Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Red and Newly Gifted~Let’s Dish #65

Good evening, dishers!  I didn’t think I would make it, but I had a last minute burst of energy and a little inspiration, so here is my simple table for 2!

I spent the day out side, cleaning, painting and planting.  The garage windows finally got a cleaning, overdo!

Time is fleeting, and I need lots of it to get ready for the party!

On to the table…


My friend Gail tucked a service for 2 into the other box of dishes she gave me.  (HERE)


I started with the 3.00 cloth from HG, a mossy green mat topped with a string mat.  Both were from Christmas Tree Shop


The centerpiece is some red knock out roses with a bit of diamond frost tucked in.  While I was working in the garage today, I spotted this cute little wicker basket, and gave it a fresh coat of white paint.

If you stand still near me at this time of the year, I will spray you white! :)


The glassware is green, by Gorham, via Lenox Outlet.


Gail also gave me these great red bowls.  Perfect with the plates!


And there you have my table for two, which I set 15 minutes ago when I came in form my full time job!

When I am done, I won’t know what to do with myself.  But when will that be?  I don’t know!

Dinners have been simple of late.  I am simply too tired after working outside all day to be very creative!

The strawberry crop is coming in, time to make trifle.  White cake, vanilla pudding, strawberries and fresh whipped cream.


Dig in!

table 2201

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  1. What an adorable table! the red poppies really pop! Cute idea stacking the placemats, and of course the strawberry trifle is the perfect thing to serve at your red and white table!

  2. I know you are the queen of spray paint! You must have stock in it? Your table and dessert looks fabulous. Thanks for hosting!

  3. This red table is wonderful, Kathleen.

    Thanks so much for hosting.

  4. Love the red poppies Kathleen, gifted dishes are always fun! Hope your cleaning is winding down, I bet you sleep well at night! :)

  5. Whew, you sure have a lot of energy, Kathleen, and you still came up with a gorgeous table for two. I love the poppy dishes. Aren't they fun? Such a sweet surprise from your friend to put those in the box, too. When do we see the porch reveal? Thanks so much for hosting and happy spray painting.
    p.s. The dessert looks scrumptious, btw! I'd love a bowl of it right now.

  6. Hope you'll have some energy left to enjoy this party once you are finished. I find that I can hardly move things up and down the stairs ease these days. Energy level just isn't what it once was. Ha!
    Love the poppy theme of this table. Makes me smile just thinking about the happy colors. Thanks for taking the time to set a table to share. It's great! ~ Sarah

  7. God bless, Kathleen, you are a powerhouse! I am so impressed. I have a couple of items I need spray painted, wish we lived a wee bit closer (and of course, to taste that trifle!). Love the table, those dishes are great. Nice friend you have. xo

  8. Those plates are so pretty! They make for a lovely tablescape.

  9. THat tablecloth is so pretty and the dishes are perfect for it. You can set a table very quickly and expertly.

    That trifle is going to stay on my mind. Looks delicious.

  10. The red poppy dishes are just gorgeous and the food look yummy! Thank you so much for hosting the party this week...hugs, Penny

  11. I'm tired just READING about the work you're doing!! It is all going to be soooo gorgeous when completed...I can't wait for pictures!

    Gail surely blessed you with her dishes, huh? I think those red poppy plates really POP & you had lots of extra pieces to make such a lovely table.

    Oh & call that dessert an EASY one???? Sheesh, you put me to shame. At our house, instant pudding or plain JellO is considered dessert...and sometimes I buy it ready-made. *blush*

    Take it easy out there, okay? You can't get hurt or be out of commission with a bum back for the party.


  12. lovely dishes and I adore that tablecloth.

  13. I cannot believe that you're still at it with the projects! So happy you found time for a table for us.

    Love all of the red!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  14. That trifle looked awfully good.....and love the plates with the poppy design....

  15. Another beautiful table, you've done it again. I don't know what I love most, the tablecloth, the dishes, the flatware, or the stemware. All gorgeous. The trifle looked great, too, though. Reminded me I have one of those bowls, I need to dig it out and make something. Thanks for hosting - Have a great weekend. -Dawn

  16. Why don't I have friends who get rid of beautiful dishes. This table is so pretty, and it is hard to believe you did it in a rush. I really like every element of this table. That cloth is fabulous, and those layered place mats look great. I love your gifted plates and bowls, and your flowers in the basket are beautiful. I published my post yesterday, and forgot to come link up. laurie

  17. I want friends that get rid of nice dishes too!
    Love, love those plates Kathleen.
    And the cloth, what a deal.
    I totally understand the painting thing. Once my hubby get's going he will paint anything the trifle too.

  18. Absolutely lovely tablescape, Kathleen, I find it amazing that you did this in fifteen minutes, you have the most beautiful dishes and you are so talented, both in decorating and cooking, the trifle looks as though I could reach out and touch it, just wish I could taste it! ~smile~

  19. I totally get being too tired at days end to be creative in the kitchen!!! Your gifted dishes are beautiful. Love the red!!! The trifle looks DELISH! XO, Pinky

  20. I am partial to the color red, Kathleen! Love it!

    Your trifle looks scrumptious!

  21. Projects are never ending when you own a home! I never get to everything.....I guess I just live with that fact!
    I love your table....your gifted dishes are so pretty! A very happy table! Your strawberry trifle is my favorite. I make it a lot for company, so easy and beautiful! Thank you for hosting!
    Blessings My Friend,


  22. Vibe rent table indeed.The very look makes you feel hungry.Strawberry trifle makes me to feel a scoop of it...Thank you for the lovely share...:):)

  23. What a beautiful table! I love the vivid reds...the dishes are awesome.

  24. Oh I love the cloth. Great deal. I so love the table on your header also (and not just because you are using your Fiesta flatware). I have my husband spray painting lots of stuff but has been forced to take a break because of the wind we have been having.

  25. Such a pretty table! I just love the red accents, goes well with your strawberries! I hope you have a great week.

    Xoxo. Michelle.

  26. Ahh red!! The perfect color!
    Everything looks beautiful and the peek at you porch is looking lovely!

  27. Pretty table especially for a fast one, Kathleen. Your garden must look really beautiful....Christine

  28. Love all the red, Kathleen :). This is such a busy time of year - lots of projects and other activities going on here and I am falling farther and father behind in blog land! Wouldn't trade it for anything though. This is the best time of year!


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