Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I had the flowers, the cloth, but not the time!

Crunch time here!  The rainy weather put many projects back, including the finishing of the last part of the deck work.  Finally, yesterday it was done, and the sun is out today.  I still had some last minute painting to do in between the cooking.

I bought some flowers yesterday hoping I would get to a table.


I found a tablecloth I liked at CTS…blues, turquoise and purples.


But no time, sorry!


There are 100’s of buds on my hydrangeas, so maybe next week, flowers from the garden.  It looks like a good year for hydrangeas.  I have about 40, I really should count them, and they are all loaded.

But for now, I must get back to the preps.


Now if I had some helpers, it would go quicker! 

Have a great week, and after this weekend, I will have some time again for blogland!

Thanks for stopping by!

Same rules, one link, a link back to this party IN the post, not on a separate page, no word ID and there has to be  china, linens, etc

Your turn!


  1. Kathleen, thanks for hosting this party..I can't wait to see your hydrangeas in bloom..I know they will be gorgeous..
    Love, Mona

  2. hi Kathleen, I am anxiously awaiting my hydrangeas too, can't wait! Thanks for taking time to do the party, I look forward to seeing your blooms!

  3. I can't wait to see all your hydrangeas in bloom either! At least Bambi didn't get them :)

  4. Whew, hope you get to rest about, Kathleen! Thank you for hosting and I look forward to seeing hydrangeas from your garden next week.

  5. You'll be in Hydrangea Heaven in two weeks! Lots of projects here on hold due to the rain too! Hope your list is whittling down and you have helpers!

  6. Oh my goodness! Totally jealous of those hydrangeas. Looks like I might get 3 whole blooms this year! Ugh.

  7. I wish we could get some of your rain Kathleen. More forest fires going on tonight. I can't wait to see all of your hydrangeas! Have a terrific rest of the week :-)

  8. I know your party is going to be fabulous. i can't wait to see pictures of it. You are going to have soooo many hydrangeas. It's going to look gorgeous! Thanks for hosting the linkup, and try to relax and enjoy the party. laurie

  9. The event will be fabulous!! I know it. Thanks for hosting this fun party. You'll need to share a picture of the hydrnageas in bloom - so jealous!! xo marlis

  10. That is a great tablecloth -- can't wait to see your pictures. And I envy you your hydrangeas!

  11. Everything looks beautiful and I can't wait to see them all put together. Your hydrangeas will be so gorgeous! Take a breather, Kathleen. I am glad your porch is finished too. I know what you mean about time, I am so lacking when it comes to that too....Christine


  12. Hope to see a fabulous post.Visualized the Hydrangeas bloom.that's going to be lovely...Thank you Kathaleen...:):)

  13. Like everyone else, I can't wait to see your deck, hydrangeas and your celebration. Thank you for hosting. I've made two weeks in a row and I'm proud of myself. It has been as crazy as it normally is for me. So I understand about not having enough time.

  14. I know your party is going to be fabulous, Kathleen. Everything you do is! I'm looking forward to seeing all the details, so take lots of photos. '-)
    Your hydrangea bushes make me so envious. I have one small potted plant with 3 blooms. Wish we could easily grown them here, but it's just too hot. Have fun at the party and thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah

  15. Sounds like you are very busy Kathleen! Looking forward to seeing all your fabulous touches that will add so much to the celebration. Thanks for hosting LD - I finally got a t'scape together to join in!


  16. Amazing how much work there is to do when the weather warms. We always have to replace porch boards that have rotted and give everything a good overall. That does leave little time for tables! I like the colors in your tablecloth. May I borrow?

  17. Hey Girlfriend...I would LOVE to be closer, so I could come over to help you! All your preparations sound like the party will be a huge hit! I sure hope you have some time to rest & recover before hand, so you can enjoy it.

    LOVE the pretty patriotic table in your header. Thanks for doing the linky party under such circumstances.


  18. You have been working so hard, your party is sure to be spectacular! Too bad there is so much going on at the same time or I would have loved to help and attend.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  19. forgot to Sarah, I have exactly 3 blooms on my hydrangeas. :/

    I also like your newly purchased tablecloth. I have a piece of fabric that is very similar that I've been thinking of using as a tablecloth. Lets see who gets it done first. LOL

  20. The weather is looking good for the weekend! I know it will be a blast! I have one hydrangea bush ;o) I should probably get a couple more!! LOL

  21. Wow, What a show you will have with all the hydrangeas! Lovely tablecloth and flowers for your scape. Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  22. Our hydrangeas are in full bloom. For some reason my Endless Summer are more prolific this year than the Nikko. We have had rain and the Endless Summer are lying on the ground. I will have to pick tomorrow.
    The Limelight doesn't bloom until later in the summer.
    I look forward to seeing your lovely blossoms.
    Hugs, Ginger

  23. Forty hydrangeas, I would be in heaven! My hydrangea had one puny little blossom this year...between the drought last summer and the late snow this spring I am surprised it is even alive. I planted another one the end of May, maybe it will produce something next year. I did lose one out back.
    Anxious to see how you decorate around that gorgeous tablecloth.
    Have a great week

    1. I was amazed that even the ones I transplanted are full of blooms. Some years are better than others.

  24. Forty hydranteas!! Oh, gosh. How fabulous. I only have five, not counting the oak leaf ones, and the mopheads struggle. One is so finicky that I'm about to dig it up and throw it on the compost heap. My other ones are blooming and this one has not one single bloom...just green leaves.
    It's produce or get tossed in my garden. :) Hope you're having a great weekend, and getting lots accomplished.

    1. Babs, I didn't BUY 40, I made over half of them from cuttings and rock rooting. They grow very quickly. I make about 5 new ones a year, with God's help of course!

  25. I'm feeling the same way! We're hosting out gourmet group this weekend and so much to do and so little time. I'm sure it will be wonderful!

  26. You've been dancing as fast as you can for quite a while now. All those glorious! Love all the elements, and how I wish that I had access to your source of great tablecloths. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


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