Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Fun Challenge! Let’s Dish #76

Tonight is another Let’s Dish challenge, a table that represents SUMMER FUN! 

A few weeks ago I chaired our beach community COVERED DISH Supper.  Tables and chairs were rented to add to what we had, and ice and soft drinks . coffee etc, were provided.  Guests were asked to bring a main, and dessert or salad, sufficient for their group plus 2. We had a wonderful assortment of chicken dishes, lasagne, salads, etc


You may remember the fabric I showed you from Duralee.  I made 9 tablecloths from it.


Each table had 3 vases, (actually large glasses I got years ago in KMart) and 2 ceramic sea themed votive holders and a salt and pepper shaker.


In the background you can see blue and white striped cloths.  I made those 2 years ago, and we used them this time for the food tables.  The blues were a perfect match.


I found colorful bowls in the .99 store, and I made a spinach strawberry feta salad for each table.  Small bowls were placed on the table to serve it, that way no one had to smush salad in with their meal!

I wrapped stainless steel utensils in white cloth napkins and tied the with blue ribbon.  


Small colorful buckets of Swedish fish kept the little ones happy!


We made New England Clam Chowder and Chili to feed the crowd, as well as cupcakes and a blueberry whipped cream cake.





The weather was perfect, and the so was the company.  It was wonderful to see Grandparents, children and grandchildren sharing an evening in this very special community. My son spent all his summers here, and now his children are enjoying this piece of heaven.


Just a few yards away , the summer fun continues on the Bay!


Oh to be young again!  My gkids love riding Super mable. 

So although some of you are embracing Fall a full month early, we will be holding on.

Some schools don’t open here till Sept. 9th. so we have many good summer fun days ahead.


See you at the beach!

To link your SUMMER FUN challenge table , please be a follower.

Mention somewhere in your post that you are doing the SUMMER FUN CHALLENGE.

Blog name first, one link per week with no word id.

Visit as many as you can, and please leave a comment.

Thanks so much for stopping by, hope you are enjoying lots of Summer Fun!


  1. What a fabulous event! I cannot imagine entertaining this many people - you are the queen of parties! Love the tablecloths and the menu sounds wonderful!

  2. P. S. I do not see a link up on your blog!

  3. This looks like so much fun, Kathleen. We used to have gatherings like this at the farm now and then.

  4. Fun party! I LOVE the last photo of the backs of the kids, I just think shots like that are the best!
    Love their red white and blue outfits!

  5. Kathleen,
    This party looks perfect...the tables and the yard just say SUMMER!...This is a great fun party and thank you for hosting it. I can't find the linkup...
    Love, Mona

  6. What fun, Kathleen! You are the hostess with the mostess! Love the last photo of the kids!

  7. Looks like everyone's having a great summer K-enjoy:@)

  8. Hi Kathleen, I wish I lived in your neighborhood! I love parties like this and that clam chowder looks good. That pic of the kids in their reds walking on the beach is adorable! Thanks for hosting the summer fun party! Linda

    1. Actually, they are a peachy color, and thanks!

  9. Kathleen, I know your community appreciates that you chair this fun event each year. I know it must be a tremendous amount of work. The tables and food look very inviting. Love the image of your grands walking on the beach. Such a cute family! Thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah

  10. What a fun party! This community is so fortunate to have such a wonderful party hostess and cook in their midst. Those striped tablecloths and the vases of flowers look so pretty. Love that last picture (suitable for framing). Thanks for the challenge. laurie

  11. Kathleen,
    I adore how you made all the tablecloths for each table, dear one!!!
    The soft hue of blue is a perfect color for a "beach themed" event!!!
    When we lived on the opposite side of the Prairie,
    each year in July we hosted a community cook~out in the backyard.
    Our 1/2 city block lawn was filled with shade trees
    and made a perfect place for a hamburger, hot dog, salad, chips, cool drink
    and a brownie or cookie. One block away, on the Main Street,
    was filled with vendors and games for the entire rural town.
    Like you, we enjoyed multiple generations of families around those tables
    and lawn chairs. . .babies and toddlers on comforters on the lawn.
    Since moving to this side of the Prairie,
    our events are on a much smaller scale. . .evident in the Garden Tour Tea!
    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish each week. . .I do enjoy your challenges!!!

  12. Hi Kathleen!
    Looks like Long Island to ME! LOVE that you do this in your community. Wonderful. As others have said, that neighborhood is SO lucky to have you to host and guide. What a grand evening.

    And I LOVE the beach kids in their Newport red shorts! Howard's got that same color, only in big boy long pants, hahaha!

    I am not giving up Summer without a fight, that's for sure. I got home from a very busy day today, to pull into the driveway and find maple leaves scattered on the blacktop. HORRORS. And then I saw them on the grass, just small drifts of fallen leaves. NOOOOOOO!!!!

    We'll be out in Southold this weekend -- all 4 of us siblings with our spouses; we haven't all been even in the same state for 15 months! We're taking care of the very last details on the house ... and then I'm afraid we are listing it. None of us gets to use it enough. So far in 2013, we've only been out 2 times! One of those times, in January!

    So it's going to be a bittersweet weekend -- lots of laughs and memories and adult beverages on the decks ... and also those pangs at letting go.

    I hope to squeeze in a trip to Pottery Barn Outlet ......... :-)

  13. I love that pic at the end, Kathleen! What a wonderful event and you put the table settings out so nicely looks like everyone had so much fun. Your grandkids are so cute....Christine

  14. School started here two weeks ago, so the Summer fun has ended. :-( I'm glad you're still able to enjoy it awhile where you are! Your neighborhood party is a wonderful tradition, and I'm sure everyone appreciates you coordinating it. LOVE that final pic of the little family...

    1. Yes, but you got out early. School ends here the end of June.
      Thank you, I love that pic of my family too!

  15. what a grand party! You really are quite the hostess. Love the photos of the kids on the Super marble, the kids look like they're having a blast.

    I'm still in summer mode myself, fall will be here soon enough, no need to rush it. Thanks for hosting.

  16. You did a wonderful job for a summer party! Such great fun it's had, along with the adorable children too! Fabulous food too; you are such a great chef! Thank you for hosting.

  17. This looked like a fabulous time! We went to a "covered dish" party recently --first one ever for us. It was fun to see what everyone made. Summer weather is still going strong here but the local children went back to school today.

    I love that last photo of your son and DIL and grandchildren, Kathleen! Where was your granddaughter? The boys Nantucket red shorts are cool!



    1. Pat, this IS my gdau and 4 gsons. She is 12 and the boys are 9, 7, 5 and one.

  18. Darn, I didn't know about this party or would have linked up too!!! Your little slice of Heaven looks wonderful, wish we were near a lake. The dinner sounds like it was fabulouys! You sure did alot of work for it and am sure everyone appreciated all your efforts. I am hanging onto summer too, even though I LOVE Fall!!!! XO, pinky

  19. I want to be best friends with anyone who makes nine tablecloths -- I loved this event and the love/work that went into it.

  20. I love the last photo of the grandkids. I'm hanging on to summer also. I had a really cute idea for your party, but no time for the prep. Thanks for hosting!

  21. Hi Kathleen,
    wow, what an undertaking..........and it looks like it was a great success,
    lots of smiling the fabric of those pretty tablecloths you made. That last photo was so neat.............

    Thanks so much for hosting, was glad to get a chance to join you this week.
    Blessings, Nellie

  22. Great to see pictures of your family. They look like they were having a ball!

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Everything is beautiful! Love the last picture! I am also loving the thoughts of an extended summer, but reality is that the cool mornings and evenings are ushering in fall. Enjoy it while you can :)

  24. Looks like a lot of fun (and work!) You are so good at putting those things together! Thanks for hosting the Summer Fun Challenge, I'm so glad you had something that I could use! I am so not ready for fall decorating, autumn lasts so long I get tired of it before it's over!!


  25. Looks like everyone had such a great time. Love the photo of your family on the beach! Thanks for hosting and I love the challenges!

  26. Hi Kathleen, That photo of the people walking away from the camera on the beach is lovely. Looks like everyone had a great time. That's a lot of tables to set! Just one wears me out, he he. Take care - Dawn

  27. What a lovely event, and I am crazy about those tablecloths!

  28. Can you believe summer is passing so fast which means we have to snag every one of these opportunities for summer fun!

  29. Love the red and blue outfits. What a great community to be able to get together like that & visit! Jennifer

  30. What a fun event, if I lived near the beach I would embrace summer more, I think, than I do, though I am not rushing summer just fall is my raison d'etre or whatever! lol You always have the most wonderful ideas and can handle feeding a crowd with such panache! xo

  31. Looks like a great party! I can't believe how big the kids are getting.
    Have a great week, Kathleen...

  32. What a wonderful way to build memories. Everyone looked like they were having a great time. Thanks for hosting, Ginger

  33. What a wonderful job you did for that event, Kathleen! It was fun to see little snippets of the family mixed in :) I saw my first Super Mable when we were at the lake in northern Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago! I love that last shot ♥

    I'm with you - holding on to summer and don't talk to me about pumpkins yet! We are having some fine summer weather here lately too.

  34. How fun! Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves and the party was a great success!

  35. As always, you make each one at the table feel like the guest of honor. So many amazing details. The tablecloths remind me of hydrangeas. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  36. What a wonderful party, Kathleen! Everything coordinated beautifully & you must be exhausted from all the prep & set-up.
    Loved seeing all your family & friends but adore that last shot of the grands with their Mom, on the beach...too cute!

    I'm sorry I didn't get my post done in time to link up. Wedding is today & we've been a little busy. Right now, its the calm before the storm, so I thought I'd pop by for a short visit.



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