Sunday, June 2, 2013

A June Sunday~My Undercover Dishes & Holy Rhody!

I remember when I was growing up, Sunday was a day of rest.  I usually try to keep to that tradition, but today was an exception.

Yesterday we were gone all day for my cousin’s funeral.  He was 65 and the last few months he was suffering greatly, so it is a blessing he went.  Always sad, but his dear wife gave him a beautiful send off.  The Mass was lovely and the luncheon after was upbeat and filled with fond memories and stories.

So today was a work day.  I power washed the porch ceilings.  I can’t use the deck wash that I love on them because it comes down and gets all over, and really, it is not good for your eyes!

I know Alma was having another where do you keep it all party. I have shown it all and have nothing new to add.  I didn’t want to rerun what I have already shown!

So the only thing I can show is where I am hiding  keeping the 112 white dishes I bought last Fall!

10700490_tfiligree plate

The pattern is Filigree by Pfaltzgraff.

Here’s the story.

  I bought 112 of a different plate during their dollar sale.  You have to hop on it right away, or you will be out of luck.  You never know when they will have one.

So, about 2 weeks after I ordered, they said unfortunately they didn’t have them, and after negotiations were done, they allowed me to pick another white plate to replace it.

They didn’t have any that were a dollar or even 2, so I picked this and they said ok. (Currently 7.99)

Now why would anyone buy 112 white dinner plates?

I knew I would be having a party this summer, and I do not like to use paper plates to serve dinner!

I don’t mind a paper cake plate if it is necessary, but paper plates and plastic utensils are only  ok for the beach.  And really, good paper plates that are pretty, are expensive!

If I use these a few times, they will have paid for themselves, not to mention I am happy to let others borrow them too!

So where the heck am I keeping them?

Well, can you say garage?

Some are in a galvanized tub…

May 2013 015

And some are in the gkid’s wagon!

May 2013 014

I will roll them to the house and run through the dishwashers when we get closer to the party.

Yes, I have enough flatware for a 100 and then some!  Remember, I used to do catering as a second job , and I always provided real utensils for them.  Nothing like having a plastic fork break in your hand as you stab some food!  :)

So happy blogoversary to  my real life friend, The Tablescaper.   I started a few months before her in Dec. and that is how we met.

I think I forgot to celebrate my blogov this year!  :)

And so you didn’t come just to see some wrapped dishes in my garage, I am showing you my neighbor’s unbelievable 4 humungous rhody’s!  Never fed, deadheaded, irrigated, NADA!

May 2013 002

May 2013 005

May 2013 008

My neighbor’s only come out in summer, so they never see their magnificence!

My roses have started to bloom…

May 2013 004

May 2013 011

Look at these healthy snap dragons I planted last year.  They were the favors for the Baby Shower I helped with last year.

You can see it here.

May 2013 018

The new porch railings were installed.  I still like the wood ones better, but if the wood rots, it is constant replacement.

Almost ready for the porch unveiling, I know you can’t wait, LOL!

Thanks for stopping by!  I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.


  1. I love your hiding places as they look like mine! ;-)

    Gorgeous flowers, too, and isn't it always the ones who aren't deadheaded that are the prettiest. How does that work?

    Love the porch.



  2. Love how you find a niche someplace, Kathleen, and I know the way you entertain things get taken out and used! I must admit, I lean on paper too much. ;-), but since my guest list is much more manageable these last few years, I trot out the real plates. I did not do a post for this week's SS, nothing has really changed for me. Although I am reading and commenting as rest breaks in between chores, I am getting things done here. Then posts will resume! xo

  3. Holy Rhody for sure! Those are some great bushes. Love your porch, Kathleen, and can hardly wait for the total reveal!

  4. One can never have too many white plates Kathleen :-) I love your inventive storage solutions! I am in love with those Rhodies! How spectacular! The closest we come to that kind of show is when the lilacs are bloom. A lot of them got zapped in a hard freeze this year so the show won't be as grand I'm afraid. Waiting on the porch reveal!!

  5. I love your post...made me smile and those rhododendrons are beautiful..
    Love, Mona

  6. Those rhododendrons are amazing! How sad that the owners never get to enjoy this display, but lucky for you that you do!
    I'm with you on the paper plate issue. I'd rather rent white plates if I have to, though buying them is a better idea. Pretty pattern! Your party is going to be lovely.

  7. I can't wait for your posts on the party. Good for you holding out in the negotiations, you did well.
    I would be claiming those rodys and making some awesome bouquets.
    Thanks for sharing, Ginger

  8. Kathleen - I am just like you! I don't like to use paper plates at all-everyone thinks I am nuts but I just toss them in the dishwasher (we actually have two dishwashers) and they are done. I also have flatware for about 100 people...maybe more. We haven't had a huge party in a long time but I will have one this Fall I hope. I love doing it- even the cooking.

    I can't wait to see your far-so good from what I can see. I need to get my porch cleaned.

    I am so glad to have a working computer again and was tickled to find your post today- xo Diana

  9. LOL...we are SOOOO much alike, it is SCARY!! I have that same grandkid's wagon! DD was pitching it & I snagged it.

    When does Pfaltzgraff have a dollar sale???? I wanna goooooo!

    Your new dishes are just perfect for all the holidays you host. Yay you for thinking ahead like that. nice score, as always.

    I have ONE rose open...a yellow one. I think I need to feed mine & must remember to put the Japanese beetle prevention on them, also. I've already seen 2 chewing on the leaves.

    Those rhodys are AWESOME!! My parents had a similar one that had to be over 30 years old. Would you believe my sister cut it down when she inheirited the house??? I could have killed her. I know my Dad rolled over in his grave once or twice.

  10. I love that you found all those plates for such a great deal. I hope that you send your neighbors photos of those incredible Rhodes. They are magical. Glad that you get to enjoy them. I can hardly wait to see your porch. I can tell that it wraps around. There's just not much better thank a great porch. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  11. The plates are so pretty, Kathleen, and will go with anything. However, the best is how you're storing them for now. I love how you can just roll or drag them out, when needed.
    Your neighbor's rhody's are gorgeous and at least your get to see their splendor!
    I'm looking forward to your porch unveiling.

  12. I don't like to use paper plates either. My friends and family still don't get it. I was hoping for a family get together this week but things got in the way. Was so looking forward to using my dishes. Great deal on the plates. I can wait to see how you will set up for the party.

  13. I thought I was bad with my set of 60! lol! and yes, real utensils too. I have used plastic for a last minute memorial day bbq, but that was because the kids really wanted red white and blue. Love the glimpses of your lovely yard.

  14. I love your hiding places! lol I don't think we can ever have too many white dishes! You got a great deal on your plates. Congrats! Glad to hear I am not the only one that doesn't like paper plates or plastic anything!
    Your neighbors flowers are beautiful! Can't wait to see your porch!
    Blessings My Friend,

  15. I WISH you lived near me! I have twenty Filigree plates and hate using paper as well. I'm going to have to investigate whether I can find a sale...

  16. Kathleen, I recognized those dishes immediately! That is the pattern we picked out for our wedding registry when we got married 21 years ago. I didn't want china, I just wanted good quality everyday dinnerware, and since we didn't know yet where we would be living long-term, I figured white goes with everything. And I loved that design around the edges. I finally got tired of them after about 10-12 years and gave them away, and bought extremely colorful Pfaltzgraff Napoli dishes. Got tired of that last summer and went back to white! Really regretted giving those Filigrees away. Thanks for the trip down memory lane... Take care - Dawn

  17. You crack me up that you actually negotiated with the folks at Pfaltzgraff!!!!! I would have probably just accepted the fact that they didn't have the plates and gone on my merry way. Leave it to you - Queen of CTS and Pfaltzgraff sales - to get a great deal in the end!!!!!!! And so far as the storage is concerned....we do what we must! :-)

  18. So happy that you get to break out "our" plates and put them to good use!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  19. I could easily serve 112, they just wouldn't all match! I do think some of us end up with dishes stacked everywhere. I have friends that are waiting for the day we say we are making the Florida move and hoping that I have a huge dish sale (and I will). The flowers are gorgeous...the perfect pink rose.


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