Wednesday, September 25, 2013

APPLE CHALLENGE~Are you Biting? Let’s Dish # 81

Good evening, ladies, hope you are well!  Tonight is the APPLE CHALLENGE.  Please link up you tables that are about apples.  If not, please save it for next week!

It has been busy here.  I am hosting 3 HS friends this weekend from out of state.  They are coming for our reunion. 

I have never gone to a reunion, so this will be interesting.  47 are coming from as far away as Canada and CA.  14 are deceased.  There were 140 girls in my class at Queen of the Rosary Academy.

I made all the arrangements at the restaurant, and will do centerpieces etc, so I hope everyone enjoys it.

I am sure we all look exactly the same!  HAHA

On to the challenge!  I have done an apple table every Fall for years.

I was at a loss as to what to do, I didn’t want to use my apple dishes again.  HERE  and  HERE and about 4 other times!  I am donating those dishes soon!

4 PM and still no table.  I decided to go a different direction  and use the PB plaid dishes I got last year on sale at the outlet.


A red charger from PB Outlet from years ago, the red plaid dinner, white pierced edge salad from CTS, and the apple bowl from Cmas Tree Shop also.


The red cotton napkins were from clearance last year at CTS, I think they were .24 each.  The  braided cotton buttoned napkin ring also from CTS, .25 with a little apple hooked on.


The flatware is by Cambridge.


My little apple cart is filled with apples and mums from the garden.

Making their debut are the white butter domes, 1.29 at CTS.


The table cloth is fabric from Duralee Outlet. I used a 90 x156 black cloth underneath.

Red stems from CTS, and green goblets are by Anthropologie via the .99 store.  The casserole dishes are from CTS, and were in clearance for .39!  I got apples and pumpkins last year.


At each place is a green leaf with an apple candle, both from CTS.

The apple salt and peppers were from a .99 store.


Little apple core scatters could hold a name card.  See it on the white plate?





It is still quite summery here, and I will enjoy every day of it!  Soon I will have to put the porch to sleep for the winter.  Seems like I just got it scrubbed and set up. 

But I know the calendar says FALL, so I will give in and drag out some of the fall decorations.

Speaking of FALL don’t forget the all white FALL table challenge on Oct. 16th!

The challenge is to use ONLY WHITE dishes, and ONE other color for linens , silverware or whatever.  I go from one color to the next, I have no idea what I am going to do!  HA, I bet you thought I plan the challenges around what I have, but nope, I ponder just like you do, and change my mind a lot!  I think of something , and then remember, nope, only WHITE dishes!  Your charger can be your OTHER color though.

Can’t wait to see how many DARE to join the challenge!  :)

Last week the market had asparagus on sale for $1.49 a lb.  They were pencil thin, so I decided to bundle them and roast them wrapped in prosciutto.  Wash and trim, salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.  Toss around, then wrap with prosciutto and roast till done.



Hubs liked them, I don’t eat asparagus.  :(

I am taking part in Rattlebridge Farm’s Secret Ingredient party.

I have to check the date, Oct.1 sticks in my mind.  She really threw us a curve ball!  Hope you will come back and see what I come up with!  I have no idea!

Thanks for stopping by.

If you are linking up tonight, please remember that the apple challenge has to be mentioned in your post, and your table has to be about apples.

Be sure you have no word ID, one did last week.  Just when I thought no one used it anymore!  I know sometimes people don’t realize they have it turned on!  Please check your comment settings.

One table related link per week.


Please comment on at least 5 entries if you link up.  If you don’t have time, I understand, but save your link for another time then.

OH!  Be a FOLLOWER to link.  Tonight there is a give away, and if you are the winner, and not a follower, another name will be picked.  Check to make sure. 

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Diann for Thrifty Things Friday, Gollum for Foodie Friday


  1. Kathleen, that black and white tablecloth really makes your table pop! Love your centerpiece -- we were on a similar wavelength, combining apples and mums this week. Have a great time at your reunion!

  2. Wonderful apple table Kathleen. I love the addition of the black and white cloth.

  3. Hi Kathleen - thanks for hosting and have fun at your 5th year reunion! :-) Hugs, Holly

    1. Oh thanks, Holly! How did you know? I think I will have a hard time explaining I have 5 gkids! :)

  4. Kathleen, I really think your table is wonderful! All of those fabulous bargains in one place. The apple centerpiece is my very favorite thing, though - so adorable! Thank you for hosting and having do another fun challenge!

  5. Hi Kathleen, Love the plaid with the black & white and adorable apple cart! I'm always amazed at your bargains!

  6. Hi Kathleen, I would be in panic mode if I had no table by 4pm!! I was battling blogger at that time today. I do like this table with the red plaid dishes (I really wanted those!) and the little apple bowls. And send the asparagus my way. It looks delicious! Thank you for hosting the apple challenge. It was not easy as I have no apple dishes. I think I should start thinking about the October challenge right now! Enjoy your reunion! Linda

  7. Hi Kathleen, your table is stunning set on that black and white tablecloth. It makes everything just pop! Your apple-y theme worked out so well and I love your apple filled centerpiece and all your accessories.
    Have fun with all your girlfriends at your reunion. It should be lots of fun, laughter and memories. xo

  8. What a beautiful, bright apple tablescape, Kathleen. I love your black and white tablecloth. It really is so pretty against the reds....Christine

  9. I really enjoyed this challenge! I do love the red plaid dishes for this challenge. How come I didn't think of that? LOL Thank you for hosting, and enjoy the reunion. I am also wondering what I will make with the mystery ingredient. What a cute apple cart!

  10. I meant to tell you that the reunion should be a lot of fun, and even more fun because some are staying with you.

  11. As always a beautiful set table, and great looking food. Enjoy your class reunion, they are always so much fun.

  12. Wonderful! I love the apple cores, the apple bowls, everything. Lovely, as always...

  13. Apples and plaid is a great combo and looks great on the black and white cloth~your apple cores are adorable! You are so funny with your last minute tables, and they always come together beautifully and so effortlessly it seems! I would gladly eat your share of asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, yum!

  14. OMGoodness, this table is perfectly gorgeous for not knowing what to do at around 4pm! I love the balck and White table topper with all the red in the Apple bowls, real apples and goblets! Lovely.
    Thank you for hosting this very fun party with Apples as a theme.

  15. Have fun at the reunión, with all your cutíes and your home guests, as well!

  16. Kathleen,
    I just loved this challenge..thank you for planning it...and throwing it out there for us to do.....
    Your black and white tablecloth is almost the star of your makes everything stand out..the red apples and the plaid plates..oh my! I am loving this table.....
    Have fun at your reunion..and I am sure you will all look just like you did 10 years ago...wink, wink...

  17. Wow that tablecloth makes everything pop off it so nicely. I like the apple and plaid dishes. Your wagon centerpiece is adorable. Have fun with your High School reunion!

  18. Lovin' the cute little apple bakers K! Warm during the day but windows closed at night here! Happy early fall:@)

  19. Very striking against the harlequin tablecloth! I can't believe you are going to donate your apple dishes after all these years.
    Had a feeling that was Mike's plate when I saw the asparagus!
    Have a great week, Kathleen...

  20. I can't believe you threw this together in such a short time -- it looks wonderful and festive. I shot my photos at the beach and the husband ate all the apples except the one I got in the photo.
    Have a great time at your reunion! I didn't go to mine because I just wasn't interested, but a lot of people enjoy them.

  21. *Delicious* Apple table, Kathleen!! (good pun, huh?..I couldn't help myself!)
    I'm astounded that you put this all together so fast...WOW!!
    LOVE that harlequin fabric over the black with all the punches of red & you were still able to find some really darling accessories.

    Here, I thought I was the only person on the face of the earth who didn't care for asparagus. LOL I swear, we're related somehow. LOL

    Thanks for hosting & I'm thrilled to be able to join in tonight.

  22. Thanks for putting out another fun challenge for all of us!! It is fun to see what everyone comes up with. Enjoy your guests and have fun at your reunion!!

  23. Kathleen, I love the addition of the plaid plates with the apple theme. Plaids and apples seem to go together. Love that Harlequin tablecloth, and the cute little apples tied on the button on your napkin rings. And such a cute cart full of apples. I know your friends will enjoy staying with you, and the best part is coming home after the reunion and having friends to talk to about how much everyone else has aged while you have all stayed so young looking! Have fun! Thank you for the linky. laurie

  24. Four p.m. and no scape! Wow, you work well under pressure! I love all of this! So much more creative than just using apple dishes. The plaid plates, the Harlequin tablecloth, the apple cart centerpiece, etc, it is all just adorable! Great job! Your food always looks so delicious!

    Thanks for hosting!


  25. Another great table, Kathleen! I love how everything looks set against the black & white tablecloth. The apple wagon is so cute.

    Enjoy your reunion!

  26. What a fun, bright and cheery apple table! Thank you for hosting!

  27. Hi Kathleen:

    I really love your table tonight. As I put up my repost, I thought that it actually had too many apples in it and that just a sprinkling here or there would be a better presentation. I'll have to save that thought for next year.I like that your table has just a touch of apples here and there.

    And, before I forget, I love your header. Love the blue with the acorns. It's such a beautiful composition.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. Wonderful table, love the black & white fabric tablecloth. Thanks for hosting this fun challenge.

  29. Kathleen, as you can see from my late posting, I was last minute creating my table. ;-)
    I really like the stack you used with just a simple apple dish to top it all. The black and white cloth is the perfect base for all this apple red. Beautiful table!
    Have fun with your friends.........Sarah

  30. For whatever reason, apples and plaid just go together for me. The plaid makes me think of an old lunchbox we used to have around the house. I love the plaid salad plates you used, and I really love the way it looks against the black harlequin tablecloth. I would never in a million years have thought to put all that together, and I really love it.

  31. Well, Kathleen, I did it again - forgot to include my blog name first on the link-up. I'm truly sorry for missing that so often. Thanks for hosting this fun apple challenge! Your red with the black and white tablecloth is striking! The apple cart is adorable and perfect for your table. Beautiful, as always. :-)
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  32. Thanks for hosting this fun challenge -- I'm looking forward to digging through all of these beautiful tables. Now on to the all-white challenge... Thanks for hosting!

  33. Great table - of course I love the black and white tablecloth - and the plaid plates add so much to the table. Love all your little accents you added, too!

  34. I don't know how I missed your apple challenge, but I did and goodness knows I've got apples. Love the way you have mixed your patterns to create your very fun table.

  35. Look what the autumn breeze blew in! Me!! Late but happy to join you. Love your checks and apples them, really lovely. I want some of those asparagus. Especially cause they are pencil thin. xo

  36. Hi Kathleen,

    Graciousness... Love your color combo. My fave colors.

    Thanks God! I managed to join in your party, although am late.

    Happy weekend.

    Greetings from D´Box in Stockholm,
    /CC girl

  37. Hi Kathleen! Thanks so much for hosting this challenge, what fun looking at all the creative "apple" tables!
    I love the black, white, and looks so fun! The loaded apple cart is a perfect centerpiece and those apple bowls are great! I can just see all kinds of uses for those! I always enjoy seeing what you come up with, you're very inspirational! Thanks again for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  38. Kathleen, I really like the black and white check tablecloth with your apple dishes and the asparagus looks delicious with the prosciutto wrapped around it.

  39. Just love this pretty table.
    Wanted to say that when I click on your name on a comment left by you, it takes me to
    "no profile of this blogger"...??
    Hope all is well in your world.


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