Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This and That~Let’s Dish # 86


WHHHOOO wishes you a Happy Halloween?  I do!

You may remember this little couple from last Christmas.


Dec 2012 091

Well, they have morphed into an owl and an angel!

The owl is my gson, the angel , his cousin.

My 1 year old owl won first place for his costume!  What a HOOT!


A few more of my gkids and their cousins at the annual Halloween party.

Picture 886

Are your thoughts turning toward Thanksgiving?

Picture 921Picture 889

Picture 847

October Witches 337

I don’t host Tgiving, so I have been browsing Christmas inspiration.

I know, too early, but I am slow!


The newest flyer for CTS has lots of dishes to tempt, and an adorable Debbie Mumm throw, which I couldn’t figure out how to get the picture to post!  :)  You can see the whole flyer on line, and as I said in my last post, you can shop limited items online.

I bought some new pink dishes from Pfaltzgraff on sale, and had hoped to do a scape for October Breast Cancer awareness…but life comes first.001

Sorry I am late, I was out all day, had a looong lunch with some HS friends, and we chatted for hours!

Thanks for stopping by!

Same rules, one dish related link, no word id, a link back to this party, and blog name first. Please, if you don’t have time to visit at least 5 entries, save your link for when you have time.  Thanks!


  1. Adorable owl and angel Kathleen! So glad to see CTS is online! Wishing you a Happy Halloween!

  2. Cute kiddo's Kathleen!

    Thanks so much for hosting. Life has been coming first in our neck of the woods,too.:-)

  3. The owl and angel are adorable!!!!!
    Can;t wait to try CTS on line!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  4. Oh my gosh, Kathleen, they are adorable!! I can't believe they grew so much and into the cutest little owl and angel!! Thank for the news about CTS! I am thinking about both Christmas and Thanksgiving as I will be hosting both but only 10 people. I'm focusing more on the table settings and less on the food! Same menu every year so I have it down now. I already see some ideas I will use on your table like the acorns so thanks for the inspiration and for hosting. Linda

  5. Kathleen, I enjoyed seeing all of your tables and the precious children. I am excited, about CTS going online, since I have none near me. Thanks for letting me know!

  6. Hi Kathleen! I love your Fall header...such a comforting 'scape and the soup looks delish! Your grands are adorable. I'm so glad you had fun chatting away with your HS friends...FUN! Thanks for hosting and Happy Halloween!

  7. Hey Kathleen,
    Your grands are so cute...Thanks for hosting all of us here...I do host Thanksgiving at our home so I have to focus on those tables this month....Happy November! favorite time of year...
    Love, Mona

  8. Those kids are precious!!!

    Thank you for hosting.

  9. What a fun event, Kathleen. The children are so adorable, so cute in their marvelous costumes. Beautiful tables as usual, love the transfer single serve bowls...Christine

  10. Well, that little owl is adorable. No wonder he won 1st place. '-)
    Yes, I'm beginning to think toward Thanksgiving because we'll have at least 12 here for dinner. Wish I had a set of those gorgeous tureens with the brown and white transferware and acorn finial. Were those Pottery Barn or William Sonoma? Wish I'd snagged a set of those.
    Happy Halloween! ~ Sarah

    1. Sarah, they were from WSonoma Outlet. But 12 would have broken the bank even at the Outlet. Black Friday they were 75% off. But I never shop then, jusy internet, can't stand the crowds!

  11. Your little owl and angel look so sweet in their costumes! The closest CTS to me is 500 miles away, thanks for letting us know about the on line shopping....hugs, Penny

  12. Your little owl is adorable! Halloween cutie pies :) Thanks for the information on CTS my closest is 2 hours away! Jennifer

  13. Your g'children are simply adorable in their customes, no wonder the Little one won First Place! Beautiful tablescapes as always, with so much attention to details! Thank you for hosting this great party. Happy Halloween.

  14. Oh that little owl and angel are so darn cute! brain is heading toward Thanksgiving. We will be celebrating early and meeting our middle son's girlfriend ...woohoo. She'll be staying with us for the weekend of the 15th...brave girl. Happy Halloween to you. Our daughter will be handing out candy in her faerie get up...Blessings.

  15. Very pretty fall 'scapes, including the new banner!

    The little owl is precious! Did you make the costume?

    Yep, we are hosting family this year for Thanksgiving.

    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish!


  16. Your tables always look good, but what really shines here is the photo of all your cute, cute grandkids!

  17. Love the tablescaping, but you lost me with that little pumpkin and angel in the first shot! Oh, how precious they are, as ad the other cuties.



  18. As "are" the others. The IPAD corrects my spelling, but it manages to miss. Argh!

  19. Oh, Kathleen...those wee ones are sooo precious! What a hoot is right!
    They really grew up in just one year.
    All your tables looks beautiful & you constantly amaze me at how many different pieces you have to mix & match & play with.
    Thanks for hosting LD tonight.

  20. Those two are so adorable! I wanted to do a pink tea, but apathy got in the way, plus life! lol Love your header. I am hosting Tday, need to pull out the dishes, xo

  21. The kids are adorable K! Happy Halloween:@)

  22. What sweet babies! Love them...can't wait to see what you do with the pink dishes.

  23. Oh Kathleen, those children are adorable! Great Fall scapes. I'm late this week too. As you said, life comes first, and I've been really living it this week. Christmas is so close to T'giving this year, we'd better start thinking about it. Thank you for hosting. laurie

  24. Oh they are too precious! May God Bless them! What a beautiful family! xoxo

  25. Oh your grands are the sweetest Kathleen! I have my ticket booked for a whirlwind visit in a few weeks to see my grandson in CT! Annnddd...there is a CTS not very far away from where I will be so...I am hoping I get to pop in and finally be able to say I've been to one LOL! Thanks for hosting dear! Happy Halloween!

  26. Your grandchildren are adorable! Love seeing little ones' costumes!!! Wish CST were close to me - you and the Tablescaper get so many bargains!!! Happy Halloween!

  27. Your grandkids are so cute...can't believe how much they have grown!
    Thanks for hosting each week.
    Have a wonderful week, Kathleen...

  28. It was so cute to see the owl and the angel together! An unexpected "couple" for sure but so sweet! Your Thanksgiving tables all look wonderful! Not too early for Christmas "thinking" to me, as you know, we are done with TG and its okay to think ahead now. I'm over in Ontario right now visiting my son for his bday (at univers) and its fun to see what the stores have out for Christmas already! Thanks for hosting LD!


  29. So funny when you say you have been browsing for we seek such inspiration from you!! The owl and angel are adorable!...Such great memories made!....and thanks for the fabulous Thanksgiving inspiration.

  30. Hi lovely lady.
    Your tablescape is Gorgeous looks like you and your family had a wonderful party.
    Thanks so much for having your linky party for us all, and Happy Halloween.

  31. So excited about the pink Filigree from Pfaltzgraff -- I may have to buy some for my daughter. Thanks for hosting!

  32. Those two are so cute Kathleen!
    I don't do Thanksgiving either, my brother and his wife do.
    I am sick of Autumn decor and ready to jump right into Christmas decorating.
    Hugs friend,

  33. Your grandchildren are absolutely precious both years but neat to share both pics so we can see how much they have grown.

  34. I like your new header! Love the grands photos! I am getting ready to host Thanksgiving. Can't wait!


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