Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reunion Weekend~ Great Fun! Let’s Dish #82

Good evening, Dishers!  Thanks to all of you who bit the apple and took the challenge last week.  Only one didn’t do apples, everyone else embraced the challenge!

The day after the challenge I started preparing for my guests who were coming for the reunion.  They arrived Friday afternoon, an hour early!

I didn’t get to the floral centerpiece I planned, and I iced the cake as they watched, but we made it! 


Trying to get the 47 attendees into the pic was not easy!

One gal created a uniform which we wore with saddle shoes for 4 years!


And a group sang a song that the good Sisters never heard us sing!


This is the table I did for Fri. night’s dinner.


Black and white cotton check cloth from my friend, Kitty.  ;0

Black mat with a few beads via West Elm at PB outlet.

Glass hurricane in lieu of the floral centerpiece.


Royal Stafford dinner plate and soup bowl, via HG.  I’ve had them a few years, but never used them in a post.  White salad from CTS.


Treble clef flatware via BBB, butter domes from CTS, and Waterford crystal.    Black and white petti fours on a white cake pedestal plate from CTS.


Dinner started with Baked stuffed clams, choice of New England Chowder or Butternut Apple Soup, Spinach Salad, warm rolls and butter, baked stuffed potato, carmelized onions and sauteed mushrooms and filet mignon. 

For dessert I made a triple chocolate layer cake with ice cream.

I made a Banana Walnut Cake too, but we didn’t cut it, so I froze it for next weekend.

I gave my guests a loaf of banana chocolate chip to bring back to KY, FL and RI, as well as a tube of MOO cream.

Sat. was the luncheon in the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip.


I got pots of white mums and wrapped them in silver paper and popped in a big blue bow.  One lucky person at each table got to take it home.

It was a full 4 course lunch, soup, salad, choice of entrée and brownie sundae’s for dessert and coffee.  It was all delicious!

Sunday after Brunch, my guests departed and I started on the laundry and put away duties. 

I so enjoyed seeing everyone, it was a wonderful weekend with sunny blue skies and temps in the 70’s!

I haven’t made it to everyone yet, but I will!  The winner of the give away will be announced in my next post, which is Gollum’s Secret Ingredient Party.  Stay tuned!

Thanks so much for visiting!

Oct. 16th is the WHITE FALL challenge.  Only white dishes, with ONE other color for linens etc.  Your charger can be the one  OTHER color you pick.  I know some of you have it done, I haven’t picked my other color yet, I have been busy entertaining!

Let’s see what you have this week!

***Remember to be a follower to link,BLOG NAME FIRST and leave a comment please.  One table related link per week, and word id must be turned off.

Post must have a link back to this party, and only link if you have time to visit at least 5 other entries.  THANKS!

See you soon!


  1. Your table from Friday looks wonderful. I'm sure you had a great time catching up with everyone~thanks for hosting! Jennifer

  2. Kathleen - what fun! I love reunions - those times are full of laughter and wonderful memories. I remember saddle shoes - we, actually, chose to wear them in high school. We called them "Be-bops"! Love your beautiful black and white table. It is so elegant, but inviting at the same time. Thanks for sharing your fun week-end!

  3. You girls had a fabulous time, wish I could get together with my Astoria girl friends someday too! Your table with the black and White dishes is lovely, I love it. The menu sounds amazing and so does the restaurant!
    Thank you for hosting.

  4. My soup dinner sounds even more disappointed after reading your drool-worthy menu! Love the black & white checks with the Royal Stafford!

  5. It looks like a wonderful reunion weekend, Kathleen. I've been to several. The last one was two years ago...the 50th. Fun times.
    The tables are beautiful! I love the black and white.

  6. Wow Kathleen, what fun you all must've had and what a meal you prepared for your friends. You must be exhausted, dear friend. I don't have a post ready to share...just too many pressing matters to deal with.

  7. Kathleen...All that you did looks amazing..and like you had so much fun! I hope you are getting some rest now...and thank you for hosting this wonderful party..
    Love, Mona

  8. Oh Kathleen, how fun it is to see your classmates again. You are a perfect hostess and I know everyone was in awe. I am!...Christine

  9. Awesome tablescape!! Looks like a fun time and the food sounds delicious.

  10. Wonderful group of happy faces and know all enjoyed the reunion. Your black and white china of royal Stafford is wonderful with the checked linens. The simple hurricane glass centerpiece gives more importance to each place setting. Have a great week.


  11. Thanks for hosting an awesome link party....I always get so excited about yours, and you never disappoint! The Royal Stafford plates and black check tablecloth is so it :-)


  12. Love the black and white; so classy! That Royal Stafford is lovely...

  13. Kathleen, I LOVE that black and white Royal Stafford, and it looks great on the black and white checked cloth. It looks like everyone had so much fun, and from reading about your menu, I know they all ate well. How cute that one of them made the uniform. Thank you for hosting the linkup. laurie

  14. I can't believe that you did all the reunion cooking and entertaining AND set the table so beautifully as well. It looks like great fun!

  15. Looks like a great weekend. I'm sure your three visitors enjoyed your magnificent dinner and that all of the rest of the guests enjoyed your organizational expertise.

    - The Tablescaper

  16. How much fun you must have had! I love the black and white table, and your menu sounds amazing! Plus take home goodies, I know everyone had a marvelous time! Thanks so much for the party, and looking forward to the challenge!

  17. Your table is lovely -- black and white is always so chic. Your menu sounds delicious as well. By the smiles, it looked like everyone had a good time!

  18. Your black and white party is marvelous! I love that you had a precious time with old friends...such a special opportunity. Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us each week. Cherry Kay

  19. Wow that was some group to host. I bet they had a grand time. Love your b&w table. Loved the menu, too. xo

  20. Good for you going to a reunion! I feel too shy these days to do that! Your pots of mums look great on the tables and how nice that they were raffled off. Your B & W tablescape looks wonderful! Now put your feet up and relax for a bit - you deserve it!


  21. It looks like everyone had a wonderful get together. Your black and white table looks so pretty and classic. thank you for hosting.

  22. Looks like you had a great time! What a striking black and white table and I love those little domes! New computer, so it listed my name not my blog name on the link - Sorry :(

  23. Beautiful table...I love those dishes. I have the ones with the hayrack...still looking for 1 of the bowls.
    Your energy for entertaining ceases to amaze me! Looks like everyone was having a wonderful time. Your menu sounds delish!
    We are headed out in an hour or so for Howard's 55th high school reunion this weekend.
    Have a great this weekend!

  24. So, which one's you in the group picture? What a fun time and you must have really impressed them with the beautiful black and white tablescape and delicious food! I would have been so frazzled after doing all that, you are Super Woman!!

    P.S. - love that apple holder "spider" in the banner, so cute!


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