Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Let's Dish #89

table 1257
We’ll stay home this year, dh is recuperating and needs his rest.

Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.
 He is coming along.

We will miss seeing the children and their antics!

table 1313
Whether your gathering is small…

table 1247
Or large with many guests and many tables…

Let's Dish 1698

Let's Dish 1662

table 3641

Enjoy and count your blessings!  You are amongst mine!

October Witches 365
See you next week, when everyone will be into the next holiday!

I will be pulling out the Cmas, not much Tgiving actually got pulled out.

Don’t forget the Dec. 11 challenge.  Find at pic on the net or in a mag or book of a Holiday table.

 Show us the pic, then your version.

Thanks for stopping by, and Gobble, Gobble!

Same rules to link up.  MUST be dish related, a link back to this party, one entry per week, and BLOG name first.

  I did have to delete a few craft posts last week.
No word id permitted, and visit at least 5 other entries.


  1. Bless you Kathleen...I am so glad your husband is getting better...I most surely count you among my blessings....thanks for hosting and have a Happy Thanksgiving...
    Love, Mona

  2. Kathleen, I sure hope your husband continues to improve. Enjoy the warmth of this season, wishing you a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving too............

  3. Sorry you won't be able to get to dine with the family, but it is more important Mike recovers completely.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen...and Mike.

  4. I am sorry you are going to miss your family but I know you are very thankful for your husband's health. I am recovering from surgery too and just the last few weeks, feeling close to normal. I am so thankful. Thanks to Marigene for sending me here. Thank you to you for hosting. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Hello, Barbara, and welcome! Glad you are feeling better, just in time for the. Holidays!

  5. I will have 12 guests on Saturday, as there's no celeb here, but I do and other American friends as well. I'm having two this Saturday! Your kids are gorgeous, how fun to celebrate with all your dear family. Many blessings and thank you for the party this week.

  6. Glad your hubby is improving Kathleen! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  7. May you and your dear hubby have a restful Thanksgiving, sweet friend. Thank you for hosting your party and Happy Thanksgiving blessings to you. xxoo

  8. Oh goodness, I forgot! Each table is gorgeous, such dishes and elements for Tksgiving are awesome!
    Hope your husband is on the road to recovery.

  9. Beautiful tables! What a blessing that your hubby is feeling better. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...hugs, Penny

  10. So glad hubby is improving. I know, with you cooking, the two of you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Guess you did make a cornucopia cake this year with everything you've had going on. I made mine, and it turned out pretty good. What a cute pic of the grands. You are definitely one of my blessings. Happy Thanksgiving. laurie

  11. Hi lovely lady.
    Warm thoughts at Thanksgiving for you and your family from my home to yours. Hoping your hubby gets better soon~"

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen!

  13. Kathleen,
    My prayers are with you and your husband as he continues
    to renew his health and regain his strength.
    I, truly am inspired by Let's Dish each and every week. . .
    thank you so much for hosting!!!
    With A "Grateful" Heart contains a Thanksgiving Prayer. . .
    when I count my blessings, your name will be whispered in my prayers!
    Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  14. Kathleen:

    I'm so happy to hear that dh is coming along!!!

    Have a very blessed Thanksgiving.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  15. Thanks for hosting on Thanksgiving Eve! Glad your husband is doing better. Sorry you won't be able to travel, but this year is a travel nightmare for most folks because of the weather. We're not traveling either and I'm sure not going to miss the New Jersey Turnpike, lol.

    Had computer problems last week and couldn't post my table, so here it is a week later. Your tables are all so pretty. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Happy to hear that your husband is making will be hard to have a quiet day tomorrow but worth it to not travel when ill.....As always, lovely tables!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen! Thank you for hosting - sending many good wishes your way for you and your husband!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving! Glad your husband is home and recovering. My prayers are still with y'all!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Kathleen! I am still plotzing around here at 12:20 am! xo

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen. Certainly hope things continue to improve. Been thinking about you.
    Thanks for hosting each week. Hugs ~ Sarah

  21. Glad to hear your hubby is feeling better K! Happy Thanksgiving-enjoy the day:@)

  22. Have a lovely quiet Thanksgiving, Kathleen! Glad your DH is on the mend. I am thankful for you and Let's Dish!

  23. I'm sorry y'all have to miss visiting the family but of course Hubby's health comes first. Happy Thanksgiving. Dawn @ We Call It

  24. Happy to hear your husband is doing better! Wishing you a wonderful day together!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving! Best wishes to DH.

  26. I'm sorry your Dear Hubby has been sick, Kathleen, but I'm glad to read that he's on the mend. I hope you both have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving holiday!

    Warm hugs to you,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  27. We both have much to be thankful for this year...our husbands were around to celebrate with us!
    I'm sure you missed the family gathering but I hope they brought you some leftovers!
    Your sweet grandchildren are so full of smiles & laughter...I bet they missed you guys, too. Next year will be better.
    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish again this week. I'm glad I could participate!

    Hugs to you both,

  28. Best wishes to you both -- I'm recovering from knee replacement surgery and did not go to the family party this year either. We had a nice time at friends and it was wonderful to just enjoy the dinner rather than making it this year. Thanks for hosting, as always, and I'm looking forward to the December 11 challenge. I have just the inspiration piece!

  29. I love the new header! Hope you and Mike had a nice Thanksgiving. Glad he is on the mend.

  30. Love all your tables. My fav is still the one with the white pumpkins. I won't be home to participate for a while. Hope your hubby continues to improve.


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