Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nordic Trees Pan~Seasonal Sunday

Pullllease, don’t mention it if you have already taken down your tree!  I never knew  anyone did that  till I started blogging.  But I never knew anyone had guests on Christmas Eve either.  I guess everyone has their own customs.

I can’t imagine having to do that.  I feel like I just got the decorations up.  We always kept ours up till the Epiphany.

Maybe it is a regional thing, but New Years Day there are many open houses and people like to see the trees and decorations.  What is the rush, unless you have a live tree that has been up too long and is bald?  Or maybe if you are headed South for the winter.

I dread the thought of the hours and hours of work taking it all down.  Then everything looks so bare.

We will be here, so not till the Three Kings arrive will the decorations be leaving!  Smile

We always refer to this as Christmas week, lots of visiting and entertaining, and of course, some happy returns!

I haven’t gotten out yet, but I have a few bags that have to go back.

My friend Gail gifted me with the Nordic Pan. I know, all of you want to be Gail’s friend! 

I like that it can be used all winter, which here in NY lasts till March.  I think that is another reason we hold on to the Christmas lights, it brightens the dark, cold nights.


Here’s what the cake looks like on the label.


It has chocolate on the bottom, and white on the top.


Here’s mine.


The inside…



I had to make 2 recipes , a chocolate cake and a vanilla pound cake. I use Ina Garten’s with a few additions.

That was too much for the pan, so I made this.


This came to 1.59 with Gail’s 20% off coupon from Snip at Christmas Tree.

It is a good weight, I think it will last for many years.

I poured the light in first, then swirled the chocolate through it.

I haven’t cut it yet though.

I think the tree pan will be used a lot  this winter. (It came from Christmas Tree Shop, great prices on Nordic pans!)

  A simple dusting of confectionery sugar on a very moist pound cake is all you need.  Yes, of course, a scoop of ice cream couldn’t hurt!


Please join me this week for Let’s Dish.  You can still link up your Christmas table, I left the link open  as the next Let’s Dish is for New Years or non Christmas tables.  You can link a second on to that link if you have another Christmas table, that way we will keep all the Christmas together.

Hope you are enjoying Christmas week, relaxing and enjoying your Christmas lights!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

If you missed last week’s Let’s Dish, stop over and see some beautiful tables. There are some good ideas for New Year’s too!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. I was tempted but I'm happy to report my tree is still up! I have to be careful with it because it is really dry. Happy New Year to you and yours...

  2. I have to say I have seen those cakes before but never with chocolate in them! Looks great. Hope you had a merry Christmas and will have a great new year. sandie

  3. I won't be putting up my Christmas tree any time soon, since I didn't even have one this year. Our great garlanded new mantel and also the garlanded china cabinet and lighted windowsills in the living, dining, and kitchen were enough decorations for me. We never even missed the tree! Happy New Year. And I will be making King Cakes for the 12th Night. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  4. Your cake looks totally divine. I can taste the chocolate now. I am with you, the tree stays up at least another 10 days or so. It takes a couple of weeks for the family to get around and visit everyone's home during the holidays. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.

  5. Oh, you have that wonderful tree pan. I bought a cake at the grocery store that looks like it was baked in on of those. It wasn't as good as a home made, but I couldn't pass up the shape. We don't take our tree down til after the New Year. My grandmother took hers down before New Year...considered it bad luck. Guess because it was a real tree and maybe dangerous by that time. Also, some like having all the decorations put away and starting with a clean house for the new year. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year. xo Babs

  6. Kathleen, I have found that it is always hurry, hurry, hurry in the blog world. It just makes me dig in my heels more. Our tree may be on it's last leg by the first or second week of January, we just make sure we never leave it lit too long or while we aren't home. I love the lights and frankly, I am so busy before Christmas, it's nice to relax now and enjoy it.

    You did a wonderful job with the cake, it looks delicious. LOVE Ina. I'd also love to try this, I've seen the pans before. What a great gift!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

  7. I have a sudden urge for a piece of cake now!! I've never seen a cake like this before. I am sure I would have knocked off several of those tree tops just getting it out of the pan! Yours looks so pretty. Every year I say I am going to leave my tree up until the Feast of the Epiphany and I never quite make it. Growing up we put the tree up on the 21 and took it down the 27th- my dad was a fireman and refused to leave it up any longer than that!

    1. I know, the real ones get dry. But the artificial, no problem!

  8. What a cute cake! :-) Christmas has twelve days! We should not be in such a rush to get rid of it. (Although I usually do take down the decor on New Years day, or the weekend immediately following.)

  9. The cake looks wonderful, oh, yum!!!! I have a fake tree and it is small, sits on a tabletop in the dining room, everything is up until the end of January or sometimes right into Valentine's Day!!! It took a lot of work to get everything decorated and these favorite pieces are only seen once a year, so I will enjoy them as long as I can!!! And besides, winter is pretty glum in upstate New York, I need the color and lights a bit longer.......

  10. OH Kathleen, as you know, I'm with you!! Christmas decorations are meant to be enjoyed for ALL the 12 days of Christmas! Growing up, my mom would take everything down on Jan 2nd so that was the usual for me until I got married and DH taught me to relax and enjoy them well into January. Now, my mom does the same too! Do you think maybe bit by bit, comment by comment, we can convince others in Blogland, there's no rush! LOL! I find it fun to come up with ideas for next year's Christmas t'scapes and décor while I still have the items out to play with. And by the way, LOVE that pan and the cake looks super delish!


  11. Kathleen, our tree is still up. I like to enjoy it as long as I can. Love the little trees. I may have to get one of those. It's adorable.

  12. Hi Kathleen! Our tree and all the decorations stay up through the entire Christmas season~~ never coming down before the feast of the Epiphany! The 12 days of Christmas start Christmas day and so do our festivities! Your cake looks gorgeous. I would never have gotten it out of the pan looking so good! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Linda

  13. last yr..after Xmas..we went to Plattsburgh..I saw that tree pan..very good discount..
    I was Chrsitmased out..and passed..Could have kicked myself a few times since..I think the make beautiful gifts abig cello wrapping:)

    1. I think it was 12.99 less 20%. Yes, sweet gift idea!

  14. Oh Kathleen, thank you for your opening paragraph. It makes my blood boil. They are so proud as a peacock when they put it up and cocky as a wood chuck when they take it down. I am feeling very Scroogelike, so I say, bah humbug to early takedown. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they start in October? Lol. Love the pan. Cake looks awesome. Xo

  15. Your cake looks wonderful! I am a person who gets a live tree and unless it totally dries out (which happened a few years ago), I don't take my tree down until somewhere between January 3-8. Depends on the tree. I love to look at it all lit up and sparkling at night. It is my favorite decoration for Christmas. And I have to wait an entire year before I see all my favorite ornaments. I like to savor every last minute of it!

  16. Yep, my Christmas decorations are still up, Kathleen. I love the glow from the lights and the memories.
    I have that same Nordicware tree pan. It's so pretty,isn't it? I havn't done the chocolate on bottom, but have made my pistachio cake in it and it looks pretty. You're giving me inspiration to make that soon. xo

    1. I think the chocolate on the bottom represents the earth the trees are growing from. That's what it looks like in the picture that came with the pan,anyway. :). I am trying to think of other things to make in it.

  17. Kathleen, all my decorations are still up and I'm still celebrating! I have one of these cake pans but have never used it, maybe I finally will.

  18. I am with you. I have railed long and loud against all the rushing of the seasons we see on the blogs. It is SO ANNOYING! When I converted to the Episcopal church at age 23 is when I began leaving my tree up till the 6th of January, or the 12th night. Our parish always had a tree burning in the church yard (supervised by the Fire Dept!). Everyone hauled their dead trees over and we had a great bonfire before the Evening Prayers.

    Now like most people I use fake trees, but I kind of miss that ritual. After my last live tree, which was on the back porch at my last house, I said never again. Just TOO MESSY! All these folks who put up all that natural stuff at Thanksgiving -- I would certainly hate to have to clean it up!

    Your cake looks divine, as does all your food. One day I am coming up there so you can feed me...

  19. I saw this mold at the Nordic Ware site and have been going back and forth for over two months, debating with myself as to whether I really need another mold. After seeing this cake I don't think I have a choice: I have to get it! This is just gorgeous and your recipe looks delicious! And the white pedestal dish with the ribbon is the perfect way to display it! Love it all!

  20. What a wonderful gift...Gail knows you well. Pretty display on your cake plate, too.

    I wonder what would happen if you tinted a white cake mix with GREEN icing??? You could make an Irish Forest!!!
    I've never heard of Snip I'll have to check it out.

    I was going to link up my snowman teapot & Christmas cookies this coming week. I'm going to violate your rule of linking only one post, just so others will get to see it this week. I will do up something for New Years Eve instead. We'll be home..."amateurs night" is not safe on the highways.

    p.s. MY tree is still up & yes, we will have visitors all week long.

  21. I love the tree pan, love it! I have the cathedral pan but I like this one so much better. The cake is darling and looks delicious!
    My tree is still up!

    The French Hutch

  22. YES!!!!! My tree and decorations or still up and on at this time. We never take them down till after the 1st and have been know to leave them up till around the 12th. Of course that was when I was working. I am like some of the other ladies I am now getting to enjoy them since I was so busy before Christmas. Love the cake pan, I think you could ice with white icing for snow covered mountain and add skiers. <;) Always love you blogs and ideas that you pass on.

  23. What a beautiful cake. It is magical looking. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year, Ginger

  24. Hi Kathleen,

    I totally agree with your thoughts in this post. I just finished commenting on another post expressing very much the same sentiments. Blogging is a big competitive race for many, but not for me. We never take down our decorations before January 6th, and sometimes not even then. :)

    I love, love your new cake pan!! I have been a big fan of Nordic products for years; they really make good quality bakeware, IMO. We purchased a Nordic pan that makes 12 mini-bundt cakes over the holidays, but I haven't tried it out yet. Soon, though. :) Your cake turned out beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing with us, and enjoy the rest of your Christmas holiday!

    Warm hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  25. Your cake looks insanely good! That pan is awesome and I love the 2 kinds of batter! As for decor, I was born in Connecticut where decorations and the tree went up only a day or two before Christmas and stayed up until Epiphany, but now that I have lived all over the country I have learned to accept other ways, each to his own. I personally can't wait to de clutter after any holiday even though I love to go all out decorating in anticipation~plus in the deep south, a real tree and greens don't last very long...thanks so much for the weekly parties, Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, each area does things differently. Here people keep their Cmas lights on pretty much till the end of Jan. I think the cold climate is a big influence. We have 3 more long months of dreary winter, so we hold on to the holiday longer!
      I haven't had a real tree in years, so no worry here about the tree drying out.
      To each her own. :)

  26. What a gorgeous cake, and a great's on my list. I told hubby I'm just leaving the little white lights on the enclosed porch ...permanently. Why not? Better start thinking about my table for let's dish this week.

  27. Not to worry...Our trees are still up and will be up through the New Year. It is probably regional though because many folks in my neck of the woods take their down as early as Christmas afternoon. I'm a transplant so I'm a cultural oddball.

    I love your pan! My mom got a beautiful new bundt pan for Christmas, and I can't wait to see how the creation turns out. I would probably make a hot mess of it if I had one like yours. It's just beautiful!

  28. It's so common in the south to take it down and pack it up on 12/26 and I'm already seeing blogs focused on Valentines Day. Personally I enjoy celebrating the twelve days and going a little slower, savoring family time whenever possible. Seasons Greetings!!!

  29. Oh, Kathleen, not only is that cake beautiful, but it looks luscious!! I love, love, love pound cake, anyway, but you have taken it to a whole different level! Wow! Happy New Year!! Rosie
    PS Are you saying we should wait until Jan. 8th to post New Year's Eve tables?

  30. I just put up my little Fiesta tree so it will stay up also. I feel like I missed Christmas even though we arrived home the Friday before. I didn't even think about a New Year's table until I logged in.
    Happy New Year!!!

  31. I am w/you, Kathleen. Hubby just got his train all set up under the tree. I try to have mine down by Nate's birthday on Jan. 10th.

  32. We have five trees up in our home. We started taking down the one in the living room, a small one, today and the real one downstairs. The real one is very dry and a tad dangerous and messy to have indoors. The small tree in the living room is a tabletop. I want to get the room back together. Have had a bit of a health problem over the holidays and I know it will take awhile to take everything down. It took about 6 weeks to get it all together. Anyway, with the real tree out and the small tabletop tree, we will still have two large trees and another tabletop still up, so It's not like clearing the house of Christmas all at once.
    I know seasonal traditions can be a touchy subject, but there are different traditions for different families. The differences of the world is what makes it more interesting. Just an opinion.
    On another note, I am not in the mood for tables right now, holiday or otherwise.:-) Maybe next week.

  33. Hi lovely lady.
    All my decorations are still up and I'm still celebrating! seeing it takes so long to put it all up. but will be coming down on Jan 12/2014. I also love your cake pan sweet for the Holidays. Hoping you have a wonderful New Year with your family.

  34. Hi Kathleen, I'm a new GFC friend. Besides wanting to be Gail's friend, I would to be yours too, so you would invite me for a bit of cake, it looks so yummy. Thanks for sharing where she got it and what is "Ina Garten’s"?

  35. Even as a child we never took our tree down until the Epiphany! This year we took it down early because Bobby was home and my recovery is still slow so I could not do it myself. That cake looks amazing. I would love a big slice to have with a good cup of coffee! Happy New Year!


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