Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Irish Are Coming! Let’s Dish # 51

Good evening, Ladies!  One week from tonight will be the 5th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl!  I can’t believe this is the 5th year, I am running out of Irish things to show you!  :)

Tonight I am showing you the table I did for my dinner party on March 17th, 2012.  The blog crawl was already over, so I saved it for this year.



I used the plaid wool cloth that you have seen, as well as the Belleek like dishes, mine are from CTS.

Green glass chargers are by Gorham, via Lenox Outlet. 

I served the soup in white handled bowls trimmed with gold, but I kept them in the kitchen till the soup was served.


Let's Dish 130

Little toadstools hold the place cards.  On the right you can see a lucky lottery ticket I tucked under each plate.

The toadstools were from the PB Outlet..

I think someone won  $5.00!  Enough for a box of Lucky Charms.

One of the guests is NOT Irish, so his toadstool had the symbol for NO drawn through the flag on the back of his card.  I think he is the one who won the $5.00!

March 2012 093

The napkins are ecru trimmed in green , napkin holders are green mini Blarney stones, :), 25 cents from CTS.


I sat the crystal bowl of fresh white mums and baby’s breath on a mirrored charger, with a few glass shamrocks around the edge.


Waterford Crystal, candlesticks by Mikassa.  Glass bowls for our Irish Soda or rye bread were my mom’s.

The flatware is silver trimmed in gold.

Let's Dish 011Let's Dish 017

A closer look at my pretend Belleek…

March 2012 058


We had some green chips…

Let's Dish 024

Some leek and tater crisps  dipped in O’Chive cream


Close enough recipe here.  I sauteed the leeks, better flavor..Feb 2012 003


Individual Bailey’s Death by Chocolate.


“Irish Connolly’s”, ie,  Chocolate  Cannoli’s filled with whipped green and dipped in green sugar!  :)  Connolly is my maiden name.

Of course we had the traditional corned beef and cabbage, and Irish Flag Soup.

Feb 2012 010

I hope you are getting your Shamrock on, and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!  Last  year there were over 100 entries, and seas of green flowed throughout blogland!

Same rules to link up…

Be a follower

♣ BLOG NAME FIRST, unlimited letters for your post description

No word ID

One dish related post

A link back to this party.  Visit as many as you can.

Thank you to those who link up and always leave a comment, your manners are superb!  :)

Here in NY we are bracing for another Nor’Easter, the wind is howling and I hope the power stays on!

Now it is your turn!

Thanks to all of you for stopping by!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Gollum for Foodie Friday

Yvonne for TTT


  1. Kathleen - I cannot believe those plates. In the photo, they look exactly like my real Belleek ones! Amazing. How I wish that I had a Christmas Tree Shop near me. I love all of the colors of green on the table and the food looks delicious! Would love to eat at that table - I would eat dessert first!!

  2. What a gorgeous tablescape and party - love it!

    I like your pretty blog background/ shamrocks, too! VERY nice!

  3. I loved seeing this, and I think I am salivating in a most un-Southern Belle type of way! Potato patties are just about heaven on earth to me, always remind me of my mother. The Connollys are pretty tempting, too -- I don't think I have ever seen any with a chocolate coating, but they certainly look good. Or maybe I am not remembering them correctly, which has also been known to happen.

    I hope I will be able to participate next week, but I just don't know right now. Contractors are coming and going, and we have a lot of upheaval in the house. I can't even see the top of the DR table at the moment! I'll be back later this evening to check out the links, though.

  4. What a nice setting! I just love those candles! I know I've said it before but I SURE wish CTS had an online store! What great bargains on those napkin rings!! Thanks for hosting again this week! I'm looking forward to linking up and seeing everyone's creations!

  5. I love the Connolly/cannolis, only you, Kathleen, only you ;-). Your dishes do not look like CTS dishes! Love the table, I'm sure your guests had a grand time. xo

  6. What a lovely, elegant St. Patrick's Day table! I'm going to TRY to come up with something for the crawl next week -- no promises! Those chocolate "Connollys" are darling!

  7. I can't wait to see all the entries. And,I hate to sound like a dunce but what is CTS? Your table setting is amazing and so very pretty. You got your Irish on there, lassie- xo Diana

  8. What a pretty table, Kathleen. I love the Irish Connolly's... what a hoot you are!! The Bailey's Death by Chocolate sound yummy, too. Gosh do I ever love your CTS Belleek look-alike plates. You always find the best things!! See you later this evening and thanks for hosting in advance.

  9. Beautiful table, Kathleen! It looks lovely with all that pretty crystal.

  10. Love the idea of lottery ticket party favors K! Also your Irish Connolly's not only look great but are a fun play on the name too! Hope the storm doesn't hit you too badly, just a few inches expected here... Come on spring:@)

  11. Bailey's Death by Chocolate...kill me now! I'm a potato girl so surely there is some Irish in my gene pool :) I'm mad about your plaid tablecloth and have Beleek envy! Looking forward to the crawl, I've been in a green state of mind!

  12. Beautifully delicious Kathleen! The potato patties and death by chocolate oh my.

  13. I'm with Mary on the Beleek envy! Just none around this neck of the woods. I love the tablecloth, the lace napkins, all the crystal.. gorgeous. Can't wait till next week.. must start planning.. he he.. xo marlis

  14. Wow those Beleek like dishes look really good! I looked into buying the real ones but decided they were too pricey. I want to come to your house for all the goodies on St. Patricks' Day! That's a cute idea with the lottery tickets! Very pretty table. There is just a wee tiny bit of Irish in me, I only found that out a couple of years ago.

  15. I would loved to have seen that beautiful table twinkling in candlelight...
    I had Google the Irish Flag Soup to see what the green was, the orange and white were easy enough...I thought it would be peas, not celery!

  16. thanks for hosting this party....your table is so pretty...I love this time of year with all of the green on our tables..again, thanks for hosting..

  17. If you run out of green and Irish-related things to show us that just means a reason for more dish shopping :)

    Looking forward to your party!

  18. Kathleen, I haven't even begun to "get my Shamrock on" this year, but you may have just inspired me! I absolutely love your double-handled soup bowls and green chargers. And your Irish Connolly's are great! Thanks for hosting again this week.

  19. I love the way you named the Connolly cannolis. I'll be naming mine Cantales Cannolis for St. Joseph's Day :-) Love the table, and lucky you to have a post saved from last year.

  20. I love your table and your menu sounds out of this world! I know you all will have a wonderful time on St Patrick's Day.
    Thanks for hosting.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. It looks like you had a wonderful time. The perfect celebration! It's so nice to see all of your beautiful crystal in full use.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Such a beautiful and sparkling tablescape, Kathleen. It is very elegant too...Christine

  23. That is so pretty, Kathleen. All of that beautiful sparkling crystal against the plaid tablecloth. The lottery cards are such a fun idea. Too bad the non-Irish guest won! Looking forward to the Crawl! laurie

  24. This is just gorgeous! I love all of the elegant touches, especially the crystal.

  25. Kathleen, This table is whimsical and elegant and the same time! I really love the look of all the crystal and the delicate china on the plaid tablecloth. How were the green chips? They look very interesting. Thanks for hosting. Dianne

  26. Oh wow, I love the lovely "real and not" Bellek plates. The food for St, Pat's is yummy and perfect. I love everything about this table and you always have such fabuous elements, that your St. Patty's table for next will be dabulous! Thank you for hosting this week.

  27. Kathleen, What a pretty and fun table. Love your "pretend Belleek" and the "Irish Connollys" I can't wait to join in the Blog Crawl. Where I live, St. Patrick's Day things are limited mostly to beads, hats and t-shirts, but I'll be there with a tablescape, one way or the other. :) Hugs and hope you don't get that bad snow storm up your way.

  28. Nobody and I mean NOBODY knows how to carry a theme off better than you do, Kathleen! This table & all the wonderful foods served just make me want to dance a jig, they are so darned creative.
    LOVE the crystal & the 'blarney stones'...LOL Your plates make me GREEN with ENVY!!!!!!!!

    I'm struggling to come up with something new this year. I always use the same green Depression glass & my table looks so similar to last year. *sigh* I do have ONE new thing this year to share *wink* Now if I could only find my Beleek teacups! I packed them away so carefully last year. *double sigh*

    I'll join in on the 13th for sure!

  29. This is so pretty! I think we need to recipes too!

  30. It always amazes me how talented you are to come up with so many different tablescapes for the holidays. I'm lucky if I come up with one, and you always outdo most of us! All that food sure looks yummy, so I wish I had been there to enjoy the day with you. Thank you for letting us link up! Stay safe during your storm too.

  31. A bonnie table fit for an Irish castle! The faux Beleek plates look good enough to me. I have a Beleek cream and pitcher that was a wedding gift. I've always cherished it. I'll be here for the St. Patrick's Crawl. I've been adding a few green pieces here and there, so I look forward to participating. Thanks for hosting us! Cherry Kay


  32. Beautiful table scape with yummy food....thanks for hosting....:):)

  33. What a beautiful St. Patty's Day table. Every time I try to do one, mine ends up looking chunky and comical. I have never been able to pull of something pretty like this.

  34. Kathleen, the table is so great with your "Beleek." I agree with Debbie, St. Patrick's Day tables are hard to pull off, but yours is wonderful. I am especially drawn to your food! Those little leek and potato crisps are calling my name as well as the chocolate desserts. Thanks for hosting. Joni

  35. Bwahahahahahaha!!!! That is SO funny about the non-Irish guy winning the 5 bucks!!! He had his own source of luck going, I guess! I really like those toadstool placecard holders, and the mini Blarney Stone napkin rings are a great idea!!!! The food, of course, is outstanding because that's how you roll!!! This is a great table, Kathleen. I don't know how you were able to sit on this for a whole year!

  36. I don't know how you waited a year to share this great table! I love the special non Irish place card, funny! We are all definitely seeing GREEN right now, I never realized St. Pat's was such a popular holiday! Can't wait for the crawl. Anyway you can share the recipe for the tater crisps with chive O'cream? I'm drooling!

  37. Love this table and your 'pretend' Belleek china! I joined in the blog crawl last year and won a set of those adorable mushroom place card holders!! I wish I was home to set an Irish table but will join in the St Pat's celebration with some previous blog posts! Can't wait.
    hugs, Linda

  38. Wow, what an awesome party!! I don't have a St. Patrick's day post to add, so I'll just enjoy the links here.

  39. This is such a pretty St. Patrick's Day table! the Belleck dishes are gorgeous. And the food is amamzing! thank you for sharing with us at TTf. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  40. I was going to link up but am too late:(:( I love your table, it is so elagant and pretty! Love the Belleek!!!! I WILL do a St. Patty's table and join you next week. XO, Pinky

  41. Your table is beautiful, Kathleen. I have that same Lismore pattern and a few pieces of Belleek that I bring out this time of year. Looking forward to your party.

  42. Very elegant, very Irish! Wonderful job on the table setting, love the Irish soup bowl. Diane

  43. I missed out on those wonderful Belleek look alike dishes at CTS! They look so pretty. No CTS here in Colorado, and the Home Goods is far away from where i live. :( I am in I am hooked on, however--a very enticing web store. Hope to join in on St. Paddy's day blog is a big day in Denver!

  44. Belleek and crystal, who could ask for more. Add those desserts and it looks like a perfect evening to me!

  45. Everything looks so pretty! And so delicious. I'd love one or two of the Connelly Cannoli's :) We did ok with this past Nor'easter, couple inches with Part 2 of the storm, still had power and cable which was surprising. Can't wait for Spring! Will try to join the St Patrick's party. Always have my Lucky Charms on hand :)

  46. Kathleen, thank you so much for your kind words. It's been a rough go. I hate to hear about your sister's son and grandson. I said a prayer for all of you, too.

    Sending love your way...



  47. Happy St. Paddy's Day, Kathleen! I hope you remember me. I haven't been blogging in AGES, for myself or really visiting anyone... But I just saw a comment you wrote on our Mrs. Magpie's blog which was such a sad post... (She had emailed me about her godson and I went to visit and saw your comment there.) I hate to even say anything happy since I know you have had a loss also (from your comment to Sheila), so I will tell you that I will say a prayer for you and your family... I did want to say hello and, on a lighter note, I am happy to see you are still mentioning the Christmas Tree Shop in your post! I haven't been "flush" so I haven't been there in ages but, Lord, how I love that store too. Take care, Kathleen, and have a great St. Patrick's Day.

  48. Hey, I came by for THE CRAWL but can't find it..Hope you didn't crawl off without MOI...!!

  49. Hi Kathleen
    I just saw your comment at BPM. I don't have the word ID thing activated. In fact I have never had it activated. I put in a help ticket to Typepad. They are very prompt with help. I should know the problem soon. It is something I don't have control over, since in my dashboard, it is showing unchecked or not activated.
    Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully Typepad will resolve the issue soon.


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