Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Live on an Island and it is still HOT~ Let’s Dish # 71

Good evening, Ladies!  I hope you are sitting in air conditioned comfort.  Even here it is hot, and nary a Bay breeze!
I decided at the last minute to try out a table using fabric I bought to make tablecloths for a Covered Dish Supper our beach community is having on the 27th.
Alma, The Tablescaper and I, made a trip in to Duralee, and they had a whole table of striped fabric.  I took the whole bolt of this colorful one,  and got 9 tablecloths from it.
It came to about $6.00 a tablecloth.
Unfortunately, I had a case of soda in the car, and in the extreme heat, a can exploded and soiled 2 of the cloths.  I washed this one and stretched it out on the table to dry, so it still has to be pressed.

Blue, white, pink, yellow and a turquoise stripe.  Oh the possibilities!
Plus it co ordinates with the cloths I made for the last Covered Dish.
I can use the blue and white for the food tables, and the new ones for the guest tables.  Here’s a pic of the tables done with blue and white.
Augyst and dinner dance 153
I used a yellow ruffled charger, pink polka dot plate and yellow polka dot plate.  All were from CTS.
The flatware I have had for  few years, but never used it.  It matches the stripe perfectly!  It is from BJ’s, end of summer clearance, about 10 dollars for 4 place settings.
White knotted napkin ring from CTS, and a blue napkin and blue and white seersucker napkin, one for the lap, one for the lips!
A basket of blue hydrangeas from the yard is the simple centerpiece.
I have 100’s of hydrangeas blooming, all different colors, but this near 100 degree heat is frying them!
The blue stems have a bubble in the bottom which you can’t see!
I got them at one of those great dollar sales at Pfaltzgraff, yes, for a dollar!
The last of the lilies are frying, and I have moved some of the pots under the umbrella to save them.
We are supposed to get some relief by Sunday, but it has been brutal since last Sunday.
We had a death in the family, and I was gone for 2 days, so I am still catching up on visiting.
Peaches have been on sale here, so I made a peach and blueberry cake.
Use your favorite recipe for  white or yellow cake, but instead of the water use the juice from the peaches.  Peel and slice  them, and macerate with some sugar and apricot brandy.  Pour off the juice to use for the cake.
Slice the peaches, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.  Make the cake in a springform pan, and bake for about 25 min.
Remove and arrange the peaches and blueberries on top of the batter.  Return to oven and bake.  About 20 min before the cake is done, spread sweetened sour cream and cream cheese on top and return for the last 20 min.  (Mix the sour cream and softened cream cheese together with some sugar and a splash of vanilla)
My friend Gail gave me this plate, and I passed it on to my dear cousin who invited us for lunch last week.
Sorry, I didn’t take a picture when we sliced it, but it sliced beautifully.
I am late tonight, not feeling great, either  it is allergies or I am getting bronchitis.  We will see!
Hoping we have no power outages due to the heat, and hoping that for you too!
Thanks for linking up!
Hooray, everyone posted their blog name first, THANK YOU!
Same rules…
Be a follower…   no word id…one post, dish or table top related per week…
BLOG NAME FIRST…a link back to this party
Visit at least 5 entrants, more if you can, I know everyone is busy!
If you don’t have time to visit 5, please save your link for a time when you do have time.
Do leave a comment…thanks!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am joining Gollum for Foodie Friday, Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Diann for Thrifty Things Friday.
REMEMBER the JULY 31 LET THERE BE WHITE # 3 Challenge.   White dishes and one other accent color for napkins, etc.  Silver and clear glass don’t count as a color, :) so it really isn’t that bad!
Hope you will join in.  You can see the other 2 parties to get ideas.
Party One
Party Two
Hope you will join us and show your summer whites!


  1. I love the pastels!

    Feel better soon!

  2. Kathleen - I love your setting this week. I am crazy about polka dots and really do not have many of them. I need more!!! Everything is so pretty and I cannot believe you made all of those tablecloths. I must say that my favorite things on the table are the goblets - they are so different looking - wow! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Omigosh, Kathleen, it has been so hot here, too, and with no AC it's really energy sapping. All I do is slowly move from one place to another, no cooking for sure. I wish I were one of your neighbors as your presentation is so inviting. I'm sure everyone will appreciate the creative energy you have put into it.

    1. Oh that is not good, Lulu! Even on the ocean when it is hot and humid a/c is a must. We don't go to friend's w/o a/c in the summer, just too uncomfortable.

  4. I love your new striped tablecloth fabric, Kathleen. The ruffled charger with the polka dot plates look so pretty with all the colors in the fabric. The cake looks fabulous and I love the special plate for sharing. Thank you for hosting and enjoy all your flowers before they fry! We've actually had rain and lower temps... Yea!!

  5. Sorry you're not feeling well, I"m sure the heat doesn't help. Love the fabric, you have so much great shopping up there! Your cake looks dreamy, I know a slice of that would make me feel better!

  6. Polka dots and stripes...two of my favorites!!! You are such a wise owl for picking up on that great fabric!!! The possibilities for it are as long as my rap sheet. Whoa! Wait a minute! How'd that slip out??!?!?! :-)

    I'm sorry your flowers are getting trampled by the heat. This is just kind of out of the blue! Remember when we had snow in May? Now this!!! It's all so crazy! There have been a lot of heat-related deaths around the nation, and that really concerns me. My Mom is not one to shy away from the AC, but she doesn't like it up too high because it messes with her bronchial tubes. I think she may be blasting it the next few days, though, at least on the west wing of the house where the master suite is. She's better!!!!!!

    I love that plate!!! I would like to find a bunch of those to start passing around!

    It's good to be back, if only for a couple of weeks. Thanks again so much for hosting the party, and have a great weekend!!!

  7. Love your cheery fabric and tablecloths Kathleen! Hope you're feeling better~ the heat is oppressive!

  8. Kathleen,
    Allergies have hit here on the Prairie combined with a virus.
    "Mr. Ed" & I were both "under the weather" during the Fourth of July weekend.
    I love that you bought the entire bolt of fabric!
    I'm making note of that, as my Brunch Bunch Teas will now include
    our husband's a couple of times during the year. I'll be seating more guests!!!
    The blue& white stripe on the tables is stunning!
    Thank you for hosting Let's Dish, dear friend!!!

  9. Your tablecloths turned out really pretty, Kathleen. I love the nautical colors but my oh my, that peach cake looks very tempting!...Christine

  10. Kathleen, the strips are perfect for an island party. The table settings are fun and summery. Great job!
    Sorry you are suffering from the heat. How well I know the misery of that! Fortunately we are in the midst of a welcome cool front that has delivered some much needed rain. This isn't a typical July in TX, but I'm savoring every drop of rain and the cool temps. Thanks for hosting each week. Sorry about the loss in your family. ~ Sarah

    1. Thanks, Sarah. It was the last of the uncles, 86 and he went fast, so it was a blessing! He has 6 grown kids who will miss him, but they are happy he didn't suffer.
      Glad you are getting some cool weather! This heat wave will end, but I fear the flowers won't recover from 7 days of near 100 degree heat and no rain. We have irrigation, but nothing replaces rain!

  11. You are so blessed to have such a marvelous source for fabric for tablecloths. I love every minute of your design! Your Hydrangeas are glorious. Although we're have temps in the mid-80's, my hydrangeas fried earlier because I haven't been feeling well and didn't get out to give them all those extra doses of water. Ah year. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  12. Lovin' your pretty new striped tablecloth fabric K! Yep, it's hot and sticky in Philly too... Hope you feel better soon:@)

  13. I like the tablecloth in the fun stripes and your table is lovely, very summery! Fell better soon. Thank you for hosting.

  14. Oh shoot! Kathleen, I am senile! I posted my white plus one color tablescape this week, and it is still 2 weeks away. Dang! I'm so mad at myself for not paying closer attention. I love this table you created. All of those wonderful stripes and polka dots in those summer colors. Your tables will look so pretty for the covered dish dinner. laurie

  15. You know there is something so incredibly summery about light blue and white together - crisp, clean and awesome.

    Your table looks GREAT!

    We've had same awful weather here, just hot and unbearable.

    I am SO sincerely sorry to learn of the death in your family.

    Prayers go out to you and yours.

    Thanks for hosting.

  16. I LOVE all those colors and patterns together! You find so many wonderful bargains! Yummy looking dessert!

    Ironically, where I am in Florida we're having lower than usual temps. Come on down!

    I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for hosting.


  17. Kathleen, I lost my cilantro to the heat last week and this week, we don't even have the AC on. But we are thankful for the cooler temps and the rain. I love the happy table you have set. The colors are wonderful. Glad you finally got those flatware pieces out of their hiding spots. Good luck with the plants.. thanks so much for hosting. xo marlis

  18. Love you tablecloths you have made. I can see all the possibilities with my Fiesta. We have a break from the heat this week if you can believe that. We haven't been turning on the air in the evenings. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting!

  19. Thanks for hosting; it's good to be back at your party! I can't begin to imagine the cleanup of such an explosion--you poor thing! High 90s here in Ohio, after 23 days with rain! Crazy! Your table is lovely. Let's hope things cool off soon! ~Zuni

  20. Kathleen:

    So sorry to hear of the soda explosion. The colors on the cloth are just wonderful and scream summer! Your table looks like a summer's day. Hopefully those days will be a bit cooler soon.

    Sorry for your loss.

    It was a wonderful day of chasing down bargains. Looking forward to another soon. This time Rue le!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  21. Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear you had a death in the family. Hope everyone is doing ok. I like the striped fabric, very summer-y. Too bad I can't send you some of our rain, it has rained here in SC every day in July except 1! Flood warnings everywhere! Keeping it cooler, though. Take care - Dawn

  22. Kathleen - I am sooooo excited for the upcoming party. Thanks for the inspiration and for hosting another fun party this week. Hugs, Holly @ coconutheadsurvivalguide

  23. My condolences to you and your family. Your striped tablecloths are so fun and festive. Love all of the summer colors! Thank you for hosting Kathleen.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  24. Love the fabric! So summery and cool looking. That sharing plate is awesome! Thanks for hosting this party! I love it!


  25. I really hope you get that relief come the weekend. Heat really zaps the life out of me. Sorry to hear about the death in the family.
    Love the look of the striped cloths on the tables. That dessert is really calling my name...

  26. Kathleen,
    Thanks so much for stopping in and for your kind words on my weight loss....


  27. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    As always, you make everything look so stylish and welcoming. I hope this heat breaks too! We're a bit warmer here than by the water too, so it's been brutal.

  28. Love, love, love this table! The pastels, the flatware, the tablecloth...I can't pick a favorite. Wonderful tablescape, as always.

  29. I love the colors! Yes one of my cans exploded bringing in the 12 pack last night -note to self do not open the can up to "relieve" the pressure as it causes it to shoot out every where. I'm ready for cooler weather now. Jennifer

  30. Hot here too! 95 on the car when I got home. Whew!

    Lovely tables in your yard, Kathleen! I'm glad the soda came out of the cloth too :) What a mess in your car, though!

  31. Your table looks beautiful and so summery, Kathleen. It must have been really hot to get the soda to explode in your car. Yikes, what a mess. I think everybody is getting tired of this heat wave. At least we don't have humidity here. The peach and blueberry cake looks fantastic. Looking forward to trying it. Have a good weekend.

  32. Love that pretty fabric, Kathleen! You are right, it has endless possibilities. The napkins are so pretty too and I LOVE ruffled chargers. That cake looks DELISH! I don't have a table this week. Meant to do one today and went to water aerobics and then brain AND body are fried!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  33. I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle's passing plus the fact that you're under the weather. {{HUGS}} I hope you feel better quickly. My DGS#2 has been sick for 2 weeks with some upper respiratory stuff.

    Your tables are lovely...very pretty pastels in wonderfully delicious combinations. I'm also jealous of your pretty blue hydrangeas. Mine are both pink this year. I must get the stuff to turn them back!

    Sorry to not enter a tablescape again this week. I've been working on a Christmas quilt & staying down in the sewing room where it is cooler. I'll be ready for the challenge, though. ~~big grin~~

    Healing Hugs,

  34. I love the stripes and the whole table, but my favorite part of all is the creative centerpiece.

  35. After two straight weeks of central air, I shut it off today to give the poor baby a rest. Thank God I live 5 minutes from the beach!

  36. It's been scorching here too, Kathleen!!! You would never know from your photos that you were battling the heat. Your tables look fresh and pretty!!! Thanks for the easy and yummy recipe.

    Feel better! Sounds like you have had quite a week!

  37. We have been really hot and humid here too, until today. I woke up to 66 degrees and sunny, the high only in the high 70's today. If only it would stay like this but those 90's are coming right back.

    I love the colors in your new cloths. Your table looks beautiful, I wish I had that many hydrangeas. Peaches are just starting around here. The cake looks amazing!


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