Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Let There Be White 3 Challenge~Let’s Dish 73

Good evening, dishers, hope all is well!

I am on the mend from my bad case of Bronchitis, thank God for medications!

This is the third Let There Be White Party.  I remember the first time I had one, I asked the hostess of another dish party if she minded if I had a party.  Boy, blogging has sure changed.  Now there are so many parties no one could ever keep track!

The ground rules…must use ONLY WHITE DISHES, no other color dishes, please, but you could use one other color as an accent, ie, napkins, glassware, flatware etc.

I chose to stay with all white, and I put it together this afternoon.  No advance planning! I was lucky to get this done between being sick and doing the community party.

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My centerpiece is that large lantern I got at the WS Outlet for $15.00.

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I filled it with shells and a vase of white hydrangeas.

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White sea urchin salt and pepper shaker,WS Outlet,  and starfish votive holders from CTS, clearance for 1.00 a few years ago.

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Silver charger with shell and beaded edge, Mikassa, white Gibson plate and bowl. I kept wanting to add another color plate, but NO NO, only white!

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White flatware from Horchow, crocheted edge napkins Horchow.

starfish napkin holder, WS Outlet.  Individual butter cloche, WS Outlet. Porcelain oyster shell serves as the roll dish.

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Tall stem recent purchase from CTS, 1.49 , smaller glass Dansk Outlet.

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white Challenge 2013 014

Last Sat. I chaired a Covered Dish Supper for our beach colony.

That will be a later post, but here are  some of  the  60 chocolate chocolate chip cupcakes and blueberry  cake I made.




white Challenge 2013 026

Thanks so much for stopping by!

This is a challenge week, so only link if you are taking the all white dish challenge.

Please be sure to visit at least 5 entries and link back to this party!

Blog Name FIRST

I hope to visit all, now that I am back among the living!

Your turn, show us your whites!

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday.


  1. Your white table is beautiful, Kathleen. The lantern is fabulous and wow what a deal!!

  2. Kathleen, your table is lovely. An all white table is so calming and makes the food look so good. Your idea of using those great shells for rolls is so creative and I adore the bargain lantern holder! Also, those napkins are beautiful and the cake and cupcakes look delicious!

  3. Beautiful find the best deals, Kathleen!
    Thanks for hosting each week.
    Have a wonderful week...

  4. Your table looks great, esp since you just put it together today! It took me two weeks to plan my table sigh . . . I am glad you are on the mend~thanks for hosting Jennifer

  5. You deck is do pretty at this time if the year, Kathleen. The table is very beautiful, so pure in white. I love the lantern, definitely makes a statement....Christine

  6. I have to come by later as our Internet is down and I'm on my iPhone!

  7. Kathleen, I am so glad you are feeling better. I cannot tell you how much fun I had doing this challenge. I have been thinking about it since you announced it. thank you for all you do for us...and for having this fun party. You have made blogging truly fun again and full of inspiration through the women I have met from this party..I like the way you ask everybody to makes so much difference, especially for people like me that were getting little or no comments for that has changed..thank you a lot..
    Love, Mona

  8. What a wonderful deal on your handsome lantern~ love it filled with hydrangeas & shells! Thanks for having me this week, glad you're on the mend!

  9. I need to remember to pull out some of my lanterns. They make such a great statement for your centerpiece. Glad that you are on the mend. I have fought bronchitis on and off for years. It's the pits! The blueberry cake is beautiful. You're the best! Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  10. Hi Kathleen, Your table is beautiful! I put mine together today with lots of agonizing over the color...I don't think I could actually do all white successfully like you did! That should be a challenge someday! I'm glad to hear you are better now. I'm also battling an ear and sinus infection--crazy summer weather this year. And yum, those cupcakes look absolutely delicious!! I love chocolate! Thanks for hosting! Linda

  11. hi Kathleen, I have been looking forward to this so much! It was indeed a challenge for me, I can't wait to visit all the links! Thanks for hosting this special party,

  12. Evening sorry to hear that you have bronchitis....I hope it gets better real soon, and you are soo right. Thanks god for med's!

    Just wanted to drop you a quick note saying thanks for another amazing party and hope you feel better!


  13. Sorry, When I read about it last week it said white and one contrast color, I don't remember that it said the dishes all had to be white, so please remove my link, I don't know how to. Sorry for my misunderstanding! Pam @Virginia Retro

    1. BTW, your table is beautiful and I'm glad you are feeling well again.

  14. Glad you are feeling better. I don't know how you do it all!
    This white table is beautifully cooling for our hot day here in TX. I wish I could slip right up for dinner out on your terrace. Your table of white makes me think of a beautiful white sand beach. Perfect use of the lantern with the hydrangeas. It's all absolutely lovely! ~ Sarah

  15. I'm so glad to read you're on the mend, and I can not believe that there was no real "planning" for this because it's just beautiful! I love the white on white, all the way down to the flatware. It's just elegant and lovely.

  16. Glad you are feeling better. You are amazing, really. Love the table and the desserts, of course. xo

  17. Kathleen:

    Your table looks so cool and comforting in this hot summer weather. So happy you're feeling better.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Kathleen,
    So~o~o sorry you've been ill, dear friend!!!
    Glad to hear you're on the mend!
    For this hopeless romantic,
    I am quite smitten with your Let There Be White Tablescape!!!
    Love how you've used the lantern filled with hydrangea as your centerpiece.
    The shell as a roll dish is quite clever.
    Silver chargers beneath your white dinnerware
    sets the mood of elegance to each place setting!
    Stunning flatware!!!
    Thank you for challenging me out of my comfort zone. . .
    and thank you for hosting Let's Dish each week!

  19. I'm so glad you are feeling better. I hope you can slow down a little, so you can fully recuperate. Your all white table is gorgeous. I love that lantern and the way you've used it as a centerpiece. I hope my second "white plus" table this year won't be kicked out of the linkup. One dish does have a gold rim. Thank you for hosting and for challenging. laurie

    1. LOL, that's right, you did one last week too!

  20. What a beautiful table. I am glad you are feeling better! Your lantern is just a wonderful centerpiece...and those desserts OH MY!!!! I love the Let There Be White theme- xo Diana

  21. "60 chocolate chocolate chip cupcakes"...and you weren't feeling well, either??!! Holy Moly, amaze me!
    This beautiful, monochromatic color-less scheme is just soooo soothing. Very calm & serene!
    I'm coveting your big lantern & you've inspired me to use the few that I own as centerpieces in the future.

    I'm glad you're feeling better & that it wasn't that nasty cyclosporia that is going around.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun party,

  22. I might not have done this right, but I attempted it! Thanks for the party.

  23. Love all of your shades of white! It isn't as hot here as it has been but the white tables make it seem more cool!

  24. Beautiful table setting with that great lantern with lovely hydrangeas! Thanks for this special challenge Kathleen. Hope you're better this week. Loving all the yummy goodies too, wow!
    Big hugs,

  25. Whew Kathleen, how do you do it all, dear friend?! I'm glad that you're on the mend and still had time to make a beautiful all white table. The lantern is a great buy and I love it filled with hydrangeas. Your cupcakes and blueberry cake look exceptionally fabulous. Thank you so much for hosting and having this fun challenge. I hope you can slow down a bit and enjoy the rest of the summer. xo

  26. Kathleen, I am so sorry you have been sick. Glad you are better. If I had made that many cupcakes and a cake I would have to go to bed again!

    Love the white challenge party. Your table is so elegant in your beautiful setting. I adore your lantern!

  27. I am glad you are feeling better. I love your lantern and the price!! Your table is beautiful. Thanks for hosting!

  28. You must be feeling a little better in order to put together your beautiful table. It looks wonderful out on your deck - what a fabulous setting. I had fun with this all white challenge - made me have to think outside my box!! Thanks so much for hosting.

  29. Kathleen spent the evening checking out "35" of the post. WOW!! everyone did a great job with the Challenge. Had a great time putting mine together as I have not posted in awhile. Thank you for hosting. Now rest your body and enjoy one of those cupcakes!

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity

    Oh I forgot to link back in my comments---yes having a senior moment :0

  30. Hi, K....
    I just hated to miss the White table whites are all packed away.

    I do have one set of dishes out...maybe I can do a table using them for a later party.

  31. So glad you are feeling better and I can't even begin to tell you how much I've been looking forward to this party. My goal is to visit every single tablescape linked up. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful table and for hosting. Hugs, Holly @ coconutheadsurvivalguide (and #1 Beatles Fan!!!)

  32. I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you are soon at 100%! Beautiful table too.

  33. What a calm and welcoming table, Kathleen! Seems like the perfect touch of tranquility to help you continue your recovery. So glad you're feeling better!

  34. Beautiful table Kathleen. I love that you kept it totally white. I can't believe all that you baked when not feeling good. Your back deck is beautiful. Thanks for hosting such a fun party. Dianne


  35. Thank you and hope you are getting better.Your table looks lovely with the center piece and with the beach touch.I loved the greenery around .Everything looks nice and calm.Thank you for hosting.Take care...Love sujatha.

  36. I'm so excited to have found this blog! I am a dish lover and didn't realize there were other's out there like me! Now I don't feel so guilty about my collections.

  37. Thanks for the party! I hope you have a great week!

  38. The table is peaceful and calming and very pretty.

  39. Kathleen, Glad you're taking care of yourself..hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting and I LOVE the lantern and your beach theme. Pretty starfish napkin rings, too.

  40. Hi Kathleen,
    Your tablescape is very your lantern centerpiece. Your dishes are beautiful! I didn't remember it was an all white party so I did not link up! Maybe next time before I set my table, I need to check your site for instructions. Sorry!
    Blessings My Friend,

  41. Sure hope you can shake this bronchitis once and for all! Your table looks beautiful! I so wanted to participate in this challenge but too much happening and I just couldn't get it together. You know how much I love white :)

    Take care! Lorraine

  42. So glad you are feeling better! Your garden and new deck is the perfect place to enjoy dining and summer activities. Your lantern used for the centerpiece is simply lovely with the flowers and shells. Have a great week!


  43. Kathleen, just linked into your blog via Back Porch Musings and am thrilled with your white tablescape. I loved the white lantern centerpiece. But I am wondering the WS Outlet is where you purchased it. Would you mind sharing? Am looking forward to seeing more of your tablescapes.

  44. Hi Kathleen!
    First of all, thanks so much for hosting this party! I loved the "All White" challenge! I think everyone's table is so pretty. It's perfect for this summer heat, they all look really "cool" and relaxing.
    Thanks too for dropping by my site and leaving a sweet comment.
    I'm enjoying your weekly parties, I'll be back for "Let's Dish!"

  45. Kathleen I love your all white table. I so wanted to do this challenge but life got in the way and I never got a table set. I may do it just for 'myself' anyway. Since moving I've not done any tablescaping and I miss it!!! Thanks for hosting this party and I'm so glad you are feeling better!

  46. Hi Kathleen,
    I finally have my computer back! Thanks so much for posting my 'scape! Love yours too, and the new deck looks super!

    So glad you are feeling better! Thanks for hosting! Now I will try to catch up with comments!


  47. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Your tablescape is so inviting (I love all beach tablescapes!) and your yard is absolutely gorgeous too. I hope you had a great party. I am just popping by to check out all these fun white themed tablescapes and can't wait to see more!

  48. Glad you are feeling better, Kathleen! Your all white tablescape looks very refreshing and nautical.

  49. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Kathleen! It's funny what you said about blogging parties - times have changed! I've sworn off of link parties since I barely have time to visit all my friend's blogs these days.

    I love your beautiful all white table and that WS lantern is so pretty.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!