Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving Blues~Let’s Dish #88

Good evening, Ladies!  Thank you for all the prayers for my dh.  He is home, 20 lbs lighter and very weak, but getting stronger every day!
I appreciate all your good wishes, those of you who have taken an ambulance ride at 2 a.m. know how very frightening it is.  ICU was the best place for him as he needed transfusions for blood loss, and they took good care of him.  Thanks again to all those in nursing for all you do!
I managed to do a little table today while he was resting.  Not the usual Fall colors, are you all FALLED out?
REMINDER!  DEC. 11th is the next challenge.  You must show us a picture from the web or a magazine, and show us your interpretation of the Holiday  table.
Have you found yours yet?  I have 2 in mind.  I save old Christmas magazines for just that reason. 
I started with a blue and white cloth I have had for years from Villeroy and Boch.
Next came a blue glass charger, then the pierced plates from Horchow.
The glass Bormioli compotes top the stack, they were .99 , a great find!
The napkins are from the WSonoma outlet, and the white pearlized flatware is from Horchow.
I haven’t been out for a week, so I couldn’t get flowers, so a simple glass hurricane surrounded by small white pumpkins and some acorns is the centerpiece.
The blue stems were a great deal from the Pfaltzgraff dollar sale. They are a pretty color blue with a large bubble before the stem starts.
Look closely and you will see the bubble.
The white butter domes are from  Christmas Tree Shops.
A pair of white turkey salt and peppers are also from Christmas Tree Shops.
I hope you are all well into your Thanksgiving preparations!  We won’t be able to celebrate this year,  dh isn’t up to it.  I will miss being with my family, but I am very Thankful for God’s blessings!
Next week, Thanksgiving Eve, I am starting with Christmas.  I know many of you have already started your decorating for the holidays!

Skillet o Rama…
I am still finding lots of uses for those individual skillets I bought.
Macaroni and cheese, hot and bubbly.
Same rules to link up.
Please be sure your entry is TABLE related, not just a craft or a recipe.
BE SURE TO INCLUDE A LINK BACK TO THIS PARTY, so others will get visited.
Be a follower to link up, and one entry per week.
Visit at least 5 others and leave them a comment, and be sure you have no word ID.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am all in favor of non traditional colors - it just makes life a lot more fun. The blues are beautiful.
    Glad he is doing well and hope he continues to get stronger. I am sure everything was scary. Thinking of you!

  2. I did blue and white too, Kathleen! The mac and cheese looks so good. Love those cute skillets.

  3. Kathleen, glad to hear that your husband is improving. Frightening! He is lucky to have you taking good care of him.
    Your blue and white table is delightful. Love the tablecloth you used. Not sure I'll have a link for this week. Hope to next week…….Sarah

  4. Glad you hear your hubby is improving Kathleen! Your blue and white is so refreshing in a season of orange and brown!

  5. Kathleen, I am so glad that your husband is better and with your wonderful cooking, I am sure that he will gain some of that weight back soon! Your table is lovely - I, especially, love those blue stems. I cannot believe that you were able to purchase them for that price - wow! All of your blue and white is so fresh and pretty - it is a winner any time!

  6. Kathleen,
    I am so glad your husband is home and is getting better. I love your blue and white is quite sophisticated looking for Thanksgiving..and yes, I think I have a table for me to copy..looking through old Christmas magazine is a tradition for me every year. :-)
    Hope you're taking care of yourself too...thanks for being our hostess..
    Love, Mona

  7. Glad to hear your hubby is home and thanks so much for hosting! I love your tablescape for Thanksgiving :)

  8. So glad that your husband is better. I know your so glad to have him home. The tablescape is very pretty and I like the blue.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. You have to be so relieved that Mike is doing so well. Now, make sure you don't get run down nursing him back to health.
    Beautiful table...more than one of us did blue and white. Love the tablecloth. I will do my Thanksgiving table next week, Kathleen.
    Have a great week

  10. Glad to hear your hubby is home K! My money says you'll put some of that weight back on him in no time:@)

  11. Hi Kathleen....Marigene suggested I do a tablescape for tonight which got me playing with my dishes again and then I heard your hubby has been ill. Joyce had heard that he was sick. I'm glad to hear he is back home but boy that must have been scary for you and for him...I have been in an ambulance a few times in the middle of the night. But it is the best way for really fast treatment at the ER...I hope he has a speedy recovery and I'm sure with your cooking he'll get his weight back....Hugs, from Georgia....Sue.

  12. So happy to hear that dh is coming along. It's been quite a couple of weeks for you.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  13. It's good to know that your hubby is improving, Kathleen. With your wonderful cuisine, he'll get those pounds back in no time.
    Your "blues" table look so pretty with all your special touches.
    I don't have a table to share today. My MIL passed away yesterday and I'm flying to Ohio tomorrow morning. I know she was surprised when she went to heaven to see her middle son there waiting. xo

    1. Oh Kitty, I am so sorry to hear that! You have had your share of sorrow these past few months. Prayers for you!

  14. Oh goodness, I know you are truly thankful that your husband is finally home and on the mend, I hope it was therapeutic for you to do a tablescape and have some creative time. The blue is beautiful and refreshing after heavy fall colors. Thank you for hosting through all your challenges,

  15. Kathleen- I am so sorry I missed the news about your hubby. I am glad he is feeling better. Shall I send you some Wisconsin butter to fatten him up? You table looks just gorgeous!!! I love a blue table setting. xo Diana

  16. Wonderful to hear your dear Hubby is back home and in the right road to mending. Your tablescape is lovely, I love the reticulated china, my very fav...and of course, the blue is perfect! I also did a Tksgiving table, not so traditional either, I got a little tired of it, as now I'm even C'mas decorated all over the house! Thank you so much for the party. Rest yourself and keep calm now that he is home.

  17. We just got back from Europe past midnight so I didn't know your dh was confined but looks like he's home now and I am glad for that. Hope he is completely cured. Your table is gorgeous, lovely pierced plates....Christine

  18. So happy to hear that your dear hubby is improving. Can't imagine what a 2am ambulance ride would be like...
    May God restore him fully soon!

  19. So happy to hear your hubby is home and comfortable! I hope you can get a little rest now too.

    Thanks for hosting. Looks like we were thinking along the same lines with using white dishes! Love those pierced plates, they look lovely with the blue! That mac cheese looks delicious, great comfort food for your dh!


  20. Kathleen, I'm so glad your husband is home, and with your good cooking, I have no doubt he'll have that 20 lbs back quickly! I can't believe, with everything you've had going on, you did this beautiful tablescape. Of course, I always love blue and white. That tablecloth is gorgeous! Your pierced plates are so pretty. Thank you so much for hosting. laurie

  21. Your blue is refreshing! Although I think fall colors go smashingly with blues!

  22. Wow! You are truly amazing, Kathleen. In the midst of everything, you still have the presence of mind to come up with an extraordinary presentation. I love your choices of colors and all of your glassware, from chargers to glasses is lovely. Thank you for hosting after all you and your hubby have been through. I'm glad he's on the road to recovery! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  23. Kathleen, I'm so thankful your husband is home and beginning to recover. What a blessing!

    Your "blue" tablescape is really pretty. I am NOT all "Falled" out yet, but I do occasionally enjoy using blues in Autumn decorating. As for thoughts turning to Christmas decor... not until Thanksgiving afternoon at the earliest!

  24. Each season seems to claim a specific set of colors , you proved those folks wrong. Blue and white is perfect for every day, be proud. Love the pierced white china, people do not realize how hard they are to produce. Hope your best man keeps getting stronger and stays away from the hospital.

  25. May I borrow your tablecloth to go with my Goodwill blue and white dishes? I just haven't managed to put much together with them yet since blue is a new color for me. I'm glad to hear good news about your man's health.

  26. So glad for your good news! Hope your husband is much improved in the coming days. Your table goes to show that blue and white is a great combination for all seasons!

  27. Hi lovely lady.
    I am so happy to hear that your dear hubby is at home now, with all the love from you he will improve fast now. I love your blue and white tablescape sweet. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful week and just take it easy.

  28. Hi Kathleen, I've been away and am so far behind on my blog reading. I am very happy to hear that your dh is home and on the mend. I know those middle of the night trips are so frightening as I had many with my dad. Remember to take care of yourself so that you can be of the best use to dh! Your table is beautiful and refreshing. Blue and white is always good with me!! For the challenge do we need to copy or is a loose interpretation ok (different pattern but inspired by the original, etc.)? I'm not sure what I will do! Many prayers that dh will continue to improve. Linda

  29. So glad he is home and feeling better. That was scary. I am not fallen out, waiting patiently for Thanksgiving as I am hosting. xo

  30. I'm sorry to see your husband has been sick. I'm glad to see he's on the mend. I've been sick for a week myself but nothing life threatening. Just trying to get some energy back. I hope you are okay yourself. Being a care giver can wear you out too. Take care, Liz

  31. I love your pretty blue and white table! Glad to hear your husband is doing better.

  32. Kathleen, so sorry to hear that your DH has been ill. That is very scary! Glad he is feeling better and hopefully keeps improving day by day. Your B&W t'scape is wonderful - so unexpected for this time of year. Love the layering of tablecloths and how well they go with your dishes. Cute turkey S&P's too!


  33. So very sorry to hear your husband has been ill.
    Take care and best wishes Kathleen.

  34. Kathleen, I'm glad that Mike is on the mend. It is scary to see someone that ill. I'm glad he is home and recuperating. Cute turkey S & P's!! I'll be setting a Thanksgiving table soon, and will be hosting 14 this year. I'm actually ready for your December 11 challenge even though it's not very holidayish.

  35. I'm impressed that you were able to find the time & concentrate enough to create such a pretty table under the circumstances! I'm glad to hear Mike is improving...I'm sure your home cooking is a big part of it. When he is fully recovered, you should take him BACK to the ICU, just to see the nurses. We rarely got to see our patients after they left the floor & seldom heard how they were doing. I specifically remember one young guy who was hit on the head in a storm, by a tree branch while rushing home on his motorcycle. He was in a coma for MONTHS & none of us thought he would recover. We were astounded & thrilled when he WALKED back into ICU, to say 'thanks' to us for caring for him. It was a really gratifying moment that I remember now, more than 30+ years later.

    Healing hugs to you both,

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Lovely table, Kathleen, I love blue & white. So glad to hear your hubby is improving. Blessings to you both- Dawn @ We Call It

  38. AND #24 didn't bother to link up to you or say 'thanks' either! Boy, am I in an ugly mood this morning or what? Feel free to delete these comments after you've read them & taken care of the people who CAN'T READ & FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. I'm WAY out of the loop! I'll have to look back to see what the heck is going on with your husband! My heart just kind of skipped a little beat there. I'm glad he's back home and doing well, but I know that had to have scared the heboozalahbutt out of you!!!!!!

    I'm OK with a "non-traditional fall" table. There have been NO fall tables done around here this year, and there won't be. Mom is going to do Thanksgiving to take the physical burden off of me. Hooray! I'll just cook up a couple of dishes to take to her house. No need for a lot of decorating there, either, so I'm in! I'm putting my strength and energy into Christmas decorating instead.

    Dang......Rett is on a roll!!!!!! I will have to look to see what the heck??!?!?!! That IS very rude, though when people don't even bother to TRY to do right! The least they can do is be gracious toward their hostess. I think that kind of opens a window into how they act in "real life" by not being gracious.

    I hope I can pull something together for your party/challenge on the 11th. I have tables already ready to go for the next 5 weeks. Even being down for 4 months, I have barely looked at a magazine, so I will see what I can do. At least I'll have fun checking out everyone else's!

    Thanks so much for hosting again, Miss Kathleen, and I hope your husband is back in tip-top shape before you can say DISH CHALLENGE!!!!!! Have a good weekend!

    1. Welcome back, A.! It can be from the internet, book, magazine, whatevah!

  40. Kathleen, I'm so happy to hear that your dear hubby is back home again. Having you feed and take care of him is the best medicine he could have. Sending lots of healing thoughts his way and strength your way! Sometimes the holidays are just a little blue some years - perfect idea :)

  41. Glad to hear he is doing better! Great news :)

  42. I do hope your husband is restored to health soon. You are wonderful to go ahead with the party. Unfortunately I don't have anything to post this week, but I will enjoy the ones who did.

  43. I'm so sorry to read that you have been through such a scary time, Kathleen, and happy that Mike is home and recovering. I'm sure he will gain his strength back quickly with all the care you are giving him. I hope you enjoy a quiet Thanksgiving this year and know that I am sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way for a very speedy and complete recovery for your DH.

  44. Hi Cathleen! So sorry to hear about your husbands recent illness. I am glad he is doing better now and resting. I hope you can get some rest soon too! So scary! Your tablescape is beautiful and reminds me of winter. I am still in fall mode here, but chomping at the bit to move on to Christmas. Hope all continues to go well for your husband for a speedy recovery. Happy Thanksgiving!

  45. Kathleen, I too was praying for Mike and am glad that he is finally on the mend. How scary for both of you! As usual your table is beautiful and I am looking forward to the slower of pace of winter so that I may join you on Wednesdays. Your magazine photo challenge sounds extremely fun and will be a good "jumping in" start for me :)

  46. Hello I am your newest follower! Thanks for hosting this great party. I hope you'll stop by my blog soon too!


  47. Hi Kathleen, so sorry to hear that your DH had been ill. Hope he is feeling much better soon! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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