Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Party~ Let’s Dish # 68

Most of you know I have been mostly  absent from blogland the last month.  There are so many chores to do in the Spring to get ready for Summer.  I washed, power washed, scrubbed, painted and planted.  I planned  and prepared for our fifth gchild’s first birthday.  But, we can never prepare enough!
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The weather was perfect!  Warm enough for the 21 kids to enjoy the giant water slide, but a slight breeze to keep the adults comfortable!
But the weather was the only perfect thing!
A few days before the party, dh put his back out, and being the procrastinator that he is, he had a lot left on his list to do!  Ah the stress!  Thought about postponing, but muddled through on my own.
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All the chairs and tables had to be carried up from the garage and set up.
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Finishing touches had to be scrapped.
THEN…the morning of the party as I was working in the kitchen I noticed there was no HOT water.  What?  We had just had the oil burner checked and cleaned a month ago!
Now I had a mountain of pots and pans, and no hot water!
So while the 60 guests hopefully enjoyed themselves, the oil burner repair guy came and fixed the problem.
I have very few pictures , I was stuck in the kitchen most of the time!
The lady I hired to help, never showed up, her car broke down.
I have never had help before, but with all the glitches, I could have used her!  My dil is a great helper, but I hated for her to be stuck in the kitchen too!
My friend, Pam, came over and blew up the helium balloons for me and tied them to the sailboats I had on the tables.  I never would have gotten to it in the crunch!
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The Birthday Boy fell earlier in the week and sported a huge black and blue mark on his nose and was not feeling himself.
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We had appy’s including 6 lbs of homemade chicken salad on crackers.
Goldfish in a fishbowl, trying to carry through on the beach/water theme. :)
Platters of hot giant pretzels were a hit with the kids young and old!
  I served dh’s special chili and 10 qts of Long Island Clam chowder from the buffet server so it stayed warm.  Not a drop left over!
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Grilled brats and hot dogs,
followed by Baked ham,
homemade coleslaw,
Baked Beans
Pulled Pork,
Baked Mac and Cheese,
Pork Fried Rice,
Pasta Chicken and Snow Peas , and a huge green salad.
Tray of rolls, rye, pumpernickel, and Italian bread and butter.
Desserts were trays of chocolate cupcakes dipped in chocolate and topped with whipped cream and a chocolate shell. I got the cupcake cups in Christmas Tree Shop last month.
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Fresh blueberries and whipped cream on top of a cake baked in a Heritage Pan.
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Of course, beautiful Birthday cake with a beach theme.  Collins is Eamon’s middle name.
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Our bruised little birthday boy!
Pin the nose on the clown!
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If that is too noisy , you could sit in the shade and rock and enjoy the flowers.

One more thing that went wrong…
The coffee pot went on strike and presented pale , I mean very pale coffee!  I had to quickly make 2 pots of coffee in the regular pot!
As much as you plan, things do go wrong!  I hope no one noticed but me.
Now the putting away…it will take all week!
And then, it is time for July 4th!
Happy Summer everyone, it is just getting started here!
Thanks so much for visiting!
I enjoyed visiting all the entries to Let’s Dish last week.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be a full tablescape.  You can show us something new you found to do a scape, anything table related.  If you show food, please show a setting with it, like dear Kitty does every week.
If you don’t have time to visit at least 5 others, please don’t link up.  I totally understand being busy, but I really want the entrants to get visited and comments.  Thanks for understanding!  It is a busy time of year for most of us.
Be a follower to link up, One link per week,
BLOG NAME FIRST, a link back to this party, and no word id blogs.
Thank you very much, Ladies!
Now let’s see what a little group of dishies came up with this week!
I am joining Gollum for Foodie Friday


  1. Looks like I have returned to Let's Dish, this week. I think it has been around three weeks. Can't remember the last time I participated.
    Still recuperating, but lots better than I was last week and definitely better than two weeks ago. I just seem to tire easily.

    Your party looks like fun Kathleen! The goodies look amazing! Wonderful celebration!

  2. Sounds like you have been busier than a one-armed paperhanger...I don't know where you find all the energy, makes me tired just thinking of what you have done in the last few weeks!
    Looks like everyone had a great time...hard to believe Eamon is already a year old.
    All the food looks delicious.
    Hope you and Mike can relax a little, soon!
    Have a wonderful week...

    1. Lol, my mom used to say that...busier than a one armed paper hanger with the hives! )

  3. Oh my goodness, Kathleen, you are the hostess extraordinaire!!! What a party you held and all the food sounds so wonderful. Isn't that how things water out and no help and then pale coffee to boot!! When it rains, it pours. I know everyone had a great time. How could they not?
    Today, I didn't bring a food dish, but thanks for the shout-out. I try to relate the food and the table. Maybe next week, I'll have more energy.

  4. You are a trooper Kathleen, Keep Calm & Party On! Your menu sounds delicious! Hope you have some help putting everything away and can put your feet up!

    1. I don't know how calm I was, Mary! It wasn't anything like I planned! :)

  5. Good grief, Kathleen!!! What a nightmare!!! It takes a pro to like you, though, to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'! I'm sure everyone had a good time, even the daughter-in-law who helped out. There's something very rewarding about pitching in to help when needed! It all sounds like the party equivalent of the Tom Hanks/Shelly Long movie "The Money Pit" where everything that COULD go wrong DID! It looks from the pictures, though, that you pulled it off with grace. Seriously...EAT MUCH??!?!?!!! :-) That was a LOT of food, woman!!! A LOT!!! I would STILL be full...and happy!!!

    1. Aw, but the weather was perfect, and the cesspool didn't overflow, so ...
      God is good! I am sure the guests were unaware of my need for valium! :)

  6. Kathleen, without a doubt, that was a fabulous party! Stressful for you, but you pulled it off in style. I am reminded that I haven't made chowder in a long time. I hope that Mike is feeling better and that you took a nice bubble bath!

    1. Joe doesn't like white chowder, I remember that!
      No bubble bath, Deb, but a nice long outdoor shower!

  7. oh goodness, you must be exhausted! The menu alone would have done me in, that was quite a spread! I can't believe all the mishaps, and the water slide looks amazing! I know everyone had a ball, maybe after the 4th you can rest a little! Thanks for the party,

  8. Oh Kathleen, I'm sorry for all of the troubles. Isn't that the way it always is? When it rains it pours (hey! at least it didn't rain on the party). I'm sure, with all of the décor on your beautiful deck and yard, and all of the wonderful food you served, nobody but you knew that anything had gone wrong. I sure hope your husband's back is better, and I hope you find some time to relax. laurie

  9. Kathleen:

    I'm sure everyone had a fabulous time. Fortunately, you're such an awesome entertainer that no one suspected the turmoil!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  10. Everything looked beautiful, and I am sure no one noticed anything. Eamon is such a cutie. You need a nice break after all this hard work, hope Mike is feeling better. xo

  11. Holy Cow! You get the award for rolling with it! I bet everyone had a wonderful looks like a beautiful setting for a special little guys birthday.

  12. You are a real trooper!

    Lil guy sure is a cutie.

    Those cupcakes looks so delish!

    Thanks for hosting.

  13. Kathleen, you are totally awesome! I know you've worked for weeks getting everything tip top shape and cooking all the food. Your parties are always filled with special details. Glad the weather cooperated even if there were some glitches. It's so frustrating when you've worked for weeks on the plans only to have a few mishaps. I'm sure no one at the party even realized there were any problems. It is all lovely. Now you can kick back and enjoy the summer. '-)
    Happy 4th of July! ~ Sarah

  14. Why in the world do we let ourselves get so stressed? I'm sure your guests felt very "at ease" and had a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  15. The birthday party still looks like fun in spite of all the mishaps, Kathleen. Poor birthday boy, I hope he is better now. The food looks delicious. Love the cupcakes....Christine

  16. Kathleen,
    What a precious 1st Birthday party for your grandson, Eamon, dear one!
    Those cupcakes look delicious!!!
    I'm new to your Let's Dish Party!
    I am thrilled to be among such inspirational tablescapers in the Land of Blog!
    Thank you for hosting!!!

    1. Welcome, Pat! Hope you will party with us often!

  17. Kathleen, I am sure that everyone had a wonderful time! The setting is wonderful and the special touches that got done were so much fun. The food looks wonderful. It did sound dreadful, all those inconveniences. Isn't that how it goes sometimes? So sorry, but it does look like it turned out fabulous. xo marlis

  18. It looks like everything turned out great despite all the issues. The cupcakes look amazing. I was floored by all the food. WOW!! You are amazing!!!

  19. From what I know of you, Kathleen, you just make things happen no matter what the obstacles. I know all the unexpected happenings were not funny, but I had to laugh as I read along. We've all had those days but all's well that ends well and I know your party did just that.

  20. Wow you were one busy gal!! Sheesh that's a lot of work and things to go wrong for one little grandsons birthday party but it still looks like everyone had a great time! What a nice grandma you are!!

  21. You are one amazing Nana..the family is growing up too fast..everyone looks great..poor hubby and his back.

  22. I would say that you have been dancing as fast as you can. Isn't that the way it always is...everything never gets accomplished for the party...and the guests never know about it unless we tell them. Everthing looks wonderful, and I love the blue and white tablecloths. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  23. Isn't that just the way! Fortunately, you didn't have the weather as an issue as well and your outdoor party looks fabulous in the wonderful sunshine! Love those blue/white striped tablecloths - so fresh and beach-looking which of course, I know you picked for your theme. So much food!! Everything sounds delish and I know it was perfectly presented even if you didn't get pics of it all. A job well done! Now go put your feet up - the clean-up can wait!


  24. What a beautiful birthday celebration! Everything was just perfect. Hugs, Holly

  25. Even with all the glitches you all threw him a wonderful party. Everything looked gorgeous! Glad the weather held out for you, I know you put a great deal of work into it. Thanks for hosting. -Dawn (LOVE the table in your header this week!)

  26. Good Lord, had to be exhausted!!! I so wish I lived closer & could be of some help to you. I'm good at taking directions.
    The entire scene looks like a wonderland for kids...I love those blow up things!!
    Your food & presentations are extraordinary, as usual. I have that same BIG coffee maker...I bet ours were bought about the same time, too.

    I sure hope Mr. M.'s back gets to feeling better. "Alternate hot & ice packs" is the advice my sister has been getting.
    Please take it easy putting it all away? We can't have YOU down sick or injured!!


  27. I forgot to mention how A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E little Eamon looks!!! (His parents...and grandparents... are gorgeous, too)
    I also smiled from ear to ear at your goldfish crackers in the fishbowl...CUTE idea!

    I want one of those buffet servers to keep things hot. I can think of a million times that would come in handy.

  28. Oh my goodness- you need a hug after all that! You must have felt doomed for a bit there! Thank goodness a lightning storm didn't come over!! Well you certainly did a wonderful job despite the mishaps. I would have freaked out about the hot water! What bad timing that was! I know how it is to put your back out, so I sympathize with your never happens when you think it would. All that food you prepared is amazing! I'm drooling over the cupcakes! What a fabulous party for a 1 year old!

  29. Even with all your troubles, it looks like everyone had a wonderful time Kathleen! What wonderful memories you make for your family!

  30. Oh boy Kathleen! Too bad I didn't live down the road because I'm a great helper and I'm not related to you. I'm glad things went ahead and you didn't need to be committed somewhere.
    It's going to be a while before I can set a table around here as we are replacing all of our floors and moving stuff around for the stages of hardwood and carpeting.
    I'm still going to have a 4th of July get together with my plywood sub floors in full force...

  31. Well, I love this post because it shows real life at it's finest! LOL And these are the kinds of things that always seem to happen. It looks like the party was still a great success and I bet everyone had fun. The food sounds wonderful. Thank you for hosting!

  32. Kathleen, despite all the hassle, it looks like it was a very fun party with great food. You did well, my friend. Love that giant water slide. I would have loved to slide down that today in the intense heat.



  33. Kathleen, I'm late to the party. My husband has been a little under the weather, but he's better. Your party looks fabulous (sorry about the birthday boy's mishap). Love that pretty blue tablecloth! Your setting is gorgeous! Have a great weekend. xxoo

  34. And Happy Summer to you! This is my first visit to your very wonderful site.

    Your party looks great, and i bet a grand time was had by all. I am sorry you were marooned in the kitchen. I've had to miss a party or two myself over the years, and it is indeed a disappointment. But I think your guests were thrilled, and besides, you have an entire summer of entertaining yet to come.

    I'll be a regular visitor now!

  35. Oh my gosh, Kathleen, I can't even imagine doing everything you had to do to get ready for Eamon's party. It looks like you handled it all and the party was a huge success. The food looks fantastic and I love the gigantic water slide.

  36. Looks like things turned out despite your troubles. Sorry you had such a rough time of it! Its hard for me to believe the little one is already 1.

  37. Wow! really know how to throw a party. What a menu! I know you must be exhausted with everything going wrong. One of these days I'm going to buy some new things to make a table or trayscape to share. I miss joining your parties. Wishing you a Happy 4th!

  38. Wow, that must have been a lot of work, Kathleen! What a wonderful menu and that water slide looks like so much fun. I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time and thank goodness for the weather being nice. That would have added insult to injury! Hope your hubby's back is feeling better.


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