Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let’s Dish # 58~Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees!

Good evening, Ladies!  Welcome to the Let’s Dish Challenge for April, Birds, Bees, Flowers or Trees.  Your entry tonight should be on that theme.  Not hard, LOL!
I started with a moss covered basket filled with FLOWERS from my Pear TREE .
My tip for tonight, use pachysandra  to fill in arrangement.  I have done many arrangements where I filled the oasis with them, and then used very few flowers with a pretty result.
I used the tablecloth I got last year at the WSonoma Outlet.  It was on sale right before Easter.  Next came the PB bird nest chargers from the outlet, 2.00.  You can see the setting I  used it for last year with the matching napkins here.
The white swirled coupe plate is from a sale at Pier One a few years ago.  The green cabbage leaf salad is from WS outlet, same sale as the tablecloth.
The picket fence napkin rings are from my friend, Gail.  She is a dear friend who feeds my tablescape addiction with lovely gifts!
Recently she sent me a set of black and white check flatware.
I hope to concoct a scape with them soon.  Thank you, Gail!
If there are any flatware designers or buyers out there, my Dishers love patterns, so bring on the checks, dots and stripes!
We will buy them!  :)
Speaking of flatware, the ones used in tonight’s scape are new.  Sale at Horchow, free shipping, and don’t forget to link to  first for a % back!  Nope, I get nothing for saying that!
The BIRDS are from Pier One, and the little topiary name card holders…

are from  Cheaper than that novelty company that is seen all over blogland these days.
A sneeze will blow them over, so I suggest gluing a quarter to the bottom, esp if you have someone with a cold as a guest, or are using them outside!  :)
When in doubt, bring out the Waterford, so I did. It goes with every thing.
I used the bottoms of my little butter domes to hold a pale green votive.
The small green pedestal is Bardallo , a gift from my friend Pam.
The only thing I didn’t get in was a BEE.  There might be one in the flowers though!
Foodie Friday’s theme tonight is Spring Salad.  ML West hosts this party over at Rattlebridge Farm, formerly  Designs by Gollum. I have been partying with her since she started.  She takes such wonderful pictures and is such a gracious hostess!
Spring Salads it is!
Let's Dish 449
Bowtie noodles, chicken, onions snow peas, oj, mayo or yogurt , powdered mustard, and salt and pepper.  Chill a few hours so the flavors can blend, and serve.
You can serve it with a fresh asparagus quiche .
Last night we had a dinner salad.  Sliced chicken, strawberries, grapes, feta, walnuts , bacon, cranberries and of course, greens.
Same rules to link up…
Be a follower
No word id
Blog name first (almost everyone remembered last week!) You can add your description, unlimited letters
Dish, glasses, etc. related post
If you don’t have time to visit, please save your post till you do.  Everyone likes to get visited, and thank you to most of you who make the rounds faithfully.  You are the best!
Thank you for leaving a comment for me after you link. I love hearing from you , so please say hi!  :)
I will link to
Yvonne’s TT and Tutorials
Tablescape Thurs.
Jann’s Share your Cup
Friday Fiesta
Diann’s Thrifty Friday
And Foodie Friday
Thanks for visiting!
Your turn!


  1. hi Kathleen, your table looks lovely of course and the picket fence napkin rings add so much fun to the setting. You are so lucky to have a WS and PB outlets to shop in, that would mean trouble for me! Love your new checked flatware, I just got some black dotted plates that would look so cute with it! The quarter glued to the bottom of the light topiaries is such a great idea! Thanks for the fun party! Jenna

  2. Kathleen, you had me at the Waterford! However, I adore those picket fence napkin rings and lovely tablecloth. I cannot believe all of the bargains on the table - you are one savvy shopper. Also, the food looks wonderful!

  3. Love the pale green cabbage plates, so pretty. Everything looks lovely. The new flatware looks great!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Oh so pretty, Kathleen! I love the cabbage plates with that beautiful WS tablecloth. The pocket fences are too cute and of course, the Waterford...sigh!! The centerpiece is gorgeous with your pear tree blossoms. Th salads look wonderful and the asparagus quiche...mmmm! Thanks so much for hosting and happy evening. xo

  5. Your basket of posies is sooo pretty! Just wondering as I picked and displayed pear branches for the first time this year. Do your blossoms have a nice aroma or not? I love the tablecloth! Stunning! Everything comes together beautifully. Simple and elegant!
    Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!!

    1. No, they don't have much of an aroma! Def not sweet smelling!
      Thank you, D.!

  6. I have a ton of pachysandra and will start using it to fill in arrangement. Great tip! I love the topiary name card holders, and I won't invite any that might have allergies or a cold if I buy them. The new flatware looks great, and I hope someone starts making flatware with some really nice patterns. Thanks for hosting Kathleen! Always a fun party. My husband watches Survivor on Wednesdays, and always tells me that I have "Let's Dish". LOL

  7. Thanks for hosting Kathleen! I was really looking forward to this challenge. My memory failed me though, I have butterflies instead of trees (oh well), but I did get in the birds and the bees. Off to visit!

    1. Hi Pam! One of the quartet would be enough, lol!
      Butterflies are good!

  8. Lovely table as always Kathleen. I adore the picket fence napkin rings. And good on you sending a shout out to flatware companies! We do love our pretties don't we :-) Thanks so much for hosting each week!

    1. Kathe, I called Cambridge and the woman I talked to said she would pass the info on.
      I would love some stripes or dots that don't break the bank!

  9. Your pear blossoms are gorgeous K, as is that yummy quiche too! Love the black and white checked flatware, I know you'll put it to good use. Hope you got to enjoy this nice day, seems the temps took a nose dive as soon as work ended here:@)

  10. Kathleen..I love your party! thank you for hosting it. and your looks so good....your table is pretty too..... Love, Mona

  11. Kathleen you have done it again.. Your tables are gorgeous. I love the green and white color combo. Those picket fence napkin rings are the cuttest. Thanks for hosting.

  12. Beautiful springy tablescape, Kathleen. Lovely green colors. So nice to have friends who feed your habit. Your food is making me hungry...Christine

  13. You always set such a pretty table, and you always have mouth watering food to go on your tables. Those little topiaries place card holders are so cute. I bet I won't be able to find them at our nearest Target. Love that green tablecloth. So fresh and Springy. The pear tree blossoms look beautiful. Your new flatware is gorgeous. And Oh My Gosh! You are such a cook. All of those food pictures made me so hungry. laurie

    1., Laurie, you get it on line, they still have them.
      And thank you!

  14. I love this pretty! I also love the new flatware you got from your friend! I need a few friends like that....that will feed my tablescape addiction too...haha! Thanks for hosting this great party! =D

  15. Oh, so much beautiful green, Kathleen! It just screams of I remember from years past, it snowed here last night! I love the cabbage leaf salad plates.
    Can't wait to see what you do with the black and white...
    The food all looks yummy, especially that salad.
    Have a great week...

  16. Very pretty!! I like the little fence napkin rings, how nice of your friend to support your passion!! I liked your shout out to the flatware designers!! I finally got it right by posting by my blog name, sorry for my past faux pas.

  17. I can't even figure out where to begin with this one. I guess the fact that you used the pear blossoms, which are among my favorite flowering trees, in the centerpiece is my favorite part. But way beyond that, I love the the gentle green and white of the table linen against all the white and the bird's nest chargers. (I really want some of those!!) I want some of that flatware too.

    And I guess while I'm at it, I ought to admit I want some Waterford.

    Just completely lovely, Kathleen!

    I'm so glad you came up with the theme idea. It was just the boost I needed right now. Really.

  18. What a fun challenge! You did a beautiful job! So pretty!

  19. Love your theme this week. Your table is happy and pretty with cute topiary name cards and a stunning tablecloth. Like all the dishes. Your food looks wonderful.

    You have so many shopping places. I must take a trip to visit any of your usual shops.

    Hope you have a wonderful week. Thank you for hosting.

  20. I linked up using my phone so I blame it for not letting me type my blog name. Sorry.
    Your table is beautiful. My favorites are the chargers, napkin rings, tablecloth, and your new flatware. Oh and everything else also.
    Thanks for hosting.

  21. Hi Kathleen! Your table sports one of my very favorite shades of green. It all looks so lovely!

    I am enjoying visiting your link-ers that are sharing very beautiful tables and china.

    Thanks you for hosting!

  22. Very pretty spring green tablescape!Love those little picket fence napkin rings and the way you used them inverted instead of on the side. Food looks delicious!

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with the black and white check!

    Thanks for hosting.


  23. What a lovely table and delicious food! Sorry I can't link up this week, but my April shower didn't fit the theme! Love the black and white check - you are right - I would buy!!!

  24. You KNOW I had to look up what the heck that "pachysandra" meant!!! That one went WAY over my head! Come to think of it though, I have some faux pachysandra in my stash. Just never knew what the heck to call it. Thank you for enlightening me!!! I'm super jealous that you have a pear tree that yields such luscious flower-filled branches!!! Even more jealous that you thought to create an arrangement using them!!! Will my jealousy of you ever cease??!?! Probably not! :-)

    I'm a super fan of the green and white! That particular shade of green in your tablecloth is of great interest. It's really pretty.

    That asparagus quiche looks fabulous!!! I was thinking about making a quiche this weekend using spinach, but I may change my mind now that I've seen this one. I found Popeye spinach on sale for $1 a bag at a local grocer, and I'm trying to come up with every recipe under the sun to use up the bags I bought. It's good for us, so no worries!

    I wish I could get Ramon to eat a salad for dinner. He would swear I was trying to starve him to death!!! I'm trying to get back in the groove of eating just a salad for dinner so I can drop a few pounds before surgery. I'm thinking being a few pounds lighter might make physical therapy go a little smoother.

    Thanks again for hosting, Kathleen!!!

  25. Just like Alycia, I had to do some lookin up! What lovely pear blossoms, any blossoms we had nasty ol Mr. Frost got, not once, not twice, but three or wait maybe 4 times. I loved that table cloth in the catalog and even more on your table. I love that shade of green. Your table is wonderful!!! I love the food. oh wow. thanks so much for hosting.. have a blessed week, xo marlis

  26. Thank you for the great party, as always! I love the cabbage bowls on top of the great dishes. Your tablecloth is fabulous too; but the pear tree with the lovely flower branches, priceless!...and so is the gorgeous "pachysandra"??..(never heard of that name). I also love the B&W china and flatware. The food looks marvelous and I'm making that quiche soon, it looks amazing!

  27. Love your theme this week. I think everyone is SO ready for Spring. Thanks for sharing your beautiful table.

    Jocelyn @

  28. Kathleen your tables are always so pretty! You come up with the most fun items to set your table with. Love the fence napkin rings and the topiary place card holders. I really enjoyed this months challenge!

  29. We here in Texas are waiting for Mother Nature to decide if Spring is really going to come or wait awhile. Woke up to 31 degrees this morning. Your table really makes me think Spring. Your tables are always one of the best!


  30. Love your pear blossoms arrangement Kathleen and your gorgeous tablecloth! That shade of green is my favorite color!

    Egads, I see my link showed up three times...I used my not-too-smart phone to link at dinner last night and didn't check it til this morning. I deleted the extra links, Thanks for hosting!

  31. What a pretty tablescape, Kathleen! The minty green is just so soothing & your new additions to your collections are darling. I have mega dish envy!

    Each of your food photos look so yummy...I want to make each one.

    Sorry I couldn't join in this week. Too much going on with sister & her knee replacement. No time to play with dishes this week.

  32. Your tablecloth is the perfect shade of spring green! I love your theme of green and white. The picket fence napkin rings are darling with napkin placed inside and then centered on your plates.I am so happy to read where each piece was found. The new black and white checked flatware is lovely and certainly was a thoughtful gift. I loved your theme this month and all the Pear tree blossoms in the wicker basket is perfect.

    Your quiche looks delicious as do all your dishes. I enjoy visiting every we and posting when I can. I love commenting on the other blogs. Have a wonderful week!


  33. I ADORE that moss covered basket centerpiece!

    I am particularly drooling over your delish foodie pics too, yum!

    Thank you so much for the fun theme and linky party hosting.

  34. I can't wait to get my camera/computer situation worked out so I can post with you again. I love this, Kathleen. SO cute. Especially that little picket fence napkin holder. Swoon.

  35. Such a pretty tablescape! And what a great friend to feed your tablescape habit! LOL The food looks amazing. Now I really am starving! Thanks for hosting.

  36. Pretty tablescape! Definitely feels like Spring finally :) And a delicious round up of good eating. Now I'm hungry again!

  37. Hi Kathleen. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. I am now following you too! That table tablescape is stunning.

  38. Kathleen, your t'scape is so pretty! Love the spring green colour - so fresh. Great new flatware,it will no doubt come in very handy! All the food items make my mouth water! I wasn't organized enough to join in your themed party this week and didn't get my birds, bees, flowers or trees on this week.


  39. I guess my comment was gushing in my head and I never got to type it as I went back for several more look-sees! Love everything about this table, the soft color, the chargers, and my personal favorite, the food. You make the most delicious looking salads all the time. I am so sorry I couldn't get myself together enough to join this time. xo

  40. I am painting the bedroom. I'm tired, I'm cranky (REALLY cranky), so took a blog break, and now all I can think about is this delicious looking food (and how much I want to go to the W-S outlet).

  41. Awesome table. I love all that unique flatware. Everything on the table is perfect. I do think I saw a bee in the flowers. Boy, I bet you will have a bumper crop of pears this year.
    Your salad looks so good. Darn, now I'm hungry.
    Blessings, Ginger

  42. Great idea about the pachysandra, Kathleen, and a tip I'm sure I'll use! Beautiful spring-y table and Waterford always looks beautiful with green, Lassie :)

    We are very much into salads as a meal now that the weather is slowly starting to warm up. Delicious pasta and chicken salads, plus the asparagus quiche is gorgeous!

  43. Kathleen, you are the best. I'm making your salads this week. The chicken salad will be perfect for my trying-to-diet hubby. I'm swooning over your quiche. The last one I made was so flat, it looked as if a house had fallen on it. I love how yours is so poofy. Your tablescapes are always so pretty, but there 's just something so happy and elegant with the pear blossoms and your gorgeous dishes. Love the tip about the topiary placecards! I hope you have a wonderful week.

  44. Kathleen, love your themed tablescape! the topiaries are so cute and I love the little picket fences. Can't wait to see what yo do with the darling checkered utinsels. I did a post for the party, but headed out of town before it was party time. Sad that I missed this sweet party. Thanks for sharing it with SYC. I love salads like you had for dinner last night. Especially in the summer when hot foods just don't sound that good.

  45. So much to like here! Those darling little topiary placecard holders really caught my eye. Target, here I come. Great design for your tablescape! Thanks for hosting us & for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  46. Beautiful, Kathleen! I love the theme of this table setting. The food looks delicious, too. : ) The little topiary placecard holders are perfect and I love them.


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