Wednesday, August 28, 2013

May Your Crayons Always Have a Point! Let’s Dish #77

Good evening, Dishers!  Hope these waning days of August find you well and finding dish bargains.  :)

Thank you to all who took the Summer Fun Challenge last week.  Some of you really got into the swim of things!  More about the challenges next time.

Tonight, in honor of all my teacher friends who are dusting off their chalk, and all the little ones, sharpening their pencils, a little table for you!


Our menu is on a dry erase board I trimmed with duct tape years ago.  Nothing gets out of this house without a fight!

I started with a blackboard black cloth on top of a to the floor checked one.



Some marble notebooks are scattered and glue sticks added.  A pencil encircled vase holds some susan’s and asters.


A small chalkboard reminds of the school year.


Yellow ruffled charger, and red plate, CTS.  I liked  the scroll work on the plate, $1.80.


The yellow square plate is from the $1 sale at Pfaltzgraf, they haven’t had one of those in awhile!  I have the dinner plates in yellow, and red from there too.  Come on Pfaltzgraff, time for a good sale again!

The napkin is orange, from CTS, .26, as well as the blue bakers which I believe were $1.99.


Swirled blue and green flatware by Cambridge, also from CTS.

I wrote the name on with chalk on the “black board” cloth.  It is just a cotton cloth.

Each place has a new box of crayons and a green apple.

I think I got all the colors of a box of crayons in, the basic box, that is  !


Crayon colored red and blue candles , green Antropologie glasses, via the .99 store and blue hobnails via CTS.

I can’t resist the school supply sales this time of year.  Notebooks, filler paper, all for a penny.  I pack them up to give to my dil to use for the kids during the year.  The pantry at church is always in need of school supplies for the needy, and for pennies you can afford to be very generous.

I wish all those headed back to the classroom, a good year.

I will sit on the porch and toast the school bus as it rolls by, then have a second cup of coffee and read the paper, things I never did during my 33 years of teaching!  :)


An abundance of sale peaches inspired this quick week  night dinner.


Pounded and breaded in Panko chicken cutlets, topped with sauteed peaches.  Slice the peaches, saute them with some butter, scallions , apricot brandy, and a splash of orange juice.    Serve with rice, broccoli and snow peas. 


Same rules to link up…

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Leave a comment

Don’t link if you don’t have the time to visit and comment on at least 5 entries.

BLOG NAME first, and one TABLE related link.  It can’t be just food.

Let’s see what you have been up to this week!

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!

I am joining Gollum for Foodie Friday and Diann for Thrifty Things Friday


  1. What a wonderful back to school table, Kathleen. The food looks delish!

  2. Kathlenn, Love your back to school table and clever menu! The blackboard cloth is so fun! A+!

  3. Kathleen, oh, how I loved the beginning of school every year and I could almost smell the chalk in this post. It is so colorful and precious. I adore the hobnail glasses and I loved the way you mixed all of the colors. Your menu board is so clever - love it all!

  4. What a fun back to school table and menu Kathleen! You've thought of everything! Just adorable! You deserve a big slice of apple tart!

  5. So nice and colorful with basic crayons colors. You even get bargains on school supplies, Kathleen, I am so impressed. Must be nice to be able to watch the school bus go by instead of hurrying to go to school to work. Love the delicious food too...Christine

  6. I love all of the primary colors K! Enjoy that second cup of java:@)

  7. What a cute table. I love back to school supplies! Crayons and notebooks are my weakness! How cute to set this table with all those great primary colors! Oh and yes another cup of coffee in the morning as that school bus rolls by!

  8. Hi Kathleen! I can never resist a school supply--and I have passed my weakness on to my daughter. Crayons, notebooks, colored pencils--there is something so promising about brand new supplies! Your table is great. And apricot brandy--yum. Pour me some of that sauce! Linda

  9. Love the title of this post and everything else about it! You are the best...Kathleen!

  10. Kathleen, your table makes me want to go back to school. So incredibly creative. Love the apple sitting on the box of crayons and the pencil vase. And, of course, that is one winner, winner chicken dinner! xo

  11. What a table, it has so much appeal students would flock from every summer play ground to such a wonderful lunch. Sure beats fried fish sticks and red bean soup. The colors and titles make me very hungry. I might have to try out this lunchroom.


  12. This table is so much fun! Love all of the colors, the apples, the black cloth treated as a chalkboard, your duct tape dry erase board, and that menu is a hoot! You are so clever. I love all of it. Dinner looks soooo good. Thanks for hosting the linkup. laurie

  13. Very, VERY creative, Kathleen!! I loved the little menu with your double entendres...very clever.
    That peachy chicken looks divine, too. I shall have to try it, as our local peaches are in full season now. YUM!!

    Thanks for hosting LD again this week.

  14. I love this back to school fun and sweet setting with the books and crayons, that you also got on a bargain! Yummy food too! Thank you for hosting again this week.

  15. Perfect table for heading back to school - even if you're glad you aren't!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  16. This is absolutely adorable! From the "blackboard" tablecloth to the pencil vase, so imaginative! Love the Back to School Luncheon sign! Great job on the whole tablescape!

    I probably won't have a new scape for a couple of weeks, but always enjoy seeing all the Let's Dish entries.


  17. What a happy, colorful table! It would be fun to sit down at your table and enjoy that gorgeous chicken with peaches...yum....
    I hated it when my crayons lost their was not fun! :-)

  18. You had me at the post title! :-) My girls always loved buying school supplies; sometimes I miss that now that they're grown. Your table brings back sweet memories. I especially like your pencil-wrapped vase. Smaller ones with crayons would be fun, too! I hope it's a wonderful school year for all of the teachers out there...

  19. I had to come and visit, Kathleen, and your back-to-school themed table looks so fun and colorful. Your meal looks scrumptious, too. I particularly love your header with the pretty rooster theme. xo

  20. Thank you so much for hosting.. Your back to school table is so fun. I would love to sit there and enjoy the last hours of "freedom"!! Chalkboard tablecloth!!! cute idea. You know they have fabric that is a chalkboard? yep, is that what you used? The bright colors are darling. xo marlis

  21. This is one of the most clever tablescapes I've seen! I love it. I wish I'd thought of it! I don't have one to share this week, but I will next week. Take care - Dawn

  22. kathleen, this table is so fun, and so adorable -- LOVE the school year theme, and I am SO grateful that I don't have to worry about back-to-school anymore. I always hated with summer ended, and the round of commitments began.

    I have to stay away from displays of paper and pencils and crayons, though -- I cannot resist them. what a good idea to use them afterward, to donate them! Brilliant.

    We did indeed have a spectacular weekend in Southold -- amazingly perfect weather. We'll be back this weekend, Howard and I, to "stage " the house. I'll get pictures and a video on the blog next week. And thank you for inspiring me to saute peaches to go with chicken. Never would have thought of that, but it's on tonight's menu for sure!

    Thanks for making a table that made me smile!

  23. What a fun and colorful back to school table. I think you not only hit the primary colors but added a couple of secondary colors to the table! Enjoy your "second cup"! thanks for hosting!

  24. Being a former teacher, I just love, love, love your table! It is so darling! I thought you were very clever using duct tape for the border on your whiteboard. I want to duct tape my husbands seat on his lawnmower since it has gapping holes. lol
    I could never wait until school started and get back into the groove of things. Now like you, I sip my coffee and bask in the fact that's its up to someone else to do a good job now.
    I am happy that you think to donate all the school supplies to your church. Our church collects backpacks & supplies every August. I should have thought to set a school themed table. I am glad you did. Have a wonderful three day weekend!
    Blessings My Friend,

  25. Love this table! The colors and "school-related" details are wonderful! That chicken looks great also.

  26. Say, this says, "SCHOOL" like nothing else I've seen. My grandchildren started last Monday. They were ready. I wish I'd done something like your table. Don't usually let these things get by me.
    Love the title of your post.

  27. I love your festive table, Kathleen. I can't believe it's time for school to start again. The peach topping on the cutlets sounds delicious.

  28. Thank you, Kathleen, for the invitation to link up my high cotton table. I so love your back-to-school table! The way you combine the different shaped plates is so fun. Looks like you're a true bargain hunter, too. Thank you for hosting, and I'm linking up. :-)
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  29. Kathleen thanks for linking your fun tablescape up to TTF!! I love the back to school theme!

  30. Kathleen,
    Life's happenings On Crooked Creektt didn't allow for a link this week, dear friend!
    Love the school themed tablescape!!!
    I'm not fond of chickens and roosters. . .
    but what an adorable placesetting on your header!!!
    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish!!!
    I'll aim for joining next week!!!

  31. Kathleen, just as your chicken cutlets appeared on my laptop's screen, Bandwidth walked by and said, "Hey, that looks GOOD!" We'll be adding this to
    the menu for September. Love your beautiful tablescape, with the back-to-school theme. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  32. Wow Kathleen, that is the cutest table and so inspiring whether you are going back to school or not. I'm thinking the use of all of the school supplies as centerpieces are really cute for some of our nonprofit events when we are trying to fill backpacks. I love the way you used duct tape to decorate!!!

    I was so happy to get your note. I've fallen behind on my blog reading though I'm trying to get back on schedule. I've missed you!!

    Happy Labor Day and enjoy the last moments of summer.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!