Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014~Let’s Dish

Good evening, Ladies, hope the first day of the new year was a good one!
Mine was excellent!  I met Alma after Mass for Brunch, gift exchange and a trip to Pier One.  We had a great time.  I am sorry I am late, but we were having such a good time catching up!
It was dark by the time I got home, so the pictures are suffering.
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This was my inspiration for my little table, an adorable Baby New Year sitting on a box. I got them at, the Irish Santas in last week’s table were from there too.  (20% off your order for a few more days)
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The box has a harlequin and antique gold pattern, so I thought I would test your eyes with the patterned cloth I made from Duralee fabric.
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To give your eyes a break, I used a black placemat with a bead around the edge from West Elm outlet.  The plates are from HG.
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Flatware is from Horchow and the little white butter domes are from Cmas Tree hop.
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Not black tie, but a gold ribbon tied bow tie fashion on a black cotton napkin.
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A black footed ribbed glass for our beverage.
The centerpiece is a white cut work compote from CTS filled with greens, baby’s breath, gold filigree spheres and a gold candle and bow.
The Baby sits in a gold ramekin from World Market.
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The box says Happy New Year inside, and that is what I truly wish for all of you!  May 2014 be kind to all of us!
I am going to take a Blog Break, hope to be back for Laurie’s (Bargain Hunting with Laurie) Valentine’s Party!  There will definitely be the 6th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl in March, so start thinking green.
Same rules for Let’s Dish.  No word id, a link back to this party, blog name first .  Please be sure to visit at least 5 other entries if you link up.
Thanks so much for your visit!  See you in a bit!
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Diann for Thrifty Things Friday


  1. Hi Kathleen! Happy New Year to you! I will miss you and Let's Dish during your break. I truly look forward to it every week even when I don't link up, but I know we all have other lives outside the web world. Your little baby box is adorable. I hope all is well and that we hear from you during your break. Linda

  2. Oh goodness, that New Year's baby is the cutest thing ever! Love all the black and white! Thank you so much for all the wonderful parties, and you certainly deserve a break! Enjoy

  3. Happy New Year Kathleen! Love the black and white tablescape and adorable little box with the New Years’s baby. You will be missed while your away! All the best to your and yours in the new year.


  4. I love black and White and your table's dishes are great, along with the cloth to match! The New Year baby is adorable! Thank you for hostessing throughout 2013 and looking forward to 2014 fun! Happy and blessed New Year!

  5. Oh....enjoy your break Kathleen!


  6. Love that New Year's baby - it just "makes" your beautiful table. Your centerpiece is beautiful and I really like the bell there to "ring in the new!" We will miss you - blogging will just not be the same without Kathleen!!!

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Beautiful Tablescape for New Years Eve ever thing is a match. You did a great job putting this all together. Hoping you have a wonderful New Year with your family.

  8. What's not to love about black and white checks! Love the butter domes, so cute. Happy New Year Kathleen, & thanks for hosting. Joining in with my whimsical table this week.

  9. A very pretty and elegant table!

  10. Love the plates. The new year baby is so cute! never knew he existed. Happy new year to you and the family! Kathleen...Christine

  11. Great table, that Baby New Year is too cute. We'll miss you while you're on break, hurry back and enjoy the time off.

  12. The table is lovely, Kathleen. Wishes for a happy and healthy 2014.

  13. Love the black and white with the touches of gold. So NYE festive and the babies are darling. Dianne

  14. Sweet Kathleen-
    You knocked it out of the ball park with this one! I just love it. It's unlike anything anyone else has done. It straddles the line between casual and elegant. Bravo! And thanks for hosting and hosting and hosting. Enjoy your break. I took a couple of months off this summer and it was a good thing for me.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  15. Wow Kathleen I have NEVER known you to take a blog break. It is well deserved, though. When is this Valentine party? In Blogland it could be next week. Hahaha. xo

  16. UPS and FedEx are running on schedule now, so please box up and immediately send both the tablecloth and the dishes to me!!! :-) Really cool!!! You got a great buy with those little Baby New Years! So cute!

    I feel you on taking a little break! I will be doing likewise for a few weeks. 2013 was such a weasel, and it's time for me to get with the program now that 2013 is down the toilet where it belongs! :-)

    Happy New Year to you, sweet Kathleen! Enjoy your time to chill!!!!

  17. You sure know how to have some fun, Kathleen! Happy New Year!

  18. Kathleen, those boxes are so cute! You always find the best "stuff". Love the harlequin theme on this table. Such great plates and tablecloth. Thanks for the V'tine party mention. It will be here before we know it. I hope you make it back to Blogville for it. I hope your husband's health is progressing. Enjoy your break. I'll miss you! Happy New Year! laurie

  19. Kathleen, glad you two girls had a great time today. Fun way to begin the New Year! The harlequin theme is of course one of my favorites. Your little boxes are adorable. What a fun find!
    Enjoy your blog break. Hope your husband is improving and all is good. Happy New Year!

  20. Hi Kathleen,
    Happy New Year to you! Your harlequin table is stunning. I love the little boxes that adorn the pretty settings. You certainly deserve a blogging break. May you enjoy some time off and relax and continue to care for your hubby with your great meals. Hugs and blessings to you.
    p.s. I'm so glad that you and Alma could enjoy some time together!

  21. A fun new year table! I hope you enjoy your break. Wishing you and your family a very happy and blessed new year!

  22. Such a pretty table K, I love the Babies! Happy New Year, wishing you all the best in 2014-enjoy:@)

  23. Happy New Year, Kathleen! Since I'm a huge fan of a harlequin pattern, I loved this table immediately. Add the fact that I love any black and white combination, and it's even better. I understand the blog break completely. I took a very long one and was just about to shut down my blog when I decided that I missed it too much. Hope yours leaves you very rested and full of inspiration.

  24. Happy New Year Kathleen! Love your Baby New Year and your harlequin checks! I couldn't get a new table together this week and I'll miss dishing with you! Enjoy your break :)

  25. How cute is that baby New Year theme?! LOVE the black & white checks...Hyacinths-Sarah will be in 7th Heaven!
    I'll miss Let's Dish while you're gone but I totally understand the need for a break once in awhile.
    Recharge your batteries & we'll be here when you return.

    See you for Valentines Day!!

  26. That is one CUTE table! One of my favorites ever.

    Happy New Year!



  27. Hey Kathleen,
    I hope you find rest and everything you need while on your break. I too had decided to take a break but wanted to stop by first...You have been such a sweetheart to me this last year and I have enjoyed your party so much..I finally met some blogging friends through your party after 3 years of blogging...I hope to see you again in the spring with a renewed vigor for blogging....Enjoy your break....
    Love, Mona

  28. Very cute and so different table for New Years. Love the black and white and your little box is adorable.
    Rest up and enjoy the new year. Thanks so much for hosting

  29. Those decor piece are so cute, especially little baby New Year! Also, matching the patterned tablecloths with your plates was a bold decision that worked wonderfully. Enjoy your break!

  30. Happy new year, Kathleen! Love the black and white! It's always been a favorite of mine.

    Enjoy your break! I hope all is well and it's just for a needed rest. We all need those.

  31. That baby new year is just toooo cute!! I want them! LOL! Enjoy your blog break, we'll miss you!

    Happy New Year!


  32. OK, I want to see you do an Alice in Wonderland table with your black and white which is such fun. Speaking of fun, I know you had a great time with Alma. For the first time in 10 years, we are not in Maine right now, but that maybe just as well since it is freezing cold in Maine. Happy New Year, Kathleen.

  33. I hope you enjoy your break, Kathleen. I will look forward to seeing you for your St. Patrick's Day event. I hope the coming year will be a very healthy and happy one for you and your family.

  34. What a delightful table setting!!! Enjoy your time away!!!

  35. Your New Year's table is absolutely adorable!! Love the baby New Year!! Enjoy your break, I kind of took one myself!! Sometimes life just leads us off the path for a bit!

  36. Absolutely stunning! Of course, I adore black and white too. The table is perfection!

    Happy New Year and enjoy your break!


  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I love the New Year Baby! It certainly adds character to your tablescape. Happy New Year!
    Sam from

  39. Such a great design for New Years. The mix of black and white patterns establishes a neat "Let's Party" tone. Have a good break from blogging. If I'm invisible for a bit when you come back from your hiatus, it's because Sweet Mister is now going to have knee replacement surgery sometime in February or March...still waiting for a confirmed date. Thanks for the time and effort that you spend to host us each week. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  40. Your black and white table is stunning! Love the little New Year's Babies, too! Enjoy your break and happy 2014!

  41. Happy New Year Kathleen! Always love the black and white! The babies are so cute. Enjoy your break! I

  42. Black and white is so representative for New Years. Best wishes for the new year…enjoy your blogging break.

  43. Love the harlequin! Such a nice change for New Year's. That New Year's baby is adorable!

    You will be sorely missed. I hope that the blog break will be what you're looking for.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  44. The New Years babies are such a clever idea! Enjoy your time off!

  45. I hope you are having a relaxing blog break, Kathleen! this is a wonderful new year's table--I love the little boxes and I'm going to check out that link.

    I really did enjoy my visit back to NYC! It was so good to see my friends again and some of the sights. You are having a rough winter this year with all the cold and snow. It has been unseasonably mild here by contrast, but Colorado weather is very changeable. I hope you are able to make it to your grandson's birthday party! Stay cozy!

  46. Love the harlequin perfect for a New Year's table setting! I love love love those white butter dome at each place setting......beautifully done! I hope you are enjoying your break! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet comment! Hugs, Poppy


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