Friday, October 4, 2013

The Mystery Ingredient Challenge~Was it a TRICK or TREAT???

ML WEST proprietor of Rattlebridge Farm, invited some unwary :) bloggers to take part in the October Mystery Challenge.
For some reason I thought it was going to be apples, and started searching for some new recipes.  After all, what ever she sent would go with apples in some way.  Last month it was Lemons, and she sent a lemony treat.
Imagine my surprise when this showed up!
A creepy sprinkles lab!  WAH!  What will I do with that.  I knew it was supposed to be something different, so I couldn’t just do cupcakes, which is the usual thing for sprinkles, or could I?  I just didn’t know!
Sorry to say, no earth shattering ideas came to mind.  I hope that doesn’t get me kicked out of the club!  I have been kicked off  a private blog, and sent to the island of the  not so darlings, and I don’t want that rejection again! ;)
  Kidding, Michael Lee is not like that, she is very welcoming and if you want to take part in the coming months, just let her know. No credentials needed!
A bony hand reaches for a Scary  Jack O Lantern Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie.  I hope it doesn’t taste scary.
015Some smaller choc chip cookies dipped in chocolate and sprinkled join an apple covered in bones, and some apple slices .
I recently bought 12 of these little skillets, I thought it would be fun to use them in all different ways for gatherings.
So this will be the first of scads of posts using the skillets.  Scrumptious Skillets, Screaming good skillets, somewhat edible skillets, lol, we shall see!
A Skillet o Rama if you will.  Sounds exciting, right, LOL!
DH got to taste the first try, and he was happy, happy happy!  Warm and  gooey with a little ice cream, and to make it healthy, strawberries.
I hope you will follow along with this new series.  I haven’t done one since I did the 50 ways to use potatoes when I bought the 50 lb bag of chefs potatoes one Fall.  I think I need another of those, now is the season.
Thank you to Michael Lee, one of the most generous bloggers around.  Please stop over to her Foodie Friday and see what became of the sprinkles!
Hope you will join my challenge at Let’s Dish on the 16th.  WHITE FALL TABLE…all white dishes and ONE other color for linens etc.
ML, hope you will take the challenge, and you don’t have to use sprinkles.  Pretty please with SPRINKLES on top?  :)
I am also joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday if I remember to link up!
Thanks so much for visiting!  Have a great weekend!

The winner of the Apple Challenge give away is Mona, .  Congrats, you won a set of cutters from WS.
You will get the Christmas edition, I'll post a pic on Wed. for Let's Dish.

 Please email me your address!


  1. Your little skillets are cute K, I look forward to seeing what you do with them! And it's good to know that a strawberry makes the chocolate chip cookie healthy... Gotta get me some berries:@)

  2. I love the half dipped cookies and apples, great way to use those sprinkles! You will have much fun with those little skillets, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. Hey, I'd take cookies & apple slices any day for supper when they're both dipped in chocolate!!
    Your little pans are just the cutest idea....I'm thinking frittatas, omelets, desserts galore...Oh the possibilities!
    You're going to have fun with them & I can't wait to see all the cool ideas you come up with.

  4. Kathleen, you thought of some good ideas. I like the apple slice dipped into chocolate and then sprinkles. Easier than eating a whole caramel apple. Fun to have all those mini skillets. Can't wait to see what you come up with over the year. Glad you played along! ~ Sarah

  5. This is chock full of great ideas, Kathleen! Sorry I haven't been by...busy, busy days. I love those skillets, I remember making the huge chocolate chip cookies on the pizza pans 20 years ago! I miss those. And I'm going to try the apples. What a great challenge.

    I'm up for a tablescape and I jotted down the date. So sorry I haven't been much of a good blogger friend. Things should slow down now as we prepare to hunker down for winter! ;-D


  6. Kathleen, I love what you did with the sprinkles! So many ideas, each one cuter than the next. Everything is festive and fun, and I can only wish I could be there to sample these goodies in person. Your kitchen is a delicious place to be. I am swooning over your little skillets. I've got to find some asap. I can't thank you enough for joining the MIC, and I'm thrilled that you'll participate this December (I didn't add November because I didn't want to overwhelm you guys. lol. As for the apples, that was my original plan for this MIC, but the items weren't available in quantity, and I was supplying them. But the sprinkles were available by the 100s, and I figured they'd come in handy for autumn. I'm going to try your dipped cookies--and the skillet goodies, too. Thanks again for playing with me. xxoo

  7. Kathleen: I'm sure your hubby was thrilled! That looks fantastic.

    Can't wait to see your series.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. I can just imagine the the yummy stuff you will make in those skillets. They are cute! I also was not invited to join a blog I was following and thought was my "friend" when she went private. Her loss, as she used to complain about a lack of comments, and I LOVE to comment! haha Can't worry about virtual friends' virtual issues. lol xo

  9. Aw, come on, you came up with very cute ideas for the sprinkles!!! Love the apple slices, very original!! And those skillets are adorable, can't wait to see all the yummy ideas you come up with.....hurry !!

  10. Love those baby skillets!! You are such a sweet and savory Darling. I know Michael Lee wouldn't give you the boot :-) Those cookies are making me hungry.

  11. Kathleen, I love your little skillet JOL cookie, it sounds like it's the perfect dinner! I picked up four mini skillets at Tuesday Morning about a month ago, I finally got a Kathleen-style bargain :)

  12. Oh, Kathleen! I am having so much fun seeing what everyone did with her sprinkles! Your skillet Jack-o-Lantern is so cute! I will be looking forward to all of the other food that you make in your little skillets - such a creative project. Also, I am really glad that you added the strawberry to the cookie in the skillet. We all want to eat healthier - lol!!

  13. Kathleen, I like your header. I have yellow flatware also, and it looks so nice with the candy corn colors. Your "Jack" skillet cookie is Darling! Will watch for the skillet series. Those sliced apples look yummy!

  14. Hi Kathleen, I love the little skillets. I have two so I am very curious to see what you do with yours! Yum--sprinkles on anything is good with me. I am planning my white+one table today! Linda

  15. Kathleen, I love sprinkles on fruit. The apples dipped and sprinkled was a great idea. I have gotten my kids to eat a lot of fruit because of sprinkles and now that their getting older they don't even ask for the sprinkles they just eat the fruit!

  16. Those are cute mini skillets...the dessert looks yummy, too. I can't imagine anyone kicking you to the island...I certainly like your ideas, recipes and photography.

  17. Skillet cookies..why that looks fantastic...and spooky sprinkles are great on anything...

  18. Love the tiny skillets and the cookies look delicious!!

  19. Hi Kathleen! I love your cookie in the skillet that's swimming in ice cream! I'd be happy with that, too. I loved seeing all the ideas presented with the MIC. Such creativity in blogland, I must say! xo

  20. OK, I may be late to this post, but I am so glad I didn't miss it. I love the little skillet cookies, that is just adorable to me.

  21. Love anything in single serve style. YUMMY! Cookies in a skillet. I love crisp and crunchy cookies. Looks delish!

  22. Hey Kathleen..
    well, that'll teach me to be scarce in blogland, won't it??? so excited to win this...thanks to Diane for telling me. having grandchildren at our house always throws me off schedule....THANK YOU..
    Love, Mona


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