Wednesday, February 19, 2014

St. Patrick’s Day Tables~Time to think GREEN!

Good evening, Ladies!  It’s only 3 weeks from tonight, March 12th, the 6th Annual St. Patrick’s Day  Blog Crawl.  I know you just put away your red and pink, and I also know, not everyone celebrates St. Patrick’s Day!

I wanted to give you time to gather some GREEN together for the party!  It doesn’t have to be a table, it can be a recipe, a vignette, some beautiful Irish linens, whatevah!

  Just be sure to join in the fun, EVERYONE is welcome! 

You can look back at the last 5 years for some wonderful ideas posted by the participants.

I thought it would be fun , for me anyway, 0) to do a flashback to all the Irish themed tables I have done.  That way I will try to think of something new for this year!  Believe me, I am running out of material! 

Picture 207 (2)

Hope you will hop to it, like Spud, here, and drag out your green!

Picture 208

table 689

table 668

table 2020


table 2004

table 2016

table 1942

table 1894

table 3307

table 3287

table 3248

table 3386


table 3467

table 3425 (2)

table 3339

Picture 2009834

Picture 1945

March 2012 096875

Feb 2012 017


Feb 2012 014

Feb 2012 017



table 1982

table 3462

I knew you’d be thirsty after seeing all those!

I don’t have a clue what I will do this year, but The Tablescaper gave me something for Christmas that will fit right in!

I hope you will come to the party.  Just like Downton Abbey, you never know if it will get renewed for another season!  )

Next post, some Irish themed foods from the past!  Not yesterday’s mashed potatoes!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Katleen, you are the reason I did my first St. Patrick's Day post as I recall.

    I cannot believe all of those neat tablescapes. You are a marvel!

    Can't wait to see what the Tablescaper gave you.



  2. Wow you've done a lot of them! I shall make an effort to do one!

  3. You have done some fantastic tables. I really like the one in your header!

  4. Wow, that was a lot of St. Paddy's day tables! And so much fun to look back at. I hope you are doing well and all is good in your neck of the woods. Have a wonderful evening!

  5. Look at all your wonderful St. Paddy's Day dishes! Each and every table is so perfect! I always look forward to your St. Patrick's Day blog crawl, Kathleen. After all, I'm half Irish! :)

  6. I'm so glad you're back, and I can't wait for the annual Blog Crawl! I can see why you're having trouble. It's going to be hard to top these wonderful green tables. I loved seeing all of them again. laurie

  7. I will join in the St Pat's day crawl for sure! Love seeing all your wonderful tables!

  8. Oh My! That is a lot of green! Enjoyed seeing your cute tables!

  9. Funto look back at these tables, Kathleen. will start thinking about my green table.

  10. Beautiful tablescapes! You always make it fun to participate in the Blog Crawl...I hoping to be crawling right along with you. Going to the Ozarks this weekend so I'm going to be looking for something special for my table. All your tables are such great inspiration!
    Miss Bloomers

  11. Kathleen,
    This week, I've been "playing with my dishes" in anticpation of the upcoming challenge!!!
    You, dear friend, have filled me with ideas and inspiration!
    Looking forward to the 6th Annual St. Patrick's Blog Crawl.
    As I have heard it said, "Game On"!

  12. First, I love the header, I love pansies, can't wait to fix a pot up with them! I do not know how you can top any of the tables. Would you be able to link up my post for me, I don't know if I will be set up in time with a lap top. xo

  13. So many fab GREEN tables Kathleen! Spud brings back memories! I'll have to dig through my SP's supplies and see what I can come up with!


  14. Fun tables K! My favorite thing is the see through green chargers-fun! And save me one of those ales for after work today please:@)

  15. Your return to blog land kind of makes me want to do a jig. Could I post THAT for the party? LOL

    Seriously, I realllly don't want to miss this one. I don't even have a clue what I'm going to do yet, but I want to get the creative juices going.

    1. Now that would be something to see! Get your Irish Washerwoman on itunes, and start practicing! :)

  16. Wow, Kathleen, you shared a LOT of inspiration with us! It's unbelievable how many St. Patrick's Day tables you've set over the years! I am planning to join the party this year.

  17. You've provided so much inspiration, Kathleen. I was trying to pick a favorite table, but they're all beautiful. I'll be joining in your fun party, but need to put on my Irish thinking cap! xo

  18. Now that's a lot of inspiration for sure. I bought a tablecloth at Goodwill on Tuesday that could work for a St. Patty's day table. I hope I will be able to follow through... Blessings.

  19. Good heavens! I don't have anything to work with that hasn't been seen except for four wine glasses. I guess that is a start...

  20. Kathleen, I love it all!!! So glad I got to visit your blog again. Been out of circulation for over a year and now I'm getting back into the swing of things. Great table!

  21. Hi Kathleen! I'll definitely be back in time for your party! I can't miss this chance to go green!😊Linda

  22. I'll be joining in on the 12th, but you are definitely a hard act to follow!! (BTW: I love the setting on your header: where did you find those pansy napkins?!) Thank you for setting up the challenge and hosting the day!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  23. Glad to have you back Miss Kathleen! I am planning my table for the challenge. All of your past tables are fun and very inspirational.
    Let's Party!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity <;)

  24. What an array of tables! This is definitely your holiday! See you on the 12th!

  25. There is no way in this world YOU are running out of St. Patrick's Day ideas! I have a sneaking suspicion you are bluffing! :-) I, on the other hand, am tapped. I'm going to have to dig way down deep into the basement of my creativity to come up with something good. Last year I kind of went rogue. I think this year will have to be off the beaten path, too. We'll see. All I know is that I can't buy a single, solitary thing for it. If it ain't already in this house, it won't be in my tablescape! :-)

    Have a great weekend, Kathleen!

  26. That's a lot of St. Patrick Day tables! I'm sure you'll come up with something.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  27. Kathleen, your St Patrick's Day tables are marvelous. I will make sure the shamrocks are polished and that the leprechauns are on their best behavior for the occasion.

  28. So many beautiful St. Patrick themed tables, each and everyone as beautiful as the next. I love all your Irish table accessories, Kathleen....Christine

  29. What cute St Pat's decorations you have up! Love them.


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