Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome ! The 5th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl!

Hi! I am Big Paddy, and I’m here to say,
Sure hope you’ll join us to celebrate GREEN Day.
table 3458 (2)
To take part in the crawl please follow Kathleen
Your post must contain, something Irish or GREEN.
table 3457

Irish blood or not, do take part in this crawl,
The posts are terrific, they’re sure to enthrall! :)

Click here for some music!

St. Patrick’s Day cards are mailed, from country to city
The music is playing a fine Irish ditty.
table 3459
Get up and dance, for life just flits by,
If you drink some of these, your feet will just fly!
table 3463
Let’s start with some STEW made with good Irish beer,
The cheddar laced taters baked on top make us cheer!
table 3453

Picture 1994
The soda breads are baked, we’ll have some with tea,
Hope you have time, to have some with me!
table 3309

Move on to this table , we’ll eat corned beef o’ panini
With lucky potatoes, so crispy and teeny!

table 3303102

Picture 1980Next table up,  is for those here from old  Cork,
What’s on the menu… boneless ribs of  O’Pork!
There is one more table, with me in the middle
Put on your caubeen, and get out your fiddle!
table 3338
The first stop is over, Kathleen is all done,
So now crawl on  through blogland,  I hope you have FUN!
Crawl on, crawl on, not one post  should you miss,
St. Patrick’s Day blessings, and a sweet Irish KISS!

Here’s to the Connollys , of my name I am proud
Now come on, let’s party, no slackers allowed!  ♣

Thanks so much for stopping by!  There will be a drawing for a $25.00 gift card for all followers who leave a comment.
(I will post the recipes and table details in the next post)  Also, the next challenge for April will be announced, so come back to see!  :)
Please link only new posts , not ones previously linked to Let’s Dish!
Please stick to the theme, and no reposts, thanks~
***When you link up, put your blog name first.  Only one link, no word ID and a link back to this party is a must, so everyone gets visited. Thank you!
Please crawl to as many blogs as you can!

Picture 2021
Can you find the 4 leaf clover in the Peggy Karr plate above?
Crawl ON!
Link opens at 7 PM! Thanks so much for celebrating with me The 5th Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl!
Joining Yvonne for TTT
Diann for Thrifty  Things Fri.
Susan for Tablescape Thurs.

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday

The Home Girl Festive  Friday Fiesta

Bev for Pink Saturday


  1. Kathleen, I love all your pretty tables and the fun rhyme! And I especially love your green Garden of Daisies glassware on the green plaid table!!!! :-)
    Thanks for hosting the St Patrick's Day blog crawl.

  2. OMGOSH! How very very wonderful your tribute to Ireland is. I love it and can't wait to see all the Irish link ups- xo Diana

  3. Kathleem, I'm green with envy at all your tablescapes, vignettes and looking forward to the recipes. Gosh, you're making me so hungry. Thanks for hosting another fantastic Blog Crawl. See you at 7pm.

  4. Your table looks great,
    So lovely, so Irish
    I'm so glad that you're hosting
    This Blog Crawl on "Let's Dish"

    Hee hee! See you tonight!!! =D

  5. Hi Kathleem,Thanks for hosting the St Patrick's Day blog crawl. I'm posting my tablescape for St.Patrick's Day!
    I see you tonight!!!!
    Happy St.patrick's Day

  6. Love all the verse -- so fun! And I think I learned a few new terms, too! Your tables look so festive, and the food looks divine! That cheesy potato-topped stew? Yum!

  7. Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Kathleen!

  8. I had to stop by early, Kathleen, to check out ALL your pretty tables with fabulous shamrock dishes. You certainly outdid yourself with your darling poem and mouthwatering food! Thank you for hosting and I will be back tonight. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours. xo

  9. That is a lot of GREEN! Happy St. Patrick's Day early...I love all of your green treasures. See you at 7:00 with a delicious Guinness Applesauce Cake with Lemon Icing!! It was so yummy!!

  10. What a St. Paddy's day feast for the eyes - and the stomach!

  11. Well, my, my, have a been a VERY busy young lady!!!! Great tables all!!! Oh, by the way...I will only answer to "Mrs. O'Nichols" for the rest of the week through St. Patrick's Day, so please pass that word around! :-) I have a deviled egg tray that would go great with your cabbage tureen and condiment tray. I love the color and depth of the texture! We can't eat corned beef to celebrate (salt content), but will it be OK to sub Shepherd's Pie? Neither of us drinks beer, either, so we'll have to go with the Irish Cream on the rocks. Definitely soda bread...except I'm not the whiz in the kitchen like you, so ours will be store-bought! I'm looking forward to the crawl tonight! Thanks for hosting it, and I'll see you then!

    1. I don't drink either, Alycia, that is diet cream soda in the Connolly mug.

      They do have a lower salt corned beef too. I figure a few times a year is ok!

      Oh no on the store bought soda bread...the recipe is easy!

  12. What a wonderful tribute to Ireland! I love your sweet poem and all of that food and tableware, Miss Kathleen..... I have yet to set my table and should be able to link up tomorrow. I'm cooking an Irish-American dinner on Saturday for us and our son and significant other. I don't think his girlfriend has ever had soda bread. Hope she likes it. I sure do- and I like it made with raisins, too! Erin Go Braugh, my friend! Sue

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous! It's almost impossible to pick a favorite. But I do love those cabbage accessory dishes. Love your creativity, as always!

  14. I am excited to join again in this year's St Patrick's day crawl, Kathleen! I loved your poem and all the pretty decorations, dishes and foods you show. Slainte!

  15. Kathleen I love the blog crawl and will be pleased to join in! You set the best tables and the food looks delicious. I'll join you in a jig and some Irish coffee too! Hugs, Linda

  16. Hi Kathleen. I've looked forward to this! Thanks for hosting. Love your post!

  17. I it so fun to have the blog crawl! Your post is full of fun and many decorations for St. Pat's Day. The striped green stockings are the best to do a jig. The best on Match 17th and the Luck of the Irish to you!


  18. Kathleen, I love the rhyme. I used the same glassware for my green table. They are so versatile. You have so many nice pieces for St. Patrick's Day. Thanks for hosting the blog crawl.

  19. Lots of wonderful things. Such a fun post

  20. All the wonderful looking food and tableware and a poem, too??? You are so creative and I love participating in this Blog Crawl! It would take me an hour of typing to comment on everything I loved in your post, but I think that my favorite thing is the chocolate shamrock on top of the pudding (?). You are just too clever and you do have the best collection of everything green and shamrock. Happy St. Patrick's Day and thank you for hosting!

  21. Oh my gosh, are too, too funny! HOW on earth can you think of so many rhyming words? LOL
    I am head over heels in love with all your Irish stuff.
    See you at the crawl...


  22. Your tables are all so pretty K! Love the shamrock napkins and wishin' I had a Corned Beef O' Panini myself! And yes, I did find the four leaf clover:@) Thanks for the fun party!

  23. I'm so impressed that the whole thing rhymes!! Those shamrock potatoes are the cutest! Here I thought all this time I was already following you, when I checked to make sure -I didn't see your blog name- so I fixed that little issue by finally becoming an official follower instead of just having you listed on my blog as one of my favorites!

  24. forgot to say "Me too!" Third one down from the upper right hand corner. I always find LOTS of 4-leaf clovers!!! *wink*

  25. Kathleen~ I always love your poetry and cheddar laced taters on top of Irish stew would definitely make me cheer! Everything looks delicious~ love your creativity with the heart chocolates :)

  26. Kathleen,
    What a great post!!

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  27. Hi Kathleen! Yes, I see the four leafed clover! I hope that brings me good luck! Please send some panini and that potato topped stew right over here! It looks sooooo good! You know I'll be visiting everyone! Thanks for hosting this fun event. Linda

  28. I'll need to look closer. I can't see the four leaf clover with these old eyes lol. Such a fun party Kathleen. Thanks for hosting!

  29. I look forward to this every year, Kathleen! Love all your tables, accoutrements, and,f course, the delicious food and desserts. Outstanding! xo

    1. Thank you Barbara! And Happy St. Joseph's Day to you on the 19th! I will make something for that too!

  30. Love your tables. Your food looks so yummy. Thanks for hosting, what fun.
    fondly ~Lynne~

  31. Wow, where do I start? I love everything about this post, and it has made me *happy* :D I love the shamrock-shaped potatoes, all your decor, your stockings (too cute) and I love the Irish blessing. I was almost too embarrassed to link-up because I only decorated my dining room!

    Thanks for hosting!


  32. Kathleen, you have definitely captured it all! Green, recipes, Irish, you didn't miss a thing! What a fabulous post and collection of photos! Thanks for such a fun party! I'm off to crawl!

  33. What a delightful post!
    Loved your little ditty. And all of your tables look mighty pretty.
    The shamrock shaped food made me smile. You definitely went the extra mile! Thanks for hosting the crawl. Everyone's sure to have a ball!

  34. Hi Kathleen,
    Oh my, what a wonderful gathering of the green, your post is just fantastic! This looks like a great party and thank you so very much for inviting me, it is going to be so much fun!

    A Happy St. Patrick's Day To All,
    Miz Helen

  35. Oh so cute and witty, Kathleen! Your plates and tea sets and table linens are so pretty. Again, the food looks delicious and love the clover shaped potatoes. Happy St. Patrick's Day!...Christine

  36. My thanks, dear one, for linking me in my absence. I do appreciate it very much.
    Your post, as always, is just perfect....and that food...omygosh...sounds so good.
    Now, on to visit the greens....
    xo bj

  37. Fabulous table with great dishes, linens, the tea sets and the FOOD..all is amazing, I'm so hungry right now, wish I was at your gorgeous table! Oh well, I thought it was Bailys you had in the mugs..I'm not a big drinker, but I love my Bailys in my coffee after a nice dinner. Right now I'm so elated for the new South American Pope from Argentina!! Thank you for hosting your always very exciting party, Let's Dish. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours.

  38. You are definitely the "queen of green"!!! What a nice collection you have. You are also "a poet and don't know it!!" LOL! Remember that old saying, maybe I'm showing my old age!

    Love all the pretty settings and the food looks so delicious! I want to come visit!

    Thanks for hosting!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  39. St. Patrick's Day is not a big holiday in my area, so I always love seeing how you go all out for the occasion. I've told you before, but it is true, but I love all your green table settings. Your food looks good, so I'll keep my eyes out for the recipes. Thanks for letting us link up!

  40. St. pat's is a HUGE holiday in my family - or for sure growing up, as both my parents were Irish descendants.

    MY family does too- but I married a non-drinking Italian, so he is Irish by chauffeuring, haha.

    Love your festivities, thanks for hosting this fun crawl!

  41. So many pretty tables and all that delicious, Miz Kathleen you've been a busy lady! Thanks for hosting this fun party each year. I'm off to "crawl" though the sea of green. Makes me giddy with delight! ~ Sarah

  42. Can you say Sue your an idiot....I love when you have the blog crawl and wanted to participate but drew a blank on what kind of table I could MIL was Irish and when she passed away I got her dishes and other assorted glassware....All green and glass salad bowls that are adorable....beautiful green and white china....what was I thinking...I will have to catch you next year but by then I'll forget again that I have all this stuff..please remind me as it gets closer....

  43. Thank you so much for hosting this really fun event! It certainly brings out the irish in all of us. Your table is charming.. love all the details. Wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's day and sending all the good Irish blessings your way.. xo marlis

  44. You are so clever Kathleen!
    So many beautiful tables, so much amazing food!
    I'm on my way over..hehe.
    I am a follower of course and want to win, of course!
    Wish I could have gotten something pulled together.
    But i will enjoy the links on here.
    Big Hugs,

  45. Kathleen - Couldn't miss seeing your blog on your "Crawl"..sorry I won't be participating this year but have been enjoying seeing the posts (loved Cathy's)! Always love your posts showing your endless talent. Will never forget my first soda bread I made from your recipe (without currants), especially warm!!
    Wishing you a very Happy St. Paddy's Day!! {{HUGS}}

  46. Oh my gosh Kathleen! You did not miss a single detail...all the way down to the shamrock-shaped potatoes!! You rocked those striped socks right off!! :)

  47. Beautiful as always Kathleen! I love all of your tables especially the one with the covered cabbage. Love it!

  48. Kathleen,
    Love, love, love all your Saint Patrick's Day tablescapes!
    The sweet tea pot, cup and saucer stole my heart, dear one!
    Thank you for the invitation!!!
    Now, I must take a look around at all the amazing tablescapes
    @ your 5th Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl!!!

  49. Fabulous feast, Kathleen. Sorry I wasn't able to join in this year! But as always you throw a terrific party. Wishing you a very happy St Patrick's Day!

  50. and a Happy St. Paddy's Day to you Kathleen!

  51. Wow! So many shamrocks! How I would love to party with you in person Kathleen! Thank you for hosting a virtual party for us all! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  52. this is one of my very favorite parties....featuring green. all of your tables are lovely. thank you for hosting such a fun crawl...

  53. This is one party I try never to miss :) Love your festive table, fun poem and yummy food! I do see the four leaf clover :)

  54. Just how many St. Patrick's Day tables have you done? I think you corner the market in shamrocks and green!

    Happy St. Pat's Day.

    - The Tablescaper

  55. Wow! I am so impressed by all of your "stuff"! I only have a couple items and I've used them the past 2 years...I just couldn't get creative with nothing to work with, so I didn't jump in this year. There isn't a food or drink on this post that I don't want right now...I never should have looked at this before dinner!! Yummy. It was fun to visit today.

  56. Beautiful table as always, Kathleen! You always manage to impress me with your creativity with the table & food. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you & your family!

  57. You have outdone yourself this year, Kathleen. I'm so happy to be a part of your Blog Crawl and look forward to it every year. You set one very festive table and all your photos make my mouth water. Thanks for being such a great hostess.

  58. Kathleen: Thank you for hosting this wonderful blog crawl. For the last couple of years I've looked, but this is the first year where I've actually posted! Your own post is fabulous beyond words! I don't know where to begin! I guess I will just hone in on the little majolica bowls that you used to serve cole slaw. I am in love!

  59. You have certainly done your Irish heritage proud Kathleen! Everything from the rhymes to the tablescapes to the food looks wonderful! I enjoy your Blog Crawl every year and although it was a last minute decision, I'm so happy I joined in once again! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!


  60. Dear Kathleen
    I feel Like a traitor putting up a post like this on your wonderful blog for St. Patrick's Day. Having a father born in Limerick one would think I should/could do better than this - I PROMISE my dear that this time next year I will be prepared and do you justice.
    The fact is at the mo I'm a born New Zealander who has my daughter and three granddaughters living in France - so I feel a little bit froggy - yet still a whole lot Irish!!! Are you confused? I know I am!!!
    Love your blog and your beautiful post - thank you!
    I'm your newest follower and feel very at home here.
    love and hugs
    Shane ♥

  61. You sure do know how to celebrate St Patrick's Day Kathleen! What a great post full of great ideas and yummy food. It's such a joy visiting your blog!

    Best wishes and happy Green day!
    Natasha in Oz

  62. Always love seeing your St. Patty's Day have so many creative "food designs" all looks so beautiful and delicious!!!...Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

  63. I love your tablescape and menu, Kathleen. This is the first year that I haven't baked (or tablescaped) anything for St. Pat's. I can't believe it! Thank goodness for your party! xxoo

  64. Kathleen,
    I really die for your St. Paddy's gadgets. I just don't understand why Sweden don't have this kind of treasures.

    I am doing my St. Paddy's table "My Composition-My style" to honour Him but so sad, I will will posting next week. I am too late to join your party §:-(

    Enjoy your wI/end.
    /CC girl

  65. Thanks for doing the crawl again this year, Kathleen! I have been giddy with all the green...your tables are all beautiful...they are all my favorites. I do love that green barley twist flatware. Have a great weekend.

  66. I am in awe of your gorgeous tablescapes! And those adorable shamrock potatoes, I have to try and make those. Happy St. Patrick's Day

  67. What a great table. I have studied each picture. I usually have St. Pat's every year, but we're having it at my dad's this year. We lost my mom last month and everything just seems all out of whack. I did my best setting the table at dad's today, while my aunt cleaned, and my son moved furniture, but it didn't quite seem photo worthy. I'll live vicariously through my favorite bloggers this year. I am making note of those shamrock shaped potatoes.

  68. So happy I found your blog for the St. Paddy's blog crawl. I'm linking up a little late but had to join in. I am enjoying all your St. Patrick's day pretties. Thanks for hosting such a special party! I am your newest follower!

  69. Kathleen I know you have done the Connollys proud, your tablescape is beyond words, as usual your menu is to jig for! Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you and all.


  70. A great table scape as ever.Thank you for hosting every week.Though i don't know much about St Patrick day celebration.i wanted to take part in the Crawl and it was such a fun and i enjoyed doing a scape thoroughly.The features are great.Wishing you a Happy St Patrick Day...:):)

  71. Whew... I made it! As always, your tablescape and all of your special Irish goodies and foodies are just lovely! And your yummy cottage pie gave me a great idea for using some of my leftovers! It won't be nearly as pretty as yours, but I'll give it a go. :~) Thanks so much for hosting again. Hopefully, I won't be so tardy next year. Lifting my pint (of Tab) to the Connolly's! Especially my favorite member of the family... my dear friend Kat'leen! Slainte! XOXO

  72. Oh my - an Irish blog crawl! So enjoyed your post and photos. Lots of green, pretty dishes, delicious looking food. I love the rug and the greeting card. So festive! Thx for hosting, can't wait to spend some time hopping.
    Happy St Patrick's Day. Hope you find a pot of gold today.
    p.s. I'm a follower :)

  73. I love your wonderful St. Patrick's Day tables - so creative! The shamrock lucky potatoes look like they taste wonderful and the stew and taters looks amazing. What a fun post written so creatively! I'm a new follower - Irish blessings to you!

  74. Kathleen, I just left a comment on your previous post. I sent a note to Typepad. They are very quick to resolve issues. I just got a response, so they are working on it. I don't have the captcha thing activated and never have. It is showing unchecked/not activated on my dashboard. It might be some Typepad glitch. Perhaps they will get it fixed up quickly.

  75. What a happy and fun filled St. Patrick's day post! You have some the most fun and beautiful dishes for this holiday! Everything looks wonderful. I'm sorry I totally forgot to link up last week. It was just a confusing and hectic week around here. thank you for sharing all your St. Paddy's day fun with us at TTF. Have a wonderful day!

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