Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In the Pink~ Let’s Dish #56

Hello, Ladies, welcome  to Let’s Dish!

A few reminders…

APRIL 24th is the next theme challenge.  BIRDS, BEES, FLOWERS, or TREES.  Pretty broad topic, so everyone can join in.  Of course that excludes, snowmen or fish, sorry!  ;)

My yearly subscription to inlinkz is up soon. Before I pay to extend, do you feel we should continue with Let's Dish? I know there are so many parties out there, and every day a few more are added. Let me know if you think we should continue. 
Please remember to link back to this party, and no blog entries with word id’s permitted.  Thanks!
Tonight I am in the pink!

I started with a cotton  pink plaid with a touch of lime tablecloth that I got on clearance for 2.00.  CTS018

My Lion’s head Apilco Tureen holds a bouquet of fresh pink hydrangea.
  I bought them on sale after Easter, and I will plant the bush.  With luck it will come back and bring me more bouquets!


Alma, The Tablescaper,  gifted me with 4 of these white chargers for my birthday.  I just love them.  The lime green flatware is also from her.  Thank you!

Pink polka dot plate from CTS, as well as the square lacey salad plate.  I sure get my money’s worth from these, so versatile.

Small polka dot pedestal also from CTS.

Pink stem and water glass by Gorham, via the Lenox outlet.

Bird s and p flew in from Pier One.


Pink and white check napkin with a pink linen napkin held with an Italian alabaster ring from PB Outlet.


Individual  glass butter domes from WS Outlet, on sale.

I had a gift certificate for BBB, and I wanted to try one of those double Belgian Waffle Makers. I used my 20% off coupon.  It is  Waring Pro, and I am very pleased with it!

You can also get it at a good price at  SAM’S CLUB.


You make 2 at a time, which is good!  One is more than enough per person.  I made applesauce cinnamon waffles with some fresh pineapple, blueberries and strawberries. 

Definitely a treat for a nice Sunday Brunch.

QRA 005

QRA 008
Come on over, I will make you one!

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you spending some of your precious time visiting me!

Can’t wait to see what you whipped up this week!

Please be a follower to link up…

ONE link per week, I want everyone to get visits and this way everyone has a fair shot.
Blog name or your name first.

 That way people get to know your blog…they won’t remember “Green and yellow”  :)

Thank you to all of you who visit the others and leave a comment. I see the same people every week who visit and support the other entries!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Jann Olsen  for Share Your Cup

Yvonne for T T and Tutorials

Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Gollum for Foodie Friday

Home Girl for Friday Fiesta

 Bev for Pink Saturday

Ok, Let’s Dish!


  1. I hope to join in on the 24th, maybe even next week. I enjoy it, due to sparse dishes and accoutrements, I can't join as often as I would like. Your pink table just makes me happy! And those waffles, wow. xo

    1. Like I always say, the audience is so important, and we appreciate you looking and visiting. You always visit a lot, Barbara, thanks!

  2. I hope you continue your party, it's one of my favorites because it is small and specific. The big linky parties where you can link up anything are a little overwhelming and hard to weed through to what one's interested in. I love your party because I know it's going to be nothing but tabletops! I plan to be here every week!
    Your pink and green table is over the top adorable, I love pink, I love polka dots, so I'm experiencing some serious dish envy right now. The white chargers and plates are fabulous too!

    1. I like to keep it small, Jenna. Once it goes to 50 I cut it off.
      And yes, just tabletops, no blouses or bedspreads, unless they are on the table! :)

  3. Kathleen~ I love your pink & green table pairing the plaid & polka dot! Your Belgian waffle looks delicious! I wish my husband was a fan and I had room for another appliance :)

    I love this linky party and would love for it to continue! It's especially fun since you can dish about a new purchase and it doesn't necessarily have to be a tablescape!

    1. Yes, I think people forget it can be a purchase or collection, doesn't have to be a whole scape!
      Thanks, Mary!

  4. I hope you continue Let's Jenna said it is small, only tablescapes and most do visit and leave comments...there are some that still need to work on the comment part...they don't seem to understand they are not the only one that likes to receive comments!

    Your table is really pretty...those hydrangeas are gorgeous! I would love to see that tablecloth used with lime and white some time. What dessert are you serving on those cute mini pedestals?

    1. I thought I would serve an appy on them, something you could pick up!
      And I will do lime and white, just for you! :)

  5. You have no idea how much I love waffles!! My dad even gave me a waffle iron for my birthday, when I was still in high school - lol!! I may just have to accept your invitation to pop over and have one. I love your spring table and you always seem to have some darling polka dot dishes that I seriously envy (in the nicest way!). The pink and green are a lovely combination and tell Alma that the chargers that she gave you are a hit! I so enjoy participating in "Let's Dish". I do hope that you continue, if it is not too much trouble for you!

  6. I love this pink table, Kathleen.....and the waffles.

  7. I'm loving every piece of this gorgeous pink, ivory and sparks of green table! Oh Kathleen, I think I haven't missed this great and exciting party, once!..hope you continue, it's small and ONLY tablescapesrs..which is my fav blogging think to do and see! Your party is one I look so forward to linking up each week, just like I do Tablescape Thursday and Table Top Tuesday, you're in my fav's list...but I do understand if you leave the party, ONLY if you wish to, though. Thank you so much for this week. I always answer and visit and leave my comments..when someone dosn't, I really dismiss it, as this is supposed to be fun, nut soemething I need to get upset over!! NO WAY! Big hugs,

  8. I adore waffles! My grand girls are coming over to our house for two weeks and so I will be making lots of everything! Love the pink polka dot pedestals, soo sweet!

  9. Of course you should continue Let's Dish!It's so much fun.

    I'm so happy that you like your gifts! Your table looks great. Finally, Spring!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  10. There ARE a lot of parties out there, yes. There are NOT, however, a lot of parties where I feel more like a name than a number. So my vote is H-E-double hockey sticks YES!!!! I think you should keep this bad boy up and running. I would understand if you didn't (not really...I'd probably come hunt you down!), but it's one of the best out there in my opinion because it's not so humongous that we get lost in the crowd. The chances of getting a visit are pretty doggone good, and the people who participate are sweet, genuine, and talented.

    Now on to your pretty pink...which is my favorite color and cannot be topped! Alma gives FABULOUS gifts!!! I LOVE those chargers SO much!!! They are so unique and SO pretty...just perfect for this tablescape with their lacy little selves!!! You KNOW I'm lovin' the polka dot dishes! As for your waffles, when I look at them they look like a cowboy. See his little hat at the top? The waffle is his head, the bacon is his mustache, and he's licking his tongue out at us (the ham). Or maybe he has ginormous lips, and THAT'S the ham! I don't just looks like a cowboy to me. I, of course, have had a few already this evening, so don't mind me! :-)

    I hope you're able to get that hydrangea to come back year after year. It's a beaut! Good luck, and thanks again for hosting Let's Dish! Seriously, if you stop having this blog party I will put a hit out on you. Just kidding...but not really. You decide! ;-)

  11. Ditto Alycia... I love this party!! So please yes yes yes. And thank you. I love your pink! OMG those chargers are just to die for. The pink polka dots make me smile.. the plaid tablecloth.. It all came together so nicely!! And please say yes to keeping this party!! xo marlis

  12. I would love for Let's DIsh to continue. I've really enjoyed participating. My only caveat is that I hope that you are excited about the prospect to continue. You are so generous to host us. Tonight's tablescape is right up my pink and green alley. I love it. The chargers from Alma are superb! And oh've even made a plate full of waffles and bacon look like set the bench mark high, Kathleen! Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us. Cherry Kay

  13. First off, Kathleen, I always look forward to your party. I love visiting with others and feel that people are very thoughtful and considerate.
    On to your table... This is one of my favorites! I love the pink and green, the polka dots and the lacy edges. The hydrangeas are the perfect centerpiece. I have one to plant, also, and hope that I have good luck.
    You are a wonderful hostess and I always appreciate your visit and your comments. Have a wonderful week! xo

  14. Oops, I forgot to mention that I'd love to stop by for one of those fabulous waffles!! Mm-mm, they look perfect for brunch!

  15. I want a waffle! Oh my, what a delicious looking plate! I love your pink table, and your use of the doily with the doily plate is fabu! At first glance I thought it was 2 doilies. The whole table is gorgeous. What nice birthday gifts!

    I haven't done a tablescape in awhile, but I'm getting back to it and would love to see your party remain! :) Pam

  16. I am seriously going to have to move to a city where there is a CTS! You find the best stuff there.
    Besides your pretty pink table, I really like the setting in your header photo.

  17. The party must go on Kathleen but only if you feel up to it. It is very nice of you to host each week. I do love your pink tablescape. It is so cheerful and perfect for spring. I do have to agree with the others, the chargers from Alma are just beautiful. The waffles look yummy too.

  18. I hope to join in on the 24th. I am such a nature girl that it is right up my alley! I have plenty of buggy and birdy plates ;o)Your pink table is so pretty, and I always think of adding pink to my collection when I see a beautiful table like this. I have a similar waffle maker, and we love it. I'd love to stop by for one of yours!

  19. I love all of your fabulous tables! I'm actually thinking of planning my vacation this summer around a city that has a CTS because of all of your good finds! LOL! I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I've missed your party since I started blogging! I would definitely miss it if you decided to stop!

  20. Your tablescape is so adorable, Kathleen. I love the sweet colors. Looks really romantic too. It will be perfect for Valentine's Day and yet will be perfect for a sweet little girl too. The chargers Alma gave you are really pretty. Oh please continue with Let's Dish. It's something I look forward to every week....Christine

  21. Your waffles look great K! Truthfully I haven't seen an appliance that makes 2 before-cool! Hope you've been enjoying some of the warm weather we have for the last few days:@)

  22. Kathleen, I love your party, it maybe smaller than others, but it is much more intimate! We have gotten to know each other through your party. I have linked up to several of these other larger parties and I am lucky if I got two or three visits from them. I link up to yours and there is a plethora of goodwill towards each other!! You are like our goodwill ambassador!!

    Your table is so cute! I love pink - I have one set of pink plates that are not really pink because I can never find much to go with them they are such an odd shade - almost peach but not really. So I am crushing on your pink polka dot plates! I wish we had a CTS - I heard a rumor they may but one in Ohio - but don't know when or where. Love that plaid tablecloth too!

    1. I think it is in Dayton, Ann. Just google Christmas Tree Shops and they give the location.

  23. I have learned how to cook some great food (and gained five pounds) since I found you!!!! You can't stop now. As you already know, your blog is one of my all time favorites. My vote? Please keep it going. Very kind thoughts to you whatever you decide.

    1. I am sorry for your weight gain, lol!
      So glad you enjoy it!

  24. I love pink and I adore this tablescape Kathleen! Thank you for hosting and I do hope that you renew again!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  25. Kathleen, Your pink table is luscious! The chargers Alma gave you are so pretty and the lime silverware just made me smile. Such fun! I've been quite busy getting a booth up and running in a near by small town. Haven't blogged or done anything else. Enjoy spring - I think it is finally here! :-)

  26. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Please this party's one of my favourites. Love your table this is just the best colour (and my favourite!!).

  27. Definitely keep up your party! I have been out of the loop lately with making tablescapes but hope to change that soon.

    Your table is very pretty, as always! How sweet of Alma gifting you with those beautiful chargers and flatware. I like how you used your soup tureen for the hydrangeas, I always forget to try this with my tureen and I've never even used it for soup!


  28. I had to scroll up to see Alycia's "cowboy!!" Yep, I can see a cowboy hat! LOL! Love, love waffles and I want that double waffle iron!!

    The pink and green color is so welcome along with spring! Gorgeous! LOVE those chargers!!! I want Alma to be my best friend now! (Smile!)

    I enjoy your small dish party, it's about the only one I join in now, sometimes I join Susan's TT, (since hers is smaller now.) I really like the monthly challenges and would even like one weekly! (Don't kill me!!) I just like being able to come up with something for a certain subject!


  29. Well, maybe if I squint a little I see the cowboy hat. A glass or two of wine might help.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. I don't drink, but I actually do see the cowboy, lol! Help!

  30. Kathleen, I'd be sad to see Let's Dish end. I like that is is specific and small. I always enjoy visiting as many links as possible, and Let's Dish is one that I can usually manage to visit all the links. So many talented participants and most are my blogging friends. Thank you for hosting each week. If feel inclined to continue, I hope you will. Looking forward to this month's challenge. '-)
    ~ Sarah

  31. Talk about "Pretty In Pink"...this table sure IS! I adore you new pink hydrangea & those precious little polka-dot pedestals!!

    You KNOW how much I love polka-dots!

    I love my flip type waffle maker. Did you get a recipe with yours that calls for yeast & an overnight wait? If so, try it!! I need to do a post on that recipe. It is my most favorite!

    I'd be very sad to see you stop doing the "Lets Dish" party but I'll respect your decision, either way. I, too, like the cozy feel of this group. I can't STAND it when someone lists 20 different parties that they are linking to. They can't possibly give the other participants any encouragement at all with those numbers. It is all about self promotion at that point. Ugly!


  32. Hi Kathleen! Yet another beautiful table!!! I love it! The pink with the lime green is so pretty and I love the polka dot plates and the lacy plate, as well as the gifts from the Tablescaper! How thoughtful!!

    I definitely think that if it's not too much work for you, I'd love for you to keep going with Let's Dish! It's such a fun link party and I love seeing all the creativity of the folks that share their links with you! =D Thanks for hosting! Have a great week! =D

  33. Another beautiful scape, Kathleen. These Springtime pinks are so pretty, and you already know that I LOVE hydrangeas. Those are gorgeous. I think I need to make Alma my best friend. She gifts you with great stuff. But you also find such great treasures. I love those salad plates. Yes, I'd love for you to continue Let's Dish, and yes, I do want to come eat breakfast at your house! YUM! laurie

  34. Kathleen, I don't have a table to share this week, but Let's Dish is my favorite party and one of only two I link to regularly. I hope all the other commenters have already convinced you to re-up with Inlinkz, but let me add my voice to the throng! Love this pretty pink table -- so fluffy and feminine! And that waffle looks DIVINE!

  35. Kathleen - I just realized that I did not follow the rules last night and I do not have any idea how to "fix" my issue. I am so sorry - I was in a hurry and just did not realize what you were asking me to do. This is really sad, since my family always makes fun of me, because I am such a "rule follower". Ugh - please forgive me!!

  36. Pretty in pink! Love it. Pink and green has always been one of my favorite color combinations. So springy and fresh. Lovely table, Kathleen!

  37. Very pretty!!! Okay, where is CTS?


  38. Kathleen, I've not been able to participate as much as I would like too, but it is one of my favorite parties of all times! So PLEASE don't stop! I do visit and leave comments and will join in more frequently now that I'm home again! That said, I love the pink tablecloth and how fresh and springlike it is!! Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers! Thank you for keeping this party small and friendly!
    hugs, Linda

  39. Kathleen, I am not posting this week, but I must tell you the LET"S DISH party is a wonderful creative place. I try to post at least once a month and love to leave comments to all I visit that week and I usually visit each one. With all my family members being ill this past year and now my Mother in the hospital this month, your blog brings joy in my life and a respite to my thouhgts. Please, continue your party for it's so great to see all the beautiful postings on the familiar blogs. On a side note, the CTS in Dallas is closing and was a great surprise to me for they were always busy when I went. Thanks, for each week you bring us your table settings. I love the pink and green tablecloth, especially the pink polka dot china. The pretty flowers are just the right touch for the centerpiece. Your green flatware is the perfect shade of green for this tabescape. Thanks again for all your work!


  40. Oh my goodness, goodness, goodness! I am IN LOVE with those chargers! Oh, seriously, they are fantastic!!

  41. Love your pink table! - especially the little pedestal plates - so sweet! And your waffles look delish!

  42. I’m late but I’m here Kathleen! That’s how much I enjoy coming to Let’s Dish. In the pink is lovely. The pink with dots is gorgeous! Thank so much for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  43. Hi Kathleen! They are just not starting to put out the pansies here it's been so cold. Now with all of the rain we're having I'm sure it will be a while before I plant any but I loved seeing yours on your pretty table!

    Thanks for the tip on the waffle iron. I love waffles but don't make them often since it takes so long to make enough. I may have to look at Sam's Club next time :)

  44. I hope that you have the time to continue hosting this wonderful party. I love to visit even though I haven't been able to link up in a long time.

    Your table is beautiful and has given me some ideas with Fiesta in Rose and Lemongrass.

    Thanks for hosting.

  45. I love those salad plates! The pink and green theme is perfect for spring.If you have leftover waffles freeze them. I just reheat in oven or microwave.

  46. I am thinking that this is my favorite of all your tables...but, then, I like 'em all. :)
    The chargers are awesome, the waffles look so's all great.

  47. what a lovely table....those white plates both the under plate and the square ones are fabulous....How to I get to be good friends with The Tablescaper!!......and then ofcourse all your cute finds from the CTS...I have pink polka dot plates from the last time I was there...forgot I had them until I saw yours...and need to continue Let's Dish....

  48. The white Lacey chargers are just beautiful! I know they were a gift but is there any way that we could find the source? The whole table is just lovely. Thank you for sharing. MM

  49. Hi Kathleen,

    I just had to stop by and comment on your tablescape this week! Love, love, love it!!! Your have included four of my favorite elements in your table -- PINK, lace, polka dots, and Hydrangeas. This is really all so beautiful. I LOVE those lacy chargers; what a great gift from The Tablescaper. :)

    I hope you continue "Let's Dish," cause I'm hoping to finally participate soon. It's really been kind of crazy around here this past year. But I love a small, intimate blog party devoted just to dishes and food. You have a great group of participants.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Kathleen!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  50. I love your linky parties, I get tons of ideas from them. Today is the FIRST time I was able to link up my posting. Please continue.

    Love the pink table! It looks so spring like, and with 6 inches of snow over the past 24 hours, I needed that!

  51. Your pink tablescape is so pretty. Love the pops of lime...and your Belgian waffles look delicious... so you're making them THIS Sunday? I'll be there. :)

  52. Hi Kathleen, your table is gorgeous! I love polka dots. They are just fun, fun, fun. Your lacy chargers are such a wonderful gift. I don't always have a post to link up, but I think your party is so fun. Planning on joining in on the 24th. So happy to have you join Share Your Cup.

  53. Kathleen, you always set such a pretty table! Your waffles look like something out of Country Living magazine. I love the chargers and pink polka dots, and the plaid tablecloth (love, love, love) is the perfect backdrop. I haven't tablescaped in a long time, and I really miss it. Hope to get back to it soon! Thanks for visiting Foodie Friday. I was so happy to see your pretty post. You have been at FF since the beginning. xxoo

  54. Hi Kathleen, just popping back to let you know that I am featuring you at Share Your Cup. I appreciate you sharing!

  55. I just came over from Jann's Share Your Cup, where she featured your amazing table! Oh My ... that has to be the prettiest table scape I have ever, ever seen! Love it! Thanks for sharing!

  56. Oh, I absolutely LOVE your pink and polka dot tablescape! So very pretty! Thanks for sharing it with us in blogland and enjoy your weekend.


  57. Oh how I love polka dots! And pink ones too! I am heading over! How far away from me are you? I am in Colorado! LOL!
    Those waffles look so yummy! Heading out to breakfast with my hubby. I may have to get a waffle! Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs Anne


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