Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Have A Lot of Balls~Literally! Let’s Dish # 66


(I am having trouble getting the link up to work, bear with me while I keep trying!  The set up has changed!)

My friend Pam, dumpster dived a giant sack of plastic balls.  All clean and new, she knew just the crazy  right person to give them to!

There has to be over a 100 of them!

So…since my little gson’s 1st bday party is going to be a beach theme, I thought I would make a wreath with them!



Total cost was 1.00 for the rattan wreath form from $ Tree.

I had the ribbon.


I just hot glued them, and kept going and going!  That’s a lot of Balls!

I also found these cute wine stoppers at CTS, for a dollar.


And a little glass ornament with fishies on it, also a dollar.  I got a few of them to suspend here and there.


Since I don’t have a table tonight to show, I thought I would show some components of a scape. 


My friend Gail, yes, Gail the Giver, Smile thought I could do a tropical table with these great felt leaf mats.


I think this flatware by Cambridge via CTS, 9.99, would work well with them.  I am thinking on it!


Thinking ahead to July 4th, I bought a few sets of napkins on line.

Great sale at Boscov’s.  And a blue fish jug from CTS, was 3.20 with my coupon.  I bought the matching salt and peppers too.

That’s all I have  for tonight.  I am waiting till July 4th for the reveal of the porch.  Can you wait, lol!  :)  Really, it is no big deal, but be sure to notice all the freshly scrubbed and painted wicker.

I have trigger finger, like tennis elbow, from all the painting I did.

I have had charity pickups 3 weeks in a row, and I haven’t even made a dent in it!  It is easy to get rid of dh’s things, but mine …well,  I don’t want give away remorse!

Thanks for stopping by!

I believe I made it to everyone last week, which makes me happy.  I have been so busy the past few weeks, I am rarely on the computer.

Same rules…

No word ID   Must be table related, dishes, linens etc

One link  and a link back to this party

Blog name first

Must be a follower to link up, and please leave a comment.

Visit at least 5 , more if you can!  I know everyone is busy.

Your turn!


  1. What a fun way to use the balls. I love repurposing things. Can't wait for the reveal!

  2. I cannot wait to see the reveal!! Love all of the palm items, especially the flatware. I love Boscov's, too, but I have forgotten to go there lately - oops!! Thanks for hosting!

  3. link available. Cherry Kay

  4. Thanks for sharing your deals, Kathleen, and for hosting your weekly party. I look forward to the porch unveiling!

  5. Love the wreath, how cute for a child's party! You always get the cutest gifts from your friends and you find such great bargains! That palm tree flatware is quite retro, can't wait to see what happens with that! I'll check back when link is working, thanks for the party!

  6. Kathleen....I love the ball wreath..and can't wait to see your porch....thanks so much for hosting this's a good one!
    Love, Mona

  7. Love the balls on the wreath! Lucky you to have a dumpster diving friend :)

  8. Love the summertime wreath Kathleen! I finally have a table to share this week Whoohoo! Thanks so much for hosting.

  9. Now that is a catchy post title! Great idea with the wreath and I'm loving that palm tree flatware!

  10. Ah...there's the link. Maybe there's a full moon out computer is playing tricks every time I turn around...not the norm. The colored balls are such fun...some day I'm going to show up on your front porch and have you take me shopping at all your outlets treasure troughs. Thanks for hosting and inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  11. Wow! That's a lot of balls, good you can make use of them. Love the placemats and flatware. They will really go well together. I want a "Gail" friend too!...Christine

  12. Kathleen, that wreath is just the cutest thing! How clever of you to put "your balls" to such good use. Some great bargains you found. I think you'd better keep your friend, Gail. She's a great friend to have. I can't wait to see your porch! I know I'm going to be envious. laurie

  13. Well, how cute is that! I love the idea and what a find those balls are!;>)

    I wanted to tell you that I LOVE your header! It is gorgeous- xo Diana

  14. You are very creative! Love the wreath...good job repurposing! I miss the Dollar Tree. You bought some cute things to set a table with. Can't wait to see how you use them.
    Blessings My Friend,

  15. The wreath of balls is so cute and perfect for a first birthday party! Thanks for hosting each week!


  16. I love that wreath of balls -- how clever! Love your other things as well -- I can see "Tablescapes" in your future!

  17. Hi Kathleen!

    Your little wreath, with its primary colored balls will be a big hit at the party! You're on a roll with the accessories already. I can't believe it has already been a year since he was born.

    I'm arriving late to the party tonight. I'm exhausted after we celebrated Ms. C's 9th birthday here today.
    My legs & feet ache! I'm sure you can relate. Sorry to hear about your finger. Ouch!

    Going straight to bed after I hit "publish".

  18. Great job on the wreath!! I can't wait to see the reveal also. Oh and I can't wait to see your tropical table. Love the new header too!!

  19. Kathleen, the wreath of colored balls is adorable. Can't wait to see all the details of this birthday party. Thanks for hosting each week.

  20. Bahahahaha - Love the title, love the wreath! Love that flatware, too. The party is going to be great, I know. Thanks for hosting. -Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  21. Gail knows you well, what a cute theme for the first birthday party. Looking forward to your deck reveal. xo

  22. Go to town! I love that wreath you made out of the colorful balls! You're just the smartest one! Love all of your other finds too. I have quite a few of the fish jugs and they are just so cute. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Cool wreath!
    I've always believed you were ballsy, and a fun grandma.

  24. What a great way to use your balls, Kathleen :). What a perfect wreath for a 1st birthday party! Those felt leaves will make a beautiful tropical summer table.

  25. I have a question for the queen of tablescapes. Do you know where I could find some orange handled flatware? My hubby got me some darling dishes and glasses, and we looked at Target, but no orange. I would also love to find some orange placemats....the dishes have a pattern, so probably solid. Thanks...

  26. Kathleen, I love that colorful ball wreath...I can't believe Eamon is a year old already...where has the time gone! Can't wait to see a table with those placemats and flatware...will there be monkeys involved?
    Have a great week

  27. Thanks for hosting! I linked up on Wednesday but didn't have time to visit. I'm back today looking at all the lovely tablescapes!

  28. You would need balls to make that wreath! LOL So cute for a 1st birthday party. Those felt leaves and the CTS flatware will make a beautiful tropical summer table.

  29. someone just told me that there used to be a CTS here in Atlanta a few years back and it closed for lack of business....I highly doubt this info and if it's true what are the people here thinking.....I bought that same fish pitcher on MArtha' Vineyard last year for about $40.00.....I'm going to Greenville SC for the 4th....there's a store there....I will hit it up and see how much crap I can fit in my car....

  30. Love the plastic ball cute and perfect for your grandson's 1st birthday. Oh, I wish we had a CTS near us. You always have the neatest things from there.


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