Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Witchy Silver and Black Table~Let’s Dish # 83 Those Witches are Flying!

Blog Labor 319_thumb[2]4 witches
Hello, fellow dishers,
The naughty four are back
You know they’re getting older,
They’re really cutting back.
No more bloody fingers
The scary skulls have vanished.
Now they just talk food
Of course they’ re always famished!
Filling up on spiders
Just doesn’t do the trick
A bit fat tasty toad,
I know!  It makes me sick!

Tonight the table is subtle,
All shiny silver and black
Not a hint of mischief,
I know something’s out of whack!
But see those little monkeys,
The ones that hold the names?
You know that witches’ monkeys
Are really quite insane!
Remember the monkeys  in OZ
Who were owned by all those witches?
Man they were scary
Enough to wet your britches!  :)
So tonight they may be calm,
A bit laid back for sure
But keep your eyes wide open,
And be sure to lock your door!
For those of you who are new to my blog, these witches  have been annoying bloggers for years!  Every October they fly about causing mischief in Blogland.  One year they pignapped Earl, Lynn’s pig!
So beware, you never know where they will fly!
Silver tablecloth with spider web cloth on top, both Christmas Tree Shop.

Silver chargers and silverware, also CTS

Busty, Rusty, Dusty and Musty had these witch broom servers made especially for them at HG.  :)

Sterling silver salt and peppers, from my mom.

Silver trimmed stems, a shower gift from my mom.

Black dinner plate, silver salad.

Silver napkin ring…my mom and I used to save Land o Lakes box tops and send away for them.

Wicked monkey name card holders and toile napkins from the WSonoma Outlet.

Silver Jack O Lantern from TJMaxx this year.  I put LED candles in it, and fit a bowl filled with mums from the yard on top.

Spider holding apples from CTS too!

Mugs for the witches grog are by Nautica, and I paid .26 for them at the long closed  Pfaltzgraff  Clearance Center .

Mini Skillet O Rama Part 2  (see previous post for explanation)
White cake, sliced apples tossed in cinnamon and sugar, topped with sweetened sour cream.  Bake, and eat!
Share it or eat it all yourself, it’s small!
I announced the winner of the Apple Challenge gift in my last post.
She won a set of pie cutters from WSonoma.
I haven’t heard from her yet!  Maybe she will check in tonight.  :)

Were YOU the winner?  Can’t wait to see what she does with them, I haven’t tried my Holiday sets yet. 
Alycia, I hope you are ok!  We miss you!  I sent you an email and it got kicked back.  Has anyone heard from her?

NEXT WEEK is the ALL WHITE  FALL DISH  Challenge.  ONLY white dishes, but one other color for linens, flatware, glasses etc.
Chargers can be your OTHER color.  I know some have finished already, I haven’t started!

Thanks so much for visiting, and leaving a comment.  I do appreciate them!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday,  Gollum for Foodie Friday, Yvonne for TTT, and Diann for Thrifty Things Friday.

Same rules to link up.

Be a follower, leave a comment, no word id, one table related post, and visit at least 5 other entrees.
A link back to this party is a must.

Please put your blog name first.  Some non bloggers have emailed me that they look for your name as 
they like your blog.  If you just put Fall Table, you are not getting name recognition.  Sometimes I go

 back and fix it for you, but  I don’t have always have time to do that.  I just fixed 5 of the links.


  1. Looks pretty tasty... What are the equal parts for the apple cake in the skillet?

    1. I had about a cup of batter left from a peach and plum cake I made. I just poured it in the pan, peeled 2 apples, tossed in sugar and cinnamon, and then the sweetened sour cream.
      Hope that helps!

  2. Oh those naughty girls, I thought I heard some cackling!!! Earl is tucked away safely in a cloche in my kitchen, I hope everyone else takes precautions too! Love the silver pumpkin K, and those broom servers are really neat:@)

    1. Thanks, Lynn. Keep Earl safe, but remember, he asked for it! :)

  3. Hi Kathleen, first, yes, I believe Alycia is doing fine with her PT, I hear from her on FB. She might be having another surgery though. Love your table, and those apple pies are divine. I see the witches are keeping a low profile, I'm sure they will be getting revved up! The silver pumpkin is fabulous. xo

    1. Thanks for letting me know, B! I don't know why but the email came back.

  4. Love your shiny and black table! Those salad utensils are adorable.
    Have a great week and thanks for hosting each week...

  5. Kathleen - this is so cute! How I adore those witch broom servers - oh, my goodness! I want some. Everything on your table has been selected with such care and I really like the color scheme - no orange! That dessert in your little skillet looks so good - I would like some of that - please???? Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thanks, Diane! I am sure orange will show up sooner or later. Fall is the only time I use it.

  6. It's good to see the witches back, Kathleen.

  7. I'm always happy to see those witches return Kathleen but keeping my door locked just the same :)

  8. YAY! I won, I won!! thank you Kathleen..can't wait to get them and try them out...thank you so much...
    Love, Mona

  9. Cute jack 'o lantern. Good to see the witches return.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  10. Glad to see Busty, Rusty, Dusty and Musty are still with the program! Is Mike enjoying his skillet desserts? The broom servers are great!

  11. I always love your bewitching poetry!

  12. I've been wondering when your poetic witches were going to show up. I'm so glad to see them back and to read the fun poetry. Love the "wet your britches"! Your table is, as always, wonderful. I love that silver jack-o-lantern and those broom stick serving pieces! Those napkins are so pretty - almost look like a toile. Thank you for hosting the linky, Kathleen. laurie

  13. Your witches are too cute and those spiders holding the witches are too. I like the silver jack o'lantern- I've never seen one of those before! Love the black lace tablecloth- and it reminds me I need to dig mine out!
    Thanks for hosting the party!!

  14. Glad to see the group back! I feel like I need to cut back too, so I am with them. I adore your header table and your table this week. So elegant to have it in black and white and tonight's with a touch of green. Love the napkins on both tables. And not to forget the dessert - it looks amazing!

  15. How much fun is your poem! Your black and white table is bewitching! Part 2 of your skillet o rama sounds delicious!

  16. This black and silver color scheme is perfect! Love the broomstick severs....wonderful table....

  17. Hi Kathleen, I loved your poem! You're always so much fun. Your table looks so festive and of course I could go for a bite of your skillet dessert. Thank you for hosting and visitng each of us every week. xo

  18. Sorry Kathleen, I put the post title instead of my blog name :(

  19. Love the silver and black Halloween 'scape! The tablecloth is beautiful! The spider apple holders are really cute, and different! I can almost smell that delicious looking apple dessert!

    I hope to work on my all white 'scape by this weekend!


  20. What a fun scary table! Wish I had a CTS near me! Who knew you get things from land'o'lakes years ago...we always used that butter. Oh, that dessert looks yummy and I just made a white cake. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. Pam

  21. Hi Kathleen, Nice to see the girls out again and glad to hear they are cutting back on their mischief! I love the silver broom servers and the pumpkin too. Thanks for hosting--I'll be here for the white+one next week too--two weeks in a row, possibly a record for me! Linda

  22. Hi your little witches...and the serving fork and spoon with the broom handles are adorable...I thought of you today while I was in pumpkin pudding this year...I was very disappointed I can't mail it to the wrong person :(

  23. I love your witch's broom fork and spoon, Kathleen. Glad to see the witches back. BTW, I always forget to put my blog name when I link. Usually, I delete and relink but today, I was busy making 300 eggrolls and I just got back to realize I forgot again. Do you want me to delete and re link it?...Christine

  24. The skillet cake looks like a marvelous winter comfort food. Those witches wreak such delightful havoc. Glad to see them back. Thanks for hosting us. I had an email from Alycia on the 26th. I have been in contact with her this week, but I'll check on her. I do know that she's starting to be able to type on her computer again, and she hopes to be back blogging soon. She's teaching another class, and she said that she had a lot of organization to do before it started. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  25. Oh, Kathleen, I love your table and your poetry!! Your posts are always so much fun. Your witches made me laugh out loud: I love the expressions on their faces!! I also like your broom fork and spoon!! Thank you for hosting this party and giving us new tablescapers something to aspire to!! Rosie (The Magic Hutch)

  26. I was JUST thinking about the flying witches of blog land yesterday so you can imagine how I smiled when I opened this blog this morning. I love your wonderful whimsical table as much as I love your poetic creativity. I hope to come back this evening and visit some tables at my leisure. I'm not blogging right now, but I really love table stalking.

  27. Love the pumpkin and the serving broom and fork! Thanks for hosting!

  28. I'll have to check out thos ecute WS cutters:)
    Love the servers and the silver pumpkin centerpiece K.

  29. What a beautiful and fun table! I would like to swoop down on my broom and snatch up several things from this table! LOL I think I am the only person out there in the blog world that did a summerish table this week! LOL I couldn't help it. We had 80 degree weather. Thank you for hosting!

  30. I love your table, adore those black onyx stemware glasses, they are so beautiful...I wish I could shop at your house and pick up all the stuff I love for my table, I am afraid you wouldn't have much left, thanks for sharing all your lovely things..antique or new, I love them...Phyllis

  31. OOO, I do love your witches...I look forward to their flight and fright every October.: :)
    I am sooo gonna try for the all white look next week. I have unpacked my white dishes...silver white and silver it MIGHT be. With the problems I am having with the net, sometimes, it's great...other times, it won't connect....if I can connect, I'll be at the WHITE PARTY. :)
    OOO, and NO WAY did my computers move to the LEFT...I'd throw them both in the pool if they tried THAT move.....hahhhaa

  32. Kathleen, so happy to see those witches back again! They sound a lot like me - always famished and needing a bit fat toad to fill me up! And I'll beware of those monkeys! Love the more glitzy look of this t'scape - the silver pumpkin centerpiece is fantastic. I've already done up my Thanksgiving T'scape for this weekend (Canadian) but alas, it is white with orange and silver so I'll have to sit your challenge out this time.


  33. Love your table Kathleen, the chargers are flatware are my fav....such a cute table! Thanks for hosting a wonderful party :-)

  34. Ah, the Fearsome Foursome are at it again - but, alas, a bit older now. I know just how they feel.

    Always love coming here to get great ideas, for both 'scapes and food.
    Every time I see your polka dots, i say to myself, "I have to get me some fabric and make some .......... (napkins, talblecothes, placemates, etc.).

  35. Cute details, Kathleen. I suspect those girls are just laying low to catch us off guard. I know they are up to something.
    Didn't get a post up this week. Hope to see your next week for the challenge. ;-)

  36. Hi Kathleen - I always look forward to your Halloween posts to find out what those four witchy girls are up to. Love your black and silver festive table.

  37. Hi Kathleen,
    Your witches make me laugh and so did your story! Too cute! I am looking forward to next week! I am just putting the finishing touches to my table. I am so far behind.....Love all your black & silver!
    Have a good week.
    Blessings My Friend,

  38. Kathleen, I AM alive and well, thank you!!! I just haven't been online much as I'm still trying to get this arm and my back right. (MRI scheduled for my back week after next. Surgery likely in January. :-( ) I have trouble sitting in a chair for very long, and my PT exercises for my shoulder have caused me to develop carpal tunnel in my right wrist and tendinitis in my left elbow. If it wasn't for bad luck health-wise, I'd have no luck at all!!! Thank you for trying to get in touch!!! I think perhaps your email was kicked back because my email box was so full!!! I have since made a little progress in reducing the number of emails. I promise to be back online and back to blogging in the next couple of weeks as soon as these shoulder, wrist and elbow problems calm down. LOVE this post, and LOVE you!!! Take care!!!!!!!!

  39. Your witches are so cute! Love your silver and black table setting! =)
    Have a great weekend!

  40. This is such a fun, yet sophisticated and blinged out black & silver table. It is beautiful! I love the flatware. I sure wish we had a CTS in this part of Ohio. The spiders holding the apples have just the right amount of spooky to them. I am looking forward to seeing your "white dishes only" table. There are some really beautiful white dishes out there. Have a wonderful day and thank you for sharing.


    PS - Thank you for not having word verification.

  41. Thanks for linking your fun tablescape to TTF!

    hugs, Linda

  42. I have been meaning to buy small cast iron skillets liek these for a long time! Your cake looks delicious in them, Kathleen. I love the spider lace tablecloth overlay on your table--what a clever idea!

  43. You are truly one of the most creative tablescapers in the Land of Blog, and when I am feeling up to it, I want to play in the dishes with you. In the mean time, thank you for your kind words. It is never easy to lose the ones you love, and we have had two other family members in the hospital. But The Lord will see us through. Thank goodness for His strength, kindness, and love.




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