Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let’s Dish #75 ~Lime Polka Dots with a Twist of Yellow


Good evening dish devotees, and glad you are here!

I enjoyed visiting all the entries last week, so many pretty tables!

I am helping with a party at our beach here this Sat.  It is the 75th Anniversary of this community, and we will have dinner on the beach and dancing on the pavilion.  All these benches will have to be moved to make room for the tents and tables.


  We usually have 130 tops, for these parties, but I guess because it is a special anniversary, we are at 270!  I have just finished doing all the name tags in calligraphy, and then a seating chart has to be done.  They are having tents, but rain will complicate the matter, so I am hoping for fair weather.

DSCF0051 (3)

I will post pictures afterwards.

August 045

Last Sunday, my family came for dinner.  There are 9 of us, and only 4 are adults.  It was a beautiful evening, so after a day at the beach, a simple dinner was in order.

August 035

I used a to the floor cotton polka dot cloth.  It came from a thrift shop, and I did overpay for it at 15.00.  It had a stain on it that took me hours to get rid of, not sure if I got it all out.

I used the white chargers from Pier One Alma gave me, yellow polka dot plates from the clearance at CTS for less than  $1.00, and a cream soup cup by Hutschenreuther, that was $1.00.  :)

August 034

A wicker watering can filled with pee gee hydrangea and some yellow portulaca is the centerpiece.  Yellow stems , (CTS)with a lacey edge are from Horchow.

August 045

The dotted flatware is from WS Outlet, and the other is Fiesta.

August 048

I got it a few years ago, I have blue, yellow and green.  Good price, should have bought more!  I was still sane then, so I just took a few of each.

August 037

Little picket fence votive holders.  They are 13 yrs old, bought them for son’s rehearsal dinner, and they were .99.  I have a lot of them! 

August 034

August 043

Keeping it real, I set that, and then unset it for when the kids arrived!

August 049

This is the table after is was kidified, lol.  Notice the plastic glasses for the kids!

I set up a table for all the appy’s.  Cocktail meatballs, Sausage Bread,


you can search the recipe in the sidebar, baked clams, chicken salad on crackers and shrimp cocktail.

Love these big plastic bug domes from the .99 store.  I have had the smaller mesh ones, both from the .99 store where I found the Anthropology glasses and Luigi Bormioli compotes I had in my last post.  The mesh ones rust if you leave them out, even in the cabinet on the porch, so the plastic are more practical, and cover bigger platters.   Not bad for .99!

August 050

Dinner was London Broil, carmelized onions, pierrogis , and a big salad.  I made brownies, iced them, and the kids made Brownie Sundaes. 

August 054

The youngest guest,my son and dil’s 5th,  complete with bug bites on his legs, enjoys the PB wicker rocker his Nana picked up on the side of the road several years ago.  It was brand new with a free sign!

August 008

A pan of Peach Crumb cake, emphasis on the Peach and Crumb. very little cake.  I forgot to take a picture of a cut piece.

Make your favorite yellow cake recipe.  Substitute the liquid with the juice from the macerated peaches.  Cook the cake till it is firm enough to hold the sliced, sweetened , (sugar, cinnamon) peaches.  Put a thick layer on, and then lots of crumbs, bake till the crumbs are done. 

Serve it with some vanilla ice cream. Perfect summer dessert, and it is peach season here!

August 009

Summer fun challenge is next week, hope you will join in!

Oct. is the Fall Let There Be White.  ONLY WHITE DISHES, and one other color for linens, etc.  Start gathering your ideas, it should be interesting!  Off white dishes are fine, but no other color. :)

I always remind you to please visit at east 5 other entries and leave a comment.  I see you when I visit, and I am so glad so many of you are generous with your visits.

A get well shout out to Alycia Nichols, she is one of the best commenters out there, always so generous with her words!

A special request to say a prayer right now for one of our weekly linkers, a real sweetheart, who is going through one of the most difficult things in life right now.  I am sure she will tell you in her own time, but please pray for her.

Same rules, one table related post with a link back to this party, blog name first, and no word id.

Please be a follower to link up and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful week, it will be summer here till Sept. 21st.

School starts here on the 9th, so we are enjoying these last few weeks of being able to see our gkids.

Lots of beautiful beach days ahead, so don’t even mention pumpkins, I am not rushing it!!  There’s plenty of time !

Thanks so much for stopping by or joining in!  Love hearing from you!


  1. Hi Kathleen - Oh my goodness that table is adorable! I want to pinch it's cheeks! I love polka dots and you had me at lime green and yellow. Have fun this weekend! Hugs, Holly @ coconutheadsurvivalguide

  2. I really need to make the peach crumb cake!

    I love all the polka dots, Kathleen.

  3. Hey Kathleen, I am glad you reminded us about Alycia. I have been praying for her and thinking about her a lot. and I will pray for our other friend too...
    Your table is beautiful. I really love those chargers...they look like lace....and I set and unset for people too...LOL glad you shared that little tidbit...
    hope your week is good and thanks for hosting..
    Love, Mona

  4. I haven't eaten dinner yet, all your food is mouth-watering! Love your cheery polka dotted table in yellow and green! Your grandson is adorable! Wishing you good weather for your beach party!

  5. I don't know what I love more, the polka dots, the beach, the, it is that sweet little one all dressed up. I used to dress mine like that and it is so refreshing to see! What a sweetie. You will see that I was thinking polka dots too and actually set a table and remembered to link! Saying a prayer. It seems there is quite a bit of worry in blogland right now

  6. Kathleen, I love the polka dots! Such a cute table and I like it even kidified! You are so busy all the time I don't know how you do it! I am so happy to be back and posting a tablescape today!

  7. Kathleen - you always have the cutest polka dot dishes! All of your yellow and white is so cheerful and the green tablecloth is a perfect companion! That sausage bread looks so good - yum, sausage and bread! Wow, two of my favorites!! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hello dear Kathleen! Love your yellow and green table. Such a great summer pop! The food also looks fabulous. You really have some nice celebrations in your community. I do hope that the rain clouds will stay away for the event!

  9. What a fun, summer all the polka dots! Your crumb cake looks delish...hugs, Penny

  10. Your grandson is just precious!

    I love a family table more than any other kind so I love this (and the kiddie table too.) The yellow polka dots are so cheerful! I think they look so much like summer that you could have used them for the challenge table. I'm thinking itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini.

    I also love the white picket fence votives and those chargers. It's all spot on. (Get it? spot... Ok, lame.)

  11. Kathleen, I want to be adopted by your family. This table is so fun, and as always, your food makes my mouth water. I love all of the polka dots. I've always loved that WS polka dot flatware, but I didn't know you got it for such a great price. I'm jealous. I don't think William didn't have any of those at our outlet. Your little grandson is adorable. You are one busy lady. Can't wait to see the tables for the beach party. laurie

  12. First of all, your grandson is just the cutest! I love the table and love all the yellows, Kathleen, such a cheerful color and one of my favorites now. I do the same with my kiddie table, lol. I love your colored sets of flatware....Christine

  13. Polka dots make everything fun K! Enjoy the rest of summer:@)

  14. Your new deck is the place for a summer dinner. I'm loving the new green and white polkadot tablecloth. Your yellow and white polkadot china is the perfect accent. The idea of showing the before and after kid settings were so great. Your grandson is really a darling and what a wonderful photo! Have a lovely week!


  15. What a fun bright and whimsical tablescape - looks so HAPPY!

    Thank you for hosting!

  16. Love the beachy pics and number 5!!!
    I have that rocker too on my porch..I need new grandchildren:)

  17. Love your summery tablescape! I've been wishing for a speedy recovery for Alycia. She is a wonderful person and always so thoughtful with her comments.

    I have been praying for our dear friend and one of your weekly linkers. I hope the day is perfect for your event!

  18. Kathleen, thank you for hosting. I love your summer table. You know I love green with white polka dots. Now I have to find some yellow polka dotted plates. Your grand is adorable. I am so sorry the mean ole bugs bit him. Those bugs just terrify the little ones.
    I am praying for out friend.

  19. Your family dinner setting looks like a happy spot. The sunny yellow makes me smile, and that cutie in the rocker is precious. Good luck with your event. Yes, I keep Alycia in my prayers. Kitty needs our prayers too.
    Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

  20. Fist things first! Your Little grandboy is adorable, just too cute! I'm always thinking and keeping Alycia in my prayers and hopping to see her well soon. The green and yellow polka dots table is so pretty, happy and makes me smile. I love your flatware! Beautiful summer images too, plus great food. Thank you for the cool party.

  21. I love your polka dot table! So many dotted elements! Great table!

  22. Your handsome young man is so handsome! The table looks great with those chargers but love the real version too! I love the tablecloth.. wow what a find. The polka dots are perfect for adding cheer. thanks for hosting this fun event.. xo marlis

  23. Oh the polka dots are adorable, love the table, adore those chargers and wow lthose napkins are delightful, not to mention the tablecloth, the dots so so cute with the dotted plates...I have no dots, I need dots...I am sure of that...Phyllis

  24. My mama would have loved this tablescape. She always enjoys using green and yellow. The polka dot plates are so much fun, and the lace charger is really effective. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


  25. Beautiful polka dot table with pretty color combo.Love everything about the table...Thank you....:):):)

  26. Love your polka dots, and oh those lacy chargers are gorgeous! Your food always looks fab, and I think I might tackle your peach crumb cake. Thanks for hosting Kathleen!

  27. I love all of these tables, but am especially crazy about the polka dots! Beautiful, as usual...

  28. What fun colors for an outdoor dinner. And of course polka dots are always a fav! Thanks for hosting Kathleen and good luck with your party!

  29. Kathleen your table are beautiful...just perfect for a casual afternoon with the family...the menu sounds wonderful...and how great of Alma to give you those fabulous them!

  30. Hi Kathleen - Your beach is so beautiful and different from ours here on the west coast. Our surf is so rough that people can't swim in it because of the undertow. Have you ever stopped cooking since Memorial Day? You are amazing, my friend. And your tables are always beautiful.

  31. I'm sorry, but Declan steals the show in this post :) What a cutie! I'll bet all of your gkids love your wonderful cooking when they're there. I can't believe it's almost Labor Day, can you? I'm sure things will settle down big time in your area after that. How pretty those sail boats are.

    Your new header is beautiful! Love that red :)

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  33. Kathleen, I'm exhausted just READING about all that you've been doing!! My goodness, do you ever sleep???
    This table, as well as the GORGEOUS one in your header are just magnificent.
    I love those chargers Ms. A. found for you & the lacey edges of the napkins echo them beautifully.

    Did you see me smile at your comment "I was still sane then"??? LOL We truly ARE certifiable, huh?

    Sorry I didn't join in this week. I'm up to my eyeballs in computer parts & pieces & have just begun to get the new one set up to my liking. So much fussing...UGH...I hate change!!!

    I'm already thinking about the fall challenge & have some ideas but they're not too creative, so I need to expand my ideas a bit.

    I'm glad you're feeling well enough to do all that you accomplished. I'll pray for nice weather for the mega beach party!

  34. Kathleen, I so enjoy popping over to see your lovely tablescapes. They always make me smile. And I, too, can relate to the "I was still sane" comment.

  35. Your lime green and yellow table is so summery..and with sail boats to watch, too. Your community's party sounds like a lot of work, but a whole lot of fun. Looking forward to pics. Your grandson is darling. Had to laugh at the bug bites, my 2 year old grandson was having the same problem. The little darlin's are so sweet, the bugs can't resist them.

  36. Kathleen- I have to say that is one of the HAPPIEST looking tables I have seen. It makes me smile and think of kids playing outside in the bright sun-and then coming to sit at this fun table. Um...I am still sane....I think I need to double check on that! xo Diana ps. Your grandson is so darned cute~~~~~!!!!

  37. Missed this when you pisted but better late than never, huh??? LOVE the yellow faltware, have been looking for some so thanks for the info. Your grandson is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!


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