even SFC and mashed potatoes look special.

    And how nice to see you here!!

  10. Hope you are having a good day in spite of the snow and ice. Our temps are like a blooming YoYo. All this looks so good -- you are a true artist with food.

  11. I agree with Phyllis about your banner it's very eye catchy. About an hour ago I was reorganizing my linens an came across some doilies I'd forgotten about. Perfect timing, love the cookies!

  12. You dream up some of the most amazing stuff!!! I have never even hear of a....what's that called? abelskiver!!! Really creative! I think my sister crochets doilies. I'll ask her to make some of these just so that I can proudly declare that I have actually not only HEARD of the word, but know what it is and have eaten some!!! :-)

    Happy Valentine's Day, darlin'!!!

  13. Those cookies are adorable. I'm going to try this. Certainly makes a pretty presentation.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. Wish I had your cookies right now! Hope the snow vanishes soon!

  15. The cookies look just wonderful!!! Can almost taste them!!! Have a grand weekend! Cathy

  16. The doily cookies are beautiful! Actually everything is beautiful :) i'm looking forward to your saint Patrick's day crawl :)

  17. Kathleen,
    Each setting is beautiful and filled with LOVE.
    My favorite setting has to be the pink!!!
    From My~Heart~To~Yours. . .Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  18. I am so in awe of your cookies..I'm wondering if you can use a paper doily?


    1. I think the paper would rip due to the butter in the cookies. If you try it let us know!

  19. I didn't get to do too much in the way of Valentines here this year so I love looking at your decorations :-) I'm going to have to try the cookie idea.

  20. You even baked up a storm:)
    I tried those doily cookies..I didn't press hard enough.. mine did not turn out pretty like yours:)
    Mike must appreciate the attention so much:)

  21. No calories in this post. LOL! Love all of your treats. Everything looks yummy!

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  22. Beautiful setting and your new cookies look great. I could take a bite right off the page. I'm already thinking about your March blog crawl.


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