Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Always…Let’s Dish #79

Good evening, Ladies.  I know you share the sadness of the anniversary of 9/11.  It is hard to believe it is 12 years since that terrible day.

Today a TV commentator talked about what vivid memory of that day stays with him.

There are so many…first, I remember the feeling of not knowing if my son was on one of the planes, as he was flying from Logan that morning.

The hours of not knowing, and the relief when he was finally heard from.

The sickening feeling for all those who never did get that “I am safe” call.  Or our dear friend getting the I am ok call, after her dh and another officer put the children from the day care center in the WTC in shopping carts and brought them to safety.  He went back in to direct others out, and perished.

Another memory I can never erase … the  train parking lots filled with the cars of those who left for work, and never returned.  It was a close up and personal pictograph for each community around NYC, representing those lost.

The pages and pages of obituaries for weeks stays with me too.  Attending funerals, and then another when the body was found.

Let us always remember the near 3000, the moms, dads, sisters, and  brothers.  The children who died that day, and the children born after , who never knew their dads.

May they rest in peace, and may their families be comforted by our remembering their loved ones.

Tonight I am showing 2 tables that were linked to Let’s Dish that you may have missed.  I thought the theme was just adorable, so if your didn’t see them, take a look at the full post.

The first is from The Welcomed Guest, Katie and Pat.

IMG_5205  doggy scape

For those of you who love your doggies, you shouldn’t miss it.  I don’t love doggies, but still thought it was doggone cute.. complete with fire hydrant salt and peppers!

Another with a theme that will make you smile is from Denise at

So Many Tables.

I know Denise from pre blogging when we both frequented the Holidays forum at That Home Site, a Garden web forum.

She goes all out for her theme tables, actually building the table!

The theme was Zoe’s Diner, complete with a table juke box!


She is just so clever, so if you missed it, take a look.

Sharing a bargain I found on line at


.99 and free shipping.  Looks like fish bones to me, lol, maybe a good Halloween table, with black ?  They are porcelain, marked 7.99.  Well…,that would be a NO, but for .99 I will have fun with them!

Complaint Department~

My oven broke, 12 year old Thermador double wall oven.  I don’t know if it is worth trying to get it fixed.  It has been a nightmare since we got it, 15 service calls in the first 2 years, they replaced the entire inner workings!

I have been researching, know I don’t want a Thermador, and I had problems with my Bosch dishwashers, so I don’t want that either.  I have to stay with the same dimensions. I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to do.  HD doesn’t install, so I would have to find an electrician to do that, $$$$!

Any of you have electric double convection ovens you love?

Remember the APPLE theme challenge 2 weeks from tonight!  You don’t have to have apple dishes, apples are red, yellow and green, so you have leeway!

We did our annual apple pick with the gkids Sunday, so I have been using my handy dandy apple peeler, thumbs up on this one!

Made a some apple crisp in a Ball jar.  It is reclaimed from a candle!


Thanks for visiting.

Please be a follower to link  up, and leave a comment.

If you don’t have time to visit and comment at at least 5, please don’t link.  It isn’t fun to have others visit you and get no visits in return. Thanks!

Blog name first

No word ID, and one  china, linen etc related post.

A link back to this party is needed too.

Your turn, ladies!


  1. Yes, my heart skipped a beat when I looked at my phone and saw today's date. I always worry that they will use this date again and it makes me nervous every year.

    Fun tables. So much creativity!

  2. Yes, dear Kathleen, it's a day of remembrance for all those who lost their lives on 9/11.
    I love your Fall-ish header this week. It's still too hot down here in Texas, to be thinking of Fall.
    Too bad on your oven. I don't hink I'd want another Thermidor either, after that many service calls. Hope you find a good replacement.
    Thank you for hosting. xo
    p.s. The apple crisp looks so good and love the packaging.

    1. Kitty, I think the ribbon on it was on the jam you sent me! :)

    2. And yes, way too hot to think Fall. Almost 90 today here on LI!

  3. I always get a knot in my stomach on this date every year and I did not know anyone who was lost on that day. I knew one person who had stopped for coffee and was going to be late for work and missed being in the Trade Center by just a few minutes. I just cannot imagine what everyone went through... Thanks for hosting tonight - I enjoyed seeing the cute posts, again, and seeing those fun plates you found.

  4. A truly sad day in America's history K. One I'll never forget.

  5. Kathleen,
    Yes, this day will be full of different memories for those who died and those who miraculously lived..As a nation, we should be made to remember the awfulness of what was done to us..
    On another note, the apple theme is etched in my memory..we are heading to the apple orchard next week so i can be prepared. :-)
    Thanks for hosting this great party.....and encouraging all of us to visit others and means so much..
    Love, Mona

  6. I remember and will continue to remember Kathleen.

    Loved these tables.

    I put my Apple Challenge table into draft this evening. I am pretty busy in September and October, so will try to stay ahead of the game.

    1. You are so organized! I haven't even thought about mine!

  7. It is hard to believe it's been 12 years and will always be a day of remembrance. Wishing you luck finding an oven and installer !

  8. First, I cried as I read your blog this week - you say it for all of us so well. It was a horrible day and one that we will never forget. showed our blog. Kathleen, you are so kind. Thank you (and I can honestly say, Pat and I would not be here today without you.)

  9. Love those plates! Halloween, for sure, and maybe a cat theme...or an Oscar the Grouch theme (he lives in a garbage can). The tables you featured are amazing. Yes, we will always remember 9/11. Thanks for your stirring words.

  10. The poignancy of this post really got to me. That day was my mother's last birthday. She would be 98 today had she lived.

    Thank you for having the party today. No one will ever forget where they were or what they were doing that .

  11. Kathleen - Thank you so much for posting a 9-11 tribute. I was surprised at how few ladies in blogville acknowledged the day today. This Army wife thanks you from the bottom of her heart. Hugs, Holly

    1. And we are forever grateful for your husband's service!

  12. Kathleen, I have tears in my eyes after reading your words about 9-11. Yes, I have a memorial on my sidebar today. I don't think any of us will ever forget where we were, what we were doing, and the horror of that day. How many times did I watch those planes fly into the towers on the t.v.? People searching for loved ones. People who lost family members. Images that are with me forever. Images that changed all of our lives and our feeling of security. laurie

    1. Very true, Laurie. I hope people have those images in their minds forever, sometimes with time we become too comfortable and forget .

  13. I've been sad and dropped a tier or two as well, remembering this horroble day 12 years ago and the worry we had, like with your son; of my family who works in Manhattan and my best friend's hubby who was the maitre of the restaurant up in the tour, but thank goodness he worked in the evenings mostly, so he was safe! Great features I'd like to visit. Thank you for the party.


  14. Hi Kathleen: I remember September 11th all too well. Your lovely tribute did bring back forgotten memories of the train parking lots that never emptied. I clearly remember waiting for my husband to thankfully make his way home form Manhattan.

    Your apple crisp looks delightful. I don't remember seeing the salad plate upon which it rests. Is that new?

    - The Tablescaper

    1. No, not new, but I don't remember if I ever used it in a scape. :)
      I would have to go back and read my blog! lol

  15. Thanks for hosting and remembering 9/11 in your post. Jennifer

  16. Kathleen, your tribute is so moving. I am thankful to see the tributes today that bloggers have posted; it's so important that we never forget what happened here that day. I never knew your son was flying out of Logan that morning; you must have suffered greatly until you actually heard from him. I don't live in NYC but I'm still so sad for those who were lost that day.

    The tablescapes you shared are so cute. My dad would love the diner tablescape (and probably the doggie one, too). We are dog lovers in our family. :)

    Have a good week, Kathleen.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  17. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. I always feel a little ill when I wake on Sept. 11th. thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences also. Great tables featured!

  18. Kathleen, I think most Americans are haunted by 9/11 even all these years later. Those of you who live in NY and lived through the pain of personal loss will forever remember that which you have shared. Thank you for this loving tribute.
    Thank you for spotlighting these tables. I was in awe of each one when I first viewed them, but am going back for seconds.
    All the best ~ Sarah

  19. It was really so sad when that horrible thing happened on 9-11. I can just imagine how much harder it would have been with New Yorkers and those with personal connections when we were far and yet were so affected. I like those plates, cute! I know I saw those tables and they are both so cute....Christine

  20. Such a sad day of remembrance ... I cannot imagine what you went through, hoping your son was not on that plane...We all shall never forget that day of great sadness, and heroes....

    Thanks for hosting Kathleen.

  21. This date will always be bittersweet for me as our daughter and SIL got married on this date, 3 years ago. I will NEVER forget the horror of 9/11 but will rejoice in our kids love too. Thank you for your beautiful tribute.

  22. Such sad memories especially for you living in the east. I had never thought about all the obituaries, and I didn't know anyone personally that died in the tragedy, but our lives all changed because of it. I have been away from blogging this summer, but have started again. Thanks for letting me join in the party. Jni

  23. Thanks for sharing your stories about that day Kathleen. I can feel my memories all over again.
    The tables you shared are so fun and unique!
    I am going to try to find time for an apple table, it's sure up my alley.
    Hugs friend,
    p.s. Hubby used to be an anti-paint any wood kind of guy. But I kept working on him and showing him things I liked and worked! (never say never) hehe.

  24. This was a lovely and heart felt post Kathleen.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  25. This day is indeed one for reflection...I can't even imagine being there. It was horrific watching things unfold on the television. My niece and her husband were in the midst of it all, and thankfully were finally reunited.
    I'm sorry about your appliances...I know it must be very frustrating, especially when you buy things in "good faith". Did you buy the warranties? I usually don't and then when things go bad, I kick myself for not purchasing them. But I don't like them, it's like they know their products are going to having issues so they push the warranties (for a price!) Sorry, I'm off my soapbox now.
    Thanks for hosting this party and sharing your new dishes...yes, I think you got quite a bargain for 99 cents and I think they'd be cute for Halloween!

  26. I am no help regarding your appliance issues. I sure hope you find a replacement you are happy with! Thank you for hosting!

  27. Wow, Kathleen, looking forward to the apple theme week, I have things I can work with here. Love your header photo, I almost bought those napkin rings yesterday at BB&B. I never really heard of those appliance brands, I am a former Kenmore girl who went with GE Profile this time. xo

  28. Thanks for giving us the 9-11 details again, things those of us out-of-state would not think of. We need to keep the memory alive, especially each year on the anniversary.

    Just today I found my few apple things, and in the second box I looked in! Yay! Looking forward to putting something together with them.

    Today I went to Michael's and they had turquoise chargers for 79 cents each! I'm "trying to quit" buying, but couldn't resist that bargain! Now I have to come up with something to use them with.

    No 'scape this week. Enjoyed seeing those two unique scapes featured.


  29. Thank you so much for the personal perspective on 9/11. It is such an important day in our nation's history...not just a day....a heart breaking season. Thanks also for hosting us. Cherry Kay

  30. Hi, Kathleen:
    I love your site, but have had some difficulty becoming a follower. I entered my email, but never got a confirming email to receive other instructions (I have also checked my spam folder as requested by Feedburner). Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Rosie

    1. Rosie, I am just seeing this. Usually all comments come to me through my email too, yet this didn't.
      Did you try to follow where the picture of all the followers are, through google? That's the only way I know.
      Can you email me?


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