Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Check Me Out~Late Summer Let’s Dish #78

Hope everyone is well!  After a wild and windy day yesterday that dumped almost 6 inches of rain in a few hours, today was beautiful!

Some schools don’t open till Monday, so they are enjoying an extra week at the beach.

I am boycotting Fall, it is just too soon for me to think about it.  Not a hint of it in the air, the summer annuals are going full steam.

Tonight I did a blue and white check.


At five pm, when I finally got around to doing a table, the clouds moved in, so the pictures aren’t as bright as they should be.  I do not edit my pictures, I know, I should, LOL, but I don’t do this to earn a living, and they are close enough!


Blue and white check to the floor tablecloth, rattan and check mat from CTS clearance last year, .49, white charger, Noritake outlet, blue and white check dinner, CTS, small white plate.  Flatware by Cambridge via CTS.


The navy footed soup bowls are from WSonoma Outlet.  They are marked 10, don’t know who would pay that, I got them for 2.00 on sale.


The centerpiece is a picket fence planter with 3 Ball Jars.  I filled them with white Pee Gee Hydrangea, risking being stung by the MANY bees that were feasting on them!

Anything for you!  :)


Two smaller picket fence votive holders are on each side.



Picket fence napkin holders ,from my friend Gail, hold a checked napkin and a soup spoon.  They are new. 

I like a round soup spoon and they are hard to find at a reasonable  price.  I have some, but not enough for a crowd.  I got them at a Restaurant supply store for less than 1.00 each.

The blue stems are by Dansk.



That’s my table for tonight, uncluttered enough for dh not to ask why there is so much STUFF on the table!


APPLE THEME…  Start thinking about that!

Please make sure you follow the theme, and mention that is what you are doing in the post. This is truly a challenge, I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea!  Or Apple juice!

OCT 16th is the WHITE FALL.  ONLY WHITE dishes, but ONE other accent for linens, glassware etc.

Please remember to turn off your word ID.  One entry had it last week. Thank you for remembering to turn it off if you link up.  People don’t like to leave a comment if you have it on.


Please be a follower to link up, and leave a comment.

One dish related link per week, with a link back to this party.

If you don’t have time to visit at least 5 entries, please wait to link up when you have time.


Thanks to all the non bloggers for your sweet email  comments.  They are happy we keep our entries focused on the dishes!  :)

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday and Diann and Linda for Thrifty Things Friday.

Without further blah, blah, that I know some never read, lol,

Let’s Dish!


  1. Kathleen, your table is so fresh looking. I adore the picket fence theme in the centerpiece and the napkin holders! Every time that you do a table, I wish that I had a Christmas Tree Shop near me. You find so many wonderful things there. Thanks, as always, for hosting!

  2. Love the blue & white checks Kathleen! I have blue footed bowl and WS outlet envy :)

  3. I haven't done a table all summer! Nice to be back. The little fences are really adorable and so pretty with the blue. Everything is fresh and lovely.

    1. Hi J!
      So good to see you, glad you are joining in!

  4. Now if that's not a cheery table, Kathleen, I don't know what is! Gingham and checks are always a favorite of mine. I can't even begin to think Fall and I'm just taking baby steps by sharing tonight. Thank you for hosting. xo

    1. Kitty, I am so happy to see you. I think it is a big step, and maybe a little diversion is good for you. We are all praying for you!

  5. I love blue and white checks, it's so crisp, cheery and fun. Thank you for hosting. Have a nice September.

  6. Kathleen, it just makes me smile to look at all of these blue and white checks and those picket fences. This is another delightful tablescape, and of course, as always, it is filled with your incredible bargains. I REALLY want to go shopping with you! Thanks for hosting. laurie

  7. I am doing Fall now, but I am involved in several Fall related events this month, so I'm getting an early start. Plus we have a contract on the condo with closing the 16th of October and we still need to get the rest of what we want out of there...and it is 2.5 hours from here, so it gets a little complicated.:-)
    Anyhow...we are ready for Fall and we are having some Fall temps and colors early this year, for some reason. If I didn't have the events I might wait awhile, but then, I still have to go pack up the condo at the lake and that takes precious time from my favorite time of year.

    I love your blue and white gingham. I have the accessories etc for an apple themed table. Will probably go ahead and get that post together and in draft.

  8. hi Kathleen, I am crazy about your picket fence pieces and they look so good with the blue and white checks! I'm with you, I'm not ready for Fall yet either, and your table is easy breezy summer easy. I am looking forward to the apple and all white challenges coming up! Fun!

  9. Love your blue & white! The fences are darling! I love how everything is matching with style!
    I am looking forward to the new challenges. I don't have any apples. I guess I have an excuse to shop! lol I really don't need an excuse.....
    Thanks for hosting this fun party!
    Blessings My Friend,

    1. You don't have to have APPLE dishes, red or white, and then use real apples! :)
      Really, you can be creative!

  10. Kathleen, all your blue and white is really refreshing. The checks certainly make me smile, and the color combo is crisp and welcoming, just like a summer day. Makes me think of blue skies filled with fluffy clouds. Thanks for the heads up on the challenges. Will need to start thinking.

  11. I love that color, Kathleen. They will go well with my Polish pottery, lol. I just love your picket fence accessories too...Christine

  12. Kathleen, Those footed soup bowls are great....I can think of so many uses for them...My weakness is bowls and these made me smile....
    Thank you for hosting this wonderful party...
    Love, Mona

  13. Kathleen, we both went for the checks this week! I love your picket fence accents that just are so perfect with the blue and white checks. Dianne

  14. OMG, I love the picket fence. I'm going to have to figure out how to make that for next summer! Does it count if I did my apple tablescape today?

    1. Jennie, try the craft store for the fencing they use for doll houses. :)

  15. Love the blue-and-white it's very summery especially the picket fences! Thanks for

  16. I am crushing on those rattan and check placemats!! So cute and too think you picked them up on clearance!! I bet if everyone who passed them up saw your table now, they would be gobbling them up. Such a cute table. Your picket accents are adorable!

  17. So cute, love the blue & white and checks! xo

  18. Who doesn't love blue and white, beautiful. Love the white picket fences. My computer froze, on my phone, so hopefully I can visit tomorrow.

  19. Kathleen, I love the blue and white plaid! Those picket fences are adorable, too. I got rained on while doing my tablescape, so I understand about the clouds making pictures darker. I did wind up editing mine - way too dark otherwise. I just noticed some raindrops on a gourd that I hadn't noticed. Thank you for hosting. I'm looking forward to the themes you have coming up. :-)
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  20. The blue and white is so refreshing! I'm almost dreading the fall colors, never was thrilled about earth tones! I prefer pastels and brights! (Smile)

    The picket fence centerpiece and napkin rings are soooo cute! I hope I can come up with an apple theme. I do have a few (FEW being the key word!) apple things IF I can find them! I always look forward to your challenges. Now the all white one scares me! LOL!

    No new post yet. I'm still in wedding theme mode here, the shower is this Saturday.


  21. Love your blue and white. Of course blue is my favorite color and you do it beautifully. Your white hydrangeas are beautiful and worked perfectly. Thanks for hosting. xoGinger

  22. Hi Kathleen! This table looks great, love the blue and looks so cool, perfect for these warm summer days! I'm ready for fall, cooler weather, so my table has a fall theme.
    Thanks for hosting this fun party, I'll start working on my apple themed party!

  23. Your table is as sweet as pie, love love the napkin ring out of the fence post, I might have to steal are always so creative..It's been in the 90's for over the last 10 days too hot to go outside to hot for tablescapes outside, stingy hot...I am wishing for some clouds...thanks for the pretty blue and white checks, love the looks of checks...Phyllis

  24. Beautiful...I love your color scheme. Those footed bowls are great.

  25. Husbands are so funny. They just don't "get" us do they??? I love your uncluttered table ~ so fresh and cheerful with those charming little picket fences. Thanks so much for hosting.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  26. I think you and I are on the same page! I'm not ready to embrace Fall yet either...after all it's really still summer! My annuals are all doing great too.
    Love the bright blue and white check...and the white picket fence accents- very cute! I've never cut any PeeGee Hydrangeas yet- wasn't sure how they'd do. The bees are very busy right now all over my hydrangeas and other annuals. I like those blue and white checked dinner plates (what is CTS?)
    Thanks for hosting!

  27. Love this breath of fresh summer happening on your table! Stick to your guns and leave fall where it the fall! :)

  28. I ♥♥♥ all the blue and white checks!

  29. Love your table. My favorite thing on the table is the checked chargers. So cute!

  30. As I mentioned in today's post, all things blue and white are catching my eye so, of course, I'm drawn to your very homey and welcoming table. Those are always my favorites.

  31. Kathleen, this is sooo pretty! I love blue and white...has to be one of my fave color combos. Those picket fence napkin rings and picket fence centerpiece are adorable! Beautiful table! :)

  32. Hi lovely lady.
    I know it has been a log time haven't done a Tablecape all summer! I am working on one for fall today.."Nice to be back. The little fences are really adorable and so pretty with the blue. Everything is fresh and lovely. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  33. Such a beautiful table for a garden always find the best deals...and love those picket fence napkin holders!!

  34. Your blue and white check table is really fresh and pretty. Perfect for Summer or end of Summer. I like the little check trim on the placemats, too.

  35. Cutest table EVER! Oh, how I love blue and white checks!!!!!!


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