Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thanksgiving is in the Air! Let’s Dish # 87


What a week!  DH got sick last Thursday, and I have been a nurse all week.

  Today we again went to the doc, and the news was good.  The tests came back, and it is an infection, and he should be better in a few days.  I will have to fatten him up, he has lost about 6 lbs, so I will be baking him something good this week!

table 1308

Some individual apple crisps are on the menu, I already peeled the apples.  A big scoop of ice cream will help.


Needless to say, Clara Barton didn’t get to do a table.

Here’s to all the nurses out there, you work hard!


table 318

Time to pull out this pretty Lenox Cake plate, a gift to myself a few years ago.  I know I have shown this before.


table 319

I love how the bottom is shaped like a pumpkin.

These are shortbread cookies made in nut shaped molds.  You fill them with chocolate or jam. Molds came from King Arthur.

table 366

They would be good piled on that pretty plate.

Or maybe this cornucopia pumpkin cake…

October Witches 371

table 1242 (2)

As TURKEY TIME draws near, I find myself leaping ahead to Christmas planning.  After this week I realize how illness can throw schedules way out of whack, so I want to try and be prepared early!


FIND A PICTURE OF a Christmas , or a Hanukkah   HOLIDAY TABLE AND  TRY TO DUPLICATE IT.  It can be from a magazine, book, or Pinterest or a blog.  Be sure to give credit to where it came from.

Show us the original, and your version.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

I didn’t do a challenge for Nov.  I know everyone is doing Fall tables, so we will skip this month.

Hope things will settle down this week, lots to catch up on, and I sure hope dh will be well enough to go to the dump!  I hate that job!  :)

Have a wonderful November week, busy times ahead for everyone, it sneaks up quickly!

Same rules to link up.  A dish related entry, link back to this party, no word id, BLOG NAME FIRST and please visit at least 5 entries.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sorry to hear about your DH. I hope he's better soon. Thanks for hosting! Jennifer

  2. Glad to hear your hubby is better. Love those cookies! What fun. We are getting ready for a get together here on Sunday and I'm happy to say I'll be able to post our time for "Let's Dish" next week.

    1. No, not yet, but he should be ok in a few days. Right now he is as weak as a kitten.

  3. It is good to hear your hubby is feeling better, Kathleen.
    The goodies look scrumptious!

  4. Kathleen,
    Sorry to hear your husband has been surely does throw everything out of whack when that happens...Your goodies look the little nut shaped cookies..and your cake plate too....Thanks for hosting this fun party..
    Love, Mona

  5. So sorry you had to play nurse all week, I'm not really good at that job! Hopefully things will be back to normal soon and you can get back to playing with all your pretty dishes! Love your pumpkin cake plate! Thanks for hosting,

  6. I'm sorry about your DH, Kathleen, but I'm sure he enjoyed you being his nurse. With your good cooking, he'll be better in no time.
    I didn't link up this week. I'm just feeling a little blue and didn't feel quite up to it. I do love seeing your pretty things, though. I love the cake stand with the pumpkin pedestal. The apple crisps look so tasty. I wish I had a serving right now for my dessert. xo

  7. Glad your DH will be on the mend soon Kathleen, hurrah for nurses and an excuse to bake! I'm afraid my nursing skills are more of the Nurse Ratched variety rather than Clara Barton :) Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hi Kathleen, So sorry to hear that DH has an infection! I do too--a sinus infection I've been fighting since I had pneumonia last winter, although of course I did not manage to lose 6 lbs! I'm on a brand new antibiotic and I'm trying not to think about all the dishes I could have purchased for the price of our co-pay! Now I know why generics are so popular!! The pumpkin cornucopia looks delicious. I love pumpkin breads and cakes. The challenge sounds exciting. So we can copy a blog table? Hmm…I'll have to start exploring! Hope DH is back on his feet soon. Linda

  9. I'm so sorry you've had to be nurse, and so sorry he's been sick. I hope you don't get it! If anyone can fatten him up, it will be you. If I lived at your house, I would be humongous. Your food pictures always make my mouth water. I'm looking forward to using my cornucopia mold again. Love your beautiful Fall cake stand. Thank you for hosting. laurie

  10. I'm glad Mike will be on the mend. I always enjoy seeing that pretty cake stand with the pumpkin pedestal. I'll join you for a table on December 11. I'm up for the challenge!

  11. Kathleen, I hope your DH makes a quick and complete recovery. So sorry you've had to play nursemaid this week. I love your Dec. challenge. I'll have to see what I can come up with... Thanks for hosting!

  12. Hi lovely lady.
    I see you had to be a nurse for your Hubby I know he is getting a lot of love from you. Thanks so much for having your linky party for us this week.

  13. Hope Mike gets over whatever he has contracted.
    Can you believe I STILL haven't ever used my walnut many years have I had them?!
    Have a great week, Kathleen...

  14. So happy to hear that it's nothing serious. He should be turning the corner in no time.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  15. Hope your DH feels better soon and pleease don't fatten him up too much! Thank you for the party.

  16. Hi Kathleen, hope Mike is on the mend, with your cooking and baking, he will be fine in no time!

  17. All that yummy food is sure to help your DH recover quickly! Take care of yourself so you won't get sick too!

    Thanks for hosting.


  18. Why have I never thought to make individual crisps? You can bet u will now. Thanks!

  19. Not on my regular computer. I left a comment earlier today, but it didn't post.
    Sorry to hear that Mike is not well. Hope he has a speedy recovery. The baked goods should help!!!
    Thanks for ghosin,

  20. Hi, Kathleen,
    I love the table in your header and that cake plate is lovely and sooo unique. I hope your hubby is feeling better.Oh, by the way, I accidentally linked up twice and could not delete the link labeled "Simple Supper to" which leads to nowhere.I'm sorry about that. I'm still new to this, and very technologically challenged! I hope it doesn't present a problem. Have a good week. Rosie

  21. Glad to hear your hubby is feeling better! I'm sure you'll be able to fatten him up in no time:@)

  22. Love that Lenox plate! Beautiful...

  23. Glad things are getting back to normal for you! Wishing you WELL!!! Cathy

  24. Hi, Kathleen. I'm sorry you've had a rough week. I hope dh gets well and things settle down before the weekend - so you two can enjoy it. You set a beautiful table, even while being nurse. Thank you for hosting in the midst of it all. Your parties are always full of inspiration and loveliness!
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  25. It's been a crazy week for me also! I am hoping to get back to a scheduled blogging routine soon! Love your cake stand! Take and and I like the Dec challenge! I better start now so I can really get it done! LOL!

  26. Kathleen,
    Sorry to hear the your dear husband has been ill.
    Here on the Prairie, I've been the one recuperating from surgery. . .
    no weight loss, though!
    I truly miss not participating, but perhaps soon, dear friend!!!
    Love that cake plate with the little pumpkin stand!!!
    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish each week. . .
    and what a special word of thanks to Nurses!!!
    They were, truly, angels attending for me recently!!!

  27. Hoping that your dear husband is all better by now, Miss Nightingale. I loved that cake plate. I have actually been planning to make one with this pumpkin shaped thingie that I found as a base. I had forgotten so now you have reminded me. Thanks!

    I have been organizing my dishes in a new fashion, and now I'm all pouty because I miss tablescaping and all the fun and creativity of your party.


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