Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Say Goodbye to These! Let’s Dish # 64

Another week of work here, and a few more to go!

Lots of rain , we need some good clear days so I can get finished.

What a wonderful display of Patriotic Tables last week for Memorial Day!  So many talented scapers out there!

After a rainy start, the sun came out and I quickly set a simple lunch table with dishes that are on their way to the Thrift Shop.  I had quite a pile for the pick up today, and these were part of the donations.


They are a set I gave my dil 5 years ago, made by Farberware. 


I had my first set of kitchen dishes for 27 years!  I got rid of them when we moved.  5 years seems to be the life cycle in their home, lol.

I started with a tablecloth by Pfaltzgraf that had a little flower similar to the one on the plate.  Yellow placemat.  Blue flatware by Cambridge.

Blue Italian Baker from CTS, 1.99.




The little watering can napkin holders I have had for many years , by Dansk.



My apple trees are finished blooming as you can see in the above picture.  I wish they lasted longer!


All these had to be dug up for the porch extension..  I found places for them elsewhere, but that’s it, I am full up !

Well, there’s room for a camellia and a crepe myrtle that I have on my wish list. :)

I am still planting my annuals in between raindrops.  I hope I can be finished by next week, but I don’t  know! After the pollen invasion is finished there’s a lot of cleaning to do.

Hope all of you are well on your way to completing your seasonal chores!

Kitty won the star pancake molds.  Congrats!


Same rules to link up.

Thanks for visiting, and please excuse my absence from Blogland.  Until everything gets done, that will be the case!



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Only one entry per week so everyone gets a chance at being visited.

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***Blog name first, and a table related post, not just a recipe.

Visit at least 5 entries, more if  you can
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Your turn!  Have a good week!

Alma, The Tablescaper is having a wonderful 100 dollar gift card give away.  If you haven’t entered yet, get thyself over there pronto!


  1. Such cute dishes, and they are going to the thrift store?? Wow, some lucky shopper will score big. The tablecloth matches almost to a T. Congrats to Kitty, she will be whipping up delicious pancakes for sure. xo

    1. Yes, Kitty will do them justice for sure!
      Yes, what is left of the dishes will find a new home, but not mine! I have enough! They were cute though, very cheerful!

  2. Congratulations to Kitty!
    Love those dishes and the blue and yellow color scheme, Kathleen.

  3. Love those cheery yellow and blue dishes, they will make some shopper very happy! The apple trees are beautiful! Congrats to Kitty!

  4. I can't believe how well that tablecloth matches those dishes! They are very pretty & you've set a lovely table outdoors with them. Your yard is magnificent with all its spring flowers. I included several shots of mine in today's post as well. I agree, I wish they would last longer & not all bloom at once! LOL

    Hugs & Have a great week. Thanks for hosting!

    p.s. I ♥♥♥ those watering can napkin rings...too cute!

  5. There is something so refreshing about yellow and blue. What a delightful table...and outdoors too!! I'm smitten with the yellow and white polka-dot plates in your banner photo. I'm so all about polka-dots!!
    Best wishes for an Extraordinary wrap up to the week!

  6. Seriously? People link up to your party without linking back to you? That's just wrong! As a courtesy, if nothing else, they should link back. Geez! I'm sorry about that!

    Congratulations to Kitty. There is NO DOUBT she will get plenty of good use out of those pancake molds!!! She, like you, LOVES to cook!!! out there and rescue these dishes and send them to me instead!!! :-) I like the light, playful air about them! They remind me of Doris Day movies! Just look at that table and tell me with a straight face that you don't think of Doris Day with that bobbed hair and infectious grin and cute little voice sitting there chatting it up with you!

    Don't work too hard! Thanks for hosting another fun party!

  7. Your new header is lovely. and the setting for your table is beautiful....all green and lush and enclosed...that's what I love...a cozy outside dining room....
    thanks for hosting this party. I look forward to it every week and have met some wonderful women...
    Love, Mona

  8. Congrats to Kitty. She will whip up some delicious star pancakes!
    Your dishes are going to make some lucky shopper squeal with delight. It's fun to pass along the joy. They sure do set a cheerful table. Fun to see your gorgeous back yard with the flowering trees.
    Thanks for hosting each week. Working on something to link up, but not there yet. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  9. Kathleen, I want to shop at the thrift store where you are donating. Your table looks so pretty, and your yard looks beautiful. You're going to have so much fun entertaining on your new deck. Thanks for being such a good hostess. laurie

  10. Awww thanks Kathleen, for the star molds! I'm sure my guys here will love having me whip up some delicious pancakes for them with those pretty molds.
    Your table is so pretty and I'm sure someone will scoop up those well-loved dishes right away. I love those darling watering can napkin rings and the tablecloth is so cheery. Your yard is beautiful and the colors are so vibrant. I didn't know you could grow crepe myrtles there. We grow them here in Texas, too. They don't have the lovely scent like lilacs, but they're so pretty in bloom. Thanks for hosting and thank you so much for gift.

  11. Good for you to get one last round out of those dishes. They are adorable and go perfectly with that tablecloth.

    Can't wait to see when all of the work is done!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  12. I like your table- Those colors are so fresh and it looks so summery outside. Those trees were gorgeous when they bloomed! It does go by way too quickly. We've had a fair amount of rain too and I've been jumping out to plant in between the rain. I just finished today. Looks like you successfully transplanted all the other shrubs! I'd love a Crepe Myrtle but we're a little too cold up here for them, same with Camelia's.

  13. Your garden looks gorgeous, so very neatly shaved! Your dishes had enough living with you I guess, and they're can send them to me, lol.. I love the table and table topper with them too. Thank you for hosting once more.

  14. so sad to have to get rid of dishes, but sometimes you get plain sick of them or they start looking pretty tired~but I hope you keep those blue bakers, they are great! I have been very bad lately, went to CTS and found so much that jumped right in my buggy! Your apple trees are gorgeous!

  15. Thanks for hosting each week, Kathleen!
    Blue, yellow and white always make for a great table. I have a stack of dishes ready to go to the thrift store sitting in my laundry room.
    Gorgeous yard...I finally got my crepe myrtle last year and it even made it through the brutal summer we had! I think I lost a red maple that was about 6 years old, though.
    Have a great week...

  16. Congrats to Kitty. We will be seeing some wonderful star pancakes soon!
    I know your dishes will be enjoyed by their new owner. Love your flowering trees.
    Thanks for hosting each week.

  17. Hubby and I were just talking about how old my "first" everyday dishes are -- the ones we were eating off of the other day... They're 33 years old! LOL

    I'm glad you used these softly-colored summer dishes once more before passing them on. You have some wonderful pics to remember them by. Thanks for sharing them with all of us!

  18. Kathleen, This is so pretty. I love those dishes and your apple tress are just beautiful in full bloom. What kind of apples are they, with such a dark pink color? Dianne

  19. I loved your blue tablescape and those little white watering cans are the sweetest cutest the flatware and of course your backyard is so so beautiful..I would love to have some apple trees like those...

  20. Congrats to Kitty!!! I am sure she will use them over and over. I love those dishes. 5 years huh? Oh my, I'd still have all my "first" dishes if we hadn't had a house fire over a decade ago. Thanks so much for hosting.. I've been doing so much yardwork too, it's hard to blog, house, and yard at the same time!! xo marlis

  21. Kathleen, just linked a post. Thankful for a file of photos. '-)
    ~ Sarah

  22. The setting in your new header is great, and so is the one in this week's post. I'm surprise you're giving those away, but then I know you can't keep everything, I say that all the time. Thanks for hosting the party. Take care - Dawn

  23. I am a huge fan of the yellow and blue combo. It always looks lovely no matter what to me. This table is no exception to the rule.

    My favorite part, hands down, is the napkin ring shaped like a watering can. I really love those!

  24. Looks beautiful. Your property looks so lush and colorful, all rain! Hope you are cranking the ac, now we're getting heat and humidity.

  25. Pretty dishes and table! Someone will get a thrill in that thrift store... and that is how it should be, right? My very first set of dishes? Many got broken, others got donated, and then last year, I started hunting them down on ebay, having decided I liked them again!

    Your yard is beautiful. We are still trying to repair the damage our horrible new neighbors inflicted.

  26. Oh, Kathleen, I wish I lived close to you....I would get the name of that thrift shop and scoop up those pretty dishes! haha! What a fresh and lovely tablescape! Your yard is also beautiful with those flowering trees! Thanks for hosting this great party! =D

  27. I too would like to go to that thrift store. Wow, those are so pretty!
    Your yard and deck are beautiful.
    Have a great weekend, Ginger

  28. Someone is going to be very happy to find those dishes at the thrift shop. Where did you say it was? (:
    We returned to Maine last week and it's rained and rained and rained some more. Yesterday was lovely though making it possible to get some gardening done. Your yard looks beautiful.

  29. We lived for so many years by the rule that we replaced things that were worn out or broken and if we got new things they were usually Christmas presents from our parents. I finally did get rid of some of my earlier dishes (after 20+ years)because I decided they were never going to wear out or get broken! Kids today aren't as sentimental as we were/are. Maybe they are smarter and won't end up with so much stuff, but it is sort of sad too.

  30. Your yard looks so pretty with the apple trees blooming, Kathleen! Yes, wouldn't it be nice if the blossoms lasted longer - they are so pretty. I love the blue and white dishes. Those colors are so pretty together. I'm sure something equally pretty will be taking their place :) Finally got my planting done in between the rain drops here too. Beautiful day yesterday - now it's cold again!


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