Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Little Thrifting and Something Green


Yesterday when I went down to the drugstore ,(which closes at 12:30 on Sat., imagine!) I parked in front of a new Thrift Shop that opened.  The thrift shops here aren’t too thrifty, seriously, sometimes the stuff is so overpriced it makes me cringe.

This one had its share of the cringe factor, but there were a few shelves with 50% off, and I found this smaller covered tureen, complete with spoon for 3.00.  It was made in Japan, and white, so it will blend in with everything!


Good for sauce, or a vegetable when it is just us.

I also found these green and white check plates, probably wouldn’t have been tempted if we weren’t coming into the GREEN season. No scratches , made by Potter and Smith ?, whoever they are!


Speaking of greens, I have never made Brussels Sprouts, and decided it was time.  I saw a recipe from Rachel Ray and decided to give it a try.

I thinly sliced the sprouts, and onions, and quickly fried in a scant amount  of olive oil.  EVOO as she says, :) .

Here’s her recipe.

I shredded them as my friend Carol at There’s  Always Thyme to Cook did a similar recipe, and since I am not a big fan of whole cabbage, I figured this might make them more appealing.


Hmm, I guess if you like Brussels Sprouts it is good.  I didn’t care for it, nor did dh.

I prefer my cabbage this way.

table 2015

Sliced cabbage, onions, powdered mustard, and lots of pepper with crisply fried bacon added at the end.

Fry the bacon, drain of most of the fat, then quick fry the cabbage and onions in it.

So much better than the kind my mom made, boiled in the pot with the corned beef.

My totally Polish DZ sister, Janice, taught me how to make it this way.  Thank you, even though you decked yourself out from head to toe in ORANGE every St. Patrick’s Day! 

She had red hair, so I really  mean head to toe!

I hope you are thinking about something to post to join the 5th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl on Mar. 13th.

Anything Irish, a recipe, a table, a vignette, whatever you’d like!

table 3397

table 1888

Maybe some Pot O’Gold cupcakes?

table 1881

The gold is the cream inside.

table 1905 (2)

Maybe some Apple O’Tart…

table 1906

Or some Saving of the Green Quiche, where you use up bits of leftover ham, and cheese and eggs.

table 1911

Perfect with a

table 3461

See you Wed. night at 7 for Let’s Dish!

Thanks for stopping by.

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Yvonne for On the Menu Monday

Kathe with an E for You’re Gonna Love It Tues.

Marty for Tabeletop Tuesday.


  1. I agree about thrift shops, the owners score it at yard sales or people dropping off and the mark ups are incredible, at least where I live. Nice finds, though, and your food always looks super delish. I have tried different recipes for brussel sprouts, I just hate them, too bitter. I do love cabbage, even boiled in the pot with the corned beef! I am currently boycotting Rachael Ray, do you know they won't let folks over 38 apply for tickets?? Not kidding, so I am no longer watching her show, or buying her products. I am po'd. :) xo

    1. I did NOT know that! The noive as we say here in NY! I don't watch her, but I have been looking for her here in the EVOO aisle at the market here in Southampton.She has a house here.
      Haven't spotted her yet, but if I do, I'll let her know! HA! She wouldn't be allowed on her own show, I think she is over 38!

    2. She shouldn't be allowed in the market, if she is over 38. But maybe she's not. Sigh.

  2. I have that same, almost, little tureen with the ladle; it's so cute! Feeling your pain with those sprouts; just can't get a handle on them!

  3. This is the first I've heard of adding dried mustard to the cabbage/bacon/onions K, man that sounds good! I'll be trying it with the St. Pat's sales that will be starting. Your tart is beautiful too:@)

  4. Your little tureen is adorable, Kathleen; I am so drawn to white tureens, specially. The food looks yummy as cabbage!! Thanks for th St. Patty's party..I am getting ready for the GREEN fun!! Have a good week.

  5. Cute little find! Thrift stores here generally price reasonably, but I've noticed a trend at GW to price high. I don't understand that reasoning. Guess if I really wanted the piece or thought it was worth it, I'd pay more, but I only stop in to see if there is a great buy. LOL Not much I need!
    Working on putting together something green to share. I really like your green check plates! And I'm one of those odd ones who loves Brussels sprouts. I like to cook them with onions and add in bits of bacon or roast them. My husband doesn't eat Brussels sprouts so I make them for myself.

  6. Your food is gorgeous! It makes me hungry.

  7. One deal after another.... :-) I love Brussels Sprouts! I love the "mini cabbage"....but I like the way you prefer, also... Guess I just like cabbage! I think I better get serious about the 13th!!

  8. Kathleen, I agree with you about the prices in some thrift shops. Seems like the more upscale the neighborhood, the better the stuff, but also high prices. We thrifted in Aspen and the prices were a joke. I do love your checked dishes though! I also love Brussels Sprouts. I hated them until about 2 years ago for all the same reasons everyone noted, but the problem is overcooking. If they cook too long they get bitter and the sulphur comes out. I slice them in half, coat with EVOO, and roast in a 400 degree oven for about 15-20 min depending on how big the halves are. I think they are delicious, but leave them too long and I can't eat them. Have a great week. Dianne

  9. Love the bacon and cabbage recipe. Always looking for low carb dishes and that definitely fits the bill. I love that little white tureen! You did good for $3!

  10. Cute little tureen, Kathleen (oh, that rhymes!!). The cabbage dish looks wonderful. We love sautéed cabbage, but I'll need to add the bacon, like you. I've never added the dry mustard, but I'll try that, too. Hope you're feeling better.

  11. Your tureen was a find--and it found a great home. I love all of your edibles and can't wait for your pub crawl!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My favorite find is the set of green checked plates. I can think of so many whimsical uses for them, not just St. Pat's. Love that (and I have the same cringe fact thing going on with thrift stores here. Actually, our Goodwill ticks me off the most. )

    I love Brussels sprouts, but I don't know if I would love that recipe either. Try brushing on some EVOO and some seasoning of choice and grilling them whole instead. Now THAT'S yummy.

    Pinning your other recipe to try, too.

  14. That tureen is darling Kathleen!
    And your recipes, they look yummy especially your version of the cabbage.
    And I love your vignette, it is the loveliest and most perfect for St. Patty's day.
    Hugs and still thinking of the pain you and your family are going through.
    Sending prayers too.


  15. Beautiful tureen.Pretty scape with yummy preparations.Thank you for your visit...:):)

  16. You've got to try roasted Brussel sprouts, just roast at 400 for 30 min. with salt and olive oil and add some Parm at the end, they taste like candy, really, that good! The secret is the temp, make sure you do 400, a lower temp makes them taste like boiled cabbage, ugh! I can't wait for the St. Pat blog crawl, so much fun!

  17. I love cabbage but not brussel sprouts! I am going to find something here in Texas so I can join the St Pat's day crawl! I miss all my 'stuff' when I'm away from home, but spending time with my Mom makes up for it! hugs, Linda

  18. Kathleen -- BOTH the Brussels Sprouts and the cabbage look WONDERFUL!!


  19. I think I have seen china that looks like your tureen, but I don't know anything about it.

    You are killing me with all your good food! Your version of the cabbage is how I usually do mine, too. We like brussel sprouts too, but all these cruciferous things are better eaten at home with those you are very close to, if you know what I mean!

  20. I have learned to tolerate Brussels sprouts. I slice 'em up real thin, sprinkle with a little salt & pepper, and then do a quick fry in olive oil, tossing in some minced garlic and paper thin onion in the last 30 seconds or so. When I'm in the cheating mood, I do all that except fry a slice of bacon first, fry them in the drippings, then crumble the bacon on top just before serving. They're still Brussels sprouts, so....! :-) I never have watched Rachel Ray, even when Oprah was all ga-ga over no love lost there! Congratulations on your great thrift find! Some of the thrift stores around here try to get away with that sneaky pricing, but since I shop a lot I know their deal!!! Good for you for not falling for their foolishness!!!

  21. Kathleen! I cannot believe that you featured Smithwick's beer! It is my absolute favorite - I got hooked on it, during a vacation in Ireland. I will be right over - lol!! I do like Brussel sprouts and my favorite way to prepare them (not healthy, mind you!) is to steam them. Then, I add them to a little butter in a skillet and add brown sugar and already cooked bacon. It does not take long and you just stir up everything together. Even my husband will eat them and he does not like cabbage, broccoli, etc. Love your finds at the thrift store - sometimes, we get lucky! Looking forward to the 13th and the St. Patrick Day posts!

  22. You are getting me in the St Patty's Day mood, Kathleen. Every year I made the same dishes. I should try to be a little more creative this time. I like cabbage just the way you cook it---with bacon. Leave it to you to find a little treasure at a good price.

  23. Fabulous and that quiche has me totally drooling. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  24. I love quiche......ummm
    I have a little white dish and spoon just like yours and I got mine at a thrift store, too.
    I DO have my green post all ready for your party. I've linked every single year so, even with everything packed, DOLLAR TREE came to my rescue....:)) and I was able to make a tiny attempt at SPD for your party.

  25. Oh, this made me so hungry! Looks like you found some good deals! I rarely go in the shops here...all clothes and kid junk for the most part.

    I roast brussel sprouts. It changes the taste completely and people who never liked them, love them. I just cut fresh ones in half and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Place cut side down on a baking sheet and bake at 350 until the cut side starts turning brown and carmalizing. I can't give you a time, but you will smell them cooking and then start checking. Some people toss with bacon to serve, we like them just fine without.

  26. I'm getting hungry just looking through your pictures, Kathleen! That little tureen was a good find and a good price. I think the pricing is the same all over. I've found it here, too. Sometimes, I think I say "Seriously?" out loud when I'm at the thrift store and see something that would be the same price in a retail store. Other times, you find those little treasures that are priced just right.

  27. I would take any of your Irish recipes, Kathleen! I'm sorry you didn't care for the Brussels Sprouts. I love them but I guess they're something my mother made growing up so I was used to them.

    Great find at the thrift store!

  28. Brussels Sprouts have a much stronger flavor than the cabbage. But at least you tried :) My family likes both cabbage and Brussels Sprouts so I'll have to try your cabbage next, looks so good!


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