Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To BOSTON with ♥~ Let’s Dish # 57

I am saving the table I did for tonight for another time.  Instead, I did a little table to dedicate  to the people of Boston.

After 9/11, my state of NY, received so much support from other parts of our country, and we will never forget that. 

My prayers for those who have been killed or injured, and for all those who live in Boston.  You will never forget that terrible day, when your celebration was ruined by this cowardly attack.


Three red roses, one for each young person killed in the attack.


I started with a tablecloth I found in HG clearance for 3.00.

Plain white charger from Noritake, blue plate from CTS, 1.00, and red square plate from Pfaltzgraf, 1.00


White handled soup from Hutschenreuther, via Peter Andrews, a store we have here on LI.


Navy blue flatware with a pattern similar to the cloth, via HG.


Blue stems via Le $ Tree, water glasses from Dansk.


Patriotic napkins are a new purchase from  They were on sale for less than 1.00 each, free shipping, then % age back from Mr. Rebates.

The knotted napkin rings are from CTS, they were .25 ea.

I was going to save them for Memorial Day, but since Patriot Day was the day Boston was attacked, I felt it fitting to use them.


I layered a blue starred napkin from Kohls , a white lacey plate from CTS , and then a blue sundae dish from Pfaltzgraff filled with the flowers and a flag.



That’s  my little tribute to Boston.  I have not been many places in the US, but I have been in that area many times as my son went to college near there. 

I remember how we felt after 9/11, or should I say still feel, and I know how shaken they are.

God bless Boston, the people trying to find the killer, and all of America!

My food portion tonight is something they would have in Boston. FISH!


Fish, filet of flounder, floured and crisp fried.


I am not fond of fish…but with some crisp romaine and shredded cheddar…I’ll eat it!


Fish, lettuce, cheese, your choice of dressing and a soft flour taco.


Stick a fork in it, you’re ready!  Try and get your mouth around that!

PLEASE don’t link up if you have word id on your blog.

I have rec’d a few emails from bloggers asking me to remind you.  No one wants to deal with it, so please disable it if you want to get comments. :)

Next week is the theme challenge…BIRDS…BEES…FLOWERS…TREES.  Hope you think of something so you can join in.  A little BIRDIE told me you will! 

Same rules…

Be a follower to link up… and a link back to this party is required.

ONE post per week

Must be china, glass, linens, flatware or somehow tablescape  related

BLOG NAME first, and of course, no word id.

Visit, visit, visit!  People will return your visit and you will get to know other dishy bloggers!

Thanks so much, now it is your turn!

Don’t forget The Tablescaper’s new party next Thursday night at 7 PM.  It is called the Places I’ve Been.  I haven’t been to many places worth talking about!  I am sure all you travelers will have things to post.

If I remember to link up I am joining…

Yvonne for TT and Tutorials

Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday…stop over, she has some challenges going in the next few weeks

Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Jann for Share your Cup Thursday

Home Girl for Friday Fiesta

Check out the great give away at Stone Gable!




  1. Well I'll tell you where you've been that I'd love to go...your great bargain shops! :)
    A wonderful tribute to Boston. Your table is wonderful Kathleen!

  2. Love this, Kathleen, and the events from 9/11 haunt me to this day. One should never think that where they live, they are safe. These creeps will worm their way in especially if there are not stringent precautions in place. I am too tired to do much blogging and linking, hoping to get back to it soon. xo

  3. Very beautiful and special tribute to show love and concern for Boston!

  4. Yes, we did have a lot of support from around the country. And then, like now, a great sense of patriotism arose from the ashes. God Bless America, and may He keep each of us in His care.

  5. A nice tribute K! I always love RW&B and I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of those pretty linens:@)

  6. God bless the people of Boston, indeed, Kathleen. What a tragedy! Your table is a beautiful tribute to all of the people affected and to this great country, which is so resilient in the face of these assaults. Your red, white and blue table is a reminder of our heritage and you have put everything together in such a lovely way. I bought those same napkins from Boscov's, but missed out on the rebate. Great flatware and tablecloth. Thanks for hosting!

  7. What a lovely tribute to the people in Boston, Kathleen, but really to all of America. Your table shows pure patriotism and red, white and blue LOVE. Thank you for hosting your weekly party and taking the time to visit us.
    p.s When I saw fish, I thought...What? Kathleen doesn't like fish, and then I read the rest. The tacos look mighty tasty. xo

  8. Great minds....yada, yada, yada. My heart and prayers were with Boston this week, too. Our city with observe the bombing of the Murrah Building in 2 days. Heartbreaking times...a time for fervent prayer. Thanks for hosting us. CHerry Kay

  9. I love your patrioic table, Kathleen. Just like you, I am so saddened of the tragic event that happened yesterday. Very sad that there are actual people who likes to hurt other people for no reason....Christine

  10. I think id pops up once in a great while on mine. For the most part it isn't there. I don't have it activated, never have. I don't know if anyone has had a problem with it, since I don't have it activated. Not sure why Typepad does that now and then. I don't seem to have a lack of comments so it must be working okay most of the time. Anyway, I will link up but if you think I shouldn't let me know.

    I love your table this week. It is beautifully patriotic. Particularly appropriate for this sad week.

  11. This is an excellent tribute, Kathleen. So appropriate in light of the fact that it was a celebration of Patriots Day there in Boston. I feel so deeply for everyone caught up in that horrific event! Innocent lives lost...and for what? Just crazy! Insane! Criminal!!!!! Times like this I wish I was Dog the Bounty Hunter!!!

    Great table! Love the knotted napkin rings and really love the design of the napkins!!! See you later for Let's Dish!

  12. Sweet of you to tribute to the incident in Boston. I have trouble wrapping my head around wanting to do something so vile to people. I'm thinking this is yet another act of a person whose sickness causes such tragedy. Why is it we don't place more value on human life?

  13. What a beautiful gesture and quite the beautiful table.So tragic and senseless.

    Love the tablecloth and the flatware together - they are screaming! Great deal on the tablecloth. The new napkins from Boscov are wonderful.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  14. What a nice tribute to the people of Boston and the three symbolic red is sad there are people that have no regard for human life.
    You do patriotic tables like no other...beautiful. I really like the napkins.
    I would be happy to eat that fish without hiding it in a taco!
    Have a great week...

    1. Forgot to say that I love your header photo!

  15. What a beautiful tribute to Boston and all Americans.
    I can not fathm ow someone colud do these horrible

    A beautiful tablescape.

  16. How sad once again! My heart and prayers go out to the people who lost a loved one. Your table to honor Boston in their tragedy is lovely, with all the patriotic colors. Thank you for hosting and having me.

  17. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
    It should read- I can not fathom how someone
    could do these horrible things

  18. Your patriot table is so appropriate and timely. We all want to reach out and you have done that with your special talent. Your table is by far the best red, white, and blue one I have ever seen, love it all...thank you so much for the beautiful table and the patriotic tribute.

  19. Kathleen, what a lovely thing to do. Your table is so fresh and patriotic! What a nice tribute to all our Boston brothers and sisters!!!

  20. Kathleen, this is such a wonderful idea - a tribute to those who are suffering from yet another horrifying incident. Your table is so pretty. What great flatware. Your stack of dishes makes me want to stand up and sing God Bless America (but nobody within hearing distance would want me to do that), and I love the way you folded the fanned the napkins. I love fish, so I'll gladly come eat your portion! I forgot about the challenge next week, and the post I did this week would have been perfect for that challenge! Yikes! I'll have to come up with more flowers, trees, etc. Thank you for hosting. laurie

    1. You will think of something, remember, no snowmen or fish...:)
      Thank you, Laurie!

  21. Kathleen, What a wonderful tribute to those that have lost their lives and been so adversely affected by this traditional. xo Diana ps...someone can have my fish, too!;>) xo Diana

  22. Is it my imagination or does your header keep changing?

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  23. Wonderful tribute!. Your table is beautiful I love all of it. I can eat fish as long as it is fried. Guess what??? I finally was able to link up! I'm so excited.
    Thanks for hosting.

  24. I now see what Alma was talking about in regards to your header. I posted the link on Facebook and clicked on it and your header is different from when I linked up.

  25. What an absolutely beautiful idea, Kathleen! I love this tribute to Boston, and my favorite part is the three flowers in memory of the three who lost their lives.

    It's a terrible world we live in. My heart just breaks for the families and the city. It could be any of us, as you folks from NY know all too well.

  26. You could not have done a more fitting tablescape, Kathleen...everything about this is just perfect! Your thoughtfulness to include the 3 flowers is so very touching. I love all your wonderful color combinations & textures.
    You continue to amaze & delight each week.

    I just got home a bit ago from my "private duty" job. Lord, I am glad I don't do that for a living anymore!
    Sis is doing well & I am beat. more later

  27. Kathleen, your patriotic table is a loving tribute to the city of Boston. All of us are saddened by this act of violence. You are always so thoughtful and timely. It's touching to read your post and the thought that went into creating this tribute table.

  28. How wonderful to remember those in Boston. Another horrific incident that hurts deep in the soul. I love that you thought of this. A really fabulous table. Thanks so much for hosting this lovely event! xo marlis

  29. I've nothing to share again this week Kathleen but I did want to say that your table honoring our brothers &sisters in Boston is just beautiful. Have a peaceful rest of the week.

  30. Kathleen, Thanks for hosting each week. Your patriotic table and celebration of the red, white, and blue is a fitting tribute in the wake of the bombing in Boston.

  31. I just love this patriotic table, so appropriate. Your attention to detail is amazing.

  32. Kathleen, your tribute to Boston is wonderful....
    and thanks for hosting this fun party..

  33. I was afraid I was too late to join. I have some birds and bees I have been wanting to use. Hope to join in next week.
    Thanks for your visit and kind comments.
    Your tribute to Boston is lovely. I am still praying here.
    Blessings, Ginger

  34. This is a lovely tribute to the wonderful people of Boston, Kathleen! They have shown the country and the world such strength and resilience in this time of horrific terrorism. The President gave such an inspiring speech this morning at the prayer service in Boston. God bless America!

  35. What a wonderful tribute to Boston, Kathleen. I hope they catch those horrible perpetrators soon.

    Perfect time for a patriotic table!

  36. I love your patriotic table setting and the special tribute to the people of Boston. It was a horrific event. I do want to say that this is my first time to your blog and I joined the party as well as am now following your blog. I am looking forward to reading more of Cuisine Kathleen!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  37. What a wonderful tribute to the folks of Boston. I'm going to look for those blue knotted napkin rings when I got to the CTS on Saturday. Love the napkins! We have Boscov's but I never think to look at the napkins there.

  38. Comment and question. First of all LOVE the red white and blue for Boston!

    Second how do I get rid of a word id? I am newish to blogging. Need help with this to help out...

  39. Thank you Michelle!

    I tried to follow you back to your blog and email you with no luck. Nothing is coming up on your profile.
    On your blogger dashboard there is place called comment moderation. Just uncheck word verification feature.
    Email me if I can be of any help.


  40. Very pretty setting as all the bright colors....wonderful tribute to Boston.Happy weekend to you...:):)

  41. What a great tribute to the people of Boston, Kathleen. Thankfully, they have caught the second brother! I hope we find out one day what possessed them to perpetrate this violent act against innocent people. Our oldest daughter was in Boston on business very near where the bombing occurred just a few days earlier - so scary. Your fish looks delicious!

  42. What a beautiful tablescape for such a tragic day. My hubby teases me because I only like fish if it's not fishy. lol! I do have a great recipe for fish tacos. Your looks tasty too. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  43. I'm so glad you popped over to my blog! Nice to meet fellow Long Island bloggers! Beautiful table-setting! I'm in Wantagh but every year we go to the Huntington street fair. =)


  44. Hi, K.....
    just popping by to say hi and to say this is a beautiful table tribute.
    I would have done one, too, if I'd had dishes here other than every day ones.
    I am going to TRY to gather up enuf "stuff" to do a nature one for this week...not sure what all I have, tho.....can I do a picnic one??....maybe one at the park??? I can come up with SOMEthing for a picnic...:)) I do so want to support your party.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!