Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Luncheon with Fiance Fruit ~ Sour Cream Apple Streusel~ The Grand PB Bargain & Let’s Dish # 55!

Phew, that was a mouthful!

Welcome to Let’s Dish from cold and windy NY, where Spring is being very coy and elusive!  Below freezing again last night, I wonder when the flowers will finally bloom this year?


Today’s luncheon will be served on my everyday dishes, Fiance Fruits by Dansk. 

I started with a sunny yellow round mat followed by a we bit smaller navy blue mat.


I like that there are so many colors in it, so you can go a few different ways.  I do admit I am getting tired of it though, I have had it for 10 years, but since I have a gazillion pieces of it, I will probably be bringing it with me to the old age home!  I think I have service for 18, plus platters etc.


The flatware is by Fiesta, via Tuesday Morning.

Yellow stems from Cmas Tree Shop.


The centerpiece is daffodils from the yard, the only thing blooming.  The supermarket had these tall cylinder vases filled with daffodil bulbs marked down to 3.00 yesterday  Some of the flowers were on their way out, so I filled in with big fresh ones.

I can plant the bulbs so I have an armful like Yvonne, and then I will have a tall cylinder vase like Alycia.  Someday when I grow up I want to be like them!  :)



Pale yellow napkins complete our luncheon table.

For dessert we will have Sour Cream Apple Streusel Pie.  Recipe from Gourmet magazine.  Here.


I used my new pie slicer for the many pounds of apples.  I give it a thumbs up!  I have had several and this one works great   Available on Amazon.


This is the apples after they have been mixed with the sour cream filling.


Here it is with the streusel topping before it goes in the oven.


Out of the oven and smelling delicious!

This is the second time I made this, and it is worth the effort!

Next time I will increase the amount of streusel.

I made fresh whipped cream to go with it.  If you go to  the trouble of peeling all those apples, please make fresh cream, or a dollop of ice cream is good too!

Since I was whipping cream, I made a whipped cream Bunny Cake to bring Easter.  It is filled with whipped cream and cherries. His tail is many layers of whipped cream so it is defined, but my photog skills are poor!



And now for the grand bargain from Pottery Barn Outlet!  Marked $129.00, sale 14.99!





It’s huge!  Lots of room for candles, shells, etc. 

Ok, enough from me.  I still haven’t made it to everyone from last week due to the fact I was tied to the kitchen for 3 days!

Same rules…


Be a follower to link up

Only one link per week, and it must contain, dishes, linens or glassware etc.

Post must include a link back to Cuisine Kathleen’s Let’s Dish

BLOG NAME FIRST, unlimited letters so you have plenty of room for your description

No word id

Visit as many as you can, please. If you don’t have time to visit at least 5 , please don’t link up.

Thanks to those of you who leave a comment for me, it is much appreciated!


I am joining Yvonne for TT and Tutorials

Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Jann for Share Your Cup Thursday

Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday


  1. LOVE you PB bargain! Your desserts look delicious and I am sure the pictures don't do the taste justice. Hope you have a wonderful day- xo Diana

  2. Great find at PB. Wishing I had a slice of that apple pie this afternoon. Cold and wet here in TX. First good rain we've seen in ages. I'm snuggled in by a cozy fire. '-)

  3. I have a very old apple peeler, cores the apples while it's at it...but it doesn't slice them. I must look for one like yours. Love your dishes and I think they would go over big at the old folks home, so hang onto them. They are so versatile. Very pretty. The pie looks so good...wishing I was there. Living in Florida, how I miss the spring Daffodils.

  4. Oh, Kathleen! You always make me so hungry!! That apple pie, especially, looks so good and I would love a warm piece with ice cream! That bunny cake is a masterpiece and your photo shows that the tail is higher just fine. I really like your dishes. I am not sure that I have ever seen that pattern and I do love how many colors are in them. I am looking forward to linking up tonight, although I am not doing a tablescape. However, dishes are involved, so I hope I am not in trouble - lol!!

    1. As long as there are dishes involved you are fine! No lashes with a wet noodle for you! :)
      And thank you!

  5. Kathleen, I love your table and your FOOD!...the way you do your party is just so friendly and warm. The responses I have gotten from the women that link up here has overwhelmed me. I had been blogging for 3 years and until I linked up here it had been quite lonely for me..thank you for leading such a warm and inviting group of people....I have enjoyed your blog and actually look forward to every week when I can link up again..and see what everybody is doing..Again, thank you for making me feel so welcome....
    Love, Mona

    1. That's great, Mona, and that is the aim. I will say it again, great group of gals here at Let's Dish, and I see how many blogs they visit and leave comments.
      So glad you joined in!

  6. Wow what a deal on the lantern! Your table is beautiful, Kathleen The pie looks delicious!

  7. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!!!!! Girl, you are kidding me!!! That is not even classified as a bargain...that right there is a FELONY!!! You got a real steal on that bad boy! Oh, Kathleen...when you said it was a great bargain, you weren't kidding!!! Congratulations!!! It's beautiful!!!

    There is NO WAY you could ever get rid of/tired of that dinnerware! Like you said, there are so many colors and you can just do so many things with it because of that! A service for 18...don't I wish! :-) You rocked this table setting with it! Thrilled to see the double placemats!!!

    FYI, if you want to grow up to be like me, you apparently have NO ambition! :-) Aim high, don't scrape the bottom of the barrel! :-) :-) :-)

    I can see the bunny's tail perfectly fine! He's cute...and very labor-intensive! Only you could create something this fun! See you at the party!

  8. The first thing I thought was I like all of the colors in your dishes! Apple/sour cream pie is new to me and sounds great, might give it a try. 28 tonight, I lit a fire when I got home... Bring on spring-please:@)

  9. Your table looks so pretty, Kathleen. I love the sunny daffodils as your centerpiece. What I'm really wanting is a BIG slice of that sour cream apple pie. YUM! I have an apple peeler/ corer/ slicer, but rarely use it. I'll have to change that! Your bunny cake is adorable and I'll bet the grands loved it. WOWZERS on the PB bargain! I look forward to see how you fill it.
    I'm going to go check out the recipe right now......

  10. Hi, Your Pottery Barn bargain is perfect for your deck. I can't wait to see what you do with it. Love the table and you dishes are lovely. At least you can have spring inside. Have a great week, Ginger

  11. It may be cold and windy outside, but inside it is sunny and beautiful! Love the tablescape. Thanks for hosting Kathleen!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  12. You have been a very busy bee! I think your china looks as fresh as the daffodils in your centerpiece, even though you've had it forever, I love it! Your bunny cake is adorable besides looking very delicious! Your bargain hunting skills are undeniable!! What a fabulous lantern!!

  13. The pensioners will be so pleased to dine on your pretty dishes, I can assure you. Now just make them some of your fabulous food, and you will be the Queen of the joint!

  14. You may be tired of those dishes but its still nice for us to see how you create new ways to display them. I like the layering of the placemats as it brings out the colours in the tableware. Great deal on the vase/bulbs and yes I think A LOT of us would like to grow up to be "Yvonne or Alycia" - Great role models aren't they but you aren't bad yourself! That pie and the bunny cake look super delish! Love your new lantern too - what a steal!


  15. Shut the front door x 2!!! First those desserts, the pie, that cake, oh my. Then your everyday dishes are gorgeous, please don't even think of getting rid of them! The lantern is huge and beautiful and possibilities are endless for decorating it and filling it. I, too, want to be like Yvonne and Alycia (and Pat and Alma and Anita oh you get the picture!) when I grow up, but really the little girl in me wants them to just adopt me! xo

  16. I'm crazy about that lantern, and I can NOT believe your bargain! I mean, I know you're a bargain charm because of the wonderful stuff you find at CTS, but that just beats all.

    I love your dishes. I guess I can understand you getting sick of them, but I think they're really lovely with beautiful colors. Believe it or not, the first thing I honed in on at the table was the way you layered the placemats. I love that and have never done it. That set the stage for the whole thing.

  17. I don't think I've ever doubled placemats in a tablescape post, but I HAVE done it -- and it's a fun way to add more color. You used that trick very nicely here!

    Your PB bargain is fabulous (but then you already knew that)! :-)

  18. I love your every day dishes, they're so pretty! The desserts are to drool over..I love apple everything. Terrific PB bargain.. you've been lucky lately with your finds. Thank you for the party.

  19. Well, I want to be just like you when I grow up. Your tables are always so pretty. The two place mats are such a clever idea and add so much to the setting, and if you do decide to get rid of that china, I'll gladly take it off your hands. Oh My Gosh! That gorgeous lantern for such a low price! I'm feeling green with envy. That bunny cake is absolutely adorable. I'd hate to cut it. You have so many talents. laurie

  20. Oh my! That pie has me drooling all over myself!!!!!!!!!!!! Apple pie is my absolute favorite dessert ever!!! The bunny cake is adorable too. Thanks so much for hosting. XO, Pinky

  21. Love your cheery yellow & blue fruit pattern~ perfect for pairing with daffodils! What a bargain on your lantern! I have a bought a couple from PB that have not held up very well and vowed I wouldn't buy anymore, but that price would be too hard to resist. Your pie looks delicious and I love your adorable bunny cake :)

  22. I think it's great fun to use your "everyday" dishes in a scape as we on the web don't get to see them everyday. Daffodils always look so fresh and Springy, but your sure have the right word. Spring is elusive in NY!

    - The Tablescaper

  23. This is a lovely, refreshing spring table. I would have never thought of layering 2 placemats. Looks great!

  24. I have dishes that go back a long way, too, but I just keep reusing and mixing and matching. Yours do have great colors to work with and with your creativity they will always have a new look. Glad it's starting to be blooming season up your way.

  25. Love yur pretty tablescape, Kathleen! Blue and yellow will always be my favorite colors! And your lantern...what a fabulous bargain! You are going to find lots of ways to use that baby! :-) Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  26. I think you’ve had a great week! Your table is beautiful, daffodils are my favorite flowers and this centerpiece couldn’t be more perfect. Your desserts are as pretty as I’m sure delicious. Love the bunny! Thanks for hosting........

    The French Hutch

  27. Your table is great...I have always liked that many colors you can use with it. I think it is Tricia that has some china with lots of colors, too. Great idea using two different colored place mats together...I think mine are all the same size.
    Your desserts look wonderful. I am going to try the sour cream/apple pie...Howard will love it.
    Thanks for hosting each week...have a great weekend!

  28. Your apple streusel looks fantastic, and I adore the bunny cake. I LOVE your score from Pottery Barn. You'll have so much fun decorating with it. Looking forward to seeing what all you do. I'm trying to fix my linky--so sorry!

  29. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your dishes, but know what you mean when you have had them awhile. They made a wonderful tablescape, as always. You do such great work. I simply love
    daffodils, they are such a delightful spring flower, hope you get some weather
    to go along with them real soon.
    that pie and cake look mighty good, only wish we could email those delectables. lol
    Wow, and what a great find at Pottery barn, can't wait to see what you do with that. I just love those lanterns, they are so neat.

    Hope all is well with you and hope you had a Blessed Easter,
    and thanks for hosting hon, as always,
    blessings, Nellie

  30. I agree that spring is elusive in NY, but warmer temps are on the way! We might actually get to 70 next week. Your apple streusel looks great and is calling my name. What a great deal at the Pottery Barn.

  31. Your table is perfect for warming up these cold chilly days. We had two days of Spring and now it's in the 30s and raining. Ugh!
    You're starving me with the apple pie and the cute bunny cake. They look delicious.. and the gorgeous PB lantern..that was a steal! LOVE it!

  32. Well , when you get completely tired of those dishes, you just let me know! I will store them for you for awhile. I love them. I also LOVE that lantern and the bargain you found! Thanks for hosting. Dianne

  33. Oh, your lantern..and the apple pie looks amazing. Bet everyone loved the bunny cake.:)

  34. A good apple pie is one of my favorite desserts, and your looks delicious, Kathleen. Love your Dansk pattern. I have an old set of their dishes and I love it. It is practically indestructible. Your lovely table makes me think of Spring although I don't feel it when I look out the window.

  35. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape looks Beautiful with the yellow and blue dishes, and the food looks so yummy. Thanks so much for hosting your linky party for as all.
    XXOO Diane

  36. Heya Kathleen! Again, another gorgeous table! Those dishes are so pretty, the food exquisite, and those bargains...awesome!!! So sorry I forgot to put your link up when I added to the link's been one of those CRAZY weeks! It's up now! I can't believe I did that! =O Hope you'll come back and join the FESTIVE FRIDAY FIESTA again too with this great post! Have a great day!

  37. .....just to say you are mentioned in my post today. :))

  38. What a sweet deal on that lantern! You changed your header again :-) I like the red! My theme in my camp kitchen is going to be red this year. I change it each year.

    Your table looks very springy with the blue and yellow dishes. Isabelle (next door) brought us an apple pie with streusel Friday night, and the rest is history! She said doesn't use a recipe, but she "marinates" her sliced apples overnight on the counter, and bakes it in the morning. The steusel had walnuts in it. I am making myself hungry!

  39. That bunny cake is soooo pretty! And I love your new masthead!

  40. Kathleen, I love the blue and yellow combo in your dishes. The pie and cake both are wonderful! What a steal on the lantern. Good for you! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  41. What a gorgeous tablescape! I love it. And how I wish I have a fancy apple peeler!!! I dislike peeling apples and this would help a lot. Gotta go check it out later. And that bunny cake is simply adorable! May I join you for Easter next year? :P

  42. I'm not sure how I missed this post! Thanks for letting me know about the pie :) It does look delicious and I'll be copying the recipe.

    Love the adorable bunny cake too!

    Wow, that is a great find at PB. Just rub it in!


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