Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let’s Dish 88

Nothing from me, dh is in ICU , but improving.  Just putting up the link so you can share amongst yourselves.

Thanks for all your good thoughts.

Same rules. Some of you are forgetting to link back to this party. Please remember to do that and put your BLOG name first.


  1. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear your dh is in ICU but I'm happy to hear he is doing better. Praying right now that he will get good enough to come home soon.

  2. Prayers and positive thoughts being sent to your DH and you Kathleen!!

  3. Kathleen,
    So sorry about your husband..saying a prayer for you both right now..thank you for taking time to post this. I do hope he is well quickly..
    Love, Mona

  4. Sorry to hear about your hubby K, hope he's out and feeling better soon! Take care!

  5. I am so sorry to hear that he is still in ICU....but the good news is...he is improving! I apologize for being one of those linkers that forgets to put my blog name first....I'll do better! Hugs, Penny

  6. Kathleen, I feel so bad. Last I knew he was doing the prep and taking anti biotics! Sending prayers to you both. xo

  7. Oh, Kathleen! I don't know how on earth I missed this, but I just prayed for you! Sending BIG hugs...



  8. Thinking of your poor DH, Kathleen! Too much of that going around lately.

  9. Sending healing thoughts to DH and you. I'm glad he is improving. It was really kind of you to allow us to link up with your blog this week, as you certainly have enough on your mind.
    Take care,

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    I am so sorry he is still in ICU. Sending prayers right now God Bless you both.

  11. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for recovery. Take care Kathleen.

  12. Nothing to link tonight but wanted to pass along prayers for your husbands quick recovery! Hugs Jennifer

  13. So sorry to hear DH is in ICU, but glad to hear he is improving. All the best from me and my husband to you and yours.

  14. Kathleen, I hope that your husband will be all right, too! Many hugs and prayers are being sent your way.

  15. You know my thoughts and prayers are with you. He's in the right place where they can care for him and thankfully he is improving.

    - Alma

  16. I hope your husband is feeling better in no time! Sending good thoughts his way....

  17. Kathleen,
    Prayers coming your way, dear friend for you and your husband!!!
    Hopefully he'll be home soon and on the way to a complete recovery!!!
    Thanks for hosting!!!

  18. Sending healing thoughts to Mike and hugs to sorry to hear he is in ICU.

  19. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry that things got worse for you and your sweetheart. Glad he's on the mend. Praying right now for both of you. [hugs]

  20. I've been praying so much for lots of people lately, specially for the Philippines, so I'm praying for you both as well. Hope your hubby feels better soon. Thank you for the party, so nice of you to have it running for us.

  21. Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I will have both of you in my prayers. How thoughtful of you to get the linky up with all you have going on. Take care of you too! Hugs, laurie

  22. So sorry, Kathleen. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!

  23. I'm so sorry about your hubby, Kathleen. You and your family are still in my prayers. I'm glad to hear he's doing better. Big hugs sent to you across the miles. xo

  24. oh no, so sorry to hear~praying for his speedy recovery and your strength!

  25. Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear your hubby is in ICU but glad to hear he's improving. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. Hi Kathleen - Prayers and blessings to you and hubby. Holly

  27. Kathleen, I'm glad to know your husband is improving and hopefully he can go home soon. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself as well. I'm sure you are exhausted.

  28. I'm sorry to hear that your husband has been in the hospital! Hopefully he will be better soon and be released to go home. Be sure to get some rest yourself. The little apple crisps from your last post sure look delicious. I always love all your beautiful tables.

  29. Prayers and positive thoughts being sent to Mike and you! Hope he is feeling better soon.

  30. Kathleen, I had so hoped after your husband's good test results at this time last week that he was on the mend. I'm so sorry to hear that he's in ICU. You've both obviously had a difficult week. Prayers continuing here...

  31. Dear Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear that your DH is in the ICU -- but that is the right place to be, when extra special care is needed. You can count on my prayers and my positive "vibes" coming your way. I am amazed that you have managed to put up the party this week; you are a remarkable lady.
    Hugs and healing wishes -- Cass

  32. My thoughts and prayers are with you, please know how much we all care.

  33. Kathleen, I am sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he is doing better. I will keep you and him in my prayers.

  34. Sending up prayers for your husband & the rest of the family. I hope you are all able to enjoy Thanksgiving together, at home.
    Sam from

  35. I hope your husband is better and will be back home soon. You must be worn out too. Lifting you both up in prayer. Please give us an update.


  36. Kathleen, I am truly so sorry that your husband is so ill. The ICU is the best place for him to be under the circumstances, they will take the best care of him. I am praying for his speedy recovery. And I am praying for you to have the strength to provide the care he will need when he comes home.


  37. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Praying for him for a speedy recovery, and for you, for peace and comfort! =(

  38. Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear about Mike. I hope he is doing better. Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  39. God is good, Katleen. Just keep the strong faith.

    DH will be highlighted in my and my family's prayers.

    Be strong.

    /CC girl

  40. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet husband Kathleen.

  41. Sorry to hear about your husband. My prayers are with you.

  42. Hi, Kathleen,
    I am sorry I just found out about your husband. I'm sending best wishes your way for his speedy recovery and continued strength for you as you go through this difficult time. Take care. Rosie


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