Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Let’s Dish #72

Good evening, Ladies!  I am still doing battle with some kind of respiratory thing!  A week of antib’s and still coughing and wheezing and a killer headache.

I have nothing for you this week, but wanted you to be able to link up.

Don’t forget the Let There Be White Challenge is the 31st!  Hopefully I will be in the pink by then!  Getting cabin fever, hanging around and trying to rest.

Hope you are all well!  The heat wave broke and it looks like the rest of the week will be good.

Here’s one of the Let There Be White tables from 2009.

table 2941

See you next week!


  1. Hope you're in the pink soon Kathleen! Thanks for hosting!

  2. I was hoping you would be recovered by now!! Hope it is soon.

  3. Oh dear me, Kathleen, I hope you're in the pink very soon! There's nothing worse than being cooped up in the summer. Thanks for hosting and take care and get well soon!

  4. Hope you feel better soon, Kathleen!

  5. So hope you feel better soon, Kathleen. I hate being sick, when it is so hot!! Thanks for hosting this week, despite your feeling bad!!!!

  6. So sorry you've been sick, Kathleen, you are so sweet to host the party anyway! Can't wait to see all the links today, and see all these talented people create their challenge tables next week! So much fun!

  7. Kathleen,
    I'm so sorry you still feel bad. We have had it for 2 weeks..and it is miserable being sick like this in the summer. Get some rest and take care of yourself..and get well...thank you for hosting this party..
    Love, Mona

  8. Hope you get to feeling better, Kathleen. For some reason any illness seems worse in the summer.
    Thanks for hosting each week.

  9. Hope you feel better soon, it really has taken you so long! Thank you for having me again at Let's Dish and I hope you don't mind, as I know you will let me know if my posts are not welcomed. Get well, please!

    1. It started last Wed., and yes, 7 days seems very long!

  10. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry you are sick. I sure hope you get better soon. You must be exhausted after having this for so long. Thank you for getting the linky up. laurie

  11. Boo on you being under the weather. Praying that things clear up real soon for you!

  12. Hello Kathleen. I hope you feel better soon. I do appreciate you hosting.

  13. No fun being sick in the summer! I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting, and maybe I'll join you for the white event before we leave for vacation.

  14. Oh geez. I am sorry you are still sick. I hope you feel better soon.
    Thank you for the example. I think I can do that. Thanks for hosting.

  15. Prayers that you are feeling better soon. Thanks so much for hosting.. xo marlis

  16. Nothing much worse than a summer bug. Hope you're on the mend soon Kathleen. Thanks for hosting. Hoping to join in next week also. I'm a color person and don't think I have enough white, but I'm going to try.

    :) Pam

  17. Thanks so much for hosting even though you were probably not up for the party! Take Care of yourself!!

  18. Oh Kathleen, I know how you feel! I have had something myself for several weeks now. Mine started w/headache and fever then both my husband and I had a stomach bug for days then my stomach bug stopped and I had congestion and sneezing with a very sore (and red) throat. I started feeling better then it came back again and seemed like it was trying to move into my chest. I went and bought some Robitussin, the one that has only guaifenesin in it, nothing else because I also take sudafed. This seems to be helping me turn things around so I can function better though I still had a terrible hacking cough attack at the check out line today. Yikes! Anyway, maybe this will help you as well. I hope you feel better soon!

  19. Hope that you feel better soon! I''m looking forward to the all white challenge. Thanks for hosting us each week. Cherry Kay

  20. Kathleen, hope you are better soon. The cooler temps might help! Your white and lavender table is lovely. I'm at work on my challenge table. Trying to get a jumpstart. Fun challenge!

  21. Hope you're feeling better soon K! It's never good to be sick, but especially bad in the summer, take care:@)

  22. Sorry to hear you're sick, being sick in the summer is the worst, I think the heat and humidity just makes it worse. Feel better!

  23. I hope you feel better soon!
    Thanks for hosting this're a trooper!
    Can't wait to see all the lovely tables next week too!
    Take care.

  24. Take care Kathleen!! Thank you for hosting. This will probably be my last time to share until we get moved. Then, I'll be back with a new dining room and new tablescapes to share :-)

  25. Hope you're soon feeling better! Not much worse than being under the weather in summer. And what a change in the weather today! Too bad it didn't come in time to save our hydrangeas! oh well, there's always next year!

  26. Hope you are feeling better Kathleen...thanks for hosting!

  27. Hope you feel better soon, Kathleen! You must have a doozy! Yes, get lots of rest - I know you have a busy weekend coming up.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear you're still under the weather, Kathleen! Sounds like this one was a really nasty bug. I know it is so hard to rest when there are a million things you want to do, but you surely don't want to end up in the hospital.
    If I were closer, I'd send you some homemade chicken soup!!

    Take it easy & I hope to *see* you at the "White Challenge" next week.

    Gentle Healing {{HUGS}}

  29. Hope you feel better, soon, Kathleen. It seems you were ill like this last year --do you think it is some sort of summer allergy?

    It's been a wonderful and busy summer here -- everything is a new experience and babysitting my granddaughter keeps me busy M-F.

  30. I hope you get to feeling better really soon thanks for hosting

  31. Kathleen, I have my white + scape ready to post tonight, but our computer is down now until maybe Friday and I can't post it. (I'm using a friend's puter now.) Is there a way you can post it for me? My link is: Yes, that has two o's in joy (typo) There's another post ahead of it, so scroll down. I hope it will be possible for you to do this. Thank you!

    Kathy Aurelia


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